Sen. John McCain, who is fighting brain cancer, discontinues medical treatment, family says

May his last days be as pleasant as can be hoped.

Let's be clear, McRacket,

McCain CAN BLOW ME. That two-timing, RINO back-stabbing, POW sell-out, presidential FAILURE joke of a GOP senator won't get one tear of sympathy from me. His total inadequacy and unlikability and total mushy, mealy-mouthed lack of message allowed an unknown, untalented, unremarkable, un-present one-term chicago organizer senator to win election to the White House beating him.

McCAIN did more to set this country back 100 years than the next four losers in office combined. And is the SOLE REASON why we still have ObamaCare!

I see McCain's tumor as merely God's Way of doing what old age and common sense didn't give that jackass the good sense to do. RETIRE the hell out of office!

Hell awaits him.

And my Ignore list awaits pathetic bitch.

Anyone that would say that about a dying person who clearly gave so much for his/her country AND the ONLY reason you despise him is clearly because your messiah tells you to (indirectly)? You are clearly stupid, useless trash.

Ta ta.
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McCain was OK through much of his life but his career didn't end that way. I won't be sorry to see him go WHATSOEVER and his demise can only be a good thing for the GOP.
Dis guy is klassy, yeah...with a K.

You're only willing to give McCain respect because in the end, he was one of your guys. He spit in this nation's face, he went out of his way to hurt his own party's presidency and was practically the sole voice in tripping up all efforts to fix Obamacare last year.

No wonder you love the guy.

My best friend died of what he has, I know all about it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but the brain feels no pain and in the end, I will remember him for the scurrilous actions of his last few years in office as a conservative RINO obstructionist who only aided our enemies at every chance he had.

Much as he did in the war.

McCain was a bum, a long wondered mystery of why Arizonans kept reelecting him to office. He was a Bob Dole-Lite wannabe, except that he didn't have anywhere near Dole's integrity. He is one of the reasons for the GOP's weakness, much like McConnell, a spineless, toothless, double-talking apologist back-stabber. He's the reason why that unknown, do-nothing senator Obama got into office. And though I can't be glad to see him go this way, don't ask me to shed a tear for him either.

Need a tissue or anything? :)


John McCain halts brain cancer treatment

Good. Sooner we can get another REAL republican in there the better! Hopefully McSally loses to Ward for the Flake senate seat but if not hopefully Ward will run for McAmnesty's seat.

Democrats will weep openly.

It such a McShame.

Soon he can take rightful place alongside Benedict Arnold...

You're only willing to give McCain respect because in the end, he was one of your guys. He spit in this nation's face, he went out of his way to hurt his own party's presidency and was practically the sole voice in tripping up all efforts to fix Obamacare last year.

No wonder you love the guy.

My best friend died of what he has, I know all about it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but the brain feels no pain and in the end, I will remember him for the scurrilous actions of his last few years in office as a conservative RINO obstructionist who only aided our enemies at every chance he had.

Much as he did in the war.

McCain was a bum, a long wondered mystery of why Arizonans kept reelecting him to office. He was a Bob Dole-Lite wannabe, except that he didn't have anywhere near Dole's integrity. He is one of the reasons for the GOP's weakness, much like McConnell, a spineless, toothless, double-talking apologist back-stabber. He's the reason why that unknown, do-nothing senator Obama got into office. And though I can't be glad to see him go this way, don't ask me to shed a tear for him either.

How are you divining this? What words indicate any of what you're suggesting in the bolded?]

I get tired of you stupid, ignorant Leftist jackasses who would deny the Sun 15 minutes after it sets:

McCain said Obama thanked him for his vote against repealing Obamacare: ‘I appreciated his call’

McCain’s Vote Provides Dramatic Moment in 7-Year Battle Over Obamacare

McCain Opposes Haspel, Yet Voted To Confirm Obama's CIA Nominee

McCain and the POW Cover-Up

Senate Rejects Slimmed-Down Obamacare Repeal as McCain Votes No

Opinion | John McCain Battles Donald Trump With His Dying Breaths

McCain in tough spot with Trump

Analysis | John McCain is poking Trump where it hurts this week

Yeah, McCain is one of "my guys?" Screw him. Everyone dies sooner or later. I just lost another best friend a week ago to lung cancer. He can blow me.

Told ya ^
May his last days be as pleasant as can be hoped.

Let's be clear, McRacket,

McCain CAN BLOW ME. That two-timing, RINO back-stabbing, POW sell-out, presidential FAILURE joke of a GOP senator won't get one tear of sympathy from me. His total inadequacy and unlikability and total mushy, mealy-mouthed lack of message allowed an unknown, untalented, unremarkable, un-present one-term chicago organizer senator to win election to the White House beating him.

McCAIN did more to set this country back 100 years than the next four losers in office combined. And is the SOLE REASON why we still have ObamaCare!

I see McCain's tumor as merely God's Way of doing what old age and common sense didn't give that jackass the good sense to do. RETIRE the hell out of office!


Told ya ^
He hasn't been in DC since Dec. What a lousy sore loser he is for not bowing out so his Gov could replace him. The Republican party needed his vote to advance the agenda. I voted for him and I am hoping he is gone sooner than later.
Live has a corridor with a big, heavy door at the end.

When one walks through one hopes that door won't hit him/her/it in the ass on the way out.

Walk slowly, traitor, let that door have a fair chance......
Cindy McCain will be, amethyst, John's replacement, and she hates Trump even more than John.

She prefers Presidents who are not captured by the Russians.
He hasn't been in DC since Dec. What a lousy sore loser he is for not bowing out so his Gov could replace him. The Republican party needed his vote to advance the agenda. I voted for him and I am hoping he is gone sooner than later.

That's the spirit! Most of the others wishing him hell voted for him, too.

I have a hard time forgiving him for Palin.
I turned against McCain once and for all after the VA scandal in Arizona. Doctors who were whistle blowers about the death lists went to McCain for help. Instead, they were all mysteriously fired.

If it had not been for an obscure Congressman from Florida, none of us would have probably heard about this.

Now Dims want us all to have the same government run health care.


You would think that Mr. Veteran himself would be their biggest cheerleader.

Think again.

But no, I won't gloat about him dying, it's just not how I am.

Besides, there are a dime a dozen just like him waiting to take his spot.
Hell awaits him.

And my Ignore list awaits pathetic bitch.

Anyone that would say that about a dying person who clearly gave so much for his/her country AND the ONLY reason you despise him is clearly because your messiah tells you to (indirectly)? You are clearly stupid, useless trash.

Ta ta.

Wow, so much unbridled venon. Hell awaits you, too...embrace Christ and be saved. Leave your hatred behind. It's too late for McCain, you still have a chance...
McCain was OK through much of his life but his career didn't end that way. I won't be sorry to see him go WHATSOEVER and his demise can only be a good thing for the GOP.
Dis guy is klassy, yeah...with a K.

You're only willing to give McCain respect because in the end, he was one of your guys. He spit in this nation's face, he went out of his way to hurt his own party's presidency and was practically the sole voice in tripping up all efforts to fix Obamacare last year.

No wonder you love the guy.

My best friend died of what he has, I know all about it, I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but the brain feels no pain and in the end, I will remember him for the scurrilous actions of his last few years in office as a conservative RINO obstructionist who only aided our enemies at every chance he had.

Much as he did in the war.

McCain was a bum, a long wondered mystery of why Arizonans kept reelecting him to office. He was a Bob Dole-Lite wannabe, except that he didn't have anywhere near Dole's integrity. He is one of the reasons for the GOP's weakness, much like McConnell, a spineless, toothless, double-talking apologist back-stabber. He's the reason why that unknown, do-nothing senator Obama got into office. And though I can't be glad to see him go this way, don't ask me to shed a tear for him either.

Need a tissue or anything? :)



Meme day at the Bode house, I see.
Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight

One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American
John McCain halts brain cancer treatment

Good. Sooner we can get another REAL republican in there the better! Hopefully McSally loses to Ward for the Flake senate seat but if not hopefully Ward will run for McAmnesty's seat.
It will open up a seat for Democrats
Ward and Sheriff Joe are not credible candidates
Not gonna happen. BOTH are credible candidates but Joe is just too old. Ward is a great candidate. Better than that RINO moron McSally.
the fact the evil mass murderer DICK Nixon was afraid of him is all the proof in the world McCarthy was a good guy,not the liar and madman the corporate controlled media made him out to be.

That McCarthy, he wasn't such a bad guy after all


Accused of creating a bogus Red Scare and smearing countless innocent victims in a five-year reign of terror, Senator Joseph McCarthy is universally remembered as a demagogue, a bully, and a liar. History has judged him such a loathsome figure that even today, a half century after his death, his name remains synonymous with witch hunts.

But that conventional image is all wrong, as veteran journalist and author M. Stanton Evans reveals in this groundbreaking book. The long-awaited Blacklisted by History, based on six years of intensive research, dismantles the myths surrounding Joe McCarthy and his campaign to unmask Communists, Soviet agents, and flagrant loyalty risks working within the U.S. government. Evans’s revelations completely overturn our understanding of McCarthy, McCarthyism, and the Cold War.

Drawing on primary sources—including never-before-published government records and FBI files, as well as recent research gleaned from Soviet archives and intercepted transmissions between Moscow spymasters and their agents in the United States—Evans presents irrefutable evidence of a relentless Communist drive to penetrate our government, influence its policies, and steal its secrets. Most shocking of all, he shows that U.S. officials supposedly guarding against this danger not only let it happen but actively covered up the penetration. All of this was precisely as Joe McCarthy contended.

Blacklisted by History shows, for instance, that the FBI knew as early as 1942 that J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the atomic bomb project, had been identified by Communist leaders as a party member; that high-level U.S. officials were warned that Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy almost a decade before the Hiss case became a public scandal; that a cabal of White House, Justice Department, and State Department officials lied about and covered up the Amerasia spy case; and that the State Department had been heavily penetrated by Communists and Soviet agents before McCarthy came on the scene.

Evans also shows that practically everything we’ve been told about McCarthy is false, including conventional treatment of the famous 1950 speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, that launched the McCarthy era (“I have here in my hand . . .”), the Senate hearings that casually dismissed his charges, the matter of leading McCarthy suspect Owen Lattimore, the Annie Lee Moss case, the Army-McCarthy hearings, and much more.

In the end, Senator McCarthy was censured by his colleagues and condemned by the press and historians. But as Evans writes, “The real Joe McCarthy has vanished into the mists of fable and recycled error, so that it takes the equivalent of a dragnet search to find him.” Blacklisted by History provides the first accurate account of what McCarthy did and, more broadly, what happened to America during the Cold War. It is a revealing exposé of the forces that distorted our national policy in that conflict and our understanding of its history since.
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Sad to hear
He fought a brave fight
One of the greatest Senators of his era. A great American

One of the funniest things reading in this thread is all the people who have spent the past year CURSING Donald Trump praying for a horrible death to him, killed, assassinated, beheaded, drop from the sky, run over by a bus, poisoned--- now waxing poetic in their tear-stained sheets for POOR OL' JOHN McCAIN---- the lifelong career senator paid a six-figure income to "work" maybe 6 months a year with months off vacation and benefits you can't imagine, aspired to greatness who tried to keep total unknown 1-term do-nothing Obama out of the White House.

And failed. Even at that.


Some will call your slow deterioration and fading now a sad tragedy. Others might consider it justice. I wonder who Donald sends to the funeral -- -- -- it won't be him.

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