Sen Sessions to Obama: "You're not wanted in Texas" in regard to border visit

Bias about what??? That Sessions said to stay the hell away?? LMAO That doesn't even make sense.

NewsMax and Breitbart send out material equal to The Daily Kos in impartiality.

For the last time- what about Sessions telling Obama to stay away have to do with bias? He said it.

His district is in northeast Texas, he might want to consult with the Governor & the State's two Senators before speaking for the state. Texas has 32 members in the US House, last time I checked the map. Maybe his latest marriage isn't working out & he is cranky. :D
NewsMax and Breitbart send out material equal to The Daily Kos in impartiality.

For the last time- what about Sessions telling Obama to stay away have to do with bias? He said it.

His district is in northeast Texas, he might want to consult with the Governor & the State's two Senators before speaking for the state. Texas has 32 members in the US House, last time I checked the map. Maybe his latest marriage isn't working out & he is cranky. :D

He needs to consult with other's before stating his opinion? Really? Does your messiah consult with the country before he shoves his dictate down our throats? Who does your messiah speak for all alone? Who did he consult? Not one Republican voted for OBAMACARE and now all of the sudden you're concerned about gauging response and permissions???? Really?
I don't have a tough girl persona.. I'm me.. I argue the FACTS which is the truth, thus my debate skills are dependent upon reality. That gives me the advantage with you leftists.

Facts cannot be altered, Jeff Sessions is a Senator from Alabama, Pete Sessions is a House Rep., his district is nowhere near the border, he is best known for this quote:

Sessions was commenting after seeing an Ivy League team play basketball
“How often can you go see a bunch of white guys play basketball?”

Keep working on thos "debate" skills.

It's always glaring when someone admits a mistake and the opposing side refuses to show any acknowledgement of that. In fact that shows more about you than me. As to my debate skills, I've taken you down in every thread we've encountered thus far which doesn't set well with you I suspect- thus your faux outrage over my mistake.

I deleted the post, it wasn't polite. I stand corrected on that.
Facts cannot be altered, Jeff Sessions is a Senator from Alabama, Pete Sessions is a House Rep., his district is nowhere near the border, he is best known for this quote:

Sessions was commenting after seeing an Ivy League team play basketball
“How often can you go see a bunch of white guys play basketball?”

Keep working on thos "debate" skills.

It's always glaring when someone admits a mistake and the opposing side refuses to show any acknowledgement of that. In fact that shows more about you than me. As to my debate skills, I've taken you down in every thread we've encountered thus far which doesn't set well with you I suspect- thus your faux outrage over my mistake.

I deleted the post, it wasn't polite. I stand corrected on that.

That showed a lot of integrity. Despite our differences, I respect that immensely.
For the last time- what about Sessions telling Obama to stay away have to do with bias? He said it.

His district is in northeast Texas, he might want to consult with the Governor & the State's two Senators before speaking for the state. Texas has 32 members in the US House, last time I checked the map. Maybe his latest marriage isn't working out & he is cranky. :D

He needs to consult with other's before stating his opinion? Really? Does your messiah consult with the country before he shoves his dictate down our throats? Who does your messiah speak for all alone? Who did he consult? Not one Republican voted for OBAMACARE and now all of the sudden you're concerned about gauging response and permissions???? Really?

I voted for McCain, believed Obama too young, and too much of a "grinner". And if invited by the Governor the President needs to show, but no photo ops are necessary, the work of repatriating the flood of undocumented immigrants remains. Little hope the House will hold a special session; thus, the current law, with the multitude of exceptions will have to stand, for now.
His district is in northeast Texas, he might want to consult with the Governor & the State's two Senators before speaking for the state. Texas has 32 members in the US House, last time I checked the map. Maybe his latest marriage isn't working out & he is cranky. :D

He needs to consult with other's before stating his opinion? Really? Does your messiah consult with the country before he shoves his dictate down our throats? Who does your messiah speak for all alone? Who did he consult? Not one Republican voted for OBAMACARE and now all of the sudden you're concerned about gauging response and permissions???? Really?

I voted for McCain, believed Obama too young, and too much of a "grinner". And if invited by the Governor the President needs to show, but no photo ops are necessary, the work of repatriating the flood of undocumented immigrants remains. Little hope the House will hold a special session; thus, the current law, with the multitude of exceptions will have to stand, for now.

I find myself oddly in agreement with you except for McCain. I find him and most GOP establishment types to be corrupt to the core.
It's always glaring when someone admits a mistake and the opposing side refuses to show any acknowledgement of that. In fact that shows more about you than me. As to my debate skills, I've taken you down in every thread we've encountered thus far which doesn't set well with you I suspect- thus your faux outrage over my mistake.

I deleted the post, it wasn't polite. I stand corrected on that.

That showed a lot of integrity. Despite our differences, I respect that immensely.

Good on that, and Pete Sessions may have a point, (I can alter my opinion, another quirk I have). Any visit needs to be brief, much of the work of repatriation will be done in DC, this isn't photo op time. If Perry wants the President to see the urgency, ok, but the 2 billion needs to be appropriated and Obama cannot do much on that standing near the holding camps.
He shouldn't visit Texas because it is run by the GOP, has oil and creates jobs....all foreign to him.
So in other words you're a liar?

Whatever you want to believe is cool with me. Lets be honest, you would not like them with your tough girl persona.

I don't have a tough girl persona.. I'm me.. I argue the FACTS which is the truth, thus my debate skills are dependent upon reality. That gives me the advantage with you leftists.

I have facts too. I just don't have such a delusion of grandeur that I believe that I am always right and anyone who disagrees with me is an idiot.
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Rep. Sessions: Obama's 'Not Wanted in Texas' for Border Visit

He's right! No true Texan wants that assclown anywhere
near their great state. He's a complete and utter clusterfuck and a miserable failure in everything he touches. Obama will attend fund raisers, the kind like he attended not less than 24 hours after he left Americans to die in Benghazi.

newsflash sweetcheeks. Obama is president. He doesn't have to pay attention to some teabagger lowlife.
Rep. Sessions: Obama's 'Not Wanted in Texas' for Border Visit

He's right! No true Texan wants that assclown anywhere
near their great state. He's a complete and utter clusterfuck and a miserable failure in everything he touches. Obama will attend fund raisers, the kind like he attended not less than 24 hours after he left Americans to die in Benghazi.

newsflash sweetcheeks. Obama is president. He doesn't have to pay attention to some teabagger lowlife.

Doesn't make him anymore welcome----he doesn't obey the law anyway
imo it was kind of stupid for Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) to flap his gums about not wanting Obama to visit....i understand his animosity but it wasn't politically's like he's saying Texas doesn't want any help with a FEDERAL problem...

first of all... it helps to prevent Texas from blaming Obama for not visiting just like the Dems blamed Bush during Katrina....and saying BO is just visiting Texas to rustle up campaign money and how UNCARING that is...

second....Gov. Perry asked Obama to visit the immigration crisis for good reasons...Perry wants the National Guard brought in...

third...if Obama came down and pics were taken with thousands of immigrants these would circulate all over and Obama would OWN the immigration problem...he'd be asked alot of questions....these pics would be GREAT political fodder for the elections...

of course this is EXACTLY why BO will not visit the immigration he probably doesn't want to catch the H1N1 flu or tuberculosis or get reality BO doesn't give a shit about the immigrants....he's just using them for his own political purposes...and it would not serve him well to visit and own the problem in living color......
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imo it was kind of stupid for Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) to flap his gums about not wanting Obama to visit....i understand his animosity but it wasn't politically's like he's saying Texas doesn't want any help with a FEDERAL problem...

first of all... it helps to prevent Texas from blaming Obama for not visiting just like the Dems blamed Bush during Katrina....and saying he's just visiting Texas to rustle up campaign money and how UNCARING that is...

second....Gov. Perry asked Obama to visit the immigration crisis for good reasons...Perry wants the National Guard brought in...

third...if Obama came down and pics were taken with thousands of immigrants these would circulate all over and Obama would OWN the immigration problem...he'd be asked alot of questions....these pics would be GREAT political fodder for the elections...

of course this is EXACTLY why BO will not visit the immigration he probably doesn't want to catch the H1N1 flu or tuberculosis or get reality BO doesn't give a shit about the immigrants....he's just using them for his own political purposes...and it would not serve him well to visit and own the problem....

You are one of the smarter USMB nutters.....and you are not afraid to admit that you are motivated solely by politics. Do you feel a little dirty while taking advantage of all the wide eyed idiots here?

Your post is both disgusting and refreshing. Well done.
imo it was kind of stupid for Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) to flap his gums about not wanting Obama to visit....i understand his animosity but it wasn't politically's like he's saying Texas doesn't want any help with a FEDERAL problem...

first of all... it helps to prevent Texas from blaming Obama for not visiting just like the Dems blamed Bush during Katrina....and saying he's just visiting Texas to rustle up campaign money and how UNCARING that is...

second....Gov. Perry asked Obama to visit the immigration crisis for good reasons...Perry wants the National Guard brought in...

third...if Obama came down and pics were taken with thousands of immigrants these would circulate all over and Obama would OWN the immigration problem...he'd be asked alot of questions....these pics would be GREAT political fodder for the elections...

of course this is EXACTLY why BO will not visit the immigration he probably doesn't want to catch the H1N1 flu or tuberculosis or get reality BO doesn't give a shit about the immigrants....he's just using them for his own political purposes...and it would not serve him well to visit and own the problem....

You are one of the smarter USMB nutters.....and you are not afraid to admit that you are motivated solely by politics. Do you feel a little dirty while taking advantage of all the wide eyed idiots here?

Your post is both disgusting and refreshing. Well done.

i'll take that double-edged compliment with a grain of salt....but this whole matter is about politics is it not...? if you find it 'disgusting' blame your party for showing the way...their 'disgusting' tactics are cutting edge....and i think we should return the favor at any opportunity...

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