Sen Hawley asks Khiara Bridges: "You've referred to 'people with a capacity for pregnancy.' Would that be women?"...she tells him he's transphobic

Except they force everyone else to use these terns as all encompassing

How come they can't accept women who want to be recognized as traditional women?
I don't know why. When I was working my way through school waiting tables, I simple called everyone dressed as a man sir, and those dressed as a woman mam. Event though I strongly suspected several cross dressers. (ops is that a bad word now?)
huh? the topic of the hearing was abortion. do you think men can get abortions?
sure, he thinks they can get pregnant.

cracking up.gif
What it says is they don't care to be reasonable in any setting. They are full fledged Karens for forever I supposed.

It goes deeper than being a Karen, its the wholesale belief that if enough people of the right "type" believe something, it must be true, not just for the group believing it, but for everyone else.
I don't know why. When I was working my way through school waiting tables, I simple called everyone dressed as a man sir, and those dressed as a woman mam. Event though I strongly suspected several cross dressers. (ops is that a bad word now?)
not at all. but the underlying issue is that we can't call women WOMEN anymore but "birthing people" because the left says men can get pregnant also.

which is impossible because they identify as a woman to have the body parts needed to do this. so, calling them a "woman" would be according to their identity UNLESS the left needs to make up another issue and stop calling men who identify as women, women, because they are in fact now men that can get pregnant.

it's fucking absurd tail chasing with no hope of logic to be found.

0.6% of the population identifies as "transgender". why do we force 99.4% of the population to live by their terms?
Hawley is a fruitcake who will say anything to stay in the limelight.
that's where you went with that. interesting. so men can have abortions? See, it's obvious you have no comprehension skills, because it was her answer to an abortion question, the reason for the discussion in the room, but he just made it up. I mean, dude, that there is some really expensive deflection. What school did you go to to learn that art?
What is A woman is a question that Man has been asking since Adam. And the only answer is, you got me.

Now we are back to the original question. Can you get any dumber? We know the answer to that. We may not think so but you will surprise us.

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