Sen. Cotton Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Schools Teaching ‘1619 Project’

You are totally ignorant of history... Fucking Idiot...

The US would have never formed if they had not let DEMOCRAT (anti-federalists) states keep their slaves...
Huh ?
There was no democrat party, it was called the Republican Party and the Federalists.
It featured two national parties competing for control of the presidency, Congress, and the states: the Federalist Party, created largely by Alexander Hamilton, and the rival Jeffersonian Democratic-Republican Party, formed by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, usually called at the time the Republican Party.

He added: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

Well there you have it.I would hope that Mr Cottons remarks will silence the chattering of leftist revisionists. Those whining darkies need to shut up and consider how lucky they are #maga
Another sleaze started a thread on this and he got his ass handed to him. But you like that. It was a quote of one of the Founding Fathers you disingenuous fag.

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”
Cotton is a fucking tool.
Cotton is a decorated Afghanistan War vet. What have you ever done with your life? Oh, that's right, nothing.

He lives in London....imagine how that is and how we will go down the same path if biden wins.

The english invented white guilt.

London. The city with a building that looks like a gigantic dildo. How appropriate for Tommy Taint.
That many slave owners were also great men formulated the concept of a democratic republic and human rights in ways that inspired much of the world for centuries?
You can’t be a great man and own slaves. The Southern gentlemen That “ formulated democratic republic and human rights” as you put it, did so for themselves. That did not include slaves or even women nor the Native American. They were great if you were a white male plantation owner. It’s the same with the declaration of independents. It applied to the white guys sitting around the table, not to women, American Indians or slaves...

You can't be a man at all if you try to judge generations long past by today's standards. BTW, the American indians, ie transplanted Asians, also held and bought and sold slaves, long before whites ever came to what's now known as North America.

Indeed. The practice of slavery has been recorded on every continent save Antarctica at some point in history, certainly including within Europe.

What differs in this case is specifically transAtlantic slavery, the practice of capturing humans from one continent and shipping them off in chains to entirely another, a journey which to them might as well be one of us being abducted by interstellar aliens. "Traditional" slavery was part of the spoils of war --- my tribe conquers yours, that means I get your land, your crops, and your people. When your tribe conquers mine, the reverse happens.

But that's simply a social status between neighboring tribes, who are already familiar with each others' land, language and customs. TransAtlantic slavery was much deeper in that in order to justify that human trafficking the victims had to be sold as something less than human, so the merchants who had started that trade, merchants from Spain, France, England, Portugal mainly --- invented the idea of racism. "Savages".

And that ALL started more than 250 years before there were any political parties, or countries as we define them, on either of these continents at all.

Comparing that to the sort of slavery between neighboring Native Americans or between neighboring Europeans, is ultimately dishonest. And speaking of ignorance I love the way the poster above speaks of "the American Indians" ---- as if they're some kind of monolith just because they all have a common race. Broad-brush much?
You such a piece of hypocritical ignorant shit. Really.

The Barbary Coast slave trade was Europeans being enslaved from Europe to Africa.

The Trans-Sahara slave trade was going on for 700 years before Europe got involved. Which means the slave trade was a well established INDUSTRY and NO Europeans didn't capture Africans with nets and kidnap them.

Africans were complicit in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.

What we also know is a republican has never owned a slave. We also know Republicans freed the slaves, desegregated the schools in this country......

Oh never mind. You a patronizing idiot racist.

Here's a post that suddenly abandoned ship upon looking up "Ulysses Grant" in its childish quest to construct an Ass-ociation Fallacy. Wuh-oh.

Grant never owned a slave. There was ONE SLAVE that was owned by his relative, but not owned by Grant.

That make you sad?

Ignoring all the slaves owned by Native Americans? Yeah, yeah you are.

And why?

Cause you nor any virtue signaling hypocrite like you couldn't care less about the slaves. Only how they can advance your political aspirations.

Which makes you an unreal piece of shit.

Yeah he did. As noted before, to the same degree Martin van Buren did. Grant was in fact the last POTUS to have been a slaveowner.

Watcha gone do with that pet ass-ociation fallacy now, Gomer?

Fatter o' mact if you wanna count that way, we did that the other day. So we had nine POTUSes who were or had been active slaveowners. Three were Democratic-Republicans, which is related to neither. Three were Whigs. Two were Democrats, if you count Johnson, and two got into office with no party at all. And I'm not counting Grant or van Buren, each of whom inherited a single slave and freed them.

Ass-ociation Fallacies be gettin' all complex and shit.
All cries of racial oppression only comes from towns run by democrats, for. 1800’s 1950’s to today.. all racist democrats.

Towns are not "run by democrats [sic]". The vast majority of municipalities large and small, don't even list political parties in their elections. That's because they are IRRELEVANT to the business of managing a town.
Are you on crack!? Lol New York Chicago Baltimore Portland Oakland Boston Detroit all run by fucking Democrats all high in crime all race riots
Youre the one on on crack and pretty much idiotic. It’s really quite laughable how stupid you are. These larger cities are in states that overall are doing much better then red backwards states that need all the aid. Backward states can’t supply the aid with out help and the state’s with these larger cities are donor states. If they were allowed to keep their tax dollars, their larger cities which generate most of income in the in the entire united states would have fewer problems. It’s about population density fool. GOP can’t get elected for big cities because they don’t even believe in government
We don’t get elected because we don’t lie to blacks every four years in black neighborhoods like democrats, do and your fallacies about red states are laughable.. And it still doesn’t change the fact that all the race riots all the blacks crying about racial oppression are only happening in town run by democrats
No, you lie to everyone.....Telling everyone that cutting the taxes on the rich is good while you promote another recession and decrease economic opportunities for them. Blacks don’t vote republican because the poor and working poor and minorities that the gop discriminates against, are hardest hit by their recessions. Recessions follow the gop around like puppy dogs. It kills infrastructure and economics for everyone but the rich who buy up the middle class assets, then come out on the other end wealthier then they went in. It’s a simple strategy promoted by the gop for years.

He added: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

Well there you have it.I would hope that Mr Cottons remarks will silence the chattering of leftist revisionists. Those whining darkies need to shut up and consider how lucky they are #maga
Another sleaze started a thread on this and he got his ass handed to him. But you like that. It was a quote of one of the Founding Fathers you disingenuous fag.

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”
Cotton is a fucking tool.
Cotton is a decorated Afghanistan War vet. What have you ever done with your life? Oh, that's right, nothing.
Cotton is a racist wanker.

He added: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

Well there you have it.I would hope that Mr Cottons remarks will silence the chattering of leftist revisionists. Those whining darkies need to shut up and consider how lucky they are #maga
Another sleaze started a thread on this and he got his ass handed to him. But you like that. It was a quote of one of the Founding Fathers you disingenuous fag.

“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”
Cotton is a fucking tool.
Cotton is a decorated Afghanistan War vet. What have you ever done with your life? Oh, that's right, nothing.
Cotton is a racist wanker.
You would like to give him a good "wanking" wouldn't you fag boy?
And you wonder why so many people plan to vote against Republicans in November.
Racism is rampant in their ranks.
I hope a reporter asks Trump and every vulnerable Reublican if they agree with Cotton:.
"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,” he said.'
Snowflake, do you think whites / Republicans invented slavery, as some dumbass Democrat declared on the House floor?

Why do you think plantation-owning Democrats engaged in slavery?

Why do you think they tore the nation apart by waging a war over it? For 'shits and grins', or was it because they needed the slave labor for their way of life to continue?
- Why didn't they just use 'migrant workers'?

Slavery aside, Democrats use Saul Alensky's book, Rules for Radicals', in which keeping people DIVIDED and fighting each other is taught as a foundational ideology, as a playbook and have for decades.

In 2016 BLM & Antifa took money from Russians and Soros to spread racial division and an election year.

It is no coincidence that both groups and the Democrats have broken out their copies of Alensky's Rules for Radicals and this time have committed themselves 100% to the nation-destroying level of division and violence due to their lust for power and total control.

Yup. Conservative southerners were the slave masters. Democrats used to be the conservatives.
Or do you think today's Democrats invented slavery?
Nice try, commie.

Democrats could not keep their slaves so they created the KKK... Shove your revisionist history attempts.

"Democrats" did not create the KKK. I've already laid that out, including who did, including where and when.

Further, that Klan had nothing to do with slavery. It's doubtful any of them had slaves, and it's certain that none were Democrats, since that was impossible.

But you go right ahead and try to prove me wrong, Bubbles. I'll sit and watch.
Revisionist history attempt.

Southern Democrats / the Democrats are the party of the KKK, Jim Crowe, Segregation, the policies of economic slavery, Saul Alensky, BLM, Antifa, Mao-quoting Biden, Marx-quoting Dr Blasio, China-serving Feinstein, failed coup attempt / America-spying Constitution/Rule of Law-violating Barry....

He added: “We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as [Abraham] Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction.”

Well there you have it.I would hope that Mr Cottons remarks will silence the chattering of leftist revisionists. Those whining darkies need to shut up and consider how lucky they are #maga

You tell more truth than you realize...........blacks should fall down on their knees and thank God that their ancestors were brought over here......saving them and their ancestors from the horrors of Africa where life spans back then were much shorter than they are even today lest we forget the millions that perished not that long ago in africa from famine. Not even to mention all the diseases they have to contend with.

well----I do not agree with that "thanks" thing-----any of the positive outcomes were simply unintended
cherries on top. Slavery MOVED people around the globe. ------and that's about it
There's no "degrees of evil" or value judgment rendered there except in calling out that false equivalence as dishonest argument. That's it, full stop, period, aaaaand SCENE.

Except - there is no false equivalence. Again - the dishonest argument is your attempt to make a distinction without a difference.

A slave is property owned by another to be used as they see fit - no matter if that slave made a journey of 50 miles, hundreds of miles or thousands of matter the bonds - chains, rawhide, papyrus or velvet, no matter the skin color of the 'master, no matter whether the slave is scraping hides or picking cotton.
Telling everyone that cutting the taxes on the rich is good while you promote
It did work, greatest economic times in the history of America until the China pandemic hit us.
Blacks don’t vote republican because the poor and working poor and minorities
Blacks have only gotten more poor under democrats because democrats promise everything for free every four years.
It kills infrastructure and economics
trump has talked about infrastructure all four years and Democrats won’t even come to the table..
you live in fallacy land. Wake up .
I’m asking for the OPs opinion. I’ll ask for yours as well. I’m not interested in reading a random google article for somebody else’s opinion. I’m here to discuss so let’s discuss. What are YOUR thoughts? WHY specifically is 1619 leftist propaganda?
My very first response in this thread on this answered this question yet you've asked it intermittently over and over again as if I never said a word. You've been consistently dishonest about this all.
did work, greatest economic times in the history of America until the China pandemic hit us
Ha ha
We were under Obama economics till the first fiscal year of the gop tax cut budget increased the deficit by two trillion....thats deficit not debt. Literally 2 trillion is added to unimployment benefits the gov is forced to make. That means, no infrastructure programs. Btw, it was the incompetents of Trump that has thousands being infected daily instead of a hundreds in European countries. They are cranking up with jobs in tact while our healthcare and jobs are GONE. THIS IS THE TENTH GOP RECESSION FOR THE GOP TO One FOR DEMS.
trump has talked about infrastructure all four years and Democrats won’t even come to the table..
you live in fallacy land. Wake up .
Ha ha
That’s fake shit. Republicans were in TOTAL control of the budget for the FURST TWO YEARS ....DAH.
After the tax cuts, There is no money. The yearly deficit is 2 trillion BEFORE the pandemic. Dems won’t come to the table NOw because first, republicans still control 2/3 of the budget process and two, they’ll cut SS, medicare and Medicaid to do it.

The gop has a joke plan where roads will be turned over to the private sector so every road worked on, every bridge repaired you will be charged a toll. Geesus, that means the street you live on could be tolled as soon as you leave your driveway.
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did work, greatest economic times in the history of America until the China pandemic hit us
Ha ha
We were under Obama economics till the first fiscal year of the gop tax cut budget increased the deficit by two trillion....thats deficit not debt. Literally 2 trillion is added to unimployment benefits the gov is forced to make. That means, no infrastructure programs. Btw, it was the incompetents of Trump that has thousands being infected daily instead of a hundreds in European countries. They are cranking up with jobs in tact while our healthcare and jobs are GONE. THIS IS THE TENTH GOP RECESSION FOR THE GOP TO One FOR DEMS.
Obama lol Obama was the worst president in the history of America everybody agrees with that all serious economist say Obama was a joke optimism is through the roof with Trump.. you can’t make that number up..
you got anything else tds?
trump has talked about infrastructure all four years and Democrats won’t even come to the table..
you live in fallacy land. Wake up .
Ha ha
There is no money. The yearly deficit is 2 trillion BEFORE the pandemic. Dems won’t come to the table because first, republicans still control 2/3 of the budget process and two, they’ll cut SS, medicare and Medicaid to do it.
No money!? Lol they keep passing welfare for the Covid hoax.. are you in America? Lol
I’m asking for the OPs opinion. I’ll ask for yours as well. I’m not interested in reading a random google article for somebody else’s opinion. I’m here to discuss so let’s discuss. What are YOUR thoughts? WHY specifically is 1619 leftist propaganda?
My very first response in this thread on this answered this question yet you've asked it intermittently over and over again as if I never said a word. You've been consistently dishonest about this all.
I’ve been nothing but honest. What do you think I lied about?
Tom Cotton is a flaming idiot who should keep his fool mouth shut. :rolleyes:

"We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built."
I’m asking for the OPs opinion. I’ll ask for yours as well. I’m not interested in reading a random google article for somebody else’s opinion. I’m here to discuss so let’s discuss. What are YOUR thoughts? WHY specifically is 1619 leftist propaganda?
My very first response in this thread on this answered this question yet you've asked it intermittently over and over again as if I never said a word. You've been consistently dishonest about this all.
I’ve been nothing but honest. What do you think I lied about?
You lie, or misstate facts, every time you claim no one has been able to identify anything wrong or false about the 1619 Project. For instance I provide a a citation showing how Lincoln was slandered by the project
and that objection is completely ignored.

You've consistently said no one can provide anything about the 1619 Project that reflects negatively on it
yet that just isn't so.
And once again let me add that purely by the fact that the NY Times is behind and promoting this
project it speaks volumes about it.
Well you might as well tell us what you think the truth actually is.
Your going to get so into the Prog agendas that within a couple of decades you will be living like many do in the dark continent today. The rise and fall of nations is human history. When they fall due to stupidity though, it brings some extra howls of laughter.

You mean like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Germany or any other first world nation?

The USA, with it's right wing corporatism, racism, lack of decent wages or employee protections is the nation who keeps crashing the economy, and having massive unemployment and unrest. The rest of the world which have governments where the wealthiest 20% are getting less than 50% of the wealth and income of the nation, versus 80% in the USA, all have a higher standard of living, and healthier and happier populations than Americans.

YOU'RE the ones whose life expectancy is dwindling, who have no universal health insurance, where 40% of workers need government handouts just to eat or keep a roof over their heads.

The rest of the world has governments who put their PEOPLE FIRST.

By every measure, the USA started to decline when Republicans took over the economy and kill the New Deal, the War on Poverty, and the union movement.
I’m asking for the OPs opinion. I’ll ask for yours as well. I’m not interested in reading a random google article for somebody else’s opinion. I’m here to discuss so let’s discuss. What are YOUR thoughts? WHY specifically is 1619 leftist propaganda?
My very first response in this thread on this answered this question yet you've asked it intermittently over and over again as if I never said a word. You've been consistently dishonest about this all.
I’ve been nothing but honest. What do you think I lied about?
You lie, or misstate facts, every time you claim no one has been able to identify anything wrong or false about the 1619 Project. For instance I provide a a citation showing how Lincoln was slandered by the project
and that objection is completely ignored.

You've consistently said no one can provide anything about the 1619 Project that reflects negatively on it
yet that just isn't so.
And once again let me add that purely by the fact that the NY Times is behind and promoting this
project it speaks volumes about it.
I’ve never claimed that nobody has been able to identify anything false about the project. You claiming that I’ve said that is actually a lie so that’s pretty ironic. If you don’t agree then show when I said that, our conversation is all on record.

I’m here asking questions and I’ve asked time and time again for you to point to an example of a falsehood that you take issue with so we can dig. You must have brought up the Lincoln point with somebody else... but now that you finally pointed to something then great... let’s take a look.

What exactly did the article say about Lincoln that you think is a lie?

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