Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

I’ve never claimed that nobody has been able to identify anything false about the project. You claiming that I’ve said that is actually a lie so that’s pretty ironic. If you don’t agree then show when I said that, our conversation is all on record.
Speaking of lies you haven't disagreed and countered the whole notion that
the 1619 Project is riddled with errors and mistakes? :rolleyes:
Because if you agree that the project is politicized drivel, what are you complaining about?

I’m here asking questions and I’ve asked time and time again for you to point to an example of a falsehood that you take issue with so we can dig. You must have brought up the Lincoln point with somebody else... but now that you finally pointed to something then great... let’s take a look.

What exactly did the article say about Lincoln that you think is a lie?
I posted it so people could see that for themselves. That's sort of the whole idea. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel for you. My citation goes into all that.
How about this: You read the citation I provided and tell me where it's gone wrong.
That's how these things work, isn't it? I provide the information that is con and you provide the pro?
Well, I've already done my part.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.

I’ve always taught my kids that slavery in America was the best thing that ever happened to Africans and black Americans of today.

Your white inbred kids aren't going to like you for that.

Haha..that’s an awful lot of projection.
When they ask...”Dad, why haven’t blacks fought to be sent back to Africa to live that amazing life they missed out on?”
What bullshit story should I tell them?

That generations of black children have been born in this country and have no ties to the African continent and deserve to be treated as equal humans where ever they live in this one.

Simple enough. Don't see any reason why you couldn't relate that true to them.

They know that no black of today would push the magic button that would unwind history and allow them to be born in Africa.

They must also swallow the following..

  1. "It requires imagining enslaved people felt affection or endearment toward slaveholders."
  2. It props up the myth of the White savior, a paternalistic figure who was necessary to civilize the Black race.
  3. And it ignores the brutality, violence and force necessary to maintain slavery.

I’ve never claimed that nobody has been able to identify anything false about the project. You claiming that I’ve said that is actually a lie so that’s pretty ironic. If you don’t agree then show when I said that, our conversation is all on record.
Speaking of lies you haven't disagreed and countered the whole notion that
the 1619 Project is riddled with errors and mistakes? :rolleyes:
Because if you agree that the project is politicized drivel, what are you complaining about?

I’m here asking questions and I’ve asked time and time again for you to point to an example of a falsehood that you take issue with so we can dig. You must have brought up the Lincoln point with somebody else... but now that you finally pointed to something then great... let’s take a look.

What exactly did the article say about Lincoln that you think is a lie?
I posted it so people could see that for themselves. That's sort of the whole idea. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel for you. My citation goes into all that.
How about this: You read the citation I provided and tell me where it's gone wrong.
That's how these things work, isn't it? I provide the information that is con and you provide the pro?
Well, I've already done my part.
I’m trying to address your point that it is riddled with lies by actually looking at the things you consider lies but you won’t go down that road with me. Why not??

I agree that we have credible historians that have taken issue with it. I know corrections have been made. So let’s now look at what it is, what’s being discussed about it in school and if there is something you think is a lie then let’s look at it. Can you name anything specific? You mentioned Lincoln. What lie about Lincoln do you think it is telling? Or pick something else.
They must also swallow the following..

  1. "It requires imagining enslaved people felt affection or endearment toward slaveholders."
  2. It props up the myth of the White savior, a paternalistic figure who was necessary to civilize the Black race.
  3. And it ignores the brutality, violence and force necessary to maintain slavery.

That is foolish and doesn't follow at all and you should probably look at immigration statistics of Americans relocating to Africa to realize how foolish your post is.

We see lots of movement from Africa to the US. But the reverse? We hardly see any of that.
In fact do a Google search of the matter. Dozens of stories about Africans migrating to the US.
You can't find a single story of the reverse. It rarely happens.
I’m trying to address your point that it is riddled with lies by actually looking at the things you consider lies but you won’t go down that road with me. Why not??

I agree that we have credible historians that have taken issue with it. I know corrections have been made. So let’s now look at what it is, what’s being discussed about it in school and if there is something you think is a lie then let’s look at it. Can you name anything specific? You mentioned Lincoln. What lie about Lincoln do you think it is telling? Or pick something else
Are you retarded? That is rhetorical because clearly I have pointed out many times now the citation I
provided that goes into detail about how the 1619 Project has lied and besmirched Abraham Lincoln.

Their shouldn't be one single question about the matter because obviously I have already provided lots of information. Get bent, troll.
This is the GOP's form of virtue signaling to the base.

Knowing full well that it will never get past the House, he can then go out in front of his constituents and say, "See what a conservative I am!"

Never will you see this kind of bill when the GOP has control of both houses.
No, I’d call it Americans trying to protect American history and legacy from democrat Marxist revolutionaries.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.
I'm sorry that your children are exposed to atheistic, communistic principles and propaganda, Preacher. If you are pastor of a church, perhaps you could use the buildings that hold sunday school rooms to educate children, grades preschool and 1-8 or through high school, even
I’m trying to address your point that it is riddled with lies by actually looking at the things you consider lies but you won’t go down that road with me. Why not??

I agree that we have credible historians that have taken issue with it. I know corrections have been made. So let’s now look at what it is, what’s being discussed about it in school and if there is something you think is a lie then let’s look at it. Can you name anything specific? You mentioned Lincoln. What lie about Lincoln do you think it is telling? Or pick something else
Are you retarded? That is rhetorical because clearly I have pointed out many times now the citation I
provided that goes into detail about how the 1619 Project has lied and besmirched Abraham Lincoln.

Their shouldn't be one single question about the matter because obviously I have already provided lots of information. Get bent, troll.
You havent cited anything with me and I apologize if I missed it in a comment you made with somebody else. Can you tell me what the specific lie was? I’ve researched it and see critiques that she referenced a speech Abe gave where he suggested freed slaves colonize outside the US. The critiques come from her omitting all the other things he did to combat slavery in this country. Is that the lie you are talking about or is there something else?

and why are you making me guess? Just state your argument. Your a grown up and I’m here ready to discuss. You’ve wasted more time giving non answers that you would if you just gave straight answers
This is the GOP's form of virtue signaling to the base.

Knowing full well that it will never get past the House, he can then go out in front of his constituents and say, "See what a conservative I am!"

Never will you see this kind of bill when the GOP has control of both houses.
No, I’d call it Americans trying to protect American history and legacy from democrat Marxist revolutionaries.
Protect it from what? Seems like this project is just adding a different perspective. That could be enriching our history by bringing more to the table, don’t you think?
They must also swallow the following..

  1. "It requires imagining enslaved people felt affection or endearment toward slaveholders."
  2. It props up the myth of the White savior, a paternalistic figure who was necessary to civilize the Black race.
  3. And it ignores the brutality, violence and force necessary to maintain slavery.

That is foolish and doesn't follow at all and you should probably look at immigration statistics of Americans relocating to Africa to realize how foolish your post is.

We see lots of movement from Africa to the US. But the reverse? We hardly see any of that.
In fact do a Google search of the matter. Dozens of stories about Africans migrating to the US.
You can't find a single story of the reverse. It rarely happens.

So to you, immigration is the same as slavery.

brokerloser didn't mention immigration. He stated that slavery was good for black people and has taught his children that. In order to believe that you have to believe in the three things that I posted.
You havent cited anything with me and I apologize if I missed it in a comment you made with somebody else. Can you tell me what the specific lie was? I’ve researched it and see critics that she referenced a speech Abe have where he suggested freed slaves colonize outside the US. The critiques come from her omitting all the other things he did to combat slavery in this country. Is that the lie you are talking about or is there something else?

and why are you making me guess? Just state your argument. Your a grown up and I’m here ready to discuss. You’ve wasted more time giving non answers that you would if you just gave straight answers
Stop throwing rocks, hypocrite, while you critique me.
My mention of Nikole Hannah-Jones brutal treatment of Abraham Lincoln (the one person in American history of any political power up to that point in time who took up the cause of abolition so you'd think he would be spared angry nit picking criticisms, but no) pertains entirely to his proposition to freed slaves to relocate to their own nation in Central America, purchased by the government (not unlike Liberia funded by abolitionist societies).

Why providing ex slaves with a nation of their own is evil and deserves harsh criticism is beyond me.
But Nikole Hannah Jones was selected by the white man's newspaper to smear anyone not in love with BLM and it's Marxist critical race theory so none of this has to make sense to sensible people.

Read the fucking citation, troll.
So to you, immigration is the same as slavery.
No. That's ridiculous so I can see why
you would come up with such idiocy.

brokerloser didn't mention immigration. He stated that slavery was good for black people and has taught his children that. In order to believe that you have to believe in the three things that I posted.
Slavery in the long view has been beneficial for blacks but no one can claim slavery itself was
good. I certainly don't.
You havent cited anything with me and I apologize if I missed it in a comment you made with somebody else. Can you tell me what the specific lie was? I’ve researched it and see critics that she referenced a speech Abe have where he suggested freed slaves colonize outside the US. The critiques come from her omitting all the other things he did to combat slavery in this country. Is that the lie you are talking about or is there something else?

and why are you making me guess? Just state your argument. Your a grown up and I’m here ready to discuss. You’ve wasted more time giving non answers that you would if you just gave straight answers
Stop throwing rocks, hypocrite, while you critique me.
My mention of Nikole Hannah-Jones brutal treatment of Abraham Lincoln (the one person in American history of any political power up to that point in time who took up the cause of abolition so you'd think he would be spared angry nit picking criticisms, but no) pertains entirely to his proposition to freed slaves to relocate to their own nation in Central America, purchased by the government (not unlike Liberia funded by abolitionist societies).

Why providing ex slaves with a nation of their own is evil and deserves harsh criticism is beyond me.
But Nikole Hannah Jones was selected by the white man's newspaper to smear anyone not in love with BLM and it's Marxist critical race theory so none of this has to make sense to sensible people.

Read the fucking citation, troll.
What was the harsh criticism? From what I read she included the quotes from his speech and idea to colonize elsewhere. Was there more where she lied about something Abe said or criticized him in an unfair way?
Protect it from what? Seems like this project is just adding a different perspective. That could be enriching our history by bringing more to the table, don’t you think?
Dishonest discussions with hidden agendas are never beneficial except to those with that agenda.
I’ve been trying to have an honest discussion With you for pages now but you won’t get specific, won’t answer my questions and have called me a liar when all I’m doing is asking questions and trying to engage in the substance. So are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
What was the harsh criticism? From what I read she included the quotes from his speech and idea to colonize elsewhere. Was there more where she lied about something Abe said or criticized him in an unfair way?
You said you hadn't read any of the project. Now you claim differently when it suits your purposes.
did work, greatest economic times in the history of America until the China pandemic hit us
Ha ha
We were under Obama economics till the first fiscal year of the gop tax cut budget increased the deficit by two trillion....thats deficit not debt. Literally 2 trillion is added to unimployment benefits the gov is forced to make. That means, no infrastructure programs. Btw, it was the incompetents of Trump that has thousands being infected daily instead of a hundreds in European countries. They are cranking up with jobs in tact while our healthcare and jobs are GONE. THIS IS THE TENTH GOP RECESSION FOR THE GOP TO One FOR DEMS.
Obama lol Obama was the worst president in the history of America everybody agrees with that all serious economist say Obama was a joke optimism is through the roof with Trump.. you can’t make that number up..
you got anything else tds?
There was a message in that run sentence some where.

Good! I have to do enough teaching my kids real history after they come home with their heads filled with leftist propaganda.
Why is 1619 leftist propaganda?
Well dumbfuck, try doing some research. This crap has been called nothing but lies and fabrications by EVERY leading US Historian on either side of the aisle. This shit might be good for wrapping fish or lining the bird cage, that’s it.
What’s the top lies that you take issue with? Give me 2 or 3 specific ones.... I’d love to read about them and dig in
The whole thing is bullshit you dumbfuck. That’s per RESPECTED US Historians. Who are a lot smarter than you you. I don’t care to hear you defend these lies. Period. Just keep parroting your Dim masters. You know you sound like an idiot here right? Remain ignorant. It suits you.
Protect it from what? Seems like this project is just adding a different perspective. That could be enriching our history by bringing more to the table, don’t you think?
Dishonest discussions with hidden agendas are never beneficial except to those with that agenda.
I’ve been trying to have an honest discussion With you for pages now but you won’t get specific, won’t answer my questions and have called me a liar when all I’m doing is asking questions and trying to engage in the substance. So are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
Welcome to a political forum.

He added: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

Well there you have it.I would hope that Mr Cottons remarks will silence the chattering of leftist revisionists. Those whining darkies need to shut up and consider how lucky they are #maga
Another sleaze started a thread on this and he got his ass handed to him. But you like that. It was a quote of one of the Founding Fathers you disingenuous fag.

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”
Cotton is a fucking tool.

I'm just tickled with the irony that we have a thread about Cotton.


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