Sen. Sanders: Dem party handed Presidency to Trump

Kasich? Who is that? You mean the guy who went from Washington to Lehman Bros? THAT John Kasich? HE has a lot of credibility :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:
Well he has enough credibility to get elected governor of Ohio.
which means he'll take money from anybody. You're point? :eusa_eh:
that he has enough credibility to get elected, which seems only tangential to the main point; he is a dick for failing to back his parties nominee after he took a pledge to do so.
true but I think he was sour grapes because he was one of the first to be eliminated, correct

Now we changed sides in our debate :p
Kasich actually was the last to be eliminated.

Rubio dropped out after Florida, Cruz dropped out after Indiana a week later, and Kasich dropped out the day after.
Kasich? Who is that? You mean the guy who went from Washington to Lehman Bros? THAT John Kasich? HE has a lot of credibility :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:
Well he has enough credibility to get elected governor of Ohio.
which means he'll take money from anybody. You're point? :eusa_eh:
that he has enough credibility to get elected, which seems only tangential to the main point; he is a dick for failing to back his parties nominee after he took a pledge to do so.

You actually think it's about "parties" rather than candidates. That's revealing of so much.
Sanders has ridden the Democrat wagon for decades masquarading as an Independent.

No Priscilla, he's *always* been an Independent, and in fact got into his first office by defeating an entrenched Democrat. At least once the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate ---and Bernie still won.

It's attractive to voters to not be lockstep-enslaved to a party. That's one big reason Sanders has the highest approval rating of anyone in the Senate.

But yes that's also why the DP sabotaged him --- he wouldn't play their game. Perhaps on your planet everybody just kneels down to whatever Authority says.

If he ever had had the guts he would have run for president as an Independent, but again he chose to be cheap to pay his own fare and hitch hike on the Democrat wagon.

It's practical. I know you're from Hungary but do you know the last third party candy that got any traction without the political party machine behind him?

I'll save you the research time --- NEVER. It would have been a fool's errand.

Again, maybe that's popular on your planet.
that he has enough credibility to get elected, which seems only tangential to the main point; he is a dick for failing to back his parties nominee after he took a pledge to do so.
true but I think he was sour grapes because he was one of the first to be eliminated, correct
Actually I think KAsich was the last to drop out from the GOP primary contests due to losing all his donors.

I made this MTG card up for him, just for fun a while ago.

Kasich? Who is that? You mean the guy who went from Washington to Lehman Bros? THAT John Kasich? HE has a lot of credibility :rolleyes-41: :cuckoo:
He did run one of the most successful re-elections in history.
STILL a sell- out for going from Washington to Lehman.
The point is that he had a lot of pull.

If Kasich had endorsed Trump he would have won Ohio by almost 30 points.

Sanders didn't sign a pledge and he still endorsed Clinton, despite being a supposed independent, but yet Kasich did sign the pledge and still didn't support Trump.
He's right. The DNC black- balled him (see: Wasserman Shultz) when HE had the right message and "installed" hiLIARy and we all see how well that worked out.

Bernie Sanders 'deeply humiliated' by Democrats' inability to do this

Democrats owed Bernie Sanders NOTHING.

Sanders has ridden the Democrat wagon for decades masquarading as an Independent.

If he ever had had the guts he would have run for president as an Independent, but again he chose to be cheap to pay his own fare and hitch hike on the Democrat wagon.

He is still a better person than the queen of all hitchhikers who thought that having a very seldom used vagina and the last name of a sexual predator would propel her to the post that she never did or could earn.
Your opinion and a $1.87 will get you a cup of coffee. That word salad, unsourced post you made is not worth reading. Danders has always voted in line w/ being an independent. He voted against the Iraq War as opposed to Hillary
Sanders has ridden the Democrat wagon for decades masquarading as an Independent.

No Priscilla, he's *always* been an Independent, and in fact got into his first office by defeating an entrenched Democrat. At least once the state Democrats and Republicans ran a joint candidate ---and Bernie still won.

It's attractive to voters to not be lockstep-enslaved to a party. That's one big reason Sanders has the highest approval rating of anyone in the Senate.

But yes that's also why the DP sabotaged him --- he wouldn't play their game. Perhaps on your planet everybody just kneels down to whatever Authority says.

If he ever had had the guts he would have run for president as an Independent, but again he chose to be cheap to pay his own fare and hitch hike on the Democrat wagon.

It's practical. I know you're from Hungary but do you know the last third party candy that got any traction without the political party machine behind him?

I'll save you the research time --- NEVER. It would have been a fool's errand.

Again, maybe that's popular on your planet.
Thats why she makes these unsourced/unfounded opinions. She's not in the U.S.Thanks for the clarification
He's right. Theu black balled him when HE had the right message and "installed" hiLIARy and we all see how well that worked out.

Bernie Sanders 'deeply humiliated' by Democrats' inability to do this

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from my link in the OP:

Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday lambasted the Democratic Party for failing to pay attention to white working class voters during the election.

“There needs to be a profound change in the way the Democratic Party does business. It is not good enough to have a liberal elite,” Sanders said in an interview on “CBS This Morning.”
He's right. The DNC black- balled him (see: Wasserman Shultz)

Yep, we saw that going on in the primaries where Hillary had X number of delegates already before a primary even started.

All that is because it's all about Party and party loyalty and being a good soldier. Democrats weren't OK with Bernie's level of maverick and not being a Democrat.

And yet --- the Republicans were OK with theirs -- they could have done the same thing, but blew it. So ironically the Democrats handled it more conservatively than the Repubs. Weird world.

All of which just underscores why never-ending political parties suck dingo balls.
Bernie was a disease infested hypocrite, just like every other progressive on the planet
He's right. The DNC black- balled him (see: Wasserman Shultz) when HE had the right message and "installed" hiLIARy and we all see how well that worked out.

Bernie Sanders 'deeply humiliated' by Democrats' inability to do this


If it hadn't been for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton would have won this election. Like Trump he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though Hillary Clinton beat the crap out of him by 3,775,437 votes, more than she beat Trump which was by 3,000,000 votes. In comparison Obama defeated Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried foul play.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders refusal to drop out of the race after he got his ass kicked in New York was astounding. At that time he was literally working for the Trump campaign. Because you had Sanders and Trump--(even though there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell of Sander's getting close he too was still campaigning against Hillary Clinton.)

When Sanders changed his party status to DEMOCRAT--he agreed to all rules and regulations of the DNC including those SUPER DELEGATES. So hell yeah Debbie Wasserman was going to show her anxiety over him campaigning on a rigged election--and YOU bought into the Russian news. We had Sander's supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Trump, if Sander's didn't win, (especially after Wasserman's email was leaked.) Sanders is just an asshole and a sore loser. There's no way in hell he would have defeated Trump. This country is not a socialist country, it never has been, nor will it ever be.

There is a reason for the Democrat Super Delegates and it's the election of 1984.


The Republican party should think about adding some Super delegates of their own into their primary process.


Trump & Sanders were very much alike. Both campaigning on a rigged election, and promising the moon & the stars to their supporters knowing full dam well that none of it would get approval from congress.

Sanders must be the only Senator that didn't know that the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Government operate separately and independently from one another. Meaning he nor the Federal Government has the authority to "break up the Big Banks." Clinton called him out on it in one debate--he got red-faced--but it sure as hell didn't stop him from campaigning on it.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks
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The Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. Maybe only the UN is a more corrupt institution. But to hell with Sanders. He sold out and licked Hillary's queef box. He's a fraud. Just like the Fake Indian Warren is. Democrats aren't nearly in as good shape as they think they are for 2020. They're being way over-confident once again.
Hillary beat Bernie AND Trump. if not for Putin's mind control ray, she'd be President. Dems would be complete fools not to run her again in 2020. For God's sake, when you go to vote in 2020, protect yourself from Putin's vote flipping ray, cover you head with aluminum foil.
He's right. The DNC black- balled him (see: Wasserman Shultz) when HE had the right message and "installed" hiLIARy and we all see how well that worked out.

Bernie Sanders 'deeply humiliated' by Democrats' inability to do this


If it hadn't been for Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton would have won this election. Like Trump he was campaigning on a rigged election, even though Hillary Clinton beat the crap out of him by 3,775,437 votes, more than she beat Trump which was by 3,000,000 votes. In comparison Obama defeated Clinton in 2008 by a mere 41,622 votes and no one cried foul play.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
2008 Democratic Popular Vote | RealClearPolitics

Sanders refusal to drop out of the race after he got his ass kicked in New York was astounding. At that time he was literally working for the Trump campaign. Because you had Sanders and Trump--(even though there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell of Sander's getting close he too was still campaigning against Hillary Clinton.)

When Sanders changed his party status to DEMOCRAT--he agreed to all rules and regulations of the DNC including those SUPER DELEGATES. So hell yeah Debbie Wasserman was going to show her anxiety over him campaigning on a rigged election--and YOU bought into the Russian news. We had Sander's supporters all over this board threatening to vote for Trump, if Sander's didn't win, (especially after Wasserman's email was leaked.) Sanders is just an asshole and a sore loser. There's no way in hell he would have defeated Trump. This country is not a socialist country, it never has been, nor will it ever be.

There is a reason for the Democrat Super Delegates and it's the election of 1984.


The Republican party should think about adding some Super delegates of their own into their primary process.


Trump & Sanders were very much alike. Both campaigning on a rigged election, and promising the moon & the stars to their supporters knowing full dam well that none of it would get approval from congress.

Sanders must be the only Senator that didn't know that the Federal Reserve Bank and the Federal Government operate separately and independently from one another. Meaning he nor the Federal Government has the authority to "break up the Big Banks." Clinton called him out on it in one debate--he got red-faced--but it sure as hell didn't stop him from campaigning on it.
Bernie Sanders Can't Explain How He'd Break up the Banks

Why are your posts so tediously long? :eusa_eh:

Fact remains that the very voters who elected Trump did so because hiLIARy did not reach out to them. Instead she played the Identity Politics gambit and it failed to get voters out for obvious reasons
The Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. Maybe only the UN is a more corrupt institution. But to hell with Sanders. He sold out and licked Hillary's queef box. He's a fraud. Just like the Fake Indian Warren is. Democrats aren't nearly in as good shape as they think they are for 2020. They're being way over-confident once again.
WRONG ASSCLOWN Dschrute3 He ran on their ticket so its customary to support the niminee and more importantl;y he preferred her to Trump although I wouldn't

The Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. Maybe only the UN is a more corrupt institution. But to hell with Sanders. He sold out and licked Hillary's queef box. He's a fraud. Just like the Fake Indian Warren is. Democrats aren't nearly in as good shape as they think they are for 2020. They're being way over-confident once again.

What is corrupt about the Democrat Party. Talking in platitudes on this board will get you nowhere. How are they corrupt? Because you're candidate Bernie Sanders got the crap knocked out of him--(that's why they're corrupt.)

You people really need to GROW UP--and learn very quickly that there are politicians that will do and say anything, & will promise you anything to get your votes and your money. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are excellent examples of that.

There are 3 branches of Government, the Legislative, the Judicial and the Executive. All have their own authority over certain issues. The President is not their "boss."

Hillary Clinton was the ONLY candidate in this race that was campaigning on things she could get done--things she knows had a realistic chance of accomplishing. And it wasn't free college educations for everyone, breaking up the big banks--(which the Federal government has no authority over) or the government giving you a back rub every night.

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The Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. Maybe only the UN is a more corrupt institution. But to hell with Sanders. He sold out and licked Hillary's queef box. He's a fraud. Just like the Fake Indian Warren is. Democrats aren't nearly in as good shape as they think they are for 2020. They're being way over-confident once again.

What is corrupt about the Democrat Party. Talking in platitudes on this board will get you nowhere. How are they corrupt? Because you're candidate Bernie Sanders got the crap knocked out of him--(that's why they're corrupt.)

You people really need to GROW UP--and learn very quickly that there are politicians that will do and say anything, will promise anything to get your votes and your money.

Hillary Clinton was the ONLY candidate in this race that was campaigning on things she could get done--things she knows had a realistic chance of accomplishing. And it wasn't free college educations for everyone, breaking up the big banks--(which the Federal government has no authority over) or the government giving you a back rub every night.

The Dem party is a wholly owned subsidary of the 1% Sugar Tits. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a rube. I should know, I'm a REAL Progressive who stopped voting for their candidates after Obama was considering nominating Summers for the Fed. SUMMERS!!! :banghead:
Hillary beat Bernie AND Trump. if not for Putin's mind control ray, she'd be President. Dems would be complete fools not to run her again in 2020. For God's sake, when you go to vote in 2020, protect yourself from Putin's vote flipping ray, cover you head with aluminum foil.

Hillary cheated Bernie and didn't beat Trump, as she didn't get the right number of electoral votes. Have you found anyone who WOULD have voted for her that changed their vote because of Putin? If not, your whine means nothing.

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