Secretary of Defense refuses Trump's demand to appear on FOX show

I get the feeling that if Mattis knew that today's disgusting display in the Cabinet Room was going to take place, he would have sent a deputy or someone else. I felt bad for the guy who is one of the few Trump appointees who has integrity beyond reproach (or at least seems to). Defense secretaries are generally guys who get the job because they are qualified. No doubt he is. I can see his face when Kushner or Bannon call him on the phone and try to tell him to do something.
/---- Disgusting display???? Rush was right:
When they (Liberals) see happiness, they get mad. When they see and hear cabinet secretaries thanking Trump and expressing their gratitude and their eagerness to do what they do, they get mad. “Doesn’t Trump know that everybody is supposed to be close to quitting? Don’t these cabinet secretaries know that it should be embarrassing to be in there with Trump? Don’t these cabinet secretaries understand that they look like fools when they look like they are happy and honored to be there?” Make no mistake, the psychology of this…

It’s subtle. You won’t see any news about it, but I’m just telling you: This is the kind of thing that will drive the anti-Trump faction even more insane. They are looking for affirmation every day that their efforts to discredit, to delegitimize, to embarrass Trump are working. One of the sure signs that they are succeeding would be when Trump associates begin to bad mouth him or act like they’re unhappy to be there or embarrassed.
Trump Holds First Meeting with Upbeat Cabinet

I hear what you're saying. Okay. FWIW, you have a point. But if you're going to tell me that the secretaries all spontaneously decided to do that by themselves...well I think you're being a bit naïve.

Having to orchestrate a show of support shows how little you actually have.
/---- SO you think all of his Cabinet members are weaklings and desperate for work? Seriously?


His cabinet has some bright and widely respected people.

The display was sad. I probably shouldn't have said "disgusting".
/---- Sad because it doesn't fit your narrative that everyone is ready to jump ship?

Really? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?
/---- Disgusting display???? Rush was right:
When they (Liberals) see happiness, they get mad. When they see and hear cabinet secretaries thanking Trump and expressing their gratitude and their eagerness to do what they do, they get mad. “Doesn’t Trump know that everybody is supposed to be close to quitting? Don’t these cabinet secretaries know that it should be embarrassing to be in there with Trump? Don’t these cabinet secretaries understand that they look like fools when they look like they are happy and honored to be there?” Make no mistake, the psychology of this…

It’s subtle. You won’t see any news about it, but I’m just telling you: This is the kind of thing that will drive the anti-Trump faction even more insane. They are looking for affirmation every day that their efforts to discredit, to delegitimize, to embarrass Trump are working. One of the sure signs that they are succeeding would be when Trump associates begin to bad mouth him or act like they’re unhappy to be there or embarrassed.
Trump Holds First Meeting with Upbeat Cabinet

I hear what you're saying. Okay. FWIW, you have a point. But if you're going to tell me that the secretaries all spontaneously decided to do that by themselves...well I think you're being a bit naïve.

Having to orchestrate a show of support shows how little you actually have.
/---- SO you think all of his Cabinet members are weaklings and desperate for work? Seriously?


His cabinet has some bright and widely respected people.

The display was sad. I probably shouldn't have said "disgusting".
/---- Sad because it doesn't fit your narrative that everyone is ready to jump ship?

Really? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?
/--- By "you" I man Libtard Moonbats. and the MSM.
I hear what you're saying. Okay. FWIW, you have a point. But if you're going to tell me that the secretaries all spontaneously decided to do that by themselves...well I think you're being a bit naïve.

Having to orchestrate a show of support shows how little you actually have.
/---- SO you think all of his Cabinet members are weaklings and desperate for work? Seriously?


His cabinet has some bright and widely respected people.

The display was sad. I probably shouldn't have said "disgusting".
/---- Sad because it doesn't fit your narrative that everyone is ready to jump ship?

Really? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?
/--- By "you" I man Libtard Moonbats. and the MSM.

I pay pretty close attention. I have heard no such report of everyone is ready to jump ship. Not sure why you're so angry...unless you honestly believe that it was a spontaneous show of gratitude. If you do believe that; you're being a bit naïve even for a RWNJ.
/---- SO you think all of his Cabinet members are weaklings and desperate for work? Seriously?


His cabinet has some bright and widely respected people.

The display was sad. I probably shouldn't have said "disgusting".
/---- Sad because it doesn't fit your narrative that everyone is ready to jump ship?

Really? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?
/--- By "you" I man Libtard Moonbats. and the MSM.

I pay pretty close attention. I have heard no such report of everyone is ready to jump ship. Not sure why you're so angry...unless you honestly believe that it was a spontaneous show of gratitude. If you do believe that; you're being a bit naïve even for a RWNJ.
.... and you know it wasn't because ....?
Leave your prom night out of this okay?
...right on cue the asshole pops in....

Find your safe space snowflake.
Smearing your asshole around in a forum isn't a shortcoming on my part, bitch.


Smearing someone's asshole is something you admit to doing? Yuk!
You can't read. Nor can you address the point that the thread is a lie. You're nothing but an asshole looking for a place to stain.

Your homosexual tendencies and mating rituals are stuff you shouldn't talk about.

Meanwhile General Mattis is likely wondering about the pension he would receive if he were to jump ship rather than put up with 3 1/2 more years of having to praise the moron for which he works based on nothing other than being told to do so.

His cabinet has some bright and widely respected people.

The display was sad. I probably shouldn't have said "disgusting".
/---- Sad because it doesn't fit your narrative that everyone is ready to jump ship?

Really? When did I ever say anything remotely close to that?
/--- By "you" I man Libtard Moonbats. and the MSM.

I pay pretty close attention. I have heard no such report of everyone is ready to jump ship. Not sure why you're so angry...unless you honestly believe that it was a spontaneous show of gratitude. If you do believe that; you're being a bit naïve even for a RWNJ.
.... and you know it wasn't because ....?

Common sense.
I have more than 2 working brain cells.
Having worked with accomplished men and women, they are more apt to give praise than to demand it from others.

All things you couldn't fathom.
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

No you wouldn't, because your boss is not suffering from Trump grade emotional insecurities and wouldn't call a meeting to go over how happy you are to work for him, instead he would be making sure you are doing something productive for the company with your time.

It was fucking weird and was Trumpian.

So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

No you wouldn't, because your boss is not suffering from Trump grade emotional insecurities and wouldn't call a meeting to go over how happy you are to work for him, instead he would be making sure you are doing something productive for the company with your time.

It was fucking weird and Trump.
Nothing is weirder or tackier than lefties. Many were/are very enthused about what Trump wants to do, you still don't understand why you lost.
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.
Bless you then.
Donald Trump demanded that General Mattis appear on the Trump supporting Fox and Friends show, but the independent-minded Mattis (who is a Putin foe) refused, as he is not Trump's bitch, a new report says.
Mattis turned down White House calls to go on ‘Fox & Friends’: report

Is Mattis' job in peril now that he told Trump to go find another bitch? Discuss.

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Defense Secretary James Mattis has been turning down regular requests by White House aides to appear on "Fox & Friends," the New York Times reported Monday.

You actually believe a story like this from the New Yawk Crimes?
I like it when DeVos said "Thank you Mr. President, for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve you and promote your agenda to make America great again. You can grab my pussy any time you like."
The argument over this topic is one of those things that’s new to our politics. Not sure what spell Trump has over you idiots but if you can’t admit that his cabinet secretaries were ordered to show their support, you need to re-examine your life. Next thing you know, you’ll be drinking some tainted cool-aid.
Donald Trump demanded that General Mattis appear on the Trump supporting Fox and Friends show, but the independent-minded Mattis (who is a Putin foe) refused, as he is not Trump's bitch, a new report says.
Mattis turned down White House calls to go on ‘Fox & Friends’: report

Is Mattis' job in peril now that he told Trump to go find another bitch? Discuss.
Mattis is expected to testify before Congress this week. It would be incredibly stupid to make public statements before then.

Trump is just that stupid, but Mattis isn't.
Since we don't want to telegraph to our enemies what we are going to do, the only purpose of SecDef talking to the unbelievably retardeded airheads on Fox and Friends would be to publicly fellate the Naked Emperor.
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

No you wouldn't, because your boss is not suffering from Trump grade emotional insecurities and wouldn't call a meeting to go over how happy you are to work for him, instead he would be making sure you are doing something productive for the company with your time.

It was fucking weird and was Trumpian.

That's an awesome signature.
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

Nobody talks that way. Hence it was orchestrated and, therefore sad that the President cannot engender such admiration on his own.
/------ Oh really? How about when the Clintooon Cabinet filed in front of cameras singing his praises during the Lewinski scandal?
So, Cellblock, you are a butt kissing asshole, also. What we saw yesterday was something that belongs in North Korea, not here in the US.
/------ So the Cabinet members failed to live up to the scenario you Libtards created out of whole cloth. Now answer my questions: Why take the job in the first place? Why stay? The truth is you know they were sincere.

Would you ever say anything like that to your boss?

"we thank you for the honor and the blessing that you’ve given us to serve your agenda"
/----- I don't talk that way. I'd say, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and everyone here in advancing your agenda.

Nobody talks that way. Hence it was orchestrated and, therefore sad that the President cannot engender such admiration on his own.
/------ Oh really? How about when the Clintooon Cabinet filed in front of cameras singing his praises during the Lewinski scandal?
You don’t think that was orchestrated as well?

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