See If You Can Identify...

He's a career politician much like Bill Clinton they're both child molesting rapists
So...let's answer the question.

Is it Newt and his wives?

Trump and his wives?

Vetter and his hookers?

Rush and his wives?

Clinton and his women?

Larry Craig and his wide stance?

Or is it the couple getting married on the beach for the first time?
Who gives a shit, political correctness has made the institution of marriage meaningless. As far as the federal government is concerned anyone should be able to marry anybody, as many or anything they want....
That's exactly why the federal government should not have any involvement in anyone's financial and personal affairs.
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All of you are forgetting the premise of the OP and how it FAILED. The premise is "those marriages which result in cheating are the most damaging to the institution of marriage."

The #1 demographic of people most likely to cheat (a study found 100% by the time the relationship is 5 years young) are *drum roll* GAY MEN.

This topic is a fail.
Think, dumbshit. The bible considers fornication outside of marriage a sin.

Wow. I can't believe you are this ignorant of the bible and its teachings.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised bigots are uninformed about the Bible they wave about.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
I've used small words, and even pictures! I know how much the bumper sticker intellects around here like pictures. I don't know how to simplify it any more.

It is very, very simple. The people who claim they are observing the Bible to deny state recognized marriages, are NOT observing the Bible. They are perfectly fine with violating the Bible for multiple marriages for "good" Christians like Kim Davis.

These people are not just hypocrites. They are committing sacrilege. They are using the Bible as a shield to hide their true nature and motives.

Got it now?
See if you can identify...the people who are destroying the institution of marriage.

I did not want to derail the topic about the Oregon hillbillies who wouldn't bake a cake for a lesbian couple who were getting married, so I started this one.

Ready? It's quiz time!

Is it this couple?

OK, so your claim is that any couple who cheats is destroying the institution of marriage.
No, I am pointing out the raging hypocrisy of the sacrilegious bigots who are nowhere close to being Bible-compliant. Their excuse for denying government gifts to gay marriages is a flaming lie.

Got it now?
I'm not paying a great deal of attention to G0000's brilliant thesis...but my take is that she is attempting to justify gay marriage by holding up examples of humans who have fucked up their marital relationships. Marriage is an institution with a purpose. Many humans try, and fail, at honoring the institution. But that is no reason to redefine that institution to include those for which it was never intended. Nice try, Mary.
State sanctioned marriage has been redefined many times, including in your lifetime. It used to be defined as a "union between a man and a woman of the same race".

As I said before, you don't get to decide from inside whatever brand of church you worship who the STATE decides upon whom to bestow gifts.


A Bible-compliant wedding ceremony. One man, one woman, one race! Cake for everyone!
All of you are forgetting the premise of the OP and how it FAILED. The premise is "those marriages which result in cheating are the most damaging to the institution of marriage."

The #1 demographic of people most likely to cheat (a study found 100% by the time the relationship is 5 years young) are *drum roll* GAY MEN.

This topic is a fail.
Gays have not been allowed to marry for the past 5 years, retard.
I see you are still confused. As you say, the bible sees fornication outside of marriage as a sin, that's why it says you should divorce your wife first. It's all clear as day.
Are you really this stupid? Or am I being punked?

I notice none of the bible-thumping gay haters are correcting you. Interesting.
You're an odd guy, g5000. lol

Why did you post this in the politics forum?
Why has EVERY gay marriage topic been posted in the political forum?

Why have all the bakery stories been posted in the political forum?

Because the issue is all about government cash and prizes. That's why.

It has NOTHING to do with the Bible, though the bigots do use it as a sacrilegious shield to excuse their hate.
Is there a point you're trying to make?
I think we can all agree some marriages don't work out for various reasons.
Are you suggesting Huma Abedin should stay with Anthony?
I've used small words, and even pictures! I know how much the bumper sticker intellects around here like pictures. I don't know how to simplify it any more.

It is very, very simple. The people who claim they are observing the Bible to deny state recognized marriages, are NOT observing the Bible. They are perfectly fine with violating the Bible for multiple marriages for "good" Christians like Kim Davis.

These people are not just hypocrites. They are committing sacrilege. They are using the Bible as a shield to hide their true nature and motives.

Got it now?
Ahhh.. You're saying only perfect people should use the bible in an argument.
Ahhh.. You're saying only perfect people should use the bible in an argument.
No, I am saying no one should use the Bible as a shield for their hatred and oppression.

Talk is one thing. Actual denial of rights is an entirely different thing, and that is what the bigots are trying to do. They are doing great harm to their alleged religions.

Got it now?
Ahhh.. You're saying only perfect people should use the bible in an argument.
No, I am saying no one should use the Bible as a shield for their hatred and oppression.

Talk is one thing. Actual denial of rights is an entirely different thing, and that is what the bigots are trying to do. They are doing great harm to their alleged religions.

Got it now?
What hatred are you talking about?? lol

I'm not seeing any "hatred".
So...let's answer the question.

Is it Newt and his wives?

Trump and his wives?

Vetter and his hookers?

Rush and his wives?

Clinton and his women?

Larry Craig and his wide stance?

Or is it the couple getting married on the beach for the first time?
Who gives a shit, political correctness has made the institution of marriage meaningless. As far as the federal government is concerned anyone should be able to marry anybody, as many or anything they want....
That's exactly why the federal government should not have any involvement in anyone's financial and personal affairs.
That pretty closely aligns to my political beliefs. I do not think the government should bestow gifts on married people. It's a very expensive practice and has nothing to do with the purpose of government.

Marriage should have government protection along the lines of contracts, but nothing more than that.

If the government didn't bestow cash and prizes on marriages, no one would even care if a couple of guys got married on a beach. And THAT is how you know it has NOTHING to do with religion.

But as long as government is bestowing cash and prizes, then everyone should have equal protection of the laws which bestow those gifts.
Ahhh.. You're saying only perfect people should use the bible in an argument.
No, I am saying no one should use the Bible as a shield for their hatred and oppression.

Talk is one thing. Actual denial of rights is an entirely different thing, and that is what the bigots are trying to do. They are doing great harm to their alleged religions.

Got it now?
What hatred are you talking about?? lol

I'm not seeing any "hatred".

I find it gut bustingly hilarious you don't see any hatred directed at gays. You are either a HUGE liar or incredibly stupid.
You remember Kim Davis. She wouldn't let gays come between her and the Bible. And, apparently, her first, second, or third husband either.
Ahhh.. You're saying only perfect people should use the bible in an argument.
No, I am saying no one should use the Bible as a shield for their hatred and oppression.

Talk is one thing. Actual denial of rights is an entirely different thing, and that is what the bigots are trying to do. They are doing great harm to their alleged religions.

Got it now?
What hatred are you talking about?? lol

I'm not seeing any "hatred".

I find it gut bustingly hilarious you don't see any hatred directed at gays. You are either a HUGE liar or incredibly stupid.
Oh.. are we now talking about gays? lol
The next time you are demanding Bible-compliant marriages, remember what Jesus said :

"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."

What Jesus said is: Marriage. Man/Woman. It's right there. ^
So...let's answer the question.

Is it Newt and his wives?

Trump and his wives?

Vetter and his hookers?

Rush and his wives?

Clinton and his women?

Larry Craig and his wide stance?

Or is it the couple getting married on the beach for the first time?
Who gives a shit, political correctness has made the institution of marriage meaningless. As far as the federal government is concerned anyone should be able to marry anybody, as many or anything they want....
That's exactly why the federal government should not have any involvement in anyone's financial and personal affairs.
That pretty closely aligns to my political beliefs. I do not think the government should bestow gifts on married people. It's a very expensive practice and has nothing to do with the purpose of government.

Marriage should have government protection along the lines of contracts, but nothing more than that.

If the government didn't bestow cash and prizes on marriages, no one would even care if a couple of guys got married on a beach. And THAT is how you know it has NOTHING to do with religion.

But as long as government is bestowing cash and prizes, then everyone should have equal protection of the laws which bestow those gifts.
The federal government should not even be involved whatsoever in anything marriage, financial or otherwise personal. If someone wants to marry a fucking fencepost fine, if someone wants to marry 20 other people fine who gives a shit as far as the federal government is concerned. The federal government fucks everything up that touches

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