Sen Hawley asks Khiara Bridges: "You've referred to 'people with a capacity for pregnancy.' Would that be women?"...she tells him he's transphobic

When Justice Brown was asked, "What is a woman?" and she responded, "I don't know, I'm not a biologist", it was not that she did not know what a woman was. In fact, asking a biologist would be a mistake as well, since a biologist would point to the XY and XX chromosomes and the fact that they either have a uterus or they do not. Brown refused to answer because this is the response of a biologist, or should be, but she did not want to give it because her political constituency is now trying to define what a woman was and did not want to offend them.

If truthful, she would have said, "Ask a psychologist". This is because, the whole gender new identity movement is all about appeasing people who think they are the opposite sex, but instead of forcing them back to reality by telling them they have a mental disorder, which may lead to suicide, it is better to go along with their mental disorder than try to fix something that can't be fixed. But if Justice Brown should have said, "Ask a mental health professional what a woman is", that would be wrong as well because that would acknowledge where the problem lies.

As with all liberal positions, it it one based on raw emotion and lies, and not logic or the facts, much like the recent claim that a 10 year old girl was denied an abortion. No such girl exists, just like there is no biological way to convert to the opposite sex.
To avoid the trap, I think her best response would have been to ask a clarifying question, "Do you mean to a biologist or to a psychologist?", because they would give different answers. At one point in recent history, they would have given the same answer, not so much today. Ultimately, when speaking about biology, men are men, women are women, and only women can get pregnant.
Voltaire said it best when he was describing the way a culture is destroyed from within. "If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities". When the moral compas of any culture is destroyed so goes the culture. This WOMAN is an idiot and a traitor to the United States.

Don't be juvenile.
That's exactly what I'm saying.

I can say "that's a nice pair of shoes" without offending the amputee community.

Nor does the one footed coalition expect every person to change there speech patterns to accommodate them.

This is no different.

And I suspect the Trans Dude who is pregnant doesn't give a flyin' flute about some virtue signalling dipstick demanding everyone say "birthing people".

I think they have a pretty good idea that if they still have working woman parts, that they are biologically a woman.
They are making a fight where one doesn't exist in order to cause or widen a divide.

Hire a team of dumbasses to spout shit in a forum and hey, it works.
I don't think so. She just wasn't going to play their games.
She chose the side whose games she wanted to play. And her answer made her look and sound retarded. Even a moron libtard, willing to be honest rather than PC, could have answered the question. But saying “duh. I dunno. I’m not a biologist” was cowardly and transparent and laughable.
I don't think you are playing it.

What is so hard about this. Sex is biology, gender is psychology. A man can live as a woman, but he can't get pregnant. You all play all sorts of head games, but it's very simple. A woman living as a man doesn't produce sperm.
Someone that Hawley dreamed up says something that is totally Cra,Cra and you expect me to take him serious? Him just trying to "(re)peat suck nonsense tells me that he's a fruitcake. And you defending him for it tells me that you are also a MAGA Rumpster Domestic Terrorist and Traitor.

You're a moron, watch the video.
What is so hard about this. Sex is biology, gender is psychology. A man can live as a woman, but he can't get pregnant. You all play all sorts of head games, but it's very simple. A woman living as a man doesn't produce sperm.

Sex and gender are the same thing unless you mean gender pretending.
What is so hard about this. Sex is biology, gender is psychology. A man can live as a woman, but he can't get pregnant. You all play all sorts of head games, but it's very simple. A woman living as a man doesn't produce sperm.
A man living as a woman won’t have a uterus and therefore will not be pregnant. It is simple.
What game?

She regurgitated SJW talking points and decided she didn't have to answer certain questions with obvious, but non woke, proper answers.
She should have answered with her own opinion. Instead she answered what she thought her party ( far left democrats) would want to hear her say. Sure sign of weakness on her part and partisanship.
She should have answered with her own opinion. Instead she answered what she thought her party ( far left democrats) would want to hear her say. Sure sign of weakness on her part and partisanship.

To them the only allowable opinion is what the party wants to hear you say.

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