Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

So how do you know that Trump requested it to be recorded, if all sources say it was done by Cohen in secret? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious
Trump is heard on the tape telling Cohen to record the meeting and if he has to make a payment to use a check not cash...the media has left that part out...
record the meeting with whom....?! AMI? McDougal?

Trump, on the tape was talking to Cohen on whether they should let AMI/Nat' Enquirer make the silencing payment to her, is what I just heard on the news...

so it turns out they both were involved in getting AMI to make the catch and kill/ silencing of Karen....

and why cash was even an option makes one think there must be many many more that we don't know about and can't trace....

WHY the F did this guy Trump even get married again? He would not have to pay all these women off like he's had to do....? He was known as a playboy, whenever he was single... and as a single man no problemos!
Wouldn't Cohen be liable &/or guilty for making this tape public by violating client/counsel priviledge???

And why in the heck would a lawyer privately tape their clients conversation when it can't be used as evidence?...…..if he didn't already know he planned to burn him with it?
if the FBI also has this taping, which it is being reported like they do.... then it was determined by a magistrate that reviewed the recording, to not have attorney client privilege.... it was a conversation between Trump and 'his fixer' and not between Trump and his attorney....

or the tape is no longer attorney client privilege because some sort of criminality was being discussed?

the whole thing is just crazy crazy?????!!!!!!

So you don't know either?

Even if the FBI has the tape.....a conversation between Trump & Cohen is client priviledge and would not be made public......beyond those that needed to know, at this early stage.
right! I agree!

this would not be the FBI releasing it! NEVER! Unless needed in trial as evidence!

I was just thinking that maybe cohen and lanny davis his PR lawyer, thinks it is not attorney client privilege due to the Magistrate's ruling it was not.... thus Cohen releasing it or parts of it? I dunno, the whole thing seems just crazy to me!
Wouldn't Cohen be liable &/or guilty for making this tape public by violating client/counsel priviledge???

And why in the heck would a lawyer privately tape their clients conversation when it can't be used as evidence?...…..if he didn't already know he planned to burn him with it?
if the FBI also has this taping, which it is being reported like they do.... then it was determined by a magistrate that reviewed the recording, to not have attorney client privilege.... it was a conversation between Trump and 'his fixer' and not between Trump and his attorney....

or the tape is no longer attorney client privilege because some sort of criminality was being discussed?

the whole thing is just crazy crazy?????!!!!!!

So you don't know either?

Even if the FBI has the tape.....a conversation between Trump & Cohen is client priviledge and would not be made public......beyond those that needed to know, at this early stage.
right! I agree!

this would not be the FBI releasing it! NEVER! Unless needed in trial as evidence!

I was just thinking that maybe cohen and lanny davis his PR lawyer, thinks it is not attorney client privilege due to the Magistrate's ruling it was not.... thus Cohen releasing it or parts of it? I dunno, the whole thing seems just crazy to me!
Yes, it's Cohen leaking it, no doubt....
So how do you know that Trump requested it to be recorded, if all sources say it was done by Cohen in secret? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious
Trump is heard on the tape telling Cohen to record the meeting and if he has to make a payment to use a check not cash...the media has left that part out...

It was funny. I heard a report that just as the tape was about to stop, a Russian voice was heard in the background. Maybe there was a TV on in the background. But, I find it suspicious.

but if that were true there could be a legit reason, Cohen's wife is Ukrainian, and Russian is probably her native language....
maybe trump knew something like this was coming and Trump has been sucking up to Putin the way he has, because he knows his days are numbered and he wanted to show Putin he at least ''tried' to pay him back for his help... before he's booted? And also so they can go off in to the sunset with the Moscow Trump tower as planned? :D:D :thup:

yes, wishful thinking!
Did Trump also have a "relationship" with Manhattan Madam Kristin Davis?
And now for the cultists to deny, deny, deny. Clinton had emails. But lordy, there are tapes.


Stormy Daniels

have a link?
This doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that should be coming out of a Russia collusion investigation. It also seems like a shitty thing for a lawyer to do. And a good example of why attorney client privilege is a good thing. So what’s the happy dance about?
Who is karen mcdougal

She's the playboy bunny that trump had an affair with for several months while married to melania.

trump paid her off to stay quiet. But he did it by having the national enquirer buy her story then kill it.

He paid 150 thousand dollars.

When the story broke all trump did was deny it for months. Now, there are audio tapes of him discussing the matter with michael cohen.

Another porn industry worker. He sure loves women in the porn industry. But then his latest wife worked in the porn industry too.
So how do you know that Trump requested it to be recorded, if all sources say it was done by Cohen in secret? Not trying to be argumentative, just curious
Trump is heard on the tape telling Cohen to record the meeting and if he has to make a payment to use a check not cash...the media has left that part out...

No they haven't, heard it on radio about 4:30 this afternoon.
And now for the cultists to deny, deny, deny. Clinton had emails. But lordy, there are tapes.


Stormy Daniels

have a link?
This doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that should be coming out of a Russia collusion investigation. It also seems like a shitty thing for a lawyer to do. And a good example of why attorney client privilege is a good thing. So what’s the happy dance about?

Didn't Rump deny that Cohen was his lawyer, that means no Attorney/client privilege.
Well no crime was committed if it happened.

That could be in error.

Some legal experts are saying that he broke campaign contribution laws by not reporting it. He also broke some banking laws.

The purpose for that payment just before the election was to silence her because he was running for president.

The only reason why he paid her off was because of the election which makes that a campaign contribution and he didn't report it.

We will have to wait for the justice department and federal election commission to determine if there was a crime committed or not.

So it's premature to say if he committed a crime or not.
And now for the cultists to deny, deny, deny. Clinton had emails. But lordy, there are tapes.


Stormy Daniels

have a link?
This doesn’t seem like the kind of thing that should be coming out of a Russia collusion investigation. It also seems like a shitty thing for a lawyer to do. And a good example of why attorney client privilege is a good thing. So what’s the happy dance about?

Didn't Rump deny that Cohen was his lawyer, that means no Attorney/client privilege.
No crime that I can see yet.....?

If there is a tape or any proof that Cohen for Donald arranged for the National Inquirer to catch and kill her story for the $130,000 paid to her for the story.... to silence her because it would hurt his campaign, then that would be breaking campaign finance laws, because it was not declared.... is the only thing I can think of....?

But, it seems, it would be the National Enquirer that would have made a donation, to help candidate Trump, and not declare it..... not trump or Cohen? Unless the payment by Trump's best buddy running the National Enquirer, was reimbursed somehow, by Cohen/Trump?

the story alone means nothing, other than the fact that Trump and even Hope Hicks, lied about it to the public, and that is not breaking the law.... if it were, Trump would have been locked up, ages ago....for ALL of his lies to us.

From what I've read and heard on the news trump paid the 150 grand.

He paid the money to the national enquirer and they paid McDougal.

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