Selective censors at Google-YouTube


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I have seen bias in most media but the left are dangerously rabid and must be dealt with...

And now they have blood on their hands.
June 7, 2017

Michelle Malkin

One of the many maddening takeaways from the London Bridge jihad attack is this: If you post videos on YouTube radicalizing Muslim viewers to kill innocent people, YouTube will leave you alone.

But if you post a video on YouTube honoring innocent people murdered by barbaric jihadists, your video will get banned.


Their rancid rants encouraging jihad by the sword and murder of non-Muslims have racked up millions of views over the past five years. Millions. Counterterrorism officials in multiple countries have tied their social media poison to jihad plots. The company told Conservative Review's Jordan Schachtel that it had reviewed the hate imams' channels and "found that they do not violate YouTube's guidelines on extremist or hateful content."

The enlightened peace-and-love progressives of Silicon Valley don't just have egg on their faces. They have blood on their hands.

YouTube Banned Me, But Not the Hate Imams
Well, what is one to have to say about the linked prose's author's video content? The author didn't embed a copy of it in the article so readers and would-be viewers of it can discern on their own whether the video(s) were rightly or wrongly removed from the sites where they were published.

Without regard to the specific videos Malkin posted, the fact remains that YouTube and Google are privately owned operations. They are well within their rights to permit, or not, whatever content they want from appearing on their site. If one doesn't like their decisions/actions taken in enforcing their terms and conditions, the things to do are (1) share one's content someplace else, and (2) not gripe about Google and YouTube;'s decisions, but rather form a competing site of one's own that doesn't have the same nature and extent of terms and restrictions.
Well, what is one to have to say about the linked prose's author's video content? The author didn't embed a copy of it in the article so readers and would-be viewers of it can discern on their own whether the video(s) were rightly or wrongly removed from the sites where they were published.

Without regard to the specific videos Malkin posted, the fact remains that YouTube and Google are privately owned operations. They are well within their rights to permit, or not, whatever content they want from appearing on their site. If one doesn't like their decisions/actions taken in enforcing their terms and conditions, the things to do are (1) share one's content someplace else, and (2) not gripe about Google and YouTube;'s decisions, but rather form a competing site of one's own that doesn't have the same nature and extent of terms and restrictions.

Or we can do what auntie buckwheat wants to do...:blsmile:

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The Google Inquisition purges a free-thinking employee.
August 9, 2017

Laurence Jarvik

Google’s recent firing of James Damore for circulating a memorandum questioning the corporation’s diversity policies reminded me of a recent a production of James Reston, Jr.'s play Galileo's Torch. Once again, it appears a lone man speaking Truth to Power has been persecuted, once again Skepticism crushed by Dogma, once more the Scientific Method attacked by Inquisitors.


One, Two, Three Galileos
August 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

A Google engineer wrote a manifesto calling for diversity of the mind, for ideological diversity, over the identity politics diversity that companies love so much. And Google CEO Sundar Pichai responded by firing him.

Point made.

Pichai's post is endorses free speech but claims that the employee was fired for perpetuating "stereotypes". Anyone worried about free speech can pay a visit to Pichai. And he'll fire them too. The post is full of the usual prog horror at the agony suffered by other leftist employees who had to experience the torture of free speech they disagreed with. The cries of the oppressed, who remains oppressed even though they're the ones with the power to fire other employees for disagreeing with them, ring in Pichai's ears.

Diversity is a great thing. Who can argue with that.

Take Google.

Google needs to be more diverse. Why should Google be one company when it can be split up into a diverse collection of 5 or 6 separate companies.


Bring Diversity to Google by Breaking It Up
August 8, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Once upon a time Google reflected the more open culture of an older computer industry. But that wasn't bound to last.

Google had mostly fallen into line with mandates for diversity quotas and support for left-wing causes. Along with that come the internal pressure groups. And so when an engineer wrote a common sense call to sanity, urging ideological diversity over left-wing check box diversity, the storm quickly gathered.

In some ways it was a repetition of the ugliness at Mozilla that led to the purge of a genius who had the misfortune to think differently. The usual useless diversity hires began demanding his head. It didn't matter that they did nothing useful as far as the core business went. And never would.

It was never going to stop with mere condemnations.

Google has a diversity chief now. Diversity chief Danielle Brown wrote, "We are unequivocal in our belief that diversity and inclusion are critical to our success as a company. Part of building an open, inclusive environment means fostering a culture in which those with alternative views, including different political views, feel safe sharing their opinions."


He Said Google Lacked Ideological Diversity, Google Proved His Point by Firing Him
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-- United States Constitution, First Amendment​

The 1st Amendment defines an aspect of the nature of the citizenry's communicative relationship with and about the government. The 1st Amendment's scope applies only to government actors, specifically Congress. Period.

Google, YouTube, and every other communications outlet, except perhaps the BBG, are not, when acting independently, subject to the 1st Amendment's proscription on the abridgement of expression. Therefore, assuming the website is acting on its own, and not at the behest of or on behalf of some state or federal government authority, no 1st Amendment right is traduced. A customer’s relationship with a website is usually governed by a set of “Terms & Conditions” that are agreed to during the registration or access process. Those Terms & Conditions will usually identify the grounds for removal of communications or termination of the customer’s account. Such user terms and conditions are usually enforced by the courts.

Imposing First Amendment restraints on private businesses would be antithetical to America’s capitalist, free-market system, and could lead to greater problems than it solves. If one does not cotton to the private censorship policies of organizations, their solution is to "vote" with their dollars and approbation by and doing business with like-minded service providers, or creating a competing service of one's own.
The internet cannot remain in the hands of a corporation that hates free speech.
August 9, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Let me Google that for you.

James Damore is an FIDE chess master who studied at Princeton, MIT and Harvard. He had been working as a software engineer at Google for four years.

Danielle Brown is the new Vice President of Diversity at Google. She has an MBA from the University of Michigan and campaigned for Hillary.

She had been working at Google for a few weeks.

James Damore wrote a memo suggesting that Google should pursue ideological diversity, end discriminatory efforts to achieve identity politics diversity and be honest about gender differences. Danielle responded by denouncing his paper. “It’s not a viewpoint that I or this company endorses, promotes or encourages.”

Brown and Google CEO Sundar Pichai made some vague noises about free speech. And fired him.


Censorship has long been a problem on YouTube. And it will now officially be caging “controversial” videos using a method developed by Jigsaw. Formerly Google Ideas, Jigsaw is Google’s left-wing incubator developing social justice tech.

The Southern Poverty Law Center guided Google’s censorship of Islamic search results. But there’s no reason to think that it will stop there until Google has completely cannibalized PageRank and replaced it with ProgRank in which search results will be dominated by left-wing sites in one category after another. First Autocomplete results and then actual search results will be censored and suppressed.

Google’s treatment of conservative users mirrors its internal treatment of conservative employees.

Internally, Google is a toxic environment where conservatives are threatened, blacklisted and even physically assaulted. Damore’s case went public. Countless other conservatives were forced out of Google and blacklisted by left-wing activists without their cases ever receiving public attention.


The gates of the internet cannot remain in the hands of a corporation intolerant of free speech. Google’s monopoly doesn’t only threaten the free market. It threatens freedom of expression on the internet.

It’s not just about James Damore. It’s about all of us.

The Google Gulag
I've been banned from liberal indoctrinated websites. Yahoo censors posts in favor of liberal indoctrination, yet if you look at the liberal posts, they don't say anything but "morons, idiots, whites are racist, Trumptards, etc. etc. Never a valid point.
August 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you want to understand the roots of the current crisis at Google, think of a left-wing version of Office Space. Except instead of meaningless buzzwords, the agenda was a social justice witch hunt. Instead of evangelizing technology, Google turned its workplace into a textbook hostile environment. All for social justice. Employees were encouraged to engage in "call out" accusations of prejudice at each other.


How Google's Bizarre Culture of P.C. Intimidation Got That Way
August 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Ever since Google decided to purge a conservative engineer for suggesting new approaches to get women involved in coding by tailoring them to gender differences, a parade of Mountain View minions and flunkies has been trotted out to a sympathetic media to make the case for their oppression.

Next up is YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. She's been oppressed and is defiantly courageous in the midst of her oppression. No one will keep her down, etc...

"When I saw the memo that circulated last week, I once again felt that pain, and empathized with the pain it must have caused others."

Somewhere in the middle of her agonizing pain, she wedges in the reason for her wining. That her bosses purged an employee for an opinion. A politely expressed opinion meant to help the company and get more women involved in coding.

But it's a taboo opinion.


YouTube Boss: Gender Differences as Taboo as Racial Differences
August 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you want to understand the roots of the current crisis at Google, think of a left-wing version of Office Space. Except instead of meaningless buzzwords, the agenda was a social justice witch hunt. Instead of evangelizing technology, Google turned its workplace into a textbook hostile environment. All for social justice. Employees were encouraged to engage in "call out" accusations of prejudice at each other.


How Google's Bizarre Culture of P.C. Intimidation Got That Way
I changed my search engine to DuckDuckGo. I refuse to use Google from now one. If every right-winger in the country did the same, it would hurt Google big time.
August 10, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you want to understand the roots of the current crisis at Google, think of a left-wing version of Office Space. Except instead of meaningless buzzwords, the agenda was a social justice witch hunt. Instead of evangelizing technology, Google turned its workplace into a textbook hostile environment. All for social justice. Employees were encouraged to engage in "call out" accusations of prejudice at each other.


How Google's Bizarre Culture of P.C. Intimidation Got That Way
I changed my search engine to DuckDuckGo. I refuse to use Google from now one. If every right-winger in the country did the same, it would hurt Google big time.

There's always DuckDuckGo or Bing.

Google tracks you too, I don't see how only Google gets to put a persistent tracking cookie on people. :mad:
So how do we explain the gender disparity in majors at left-wing colleges?
August 15, 2017

Walter Williams

Google fired software engineer James Damore for writing a 10-page memo critical of the company's diversity policy. The memo violated the company's code of conduct by "advancing harmful gender stereotypes" by suggesting that biological factors were part of the cause for the male/female gap in the tech industry.

I shall make the case that Google's actions were totally justified. Other than differences in certain physical attributes such as genitalia, capacity to give birth and the presence of functional mammary glands, males and females are identical in every other respect. Any remaining male/female differences are a direct result of oppression, discrimination and victimization by the larger society. To examine just one aspect of female victimization, let's examine the majors of female college students compared to their male counterparts.

According to a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, there are significant sex differences in college majors. For example, though women and men are equally represented in the population at large, women make up only 17 percent of engineering degrees conferred compared to 83 percent conferred to men. How can such a gross disparity be explained? I recommend an investigation to discover whether colleges are steering women away from higher-paying fields such as engineering and into lower-paying fields such as education and social sciences. Seventy-seven percent of education majors are women and so are 64 percent of social sciences majors.


Women and Men Are Equal
As Sharia continues to descend over the Internet.
September 8, 2017

Robert Spencer


Remember Google’s old motto, “Don’t be evil”? It sounds so ironic now, with the social media giants all rushing to implement Sharia blasphemy restrictions and choke off all criticism of Islam. Twitter is working so hard to do this that it should adopt a new motto: “Be evil.”

Twitter certainly lives by that motto. It lets stand open death threats against me. It censors content to suit Iran’s Islamic authorities. It has flagged as “hateful” tweets stating the fact that Islam is not a religion of peace and reporting accurately about anti-Semitic statements by an imam. It has let Islamic State accounts stand while banning those of people who report terrorists. It has shadowbanned my account, preventing thousands of readers from seeing Jihad Watch posts.

And it isn’t just me, of course. Breitbart reported Monday that “a Muslim apostate and high profile campaigner against both female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage has been suspended from micro-blogging platform Twitter, amidst a wider crackdown on right wing voices on the website, and other online platforms like Facebook.”


But if you note that on Twitter, you’re “hateful.”

Twitter, like the other social media giants, should be broken up using anti-trust laws. It is an increasingly fascist platform that ruthlessly clamps down on voices that dare to dissent from the Leftist agenda.

Twitter Moves to Silence All Criticism of Islam
All I can say is, don't use their services and seek out places to assert your position.. I've had to do it several times...

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