Selective Feminism

Fluke was ASKING that birth control be included in her health insurance policy as REQUIRED by the ACA. She was NOT asking the taxpayers to pay for her birth control which is what Rush Limbaugh told you she was asking for, and you dutifully parroted.

Its amazing how Cons then turn around and claim to be "high information" people. They are all pigs eating from the same trough; the only question is which of their masters is going to feed them.

Stupid post. When government requires via law an insurance company to provide a coverage and raise their premiums to pay for it, that is a tax. That the government didn't hold the money in the middle is a distinction without a difference. Liberals are seriously not bright.

At no point has you or anyone paid for Ms. Fluke's birth control outside of her or her employer.
Its amazing how Cons then turn around and claim to be "high information" people. They are all pigs eating from the same trough; the only question is which of their masters is going to feed them.

Stupid post. When government requires via law an insurance company to provide a coverage and raise their premiums to pay for it, that is a tax. That the government didn't hold the money in the middle is a distinction without a difference. Liberals are seriously not bright.

At no point has you or anyone paid for Ms. Fluke's birth control outside of her or her employer.

What is the relevance of that statement? It's a tax on her employer. And it's a tax on anyone who's premiums go up because of the Federal mandate.

There is no relevant difference between government taking money and spending it and government requiring someone else to spend money. They are both taxes, nothing you said changes that.
Stupid post. When government requires via law an insurance company to provide a coverage and raise their premiums to pay for it, that is a tax. That the government didn't hold the money in the middle is a distinction without a difference. Liberals are seriously not bright.

At no point has you or anyone paid for Ms. Fluke's birth control outside of her or her employer.

What is the relevance of that statement? It's a tax on her employer. And it's a tax on anyone who's premiums go up because of the Federal mandate.

There is no relevant difference between government taking money and spending it and government requiring someone else to spend money. They are both taxes, nothing you said changes that.

At no point has you or anyone paid for Ms. Fluke's birth control outside of her or her employer.

What is the relevance of that statement? It's a tax on her employer. And it's a tax on anyone who's premiums go up because of the Federal mandate.

There is no relevant difference between government taking money and spending it and government requiring someone else to spend money. They are both taxes, nothing you said changes that.


Ms Fluke is not employed. She is a law student at Georgetown University who pays for her health insurance through her tuition. There is no legal requirement that the university provide her with health insurance through her tuition and therefore no tax.

Once and for all, your contention that Ms. Fluke is asking tax payers to pay for her birth control is a lie.

Even if her employer was providing her health insurance, an employer is not "the tax payers", it's her employer. Stop trying to twist this into something it's not.

One would think that anything which reduces abortions would be a good thing in your eyes, but apparently not.
Ms Fluke is not employed. She is a law student at Georgetown University who pays for her health insurance through her tuition. There is no legal requirement that the university provide her with health insurance through her tuition and therefore no tax.

Once and for all, your contention that Ms. Fluke is asking tax payers to pay for her birth control is a lie.

Even if her employer was providing her health insurance, an employer is not "the tax payers", it's her employer. Stop trying to twist this into something it's not.

One would think that anything which reduces abortions would be a good thing in your eyes, but apparently not.

I don't like that a lot of my tax money goes to fund college football teams through out my state. When the players get hurt and are taking pain medication, nobody seems upset that their tax money is going to pay for medication that is directly tied to their activity.

Only when a female is involved do conservatives seem bent out of shape by the outrageous costs of medication for students on scholarship.

If she was a running back at UCLA and wanted pain meds be to be added so she can score a touchdown or whatever...would there be any outrage?

You hate to say it but there seems to be a large segment of society that thinks sex is a bad thing and if you have it, you should be punished. Weird.
Thanks for this.

Even now, after all these years of men and women saying that all people are equal, there are still so many who do not seem to know what "feminism" is.

Granted that the OP is very young and gets a lot of things wrong, why so much fear of equality? Why are so many Americans against equality for all Americans?


Why is equality a good thing in of itself?

Is that the beginning of argument against you having the right to vote?

There is no such thing as the "right" to vote.
Because it conforms to the Constitution and its case law, reflecting the original intent of the Framers.

Due process, equal protection doctrine, and the rule of law in general are predicated on the fact that in a free and just society such as our Constitutional Republic, all citizens are treated as equal by the state.

The 14th Amendment wasn't part of the initial Constitution, or the original Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights weren't even part of the original Constitution. So that nonsense about the "original intent" is bunk.

Why is the 14th Amendment good in of itself?

The original intent of the framers, for what it's worth, was also that the Constitution would be able to be amended, by the People, and thus the document contains a mechanism for that,

put there by the founders.

Your crackpot notion that the people of this country were expected by the founders to live under the original Constitution, as is, in perpetuity,

qualifies as the laugh of the month.

When did I say that?

All I said is the 14th Amendment wasn't part of the original intent of the Framers.

Glad you got a laugh though, laughing is healthy.

No one has explained why equality in of itself is a good thing...
Gordon-Levitt has a massive "following" on sites like Tumblr and Reddit where he's treated as their celebrity nerd god, he knows where is fanbase is and is speaking to them.
There is more money in lying to women than telling them the truth. JGL's game is recognized.
Lots of men are feminists. One doesn't have to be female to believe that women are entitled to equal opportunity or equal rights.

Conversely, lots of women are misogynists, including a few on this board.
Lots of men are feminists. One doesn't have to be female to believe that women are entitled to equal opportunity or equal rights.

Conversely, lots of women are misogynists, including a few on this board.

Nods head...

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