Segregation And Civil Rights Violations Alive And Well In The Democratic Controlled North

Apologists for the democrat party are always trying to hide from or deny their shameful past.
Hey, another race bating thread from a teaper.

No, they aren't racist POS!

Teapers are pathetic.
The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the "Klanbake" for the heavy and vocal KKK presence;

I know these are not your words, you having lifted them verbatim from, but I'm gonna fix it anyway.

The KKK (version 2, founded by Simmons) showed up in '24 to make sure Senator Oscar Underwood (D-AL) didn't get the nomination. Underwood had been the most prominent voice denouncing the Klan. Less than a year earlier the KKK got Governor Jack Walton (D-OK) removed from the office he was elected to. Why? Because he tried to drive the Klan out of Oklahoma in the wake of the Tulsa Race Riot. They showed up again four years later in 1928 to try to keep Al Smith off the ballot -- because Smith was a Catholic.

The same year ('24) the KKK got some of their own elected -- a Senator in Colorado (Means), governors in Colorado and Indiana (Morley and Jackson) and a city council in Anaheim California. All of them were Republicans. So be careful what you wish for in terms of partisan hackery games, and once again, try writing your own stuff insted of cut-and-pasting somebody else's error-infested bullshit from some other message board that doesn't have a watchdog like me with razor-sharp teeth.

DF, you are simply not very bright.
The bombings and deaths are STILL there. Still INSIDE that very party. {democrats} ONLY the color has changed NOT the practice.
Democrats have spent years teaching racists are white. But being racist IS a practice NOT a color.

Today's racists ARE black but STILL democrat!
The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the "Klanbake" for the heavy and vocal KKK presence;

I know these are not your words, you having lifted them verbatim from, but I'm gonna fix it anyway.

The KKK (version 2, founded by Simmons) showed up in '24 to make sure Senator Oscar Underwood (D-AL) didn't get the nomination. Underwood had been the most prominent voice denouncing the Klan. Less than a year earlier the KKK got Governor Jack Walton (D-OK) removed from the office he was elected to. Why? Because he tried to drive the Klan out of Oklahoma in the wake of the Tulsa Race Riot. They showed up again four years later in 1928 to try to keep Al Smith off the ballot -- because Smith was a Catholic.

The same year ('24) the KKK got some of their own elected -- a Senator in Colorado (Means), governors in Colorado and Indiana (Morley and Jackson) and a city council in Anaheim California. All of them were Republicans. So be careful what you wish for in terms of partisan hackery games, and once again, try writing your own stuff insted of cut-and-pasting somebody else's error-infested bullshit from some other message board that doesn't have a watchdog like me with razor-sharp teeth.


Depotoo just handed his ass to DarkFury who had eaten his own ass.
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Apologists for the democrat party are always trying to hide from or deny their shameful past.
And they are still doing the same old crap in Baltimore now.
Everything is there to support the argument that the racist practice of democrats is still alive and practiced.

The inner cities of today are exactly like the democrat racist south.
That mayor did the same EXACT thing a George Wallace or Bull Conner would do. Segregated a group of people and fixed the blame on them and let the crowd tear them up.

Bull Conner would be PROUD of that mayor.
Strom Thurmond (who left the Democrats when he gave up supporting segregation)

Again -- this is absolute horseshit. Thurmond quit the DP and bolted to the party of Lincoln (an unthinkable act in the South for 99 years after the Civil War) because of the Democratic Party's support for, and passing of, the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He was absolutely still a segregationist:

Thurmond was increasingly at odds with the national Democratic Party, some of whose leaders were supporting the civil rights movement led by African Americans in the South seeking enforcement of their constitutional rights as citizens to suffrage and equal treatment under the law. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended the disenfranchisement of blacks in Southern states such as South Carolina. On September 16, 1964, he switched his party affiliation to the Republican Party.
Thurmond decried the Supreme Court opinion in Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education (1969), which ordered the immediate desegregation of schools in the American South.[17] This had followed continued Southern resistance for more than a decade to desegregation following the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional. Thurmond praised President Nixon and his "Southern Strategy" of delaying desegregation, saying Nixon "stood with the South in this case".[17]
In the 1970 gubernatorial election, Thurmond's preferred candidate, conservative U.S. Representative Albert W. Watson, was defeated by the more moderate opponent, Democrat John C. West, who had opposed Thurmond's initial write-in election to the Senate and the then outgoing lieutenant governor. Watson had defected to the GOP in 1965, the year after Thurmond's own bolt, and had been politically close to the senator. Watson lost mainly after several Republican officials in South Carolina shied away from him because of his continuing opposition to civil rights legislation in a time when the GOP was starting to move away from veiled appeals to race. Watson's loss caused Thurmond slowly to moderate his own image in regard to changing race relations. (Wiki)​

Thurmond "gave up supporting segregation" only when he could no longer get support for it from either party. And it took years.
You know you are a teaper when you get schooled by a canadian.
You know you are a teaper when you get schooled by a canadian.
And the democrat BIGOT slams another group.
Not ALL bigots are democrats but ALL democrats ARE bigots!

Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
yet minorities self segregate

'splain dat

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