Sen Rubio tells obama to NOT send anyone to Castro funeral

Castro did far more to harm America than Saddam Hussein did. Would we send someone to Saddam's funeral?
The stupid is strong with you guys.

Always an envoy is sent to funerals.


Why? Because when figureheads and rulers die the door is opened for backroom deals. Every world leader wants to get into that backroom before the lock.

Raul has been running the show. Ooops, grandma tripped over her tits. Again.


A funeral is a great reason to send someone in on the quiet.

Gawd. Some of you people never leave your living rooms, do you?
The stupid is strong with you guys.

Always an envoy is sent to funerals.


Why? Because when figureheads and rulers die the door is opened for backroom deals. Every world leader wants to get into that backroom before the lock.

Raul has been running the show. Ooops, grandma tripped over her tits. Again.


A funeral is a great reason to send someone in on the quiet.

Gawd. Some of you people never leave your living rooms, do you?
Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Send someone in for what? Sober up!
No one cares what little Marco says. Castro hated American Imperialism and interference. He hated America for harming his country. Americans are such good little brainwashed lemmings. Believe everything they are told.....its disgusting. When EVERY country in the world DESPISES YOU.Its not THEM that's the problem....

How many Cuban people do you know? I know plenty and every single one of them say how terrible Castro was to them. I know people who had everything taken away from them from Castro's government, who weren't allowed to attend school, etc. Castro was a piece of crap and while I've always defended Obama as being a nice guy (terrible president imo but nice)--I'll stop if he shows any respect to Castro.
I know Ricky Ricardo..
Saddam, a man the CIA supported for anti-communist reasons, yet this CIA puppet ran afoul of US intentions and had to be killed along with thousands of innocent Iraqi lives, along with American soldiers...All to play the US version of the domino theory of communism/anti Iranian politics in the ME...It's just very sad that humans are so inhuman in their quest for control....
Bet a million dollars obozo does. Castro hated america just like obozo does.

Rubio Slams Obama's Conciliatory Statement on Castro's Death

nov 26 2016 Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Saturday criticized President Barack Obama's conciliatory condolence note to Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro, and urged him not to send a United States representative the funeral.

“I would hope they would send no one to the funeral,” Rubio said in an interview with Fox News. “While you may want to open up to Cuba, there’s no reason we should be opening up to Fidel Castro’s legacy of anti-Americanism, of murder, of dictatorship, of imprisonment, of exile, which is what his legacy is all about.”

Rubio, R-Fla, also discussed Castro’s decision to shoot down two United States private civilian Brothers to the Rescue planes, which were saving Cuban exiles stranded on rafts trying to leave the country.

Rubio said Obama would be honoring a dictator who murdered American citizens.

Your idol Putin sent a representative to honor a dictator who murdered American Citizen's

Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death

The diplomat added that Castro's death had caused sorrow in Moscow, because Russia had lost a true friend.

Read more: Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death
Bet a million dollars obozo does. Castro hated america just like obozo does.

Rubio Slams Obama's Conciliatory Statement on Castro's Death

nov 26 2016 Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Saturday criticized President Barack Obama's conciliatory condolence note to Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro, and urged him not to send a United States representative the funeral.

“I would hope they would send no one to the funeral,” Rubio said in an interview with Fox News. “While you may want to open up to Cuba, there’s no reason we should be opening up to Fidel Castro’s legacy of anti-Americanism, of murder, of dictatorship, of imprisonment, of exile, which is what his legacy is all about.”

Rubio, R-Fla, also discussed Castro’s decision to shoot down two United States private civilian Brothers to the Rescue planes, which were saving Cuban exiles stranded on rafts trying to leave the country.

Rubio said Obama would be honoring a dictator who murdered American citizens.

Your idol Putin sent a representative to honor a dictator who murdered American Citizen's

Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death

The diplomat added that Castro's death had caused sorrow in Moscow, because Russia had lost a true friend.

Read more: Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death
are you as disgusted with Obama for sending people?
Bet a million dollars obozo does. Castro hated america just like obozo does.

Rubio Slams Obama's Conciliatory Statement on Castro's Death

nov 26 2016 Florida Sen. Marco Rubio Saturday criticized President Barack Obama's conciliatory condolence note to Cuba after the death of Fidel Castro, and urged him not to send a United States representative the funeral.

“I would hope they would send no one to the funeral,” Rubio said in an interview with Fox News. “While you may want to open up to Cuba, there’s no reason we should be opening up to Fidel Castro’s legacy of anti-Americanism, of murder, of dictatorship, of imprisonment, of exile, which is what his legacy is all about.”

Rubio, R-Fla, also discussed Castro’s decision to shoot down two United States private civilian Brothers to the Rescue planes, which were saving Cuban exiles stranded on rafts trying to leave the country.

Rubio said Obama would be honoring a dictator who murdered American citizens.

Your idol Putin sent a representative to honor a dictator who murdered American Citizen's

Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death

The diplomat added that Castro's death had caused sorrow in Moscow, because Russia had lost a true friend.

Read more: Russia Sure Close Ties With Cuba to Continue After Fidel Castro's Death
are you as disgusted with Obama for sending people?

I am not actually disgusted with anyone sending people. While I think Castro was a bad dictator, we send representatives to funerals of even bad dictators. If this was a funeral of a dictator in Asia, no one would even care.

Of course the United States is not sending an official delegation like Russia is

According to White House press secretary Josh Earnest, Obama doesn’t plan to send an “official delegation” to Castro’s funeral, but he will be sending Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and Ambassador Jeff DeLaurentis, the administration’s top diplomat in Cuba.

Russia is sending their equivalent of the Speaker of the House as part of their formal delation.

The speaker of Russia’s State Duma, the lower house of parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, will head Russia’s delegation at the funeral of Fidel Castro, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

"Upon the order of the president, Duma Speaker Volodin will head Russia’s delegation at the funeral of Fidel (Castro)," Peskov said. "This night he will go to Cuba."
I am not actually disgusted with anyone sending people. While I think Castro was a bad dictator, we send representatives to funerals of even bad dictators. If this was a funeral of a dictator in Asia, no one would even care.

Castro was a special case. Our policy was to ignore Castro for decades, and it was a very good policy. Why all of a sudden with his illness and death are we fawning all over him?
What is so great about Cuba? Don't Americans have plenty of other islands they can visit that are just as beautiful and exotic?
I am not actually disgusted with anyone sending people. While I think Castro was a bad dictator, we send representatives to funerals of even bad dictators. If this was a funeral of a dictator in Asia, no one would even care.

Castro was a special case. Our policy was to ignore Castro for decades, and it was a very good policy. Why all of a sudden with his illness and death are we fawning all over him?

We didn't ignore Castro for several decades- we opposed decades for several decades.

How are we 'fawning all over him' by sending a low level unofficial delegation?

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