Sen. John McCain, who is fighting brain cancer, discontinues medical treatment, family says


Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
McCain is a great American

Trump? Not so much
I doubt the President would be welcome
Not a matter of "who" President Trump sends to the funeral.

A matter of "WHAT".

Surely there are trannies of all stripes who'd love a taxpayer-paid trip and ready, willing and able to shed gushers of crocodile tears!

And then there's this Hillary-loving little kid in the red Dr. Dentons who'd go in a New York minute but there'd be the extra cost of an "unaccompanied minor" charge by an airline........ Right, Jakey?
Cindy McCain will be, amethyst, John's replacement, and she hates Trump even more than John.

She prefers Presidents who are not captured by the Russians.

So where has she been for the last 8 months?

Mccain thinks he can take his senator seat into the next life. Let go and fill the seat!

Mccain has disappointed many. I just watched "the five" and he was mentioned at the end. The only comment, "he's a fighter."

What does that tell you?
DNC flags will soon (but not soon enough) fly at half-staff mourning the loss of one of their best.
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
McCain was OK through much of his life but his career didn't end that way. I won't be sorry to see him go WHATSOEVER and his demise can only be a good thing for the GOP.
Dis guy is klassy, yeah...with a K.

You're only willing to give McCain respect because in the end, he was one of your guys. He spit in this nation's face, he went out of his way to hurt his own party's presidency and was practically the sole voice in tripping up all efforts to fix Obamacare last year.

No wonder you love the guy.

My best friend died of what he has, I know all about it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but the brain feels no pain and in the end, I will remember him for the scurrilous actions of his last few years in office as a conservative RINO obstructionist who only aided our enemies at every chance he had.

Much as he did in the war.

McCain was a bum, a long wondered mystery of why Arizonans kept reelecting him to office. He was a Bob Dole-Lite wannabe, except that he didn't have anywhere near Dole's integrity. He is one of the reasons for the GOP's weakness, much like McConnell, a spineless, toothless, double-talking apologist back-stabber. He's the reason why that unknown, do-nothing senator Obama got into office. And though I can't be glad to see him go this way, don't ask me to shed a tear for him either.

Need a tissue or anything? :)



Meme day at the Bode house, I see.

Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.

Yeah, but they believe it's Obama Shit and they lap that up like unto as though it were chocolate.
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Read this board
It is Republicans and Trump who did that

Show where Democrats did anything close
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Read this board
It is Republicans and Trump who did that

Show where Democrats did anything close
Obama supporters did it repeatedly. Figures you are going to lie about it now. That's what liberals do.
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Read this board
It is Republicans and Trump who did that

Show where Democrats did anything close
Some on left target McCain's war record
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Read this board
It is Republicans and Trump who did that

Show where Democrats did anything close
Oh look...the famous getting "shot down" line. And it originated with an Obama supporter. What are the Odds.

Democrats attack McCain's war record. McCain rejoices.
One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.

View attachment 212736

Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.
What's even funnier is they trashed the man in every way they could when he ran against Obama... but now the phoney tears and platitudes come out.

Liberals are full of shit.
Democrats treated McCain like a war hero (sorry Crooked Donnie). They attacked his policies, his ties to Bush and Dim wit Palin

It is Republicans that threw him under the bus for losing
Obamabots attacked and mocked Mcain's service,Time as a POW and war injuries long before Trump was on the scene.

They also trashed his wife and his age.

Save it for someone who didn't see you nitwits spamming the internet with thread after thread of that crap when Obama was running.
Read this board
It is Republicans and Trump who did that

Show where Democrats did anything close
Obama supporters did it repeatedly. Figures you are going to lie about it now. That's what liberals do.

Actually, they were more respectful of McCain than Republicans

It was Trump who mocked him for being captured ......will Trump mock him for dying?

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