Sen. Ted Cruz, others announce bill to fund $25 billion border wall

It was an add on in the senate. Only a tramp like you wants to believe Obama care originated in the house.
”It was an add on in the senate.”

So? It still originated in the House as Constitutionally required, despite your moronic repeated claims that it started in the Senate. Which is why I kept challenging you to post the bill number; which is why you didn’t; which is you lied and said you did.


It didn't orginate in the house it came from the senate..

That's why it had to go to the supreme Court..

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nobody should take the right wing seriously about anything.

No one takes you seriously dumb ass , your like a dog to me that I play catch with .

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lol. it takes morals to argue, not gossip.

You're a girl..

We should be upgrading Ellis Island, not wasting tax money on a wall.

You're a girl..guys don't like arguing with girls .and you know it.
I have arguments, not gossip; wo-men and girls, do that.

We should be solving our problems by upgrading wherever possible. Ellis Island is a good place to start.

You're a tampon stuffing up your snap girl .

So you think illegal Mexican going to row boats to Ellis island?

We should be upgrading Ellis Island, not wasting tax money on a wall.

You're a girl..guys don't like arguing with girls .and you know it.
I have arguments, not gossip; wo-men and girls, do that.

We should be solving our problems by upgrading wherever possible. Ellis Island is a good place to start.

You're a tampon stuffing up your snap girl .

So you think illegal Mexican going to row boats to Ellis island?

sure; i believe in capitalism and proclaiming in a patriotic manner; what do you mean you are undocumented. Go to Ellis Island and get your documents.
”It orginated in the senate”

Post the bill number. G’head, dumbfuck. With the leading initials........


I did already

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That you claim you did when you didn’t shows you’re a liar.

That you think you did when you didn’t shows you’re deranged.

But Fort Fun Indiana did post it... H.R. 3590

H.R. = House of Representatives

Now you know. Will you learn? No, of course not; you’re ineducable. But now you know.

It was an add on in the senate. Only a tramp like you wants to believe Obama care originated in the house.
”It was an add on in the senate.”

So? It still originated in the House as Constitutionally required, despite your moronic repeated claims that it started in the Senate. Which is why I kept challenging you to post the bill number; which is why you didn’t; which is you lied and said you did.


It didn't orginate in the house it came from the senate..

That's why it had to go to the supreme Court..

View attachment 233295
It went to the Supreme Court due to a challenge on the penalty for not carrying health insurance, which the Supreme Court agreed it is a tax and therefore Constitutional.

The origin of the bill had nothing to do with why it was taken to the Supreme Court. Had that actually have been the case and had it actually originated in the Senate, the Supreme Court would have reversed ObamaCare.

And yes, despite your rigid ignorance, the bill started in the House. If you had a brain, you’d understand that bill’s starting with ”H.R.” are so designed because they originate in the House.

Such as, H.R. 3590.

Had that bill actually originated in the Senate, as you idiotically insist, then it would have started with ”S.”
From what I hear the troops especially the Marines are repairing and reinforcing...miles of fencing....the drug cartels are not happy that the troops are there....
Tie a Yellow Ribbon

I hope Uncle Sam's Misguided Children don't desert us there, as they did in Iran when they surrendered to a teenage mob led by Ahmadinejad.
This is what we should be doing:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
this is what we should be doing:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Wags Wearing Wigs

The rest of that anti-democratic manifesto contradicts its preamble. It was written by lawyers for the 1%.
Lets just do it with 51 Senate votes during reconciliation over the Christmas holiday - like Obamacare

Isn't that the expectation?

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with three other senators introduced a bill Wednesday that is aimed at fully funding a wall along the US-Mexico border... The WALL Act would fully fund the border wall by closing existing loopholes that provide illegal immigrants with federal benefits and tax credits, without affecting the benefits and tax credits used by Americans.

Read more at ...
Sounds fiscally responsible. Anyone notice our deficits?
We should be upgrading Ellis Island, not wasting tax money on a wall.
The Original Leader of This Threat Was Born Hating and Fearing All Other White People

Because dumb savages from the same race that seeks to wreck America now had surrendered to White people a continent full of undeveloped resources, more White people were still needed back then. What was necessary at one time is that way no longer, not even for H1Bs. As a substitute for paying taxes, corporations must replace our unmotivating college education with highly paid professional job training.
this is what we should be doing:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Wags Wearing Wigs

The rest of that anti-democratic manifesto contradicts its preamble. It was written by lawyers for the 1%.
Like the right wing has any Thing, better.
We should be upgrading Ellis Island, not wasting tax money on a wall.
The Original Leader of This Threat Was Born Hating and Fearing All Other White People

Because dumb savages from the same race that seeks to wreck America now had surrendered to White people a continent full of undeveloped resources, more White people were still needed back then. What was necessary at one time is that way no longer, not even for H1Bs. As a substitute for paying taxes, corporations must replace our unmotivating college education with highly paid professional job training.
it makes no economic sense whatsoever.

Grow our economy we must. We should be creating all the manufacturing jobs required building new cities in more optimal locations.
Lets just do it with 51 Senate votes during reconciliation over the Christmas holiday - like Obamacare

Isn't that the expectation?

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with three other senators introduced a bill Wednesday that is aimed at fully funding a wall along the US-Mexico border... The WALL Act would fully fund the border wall by closing existing loopholes that provide illegal immigrants with federal benefits and tax credits, without affecting the benefits and tax credits used by Americans.

Read more at ...
You DO know that funding starts in the House of Representatives and not the Senate, right?

Yeah, just like Obamacare was started in the House!

What? It wasn't? Wait! Something is wrong here!
five billion could be put to better use upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure.
heads explode 1b.jpg

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