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You seem confused, g5000.
It's all good because I expect that from Hillary supporters.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
Exactly, so the guy is on his phone too much, is that a reason to break up a marriage? What does the bible say?
Does the bible say it's ok to use the Internet to entice young vulnerable girls into acts that can harm them?
Who did that?

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