See If You Can Identify...

No, that is not the spin, idiot. You have a serious comprehension problem. You really think Jesus was saying it was okay to divorce your wife so you could fuck around?

Holy shit! You're even dumber than I thought!


King James: And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
No, no, no. Clearly it says if you want to put away (I hope this means divorce not murder) his wife in order to commit fornication, it's ok, but if it is for any other reason, and you then remarry, you have committed adultery. I tell you, this thread has given me a whole now outlook on marriage and divorce.
Think, dumbshit. The bible considers fornication outside of marriage a sin.

Wow. I can't believe you are this ignorant of the bible and its teachings.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised bigots are uninformed about the Bible they wave about.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
The gay bashers claim the couple in the OP, just by getting married, are destroying the institution of marriage.

But I think the case has been made to these sacrilegious, hypocritical bigots it is not TH3 GAYZ who have utterly trashed the institution.

Gay marriage = pretend marriage, it's not the real deal. Like playing house
Yes, gays are like little children, incapable of understanding or feeling true love or how to make a lifelong commitment. :rolleyes:
So...let's answer the question.

Is it Newt and his wives?

Trump and his wives?

Vetter and his hookers?

Rush and his wives?

Clinton and his women?

Larry Craig and his wide stance?

Or is it the couple getting married on the beach for the first time?
The gay bashers claim the couple in the OP, just by getting married, are destroying the institution of marriage.

But I think the case has been made to these sacrilegious, hypocritical bigots it is not TH3 GAYZ who have utterly trashed the institution.

Gay marriage = pretend marriage, it's not the real deal. Like playing house
Yes, gays are like little children, incapable of understanding or feeling true love or how to make a lifelong commitment. :rolleyes:

It's not recognized by God. :)
The party of family values, LOL.

Gotta love these fucking hypocrites, and their hypocritical scumbag supporters.

Do as we say, not as we do. Such fine christians.
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

I did not want to derail the topic about the Oregon hillbillies who wouldn't bake a cake for a lesbian couple who were getting married, so I started this one.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?

OK, so your claim is that any couple who cheats is destroying the institution of marriage. Are you aware that there was a study done that found that within the first 5 years of ANY committed relationship between two gay the ones you showed in your OP, 100% of those men had been unfaithful to each other?


This thread is a FAIL.

The Myth of 'Gay' Male Monogamy »
• 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime.
• 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners.
28% with 1,000 or more partners.
• 79% of homosexual men say over half of their sex partners are strangers.


In The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop, psychiatrist David P. McWhirter and psychologist Andrew M. Mattison (themselves a ‘gay’ pair) authored the results of a study of 156 males in homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years. They reported:...Only seven couples have a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all have been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years have incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships....That means that only 9 percent of the male partners were actually monogamous, and none of the relationships lasting more than five years were sexually exclusive.
The gay bashers claim the couple in the OP, just by getting married, are destroying the institution of marriage.

But I think the case has been made to these sacrilegious, hypocritical bigots it is not TH3 GAYZ who have utterly trashed the institution.

Gay marriage = pretend marriage, it's not the real deal. Like playing house
Yes, gays are like little children, incapable of understanding or feeling true love or how to make a lifelong commitment. :rolleyes:

It's not recognized by God. :)
Nor are Newt's second or third marriages. Nor are Trump's second or third marriages. Nor are Rush's second, third, or fourth marriages.

But ALL of them are recognized by the State, and that is all that matters outside the confines of your church.

That is the whole point. You don't get to decide from inside your church who the State does or does not choose to bestow government gifts on.
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

I did not want to derail the topic about the Oregon hillbillies who wouldn't bake a cake for a lesbian couple who were getting married, so I started this one.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?


needs a caption
The gay bashers claim the couple in the OP, just by getting married, are destroying the institution of marriage.

But I think the case has been made to these sacrilegious, hypocritical bigots it is not TH3 GAYZ who have utterly trashed the institution.

Gay marriage = pretend marriage, it's not the real deal. Like playing house
Yes, gays are like little children, incapable of understanding or feeling true love or how to make a lifelong commitment. :rolleyes:

It's not recognized by God. :)
Don't you think it's about time you grew the fuck up and stopped believing in fairy tales?
No, no, no. Clearly it says if you want to put away (I hope this means divorce not murder) his wife in order to commit fornication, it's ok, but if it is for any other reason, and you then remarry, you have committed adultery. I tell you, this thread has given me a whole now outlook on marriage and divorce.
Think, dumbshit. The bible considers fornication outside of marriage a sin.

Wow. I can't believe you are this ignorant of the bible and its teachings.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised bigots are uninformed about the Bible they wave about.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
How about this family? Newt Gingrich with his first wife and kids:


Newt cheated on his first wife with this woman, who he then made his second wife:


Well, once you get on an adultery roll, it is hard to stop. Newt cheated on his second wife with this hoot owl, and then made her his third wife:

Jake, wow!!!

These threads should go into the Thread Hall of Fame
Think, dumbshit. The bible considers fornication outside of marriage a sin.

Wow. I can't believe you are this ignorant of the bible and its teachings.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised bigots are uninformed about the Bible they wave about.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
Exactly, so the guy is on his phone too much, is that a reason to break up a marriage? What does the bible say?
I'm not paying a great deal of attention to G0000's brilliant thesis...but my take is that she is attempting to justify gay marriage by holding up examples of humans who have fucked up their marital relationships. Marriage is an institution with a purpose. Many humans try, and fail, at honoring the institution. But that is no reason to redefine that institution to include those for which it was never intended. Nice try, Mary.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
Exactly, so the guy is on his phone too much, is that a reason to break up a marriage? What does the bible say?
Does the bible say it's ok to use the Internet to entice young vulnerable girls into acts that can harm them?
Maybe I'm not understanding the premis of this thread.
It's sounding like the TS is suggesting married people shouldn't separate under any circumstances.
I normally don't waste my time responding to this sort of nonsense, but I'll admit it was kinda fun. I'm sure the Guinness I'm enjoying played a big part in that. :)
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

I did not want to derail the topic about the Oregon hillbillies who wouldn't bake a cake for a lesbian couple who were getting married, so I started this one.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?

Fascist democrats...

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