Secretary of Defense refuses Trump's demand to appear on FOX show

So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

Nobody talks that way. Hence it was orchestrated and, therefore sad that the President cannot engender such admiration on his own.
/------ Oh really? How about when the Clintooon Cabinet filed in front of cameras singing his praises during the Lewinski scandal?
Trump also went on record to defend Bill Clinton during that period.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

Nobody talks that way. Hence it was orchestrated and, therefore sad that the President cannot engender such admiration on his own.
/------ Oh really? How about when the Clintooon Cabinet filed in front of cameras singing his praises during the Lewinski scandal?
Trump also went on record to defend Bill Clinton during that period.
I did, too. Bill Clinton was a corrupt, horrible president with awful taste in women, but his impeachment was a sham that shouldn't have happened. That said, he shouldn't have lied under oath. JFK would have said, "Have sex with an intern? Of course not, fells"! Winked at the camera, and it would have been over.
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

Nobody talks that way. Hence it was orchestrated and, therefore sad that the President cannot engender such admiration on his own.
/------ Oh really? How about when the Clintooon Cabinet filed in front of cameras singing his praises during the Lewinski scandal?
Got a link to that so I can watch it?
Folks - this thread has been massively cleaned and infractions handed out. We aren't going to reward thread-derailers by moving the threads so they can continue their flame fight. Discuss the topic.
Folks - this thread has been massively cleaned and infractions handed out. We aren't going to reward thread-derailers by moving the threads so they can continue their flame fight. Discuss the topic.

Thank you!
Donald Trump demanded that General Mattis appear on the Trump supporting Fox and Friends show, but the independent-minded Mattis (who is a Putin foe) refused, as he is not Trump's bitch, a new report says.
Mattis turned down White House calls to go on ‘Fox & Friends’: report

Is Mattis' job in peril now that he told Trump to go find another bitch? Discuss.
Time for Mattis to be shown the door since he can't follow the rules that are set forth. Plain and simple.

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