Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

Who is karen mcdougal
One of the less famous prostitutes Trump paid off.

There are free prostitutes??
Must be damn ugy
Free pussy doesn't exist. Last night had a lil 'friend" burn through $40 worth of Chilean wine and order up tiger shrimp........that was before the rack of lamb. Hey. It wasn't 130 grand but I aint trump either. It was close to $130 tho_Once the xanzi wears off her lil ass I'll see if it was worth it.
I'm sure Sarah Sanders will have a perfectly innocent explanation for these tapes.
She did she said the same thing everyone else has said...Trump wanted the meeting there there...

No crime that I can see yet.....?

If there is a tape or any proof that Cohen for Donald arranged for the National Inquirer to catch and kill her story for the $130,000 paid to her for the story.... to silence her because it would hurt his campaign, then that would be breaking campaign finance laws, because it was not declared.... is the only thing I can think of....?

But, it seems, it would be the National Enquirer that would have made a donation, to help candidate Trump, and not declare it..... not trump or Cohen? Unless the payment by Trump's best buddy running the National Enquirer, was reimbursed somehow, by Cohen/Trump?

the story alone means nothing, other than the fact that Trump and even Hope Hicks, lied about it to the public, and that is not breaking the law.... if it were, Trump would have been locked up, ages ago....for ALL of his lies to us.

From what I've read and heard on the news trump paid the 150 grand.

He paid the money to the national enquirer and they paid McDougal.

Don't be ridiculous. You've heard it all, you don't believe it or you're fine with it. I'm sure as shit not gonna roll it out for you again
I know about the Clinton foundation and her use of the DNC to take out Bernie but GOP corruption I know nothing about...but you made the accusation so come on.....fill us in....or do you only have fake accusations?
You must be CNN....
See post #433.
And now for the cultists to deny, deny, deny. Clinton had emails. But lordy, there are tapes.


Stormy Daniels

have a link?
So what? No money exchanged.... and this was a 'privileged' conversation between a client and attorney.. So the ends now justify the means for you folks.. I wonder how this would play out if we seized Hillary's communications and randomly exposed her conduct? Would we find collusion with the Russians? Treason?

Remember this moment when you idiots opened Pandora's box.. It will bite you in the ass... I'm thinking we need to open all of Clinton's communications to everyone up and let the chips fall where they may.. expose you socialist, treasonous scumbags... its now fair game!
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and this was a 'privileged' conversation between a client and attorney.

How do you figure that? The only way privilege could possibly apply is if Cohen was providing legal advice or other legal work. Paying off a mistress so that she won't reveal a decade old affair isn't legal work.
and this was a 'privileged' conversation between a client and attorney.

How do you figure that? The only way privilege could possibly apply is if Cohen was providing legal advice or other legal work. Paying off a mistress so that she won't reveal a decade old affair isn't legal work.
The recording was made when Cohen WAS HIS LEGAL COUNCIL. That privilege does not end once he is no longer his council. It remains for life.

You idiots have now opened this box and its time we use it against you just like your doing to Trump....

If Attorney/client privilege doesn't matter any more lets open up all the shit! Lets seize Hillary's crap and put it out there... Uma Abedin and all the others who claimed to be her attorney... Put up all the communications... Lets see them!
The recording was made when Cohen WAS HIS LEGAL COUNCIL. That privilege does not end once he is no longer his council. It remains for life.

Privilege does not apply to any conversation whatsoever. It only applies to communication involving actual legal advice and work.

And just an FYI, the privilege does not include any conspiracy or cooperation by the lawyer to engage in, or assist the defendant in engaging in, illegal activities.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.

Nah. I think its more about Whitwater and the Clinton's.

She spent time in jail for refusing to testify against the Clintons.
Dumbfuck, that was Susan McDougal, not Karen McDougal. :eusa_doh:

Dumbfuck, that error has already been thoroughly addressed a half dozen times in this thread. It's over, move on.
and this was a 'privileged' conversation between a client and attorney.

How do you figure that? The only way privilege could possibly apply is if Cohen was providing legal advice or other legal work. Paying off a mistress so that she won't reveal a decade old affair isn't legal work.
The recording was made when Cohen WAS HIS LEGAL COUNCIL. That privilege does not end once he is no longer his council. It remains for life.

You idiots have now opened this box and its time we use it against you just like your doing to Trump....

If Attorney/client privilege doesn't matter any more lets open up all the shit! Lets seize Hillary's crap and put it out there... Uma Abedin and all the others who claimed to be her attorney... Put up all the communications... Lets see them!

Sure, right after we unwrap fuck all everything in Cohen's goody bag.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.

Nah. I think its more about Whitwater and the Clinton's.

She spent time in jail for refusing to testify against the Clintons.
Dumbfuck, that was Susan McDougal, not Karen McDougal. :eusa_doh:

Dumbfuck, that error has already been thoroughly addressed a half dozen times in this thread. It's over, move on.
Sounds like you’re PMSing. It wasn’t addressed prior to the post I respodended to.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.

The former White House stenographer was right: trump hates records. He despises recordings. Why?

Because they consistently contradict his lies.
So what? Where is the crime here?
Campaign finance violations.

And of course another blatant lie told to the face of Trump supporters that they swallowed without thought or question.

But when “would” really meant “wouldn’t” and “no” means “yes”, we’re supposed to believe Trump because he doesn’t lie to us? can’t fix stupid.
Trump allowed this audio recording to be released. Why?

To distract from his Russia treason.

When payments of hush money to pornstars is your best case topic of conversation, holy shit you’re in deep. And how debased your base is.

Laughing.......Remember when conservatives would lose their minds over Obama using Dijon mustard or putting his feet on his desk?
So what? No money exchanged..
You could not possibly know the truth of that, and you just made it up, then said it, then it became true, to you. The tape outs Trump in jeopardy in general because it indicates that there are many more tapes. It outs Trump in jeopardy in this specific instance, because it demonstrates intent.

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