Sen. Allen would make church mandatory. God help us.

"I believe what's happening to our country is that there's a moral erosion of the soul of America," she said.

Allen later told the Arizona Capitol Times that she wished things were more like they were in the 1950s.

Allen told the Times, "People prayed, people went to church. I remember on Sundays the stores were closed. The biggest thing is religion was kicked out of our public places, out of our schools."


There is no 'moral erosion,' the notion is unfounded idiocy.

And religion, Christianity in particular, has no 'monopoly' on morality, those of other faiths, or free from faith, are perfectly capable of being moral – no 'rebirth' necessary.
Really???!!!,just a casual glance at day time TV,kicks that in the ass.
How would you force everyone to get up on Sunday and go to Church? send police door to door? whos going to pay for all that over time?

Wouldn't the cops need search warrants too?

How does anyone that stupid even get elected?
Exactly. How DOES anyone that stupid get elected?

We've been asking that about many of the Democrats and Obama. He doesn't just want to FORCE us to buy insurance, he went ahead and put his fascist plan into a law. and then he was dreaming of forcing us all to have to vote next. what is wrong with you Democrat voters anyway

hummhumm. hit a nerve? Truth always does

You couldn't hit the side of a barn from the inside.

The level of sheer stupidity displayed by the AZ state senator actually make you appear semi sentient by comparison.
"I believe what's happening to our country is that there's a moral erosion of the soul of America," she said.

Allen later told the Arizona Capitol Times that she wished things were more like they were in the 1950s.

Allen told the Times, "People prayed, people went to church. I remember on Sundays the stores were closed. The biggest thing is religion was kicked out of our public places, out of our schools."


There is no 'moral erosion,' the notion is unfounded idiocy.

And religion, Christianity in particular, has no 'monopoly' on morality, those of other faiths, or free from faith, are perfectly capable of being moral – no 'rebirth' necessary.
Really???!!!,just a casual glance at day time TV,kicks that in the ass.
Yes, really.

Neither your subjective perception nor TV are how things actually are.

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