Selective Feminism

Most feminists are liberals - they get selectively outraged for the same reason that Conservatives do. It's defending the tribe.

There are also hundreds of women's groups that focus all of their attention on the rights of women in the middle east, by the way.

I realize there are "hundreds" of women's groups addressing on the mistreatment of women in the Middle East. But there's a difference between a women's group and a liberal progressive feminist group (unless of course the terms are interchangeable).

"Liberal progressive feminist group"?

Can you give me a list of these groups? Or perhaps a few examples?

Google is your friend, Doc.

Liberal feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I realize there are "hundreds" of women's groups addressing on the mistreatment of women in the Middle East. But there's a difference between a women's group and a liberal progressive feminist group (unless of course the terms are interchangeable).

"Liberal progressive feminist group"?

Can you give me a list of these groups? Or perhaps a few examples?

Google is your friend, Doc.

Liberal feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm asking what groups you think fit that definition, not what Google thinks.
Why would a feminist defend Sarah Palin? She opposes abortion. She opposes women's rights, although she has benefitted greatly from the women's movement herself.

But yet, she's still a woman. Why would what she believes make her any different? Thanks for making my point for me, Dragonlady.

Feminism is not about defending women, it's about promoting equality for women. Women, like Sandra Fluke, who stand up for women's rights, and are attacked for doing so, should be defended. Sarah Pallin has sought to overturn hard won rights for women. Why would feminists defend such a person?

I have not proven your point. I've proven that you have no basis to expect feminists to defend Pallin

So are you saying that his being a comedian absolves him from any consequences resulting from the jokes he tells in bad taste? Do you hear yourself?

No, I'm saying that tasteless jokes made by comedians have no importance to the political process. Bill Maher says really disgusting things about women, not just Sarah Pallin. But he's not a political leader.

I have never heard of any Democratic leader calling Pallin a bitch but I've heard Republican leaders call Hillary Clinton a bitch and the audience of Republican faithful, cheered them for it.

So, should taxpayers be paying for her contraception? Is that it? Yeah about that. We already have religious groups suing over something similar in Obamacare, are you willing to make the same mistake?

Tax payers aren't being asked to pay for her contraception. Fluke is asking that the health care insurance which SHE pays for, out of her own pocket, covers her costs for contraception, especially since her school requires her to purchase their health care package as a condition of enrollment.

As for you comment on votes: Religious institutions don't vote. People vote. And since the vast majority of Catholic women in the US oppose the Church's stance on birth control, I don't think the Democrats are too worried about losing the Catholic vote on this issue.
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"Liberal progressive feminist group"?

Can you give me a list of these groups? Or perhaps a few examples?

Google is your friend, Doc.

Liberal feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm asking what groups you think fit that definition, not what Google thinks.

You asked for, and I provided you with examples and/or a list of said groups. If you read it (the Wikipedia article), the knowledge will come.
I can't believe what I'm hearing. You say it's about women's rights and beliefs, yet you contend in the same breath that "it's not about defending women." So, which one is it?

Can you really not understand the difference between defending the rights of women, and defending individual women from personal insults?

Uh yeah, I can, but I see the two things going hand in hand to tell you the truth. If you want to defend a woman, you defend her rights to a belief as well as her rights in general no matter who she is.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Feminism is about a woman's right to equality, not a right to her beliefs. If a woman doesn't believe in equality, and, as Sarah Pallin has done, works to overturn those rights, she working against us.

We didn't say much when Republicans called Hillary a bitch either. She's a big girl and politics is a rough game. We've got Hillary's back though because she's a tireless champion for women's rights.

I'm asking what groups you think fit that definition, not what Google thinks.

You asked for, and I provided you with examples and/or a list of said groups. If you read it (the Wikipedia article), the knowledge will come.

If you're asking if NOW, WEAL, or NWPC comment on the rights of women in Muslim countries, the answer is no - because all of those organizations are American PACs, focused on women's issues in this country.

There are many other organizations dedicated to women's rights in other countries.
Why would a feminist defend Sarah Palin? She opposes abortion. She opposes women's rights, although she has benefitted greatly from the women's movement herself.

But yet, she's still a woman. Why would what she believes make her any different? Thanks for making my point for me, Dragonlady.

Feminism is about defending women, it's about promoting equality for women. Women, like Sandra Fluke, who stand up for women's rights, and are attacked for doing so, should be defended. Sarah Pallin has sought to overturn hard won rights for women. Why would feminists defend such a person?

I have not proven your point. I've proven that you have no basis to expect feminists to defend Pallin

So are you saying that his being a comedian absolves him from any consequences resulting from the jokes he tells in bad taste? Do you hear yourself?

No, I'm saying that tasteless jokes made by comedians have no importance to the political process. I cringe at a lot of things Bill Maher says really disgusting things about women, not just Sarah Pallin. But he's not a political leader.

I have never heard of any Democratic leader calling Pallin a bitch but I've heard Republican leaders call Hillary Clinton a bitch and the audience of Republican faithful, cheered them for it.

Obama is a liberal leader that liberals take very seriously, your point? I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, and I don't know what other conservatives see in him. But hey, to each his own.

So, should taxpayers be paying for her contraception? Is that it? Yeah about that. We already have religious groups suing over something similar in Obamacare, are you willing to make the same mistake?

Tax payers aren't being asked to pay for her contraception. Fluke is asking that the health care insurance which SHE pays for, out of her own pocket, covers her costs for contraception, especially since her school requires her to purchase their health care package as a condition of enrollment.

As for you comment on votes: Religious institutions don't vote. People vote. And since the vast majority of Catholic women in the US oppose the Church's stance on birth control, I don't think the Democrats are too worried about losing the Catholic vote on this issue.

Feminism is about defending women, it's about promoting equality for women. Women, like Sandra Fluke, who stand up for women's rights, and are attacked for doing so, should be defended. Sarah Palin has sought to overturn hard won rights for women.

Oh really now? That's contrary to everything I heard from doc in the past hour. So, my assertion stands and my point has been further butressed by this statement. A woman is a woman. Her political views don't change the internal makeup of her body do they? Don't you two have the same body parts? Yes? Then why do you treat each other so differently?

No, I'm saying that tasteless jokes made by comedians have no importance to the political process. I cringe at a lot of things Bill Maher says really disgusting things about women, not just Sarah Palin. But he's not a political leader.

How strange. You treat her as if she deserves the insults he hurls at her. You are making my point by the minute. "I cringe at a lot of things Bill Maher says about women, just not Sarah Palin."

Tax payers aren't being asked to pay for her contraception. Fluke is asking that the health care insurance which SHE pays for, out of her own pocket, covers her costs for contraception, especially since her school requires her to purchase their health care package as a condition of enrollment.

Problem. She was complaining about out of pocket costs, she was pleading for congress (or the government) to address the issue. Coincidentally, she brings the issue up as congress is debating the forced coverage of contraception, she appears and is even brought to Capitol Hill to testify.

And I hate to break it to you, She graduated from Cornell University 9 years earlier, in 2003. Besides, she knew right off the bat about Georgetown's lack of contraceptive coverage, but decided to attend anyway:

Fluke came to Georgetown University interested in contraceptive coverage: She researched the Jesuit college’s health plans for students before enrolling, and found that birth control was not included. “I decided I was absolutely not willing to compromise the quality of my education in exchange for my health care,” says Fluke, who has spent the past three years lobbying the administration to change its policy on the issue. The issue got the university president’s office last spring, where Georgetown declined to change its policy.

Meet Sandra Fluke: The woman you didn?t hear at Congress? contraceptives hearing - The Washington Post

As for you comment on votes: Religious institutions don't vote. People vote. And since the vast majority of Catholic women in the US oppose the Church's stance on birth control, I don't think the Democrats are too worried about losing the Catholic vote on this issue.

Religious institutions don't vote, but religious people who run those institutions do. And the backlash from Catholicism over the abortion mandate would prove otherwise.
Can you really not understand the difference between defending the rights of women, and defending individual women from personal insults?

Uh yeah, I can, but I see the two things going hand in hand to tell you the truth. If you want to defend a woman, you defend her rights to a belief as well as her rights in general no matter who she is.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Feminism is about a woman's right to equality, not a right to her beliefs. If a woman doesn't believe in equality, and, as Sarah Pallin has done, works to overturn those rights, she working against us.

We didn't say much when Republicans called Hillary a bitch either. She's a big girl and politics is a rough game. We've got Hillary's back though because she's a tireless champion for women's rights.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Feminism is about a woman's right to equality, not a right to her beliefs. If a woman doesn't believe in equality, and, as Sarah Palin has done, works to overturn those rights, she working against us.

You said all that needed to be said in your previous post. This team mentality is purely childish. And no, there's obtuse (you), and informed (me). If women really cared about women, they would fight for all women. It's that simple.

We didn't say much when Republicans called Hillary a bitch either. She's a big girl and politics is a rough game. We've got Hillary's back though because she's a tireless champion for women's rights.

So? This further exemplifies your hypocrisy on the issue. It strikes me odd how women with the same sets of tits and ovaries treat each other like mortal enemies but then claim to fight for the betterment of all womankind. Completely baffling...
Uh yeah, I can, but I see the two things going hand in hand to tell you the truth. If you want to defend a woman, you defend her rights to a belief as well as her rights in general no matter who she is.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Feminism is about a woman's right to equality, not a right to her beliefs. If a woman doesn't believe in equality, and, as Sarah Pallin has done, works to overturn those rights, she working against us.

We didn't say much when Republicans called Hillary a bitch either. She's a big girl and politics is a rough game. We've got Hillary's back though because she's a tireless champion for women's rights.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Feminism is about a woman's right to equality, not a right to her beliefs. If a woman doesn't believe in equality, and, as Sarah Palin has done, works to overturn those rights, she working against us.

You said all that needed to be said in your previous post. This team mentality is purely childish. And no, there's obtuse (you), and informed (me). If women really cared about women, they would fight for all women. It's that simple.

We didn't say much when Republicans called Hillary a bitch either. She's a big girl and politics is a rough game. We've got Hillary's back though because she's a tireless champion for women's rights.

So? This further exemplifies your hypocrisy on the issue. It strikes me odd how women with the same sets of tits and ovaries treat each other like mortal enemies but then claim to fight for the betterment of all womankind. Completely baffling...

They are not the same sets, grasshopper. May I suggest Youporn?
Why would a feminist defend Sarah Palin? She opposes abortion. She opposes women's rights, although she has benefitted greatly from the women's movement herself.

Bill Maher is a mysogynistic asshole, but he's also a comedian which means he is making jokes, as is David Letterman. Both are known to make jokes which are in poor taste from time to time. Liberals don't take comedians all that seriously.

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative leader that Republicans take very seriously. Big difference.

And Clementine, Sandra Fluke is a law student who was paying $4000 per year for health insurance as part of her tuition at a very expensive Catholic University. The student federation elected her to speak on behalf of the female students who would not have birth control covered under the health insurance provided by the university.

The reason it cost so much is because the doctor's visit to get the prescription, as well as the standard tests done at that visit, would not be covered, nor would the prescription itself.

When a Republican leader denigrates and insults a student who the student body elects as their spokesperson, it sends a clear message to women that Republicans don't want their votes.

Why would a feminist defend Sarah Palin? Maybe because the attacks on her had nothign to do with her political stands and were demeaning and insulting to women everywhere. Of course being a conservative she is not really "female" in the same sense that Justice Thomas is not really Black. If someome made the same comments about, say, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz the left would be shouting War on Womyn!
Sandra Fluke is a left wing activist who was hauled up to a phony hearing to blather about birth control in one of the most staged events since Obama's acceptance speech. A doctor's visit is $50. The prescription was what, $20/mo? It is unbelievable, literally, that a middle class woman who spends more than that a month at Starbucks couldn't pay out of pocket
Rush Limbaugh is a radio personality. He is not a leader of the GOP to anyone except Democrats. He is usually right, btw.
In June of 2009, David Letterman was caught on air making reference to Sarah Palin as a "slutty flight attendant," going on to make a less than polite joke about her underage daughter Willow:

"One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

After Letterman's comment, Sarah Palin immediately responded, accusing him of making inappropriate and sexually perverted statements that he would "have never said about anyone else's daughter, and that "acceptance of sexually inappropriate jokes about someone's underage daughter, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously [sic] high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others," she went on to say...

Now, here's the kicker, where were the feminists? Where, indeed, were the female Democrats?[/url] Not one was to be heard burning her brassiere over these sexually tinged comments, which leads me to my point.

"The National Organization for Women placed Letterman in its "media hall of shame."

"I think what David Letterman said is terrible, is inappropriate and nobody should be making jokes about the sexual activities of teenagers, whether they are the daughters of politicians or not," said Kim Gandy, NOW president.

"Comedians in search of a laugh should really know better than to snicker about men having sex with teenage girls or young women half their age," NOW wrote on its website."

Do your research thoroughly.

Sarah Palin: Letterman owes women an apology -
So? This further exemplifies your hypocrisy on the issue. It strikes me odd how women with the same sets of tits and ovaries treat each other like mortal enemies but then claim to fight for the betterment of all womankind. Completely baffling...

You've got the same set of cock and balls as Barrack Obama. Why don't you defend him when people call him names? Isn't it awful that other men don't jump to Obama's defense when the birthers deny he is a natural born American. I mean aren't they all Americans?

You're constantly attacking Obama who is a male just like you, because you dislike his policies and his platform, but you think that women are all on the same side just because they're women. Can you say double standard TK? Because that's what it is. Feminism wants to eliminate that double standard.

Notice that NOW defended Willow Pallin from an inappropriate attack due to her age, but not her mother. If a woman is working against the feminists, why would they defend her?
So? This further exemplifies your hypocrisy on the issue. It strikes me odd how women with the same sets of tits and ovaries treat each other like mortal enemies but then claim to fight for the betterment of all womankind. Completely baffling...

You've got the same set of cock and balls as Barrack Obama. Why don't you defend him when people call him names? Isn't it awful that other men don't jump to Obama's defense when the birthers deny he is a natural born American. I mean aren't they all Americans?

You're constantly attacking Obama who is a male just like you, because you dislike his policies and his platform, but you think that women are all on the same side just because they're women. Can you say double standard TK? Because that's what it is. Feminism wants to eliminate that double standard.

Notice that NOW defended Willow Pallin from an inappropriate attack due to her age, but not her mother. If a woman is working against the feminists, why would they defend her?

They defended Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy but piled on Sen. Bob Packwood.
The feminist lobby has no moral high ground, having prostituted it all for Bill Clinton.
And if you claim to be a patriot and you refuse to advocate for the decent treatment of all Americans then you are not patriotic.
It very simple. Isn't it.:eusa_whistle:
Now stumble along, if you try, to defend your hatred and how you despise other citizens of this country that need your support.

Secondly, "Feminism" isn't about defending all women from attacks. I don't know why you keep using that term.

If a feminist claims to be for all women, but fails to stand up for one when she is denigrated by someone, if a feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women, why does she not support that for all women? Should that not translate into defending them regardless of that they believe as well? How can they say "we represent all women" but sit idly by while certain women are degraded and treated with utter contempt?
Why would a feminist defend Sarah Palin? She opposes abortion. She opposes women's rights, although she has benefitted greatly from the women's movement herself.

the above text is an example of the brainless vagina with vocal cords.

the above vagina considers feminism and woman rights are about abortions and sex only :lol:
Have you seen the news over the past couple of years? Sure you have. If you haven't, you've missed a broiling debate on the issue of abortion and contraception, not to mention some deep and wounding misogynistic commentary issued by opponents and supporters of this right passed you by. But enough of that.

In the midst of this heated debate I have noticed something. I have observed how some women treat other women differently than others. I have again noticed how this behavior is widely influenced by political or societal events. I also have taken notice of the hypocrisy that it entails. What I am referring to is known as selective feminism. No doubt you have heard the comments issued forth by the right wing political shock trooper Rush Limbaugh in reference to Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, and the firestorm that ensued afterwards.

In this instance you have Democrats, pro abortionists and feminists all across America crying bloody murder, saying that Limbaugh should be taken off the air for his comments. In fact, they have said things to the extent of "Fluke is just an ordinary woman, how dare he say such mean things about her?", "He should be taken off the air or apologize post haste!" (Which he did not soon after).

These very same people have gone on to say that Republicans only want to take away their rights to contraceptives and birth control pills, and that the men, as well as the government, should keep their nose out from between their legs, which I find odd to say the least, since they want a right only the government itself can provide, and also that they allow certain men to fight for them and their "freedom." Okay, lets jump the fence here, to the other side of the political spectrum. I made reference to Fluke and Limbaugh, now lets examine David Letterman and Bill Maher, both Liberals, and their comments about Sarah Palin In June of 2009, David Letterman was caught on air making reference to Sarah Palin as a "slutty flight attendant," going on to make a less than polite joke about her underage daughter Willow:

"One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game," Letterman said, "during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez."

After Letterman's comment, Sarah Palin immediately responded, accusing him of making inappropriate and sexually perverted statements that he would "have never said about anyone else's daughter, and that "acceptance of sexually inappropriate jokes about someone's underage daughter, who could be anyone's daughter, contributes to the atrociously [sic] high rate of sexual exploitation of minors by older men who use and abuse others," she went on to say. But wait! We then have Bill Maher who, after finding out that Palin had accepted a job as a contributor to Fox News, made this remark about her and her child, Trig, who has Down Syndrome:

“Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News, which is actually very similar to her day job, talking to a baby with Down syndrome. Speaking of dumb s**ts, it’s not because they have breasts. It’s because they are boobs."

Once again Palin and the Republican party were outraged. As you know, Sarah Palin is widely known as Republican nominee John McCain's VP candidate, and a Republican herself. In this instance, only the women on the right wing side of the aisle were heard condemning the remarks. Now, here's the kicker, where were the feminists? Where, indeed, were the female Democrats? Not one was to be heard burning her brassiere over these sexually tinged comments, which leads me to my point.

What you saw here was members of feminism being selective of which women to defend, after she is slandered. But then again, a woman is a woman, right? Wrong. Somehow only a Liberal woman is worth defending, but a Conservative one, well, she's on her own. If you happen to be a Liberal woman reading right now, here is a question for you. How come you will defend a woman such as Sandra Fluke, but not ones such as Sarah Palin? They are both women. How can you not be angered when a woman, akin to yourself in all senses of the word, is sexually denigrated by other men? Might it be because she is a conservative? Or maybe it is because she is a pro life advocate? I fail to see the logic in this rationale that one woman is somehow different than another.

If Liberal women (men too, to an extent) are to be angry at Rush Limbaugh for inappropriately targeting Fluke, they should be equally angry when someone like Bill Maher or David Letterman make crude and sexist comments about Sarah Palin, her daughter, or her mentally afflicted son. To ignore it is to be a hypocrite, to defend it is foolish, and to do so is to take part in the act of selective feminism. Come on ladies, where did all the girl power go? Palin has the same set of ovaries and sexual organs you do, so why is she so vastly different? A woman should be quick to defend one of her own, whether be she a Liberal or Conservative, pro-life or pro-choice. If you are going to be sympathetic toward one woman, be so for all of them. If you are going to be outraged at a man who slanders another woman, again be outraged in unison with her and with all of womankind. These feelings should be indiscriminate. A woman is a woman, regardless of what she believes in or what viewpoints she holds to be true. To borrow a couple of verses, love your enemies as yourself. Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Finally, take heed readers, that some of this can be said for Conservative women too. Remember, every woman should be in this together!

When you quote someone, you need to put quotation marks around it and cite the source. Where did you get this passage?

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