Selective Feminism

Well I came in to see what the point would be about feminism, and I couldn't find one

According to the Democratic party, feminism is obsessing about their sex organs and only voting on access to government provided birth control, free abortions and lowering the bar in their careers and education. According to Democratic women, they are right.

Bullshit. Feminism is about equality of women in the workplace, about equal pay for women doing the same jobs as men, about a woman's right to choice in abortion, about health insurance that doesn't discriminate against women, about women's access to credit and mortgages. It's about women having the same opportunities for education, employment and advancement as men.

It is only the most ill-informed or misognyistic who would suggest that feminisim is only interested in sex and abortions.

And for the record Kaz, Fluke wasn't asking tax payers to cover the cost of her birth control, she was asking for the private health care insurance provided by her university, for which she was required to pay the sum of $4,000, not have the birth control provisions of the ACA exempted because she happened to be attending a Catholic school.

Fluke, and the other female students from Georgetown University are paying for their own health care, not asking the government to pay for it. In believing otherwise, you again come off as ill-informed or mysogynistic, or both.

I didn't say what feminism is, I said what the Democratic party and Democratic women say it is, and they say it is what I said they say it is.

And Fluke wasn't paying for birth control, it wasn't part of her policy. That means her health insurance company was not charging her for it. If you have evidence that her health insurance company was charging her for birth control coverage, then provide it. But so far, you haven't.
According to the Democratic party, feminism is obsessing about their sex organs and only voting on access to government provided birth control, free abortions and lowering the bar in their careers and education. According to Democratic women, they are right.

Bullshit. Feminism is about equality of women in the workplace, about equal pay for women doing the same jobs as men, about a woman's right to choice in abortion, about health insurance that doesn't discriminate against women, about women's access to credit and mortgages. It's about women having the same opportunities for education, employment and advancement as men.

It is only the most ill-informed or misognyistic who would suggest that feminisim is only interested in sex and abortions.

And for the record Kaz, Fluke wasn't asking tax payers to cover the cost of her birth control, she was asking for the private health care insurance provided by her university, for which she was required to pay the sum of $4,000, not have the birth control provisions of the ACA exempted because she happened to be attending a Catholic school.

Fluke, and the other female students from Georgetown University are paying for their own health care, not asking the government to pay for it. In believing otherwise, you again come off as ill-informed or mysogynistic, or both.

I didn't say what feminism is, I said what the Democratic party and Democratic women say it is, and they say it is what I said they say it is.
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Secondly, "Feminism" isn't about defending all women from attacks. I don't know why you keep using that term.

Thanks for this.

Even now, after all these years of men and women saying that all people are equal, there are still so many who do not seem to know what "feminism" is.

Granted that the OP is very young and gets a lot of things wrong, why so much fear of equality? Why are so many Americans against equality for all Americans?


Why is equality a good thing in of itself?

Is that the beginning of argument against you having the right to vote?
Why is equality a good thing in of itself?

Because it conforms to the Constitution and its case law, reflecting the original intent of the Framers.

Due process, equal protection doctrine, and the rule of law in general are predicated on the fact that in a free and just society such as our Constitutional Republic, all citizens are treated as equal by the state.

The 14th Amendment wasn't part of the initial Constitution, or the original Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights weren't even part of the original Constitution. So that nonsense about the "original intent" is bunk.

Why is the 14th Amendment good in of itself?

The original intent of the framers, for what it's worth, was also that the Constitution would be able to be amended, by the People, and thus the document contains a mechanism for that,

put there by the founders.

Your crackpot notion that the people of this country were expected by the founders to live under the original Constitution, as is, in perpetuity,

qualifies as the laugh of the month.
Well I came in to see what the point would be about feminism, and I couldn't find one

According to the Democratic party, feminism is obsessing about their sex organs and only voting on access to government provided birth control, free abortions and lowering the bar in their careers and education. According to Democratic women, they are right.

What's your evidence that the consensus in the Democratic party is that abortions should be free,

Because it conforms to the Constitution and its case law, reflecting the original intent of the Framers.

Due process, equal protection doctrine, and the rule of law in general are predicated on the fact that in a free and just society such as our Constitutional Republic, all citizens are treated as equal by the state.

The 14th Amendment wasn't part of the initial Constitution, or the original Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights weren't even part of the original Constitution. So that nonsense about the "original intent" is bunk.

Why is the 14th Amendment good in of itself?

The original intent of the framers, for what it's worth, was also that the Constitution would be able to be amended, by the People, and thus the document contains a mechanism for that,

put there by the founders.

Your crackpot notion that the people of this country were expected by the founders to live under the original Constitution, as is, in perpetuity,

qualifies as the laugh of the month.

More proof the far left does not understand the Constitution.
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson

Yes anyone can cut and paste, but do you understand what you posted?
The 14th Amendment wasn't part of the initial Constitution, or the original Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights weren't even part of the original Constitution. So that nonsense about the "original intent" is bunk.

Why is the 14th Amendment good in of itself?

The original intent of the framers, for what it's worth, was also that the Constitution would be able to be amended, by the People, and thus the document contains a mechanism for that,

put there by the founders.

Your crackpot notion that the people of this country were expected by the founders to live under the original Constitution, as is, in perpetuity,

qualifies as the laugh of the month.

More proof the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Then cite, specifically, what I got wrong.
Bullshit. Feminism is about equality of women in the workplace, about equal pay for women doing the same jobs as men, about a woman's right to choice in abortion, about health insurance that doesn't discriminate against women, about women's access to credit and mortgages. It's about women having the same opportunities for education, employment and advancement as men.

It is only the most ill-informed or misognyistic who would suggest that feminisim is only interested in sex and abortions.

And for the record Kaz, Fluke wasn't asking tax payers to cover the cost of her birth control, she was asking for the private health care insurance provided by her university, for which she was required to pay the sum of $4,000, not have the birth control provisions of the ACA exempted because she happened to be attending a Catholic school.

Fluke, and the other female students from Georgetown University are paying for their own health care, not asking the government to pay for it. In believing otherwise, you again come off as ill-informed or mysogynistic, or both.

I didn't say what feminism is, I said what the Democratic party and Democratic women say it is, and they say it is what I said they say it is.

I'm not a Democrat but that struck me as dense too.
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson

And on that subject, on the matter of being bound to the laws made by those long dead, Jefferson said:

"...the dead have no rights. They are nothing; and nothing cannot own something. Where there is no substance, there can be no accident.

This corporeal globe, and everything upon it, belong to its present corporeal inhabitants, during their generation.

They alone have a right to direct what is the concern of themselves alone, and to declare the law of that direction; and this declaration can only be made by their majority."

Letter to Samuel Kercheval | Teaching American History
The original intent of the framers, for what it's worth, was also that the Constitution would be able to be amended, by the People, and thus the document contains a mechanism for that,

put there by the founders.

Your crackpot notion that the people of this country were expected by the founders to live under the original Constitution, as is, in perpetuity,

qualifies as the laugh of the month.

More proof the far left does not understand the Constitution.

Then cite, specifically, what I got wrong.

By the people!

That is a talking point, the people do not amend the constitution.
"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." ~ Thomas Jefferson

And on that subject, on the matter of being bound to the laws made by those long dead, Jefferson said:

"...the dead have no rights. They are nothing; and nothing cannot own something. Where there is no substance, there can be no accident.

This corporeal globe, and everything upon it, belong to its present corporeal inhabitants, during their generation.

They alone have a right to direct what is the concern of themselves alone, and to declare the law of that direction; and this declaration can only be made by their majority."

Letter to Samuel Kercheval | Teaching American History

Nice cut and paste, but do you understand what you posted?

I'm not a Democrat but that struck me as dense too.

So you finally admitting that being far left is not really being a democrat?


Let me explain something to you dumbass.

Liberalism is a philosophy; the Democratic Party is a political party. Liberals can be liberals without being in the Party. That is where I come down. It's probably too hard for you to understand and that's okay...I'll add it to the mountain of things you can't grasp.
And Fluke wasn't paying for birth control, it wasn't part of her policy. That means her health insurance company was not charging her for it. If you have evidence that her health insurance company was charging her for birth control coverage, then provide it. But so far, you haven't.

Fluke was ASKING that birth control be included in her health insurance policy as REQUIRED by the ACA. She was NOT asking the taxpayers to pay for her birth control which is what Rush Limbaugh told you she was asking for, and you dutifully parroted.
-- So you're running away from your own statement? Abandoning ship?

No, I'm laughing at you for your childish hypocrisy. You're asking me to justify a statement for a reason you have no objection to at all. You have no standard for that or anything else ... as long as it was said by a liberal ...

You're a joke, you're empty pants, I just don't take you or anything you say seriously. How could I?

Translation: "I made shit up and got called on it. Boo hoo." :eusa_boohoo:

I didn't say what feminism is, I said what the Democratic party and Democratic women say it is, and they say it is what I said they say it is.

I'm not a Democrat but that struck me as dense too.

"Here's what I say it is, but then I also say that they say what I say it is is what they say it is. But I can't quote them saying that, it's just me saying that they say what I say it is is what they say it is."

I'll have an ipse dixit sandwich, hold the evidence. Make it a double.

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I'm not a Democrat but that struck me as dense too.

"Here's what I say it is, but then I also say that they say what I say it is is what they say it is. But I can't quote them saying that, it's just me saying that they say what I say it is is what they say it is."

I'll have an ipse dixit sandwich, hold the evidence. Make it a double.


That's what I was laughing about. Her speaking for people she obviously knows nothing about and doesn't understand. Also, there is a complete lack of evidence to support her contention of what they think. Pretty ridiculous and hilarious, having a first class conservative ignoramus telling me what I think. Sentence structure is another indication of her clarity of mind.
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Secondly, "Feminism" isn't about defending all women from attacks. I don't know why you keep using that term.

Feminism is a Lesbian Movement hiding behind the skirts of femininity.

" Lesbians must become feminists and fight against woman oppression, just as feminists must become Lesbians if they hope to end male supremacy.... Race, class, and national oppressions come from men, serve ruling class white men's interests, and have no place in a woman-identified revolution....Changes which will have more than token effects on our lives will be led by women-identified Lesbians who understand the nature of our oppression and are therefore in a position to end it." Lesbians In Revolt - by Charlotte Bunch

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