Senate defies Bush on stem cells


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2007
The US Senate has voted to ease restrictions on using federal funds for stem-cell research, defying the threat of a veto by President George W Bush.

The Democrat-controlled Senate passed the vote with a majority of 63 to 24 - just short of the two-thirds required to override a presidential veto.

Mr Bush has said he will use his powers to veto the Senate's vote. He vetoed a similar draft bill last year.

Democrats argue that the restrictions are impeding vital medical research.

Upon taking charge of Congress last year, the party vowed to push for easing curbs on federal funding for stem-cell research.

Alternative bill

Stem cells are immature cells, created shortly after conception, which have the capacity to turn into any kind of tissue in the body.

Scientists hope to use stem cells taken from frozen human embryos to repair tissue affected by disease or injury.

"Not every day do we have the opportunity to vote to heal the sick," Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill said, describing it as "a noble cause".

Speaking before the vote, however, a White House spokeswoman said the president would veto the proposed bill because it "crosses a moral line that would use taxpayer dollars to destroy human embryos".

Conservative Republicans have likened the destruction of frozen human embryos to abortion.

Mr Bush imposed restrictions on spending government money on stem-cell research when he came to power in 2001.

He limited the offer of federal funds to research on stem-cell batches that were already available that August and ruled out funding work on fresh batches.

The president has instead offered to fund an alternative form of research which uses cells taken from amniotic fluid, placentas and from embryos that have died naturally.

The Senate passed a bill endorsing funding for such research later on Wednesday.
This is an issue I have mixed emotions about.

While I am all for stem cell research, I find that I struggle with the idea of federal and/or state funding.

I live in California and believe that the $3 billion that the state has alotted for stem cell research would be better spent elsewhere in the state. Highways would be a good place to start. But hey, California voters said go for it, we don't care about our highways, illegal immigration, the homeless, crime, pollution, yada yada yada.

I am also of the opinion that the state and federal governments should not necessarily be funding research that could potentially reap billions of dollars in profits for drug companies and hospital conglomerates. Honestly, you don't think they're not going to do research into an area of medicine that could generate ungodly amounts of revenue just because they're not getting funding from the state or the feds? Yeah, right.

The potential cures and benefits that stem cell therapies hold for humanity are too great to ignore. While we still don't know how effective they may or may not be, the research should be done. I just don't know if taxpayer money should be used.
:mad: once again the chimp will show the world he is content on keeping our nation 3 steps behind the rest of the planet. Although I'm quite certain he thinks god wants all of you to suffer through your impending illness.
The dope is a total disgrace.
I agree, while china is off to the races with technology. We are stuck with no funding for any kind of human advancement. Dont you think if not for the war and president bush, all that emergancy war funding would have been used for so much better! I mean arent we trying to advance man kind, and lead the way into this new century? How can we do that if we are tied down in Iraq, and we have a stubborn wannabe bible enforcer of a president.

I cant wait, 600 something more days until freedom. If not freedom, at least reason! Unless flip flop mcain gets elected. First he opposes the invasion, opposes the surge, now he is for everything Bush says? Does he not read polls?
That 600 more days the US is farther behind getting stem cell patents.

Impeachment anyone? Actually study's have shown, that 60% of the world feels less safe with bush in power. Many people want to have him impeached for going into an agressive war without UN (created for peace) backing. He was warned before 9-11 about osama, he was urged by the UN not to invade iraq. How much does this guy have to fuck up for us to learn? He is a failure, and 59 million americans who voted for him, are either stupid, or ignorant. I mean jeez, the constitution clearly states, "limited Power government" basically the opposite of what Bush has created the past 6 years with all the white house privacy laws and patriot acts. Half of his cabinet worked for his DAD and the other half is under investigation!

Thank God Bush did not have a son, seriously thank you lord. If I have to sit through 8 more years of scandal I will move to Antarctica!

And what makes me sick are those extreme followers, who literally said "Bush speaks to God" and they pray to BUSH. They belong in a mental hosptial.

The way this country is going, I wouldnt be surprised to see stickers that said "Bush for GOD 08"
He will never be impeached for war crimes. take a look at american history, specifically Nicaragua.

1985 : United States walks out of World Court case

"For the first time since joining the World Court in 1946, the United States walks out of a case. The case that caused the dramatic walkout concerned U.S. paramilitary activities against the Nicaraguan government.
For the Reagan administration, efforts to undermine the Sandinista government in Nicaragua had been a keystone of its anticommunist foreign policy since it took office in 1981. Policies designed to economically and diplomatically isolate the Nicaraguan government were combined with monetary and material aid to the "Contras," a paramilitary anti-Sandinista force that carried out armed attacks against the Sandinistas. Although some of these U.S. efforts were public knowledge, others were covert and remained hidden from public view."

GW will never face a trial for Iraq, and if he does the US will ignore it. Then engage in an active "Peace Process" involving the rebuilding of the UN headquarters. After it suddenly dissapears.

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