Seems like the Dems can now pick the next house speaker

Of course, the racist right would never agree to Hakeem Jeffries.
Jeffries will never cause growth in the American economy. Real intangible growth. No matter what he does. American heyday was when everything in infrastructure was built before WW 2 and then like extra frosting on that cake near a quarter century of added abundance from it as we were the greatest nation ever with many flaws. Decline started around the early 1970's or so.
It is reported that Scalise's conservative voting record is closer to McCarthy in the mid 50's. Jordan's is in the high 90's. Of course, we should know what real important votes were from all.
All the Dems need to do is pick a moderate Republican who can gain a handful of votes from his/her fellow Republicans and they can make that person the next speaker.

It would would completely take the wind out of the stunt that Matt Geatz and crew are fundraising off of and give the Dems a better opposition than the wingnuts like Jim Jordan would provide. Thoughts?

In theory but it won't happen. I doubt any republican would make the deal anyway. Something like that is a sure fire bet you will be targeted and defeated by the DNC in the next election. Look at what happened with Susan Collins for siding with the DNC on whoevers SCOTUS nomination vote in committee. She ended up becoming the scourge of the GOP and facing a massive challenge in her next election in which the DNC raised millions for a candidate to challenge her before they even had a candidate.
The only names that are coming up are more conservative hardliners. So the Dems can sit and watch Jordan or Scolise get the gavel or they can do an end around and get a moderate in there and watch the entire charade blow up on the wingers faces.

You know that would be a sweet move
At least you finally admitted you’re a Democrat. It would not be a good move because many Democrat voters are zealots too and would not want them supporting anyone with an (R) next to their name.
All the Dems need to do is pick a moderate Republican who can gain a handful of votes from his/her fellow Republicans and they can make that person the next speaker.

It would would completely take the wind out of the stunt that Matt Geatz and crew are fundraising off of and give the Dems a better opposition than the wingnuts like Jim Jordan would provide. Thoughts?
I think the Dems should stay out of it.
It's going to be Jordan, and it will be before the Christmas break.

I hope they hammer out a budget before then too.

I seem to recall that happening before. Congress going home for Christmas with no budget.

A decent president would call them back and make them work.
Where in the world are dark people effective leaders? Leading is simply not in their DNA and there’s nothing RACIST about such a fact.
Did you pee-pee yourself while reading this?
Actually the 3rd guy in line is black. He seems like he'd do good.

It goes Jordan, Scalise, 3rd guy I don't know the name of.

Gah, can't find it now. :dunno:
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Oh yeah, they would get criticized by the wingers for sure. But there are many that are pissed at the 8 that are blowing things up. This could put power in the moderates hands and give an opportunity for them to actually get shit done
It's probably just a rumor but allegedly there is an ethics investigation against Gaetz going on that McCarty wouldn't drop. In a nutshell, that it was personal.
Hasn't Tom Cole thrown his hat in the ring? He seems to be the least Crazy among all those who have. I think the question for any Repub who would side with Dems to vote for someone reasonable is.............would they be primaried by a nutbag in the next election cycle and risk losing their seat?
Actually the 3rd guy in line is black. He seems like he'd do good.

It goes Jordan, Scalise, 3rd guy I don't know the name of.

Gah, can't find it now. :dunno:
Byron Donalds will definitely be the Democrat choice as he has the right skin color.
Byron Donalds
Is that him? Lemme see.

Yeah! That's him! He's good! 100s of percentages better than McCarthy.


I spent like 20 mins looking for the tweet where he was on the list. Thanks!
In theory but it won't happen. I doubt any republican would make the deal anyway. Something like that is a sure fire bet you will be targeted and defeated by the DNC in the next election. Look at what happened with Susan Collins for siding with the DNC on whoevers SCOTUS nomination vote in committee. She ended up becoming the scourge of the GOP and facing a massive challenge in her next election in which the DNC raised millions for a candidate to challenge her before they even had a candidate.
Holding the third most powerful position in America and shifting the power paradigm is awe fully more tempting than a vote.
All the Dems need to do is pick a moderate Republican who can gain a handful of votes from his/her fellow Republicans and they can make that person the next speaker.

It would would completely take the wind out of the stunt that Matt Geatz and crew are fundraising off of and give the Dems a better opposition than the wingnuts like Jim Jordan would provide. Thoughts?
I agree there's a potential coalition. But McCarthy had nothing to offer in a bipartisanship deal. He'd already blamed the dems for a shutdown, and he could not offer any "revenue enhancements" to go along with anything the dems would offer.

The President in not involved in negotiating any potential compromise. I'm not sure Biden is really up to it. And are 8 gopers willing to stand up and accept any mix of new revenue from even soc sec caps?

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