Selective Feminism

ou bring up an interesting pt, imo. I can say "Bill Clinton's a bastard." That's rude. But is calling Hill a bitch any different? I dunno. I think it's less gentlemanly to use bitch than bastard, but I'm probably a male chauvinist.

I don't think I've ever heard a Republican leader on national television, refer to any President or presidential candidate, past or present, as a "bastard", but I've heard more than one Republican leader refer to Hillary as a "bitch".

There is a huge double standard with women who run for office that is so ingrained, it's rarely commented on but consider: If a female candidate isn't perfectly coiffed, stylishly dressed, and toned and trim, comments will be made on the nightly news. Comments are made about Hillary's "thick" ankles, Sarah's "beauty queen" looks. It often seems like news people spend more time on how the women look than they do on what they said.

Sarah Pallin received a $125K designer wardrobe from the Republican Party because her "soccer mom" wardrobe was inappropriate for the campaign trail. Men don't receive this level of scrutiny on their appearance. The possible exception is all of the comments directed at Gov. Christie's weight, but even then, that didn't prevent him from being elected.

Now I realize it has become de rigeur that male candidates be tall, fit, and have a full head of hair in this telegenic world we live in, but the standards for women in the looks and grooming department are much higher, and the media almost never comments on a male candidate's grooming or appearance.

Focusing on a female candidate's appearance rather than her platform, trivializes her candidacy. It makes what she says less important than her latest haircut or outfit. It legitimizes the idea that women are somehow "lesser" candidates and not to be taken seriously.

This is true for women of either party.
ou bring up an interesting pt, imo. I can say "Bill Clinton's a bastard." That's rude. But is calling Hill a bitch any different? I dunno. I think it's less gentlemanly to use bitch than bastard, but I'm probably a male chauvinist.

I don't think I've ever heard a Republican leader on national television, refer to any President or presidential candidate, past or present, as a "bastard", but I've heard more than one Republican leader refer to Hillary as a "bitch".

Remember Harry Reid Calling W a "loser?"

Reid Calls Bush a 'Loser'

Can you show the link for Republican leaders calling Hillary a "bitch?" I haven't heard that and, call me crazy, I'm not taking your word for it.
ou bring up an interesting pt, imo. I can say "Bill Clinton's a bastard." That's rude. But is calling Hill a bitch any different? I dunno. I think it's less gentlemanly to use bitch than bastard, but I'm probably a male chauvinist.

I don't think I've ever heard a Republican leader on national television, refer to any President or presidential candidate, past or present, as a "bastard", but I've heard more than one Republican leader refer to Hillary as a "bitch".

This is true for women of either party.

Oh, I dunno. I know Halprin called obama "a dick" on morning joe, and got punished. But, I don't recall anyone calling Hill a bitch on TV. Privately, sure. But, "dick" implies petty, jerk, disengenuous .... I'd say "bitch" implies nagging and perhaps emasculating. I'm just not sure I'm willing to make a moral or social judgment that one's worse than the other. BUT, I don't think it's right in either case.

I agree with the rest of your post. There's a double standard. Christie is HUGE, so I'd leave him aside. Haley Barbour knew he'd have no chance, but it was his southern drawl, and he'd have easily dropped another 25 pounds if he was serious. People made jokes that Obama only weighed 110 pounds, but 100 of it was ego. That's a lot different from the cracks about Hillary, who frankly looks like most women who are 67.

I don't think a fat person is electable, and a male probably needs to be 5-10 at least. But the cracks about women are different. Males don't have to look like Harrison Ford, but its somehow bad for women to not look like Julia Roberts, and of course, few do.

I thought the clothes criticism of Palin unfair. First, Biden's suits look a bit pricy to me. Second, and I don't mean this snidely but merely as a fact, the Palin family really looked like they lived in Alaska and hunted and fished most of the time. She needed the clothes. They revealed she was not ready for prime time, but it was mean spirited and picked on her physically.

I love to watch torrents of Kaz posts where she tries to squirm out of something she previously said.
It's a boat ride up the river DeNial, blown by the hot air of ad hominem. And it's always a fun cruise.


Denial? LOL. Highlighting that you didn't get this sarcasm?

No, I wrote what I heard her say when I watched her testimony on TV, and what I read in the transcripts of her testimony. I'm quite capable of forming my own opinions and expressing them in writing, based on original material. I don't need to filter them through the media.

Nice to see you again though. I hadn't heard from you since I quoted all the posts for you that you said you never said.

I also like your insinuation that to be stupid and in denial is female.

Aaaaannd Kaz desperately counters with the Checkers Speech Strawman.

(Or for those not old enough to get that, the Sarah Palin "Lipstick on a Pig" martyr complex)
I like to get you talking, nothing I could say makes you look at stupid as what you do to yourself.
Denial? LOL. Highlighting that you didn't get this sarcasm?

Nice to see you again though. I hadn't heard from you since I quoted all the posts for you that you said you never said.

I also like your insinuation that to be stupid and in denial is female.

Aaaaannd Kaz desperately counters with the Checkers Speech Strawman.

(Or for those not old enough to get that, the Sarah Palin "Lipstick on a Pig" martyr complex)
I like to get you talking, nothing I could say makes you look at stupid as what you do to yourself.

Funny that's the same thing you said last time I handed you your ass. Didn't work then either. Once again, think before posting yourself into a hole.

Funny that's the same thing you said last time I handed you your ass. Didn't work then either. Once again, think before posting yourself into a hole.[/CENTER]

Last time you handed me "my ass" was when you kept saying that you hadn't said you are in favor of gun laws and you didn't notice the three times that I'd brought forward your quotes that you were in favor of gun laws. Here, you didn't grasp my overt and obvious sarcasm. Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

You have an interesting way of handing me my ass...
Funny that's the same thing you said last time I handed you your ass. Didn't work then either. Once again, think before posting yourself into a hole.[/CENTER]

Last time you handed me "my ass" was when you kept saying that you hadn't said you are in favor of gun laws and you didn't notice the three times that I'd brought forward your quotes that you were in favor of gun laws. Here, you didn't grasp my overt and obvious sarcasm. Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

You have an interesting way of handing me my ass...

There are no such quotes. You could not produce them then and you cannot produce them now, because they don't exist.

That makes you a bald-faced liar.

But by all means, link us back to where this was. Or go find some in your favorite river, DeNial.

Guess we'll see that chick...... LATER :cool:
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Funny that's the same thing you said last time I handed you your ass. Didn't work then either. Once again, think before posting yourself into a hole.[/CENTER]

Last time you handed me "my ass" was when you kept saying that you hadn't said you are in favor of gun laws and you didn't notice the three times that I'd brought forward your quotes that you were in favor of gun laws. Here, you didn't grasp my overt and obvious sarcasm. Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

You have an interesting way of handing me my ass...

There are no such quotes. You could not produce them then and you cannot produce them now, because they don't exist.

That makes you a bald-faced liar.

But by all means, link us back to where this was. Or go find some in your favorite river, DeNial.

Guess we'll see that chick...... LATER :cool:

Here you go again. Your response to my op why gun laws are going to work.

This argument is based entirely on a fallacy, that fallacy being the idea that the answer to guns is more guns.

Which is like suggesting that the answer to a burning building is to set it on fire. Or hose it down with gasoline.
Gunplay is not an either/or dichotomy; one does not cancel out the other. They're additive, not exclusive.

I addressed this in more detail in the other thread since we're going off topic.
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You said "Republican leaders." None of them are in Republican leadership. Newt said it when he was no longer there. The whole implication of your accusation is that Republicans who are leading the actual party and are supposed to be working with Democrats did it. Newt is history.

Beck is not only not a Republican leader, but I didn't see where Beck called her a bitch at all.

I gave you a quote of actual leader Harry Reid calling W as "loser." If everyone associated with the party counts, wow, you'll get crucified in that competition. The Democrats are one hate fulled party.

Edit: Seriously, since you've chosen all Republicans as counting, look at what Democrats say about Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter, Condie Rice, Laura Ingram, Nancy Reagan, Laura Bush, Nikki Haley, Michelle Bachmann and so on. And you come here and seriously expect Hillary being called a "bitch" is over the top?
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I thought the clothes criticism of Palin unfair. First, Biden's suits look a bit pricy to me. Second, and I don't mean this snidely but merely as a fact, the Palin family really looked like they lived in Alaska and hunted and fished most of the time. She needed the clothes. They revealed she was not ready for prime time, but it was mean spirited and picked on her physically.

I'm not sure if you meant my criticism of her clothes or the media criticism, but I do want to clarify that I intended no criticism of Sarah's wardrobe, pre or post campaign. I thought that the make over given Pallin, was probably a wise thing to do, but shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.

I'm frequently disgusted with comments I read here about Michelle's Obama's "fat ass". The woman is in her mid-forties and has given birth to 2 children. Maybe I'm sensitive because my butt isn't as small as it was before I had kids too.

Most people today apply anorexic standards based on air brushed pictures of teenage models and movie stars, people whose jobs entail being thin and beautiful, not real people who aren't professionally beauties.
I did not mean to criticize you or Palin's lack of clothes. I'm not sure I agree that her makeover should not have been necessary. Obviously, she was not ready to be a national candidate, and subsequent events have shown she doesn't have the temperment or intellect for it. But, really, as governor of Alaska, she didn't have a reason to be decked out as one would be in DC. I thought the entire criticism of her clothes and hair and glasses ... unfair, and really she played it to her advantage in appealing to Joe the Plummer types, whose wives don't wear dresses like Jill Biden wears.

I admire Michelle's campaign against child obesity, and think she's fine first lady.

I haven't been too happy with either party's nominees the past 16 years.

I think Slick was a pretty good potus, but I made a mistake voting for W because I admired his father. I do think the country would benefit from finally electing a 67 year old female who looks like a 67 year old female. The right's pilloring of Hillary is pretty funny, because if you look at her pictures when she was 25 years old, she was pretty attractive ... as was I. LOL I'm not sure how good a potus she'd be, but she's got an impressive resume.
Last time you handed me "my ass" was when you kept saying that you hadn't said you are in favor of gun laws and you didn't notice the three times that I'd brought forward your quotes that you were in favor of gun laws. Here, you didn't grasp my overt and obvious sarcasm. Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

You have an interesting way of handing me my ass...

There are no such quotes. You could not produce them then and you cannot produce them now, because they don't exist.

That makes you a bald-faced liar.

But by all means, link us back to where this was. Or go find some in your favorite river, DeNial.

Guess we'll see that chick...... LATER :cool:

Here you go again. Your response to my op why gun laws are going to work.

This argument is based entirely on a fallacy, that fallacy being the idea that the answer to guns is more guns.

Which is like suggesting that the answer to a burning building is to set it on fire. Or hose it down with gasoline.
Gunplay is not an either/or dichotomy; one does not cancel out the other. They're additive, not exclusive.

I addressed this in more detail in the other thread since we're going off topic.

Exactly -- and neither of those so much as even mentions anything about laws. Nothing whatsoever.

What is it about liars that leads them to believe that anyone else is going to dive into Denialist Bullshit River with them?


Matter of fact you shoot your own lie in the foot by linking back to that thread, for as soon as I countered your bullshit there, my very next post demonstrated what a liar you are:

well its working so well for drugs I can see how she'd make that assumption :cuckoo:

Excellent point. Worked well for alcohol too, didn't it?

You can't legislate these things away. We should know that by now.

Hey, me want more link. Exposing liars fun.

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Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

Wrong again, liar. I haven't even used the word 'stupid'. I did a word search on this page and it came up a dozen times -- all of them from you. Nor did I use the word 'female' (until this post). But I did use the word 'liar' because that's exactly what you're doing.

Busted yet again.
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Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

Wrong again, liar. I haven't even used the word 'stupid'. I did a word search on this page and it came up a dozen times -- all of them from you. Nor did I use the word 'female' (until that one). But I did use the word 'liar' because that's exactly what you're doing.

Busted yet again.

I see, so if you didn't use the word "stupid" or "female" then it doesn't count. I post for two reasons, the first is for debate with people who are serious, the second is to have fun with people who are not. You're neither serious nor fun, you're just an angry little boy. Have a good one.
What is it about liars that leads them to believe that anyone else is going to dive into Denialist Bullshit River with them?


Liars think that because they lie, everyone else is lying too. We tend to judge others by the standards we apply to ourselves. If you're a generally honest, truthful person, you tend to think others are too.

IOW, our opinion of others, is a reflection of our own self-worth.
Then you said I'm stupid and female, but you aren't calling females stupid.

Wrong again, liar. I haven't even used the word 'stupid'. I did a word search on this page and it came up a dozen times -- all of them from you. Nor did I use the word 'female' (until that one). But I did use the word 'liar' because that's exactly what you're doing.

Busted yet again.

I see, so if you didn't use the word "stupid" or "female" then it doesn't count. I post for two reasons, the first is for debate with people who are serious, the second is to have fun with people who are not. You're neither serious nor fun, you're just an angry little boy. Have a good one.

And that's also what you said on the way out the door last time with your ass in my hand. Good to know the learning process is still a voluntary proposition.

Amazing isn't it? Just because somebody never said something, it somehow means they never said it. What a world. That's no fun.

See you next lie, liar. Wear the L proudly.
Wrong again, liar. I haven't even used the word 'stupid'. I did a word search on this page and it came up a dozen times -- all of them from you. Nor did I use the word 'female' (until that one). But I did use the word 'liar' because that's exactly what you're doing.

Busted yet again.

I see, so if you didn't use the word "stupid" or "female" then it doesn't count. I post for two reasons, the first is for debate with people who are serious, the second is to have fun with people who are not. You're neither serious nor fun, you're just an angry little boy. Have a good one.

And that's also what you said on the way out the door last time with your ass in my hand. Good to know the learning process is still a voluntary proposition.

Amazing isn't it? Just because somebody never said something, it somehow means they never said it. What a world. That's no fun.

See you next lie, liar. Wear the L proudly.

Thanks, and can you let go of my ass with your hand now? I'm not into that.


I get why you kept calling me a girl now, I thought it was related to the discussion. My bad.
I see, so if you didn't use the word "stupid" or "female" then it doesn't count. I post for two reasons, the first is for debate with people who are serious, the second is to have fun with people who are not. You're neither serious nor fun, you're just an angry little boy. Have a good one.

And that's also what you said on the way out the door last time with your ass in my hand. Good to know the learning process is still a voluntary proposition.

Amazing isn't it? Just because somebody never said something, it somehow means they never said it. What a world. That's no fun.

See you next lie, liar. Wear the L proudly.

Thanks, and can you let go of my ass with your hand now? I'm not into that.


I get why you kept calling me a girl now, I thought it was related to the discussion. My bad.

"Girl" is yet another word I haven't used. But hey, that's never stopped you making shit up before, has it?

Again, the word is "liar" .. L - I - A - R, one who lies. Learn to spell.
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