Senate Democrats May Be Further Harming Their November Election Chances With Supreme Court Nominee

That's so fucking stupid. The Right has really lost it.
Its not at all stupid

she described 8-10 year old children as the peers of an 18 year old convicted sex offender

if she is that open now, how much bolder will she be after she nails down an untouchable lifetime gig on the highest court?

its only a matter of time before libertines open the gates to legalized adult sex with children
She's an idiot. She couldn't even define what a woman is.
She strikes me as someone who has gotten by on a lot of “fluff,” sounding as if she’s saying something of import but much of it is superficial and without any weight. Reminds me of when I was in 10th grade and had to write a 1500 word essay….fill it up with a lot of nothing.

She has been given advantages all her life due to her race, including this position, and starting with admission to Harvard undergrad.
She strikes me as someone who has gotten by on a lot of “fluff,” sounding as if she’s saying something of import but much of it is superficial and without any weight. Reminds me of when I was in 10th grade and had to write a 1500 word essay….fill it up with a lot of nothing.

She has been given advantages all her life due to her race, including this position, and starting with admission to Harvard undergrad.
Just like Obama. Fraud.
She will do what she's told to do by her masters. She can't even define what a woman is.
Based on the access to logical, documented, reliable information, and how they coincide with the constitution, her decisions won't reflect her masters desires, because she has no masters.

You presented us with an argument that has no relationship with documented evidence. You're a partisan idiot.
She strikes me as someone who has gotten by on a lot of “fluff,” sounding as if she’s saying something of import but much of it is superficial and without any weight. Reminds me of when I was in 10th grade and had to write a 1500 word essay….fill it up with a lot of nothing.

She has been given advantages all her life due to her race, including this position, and starting with admission to Harvard undergrad.
400 years of black oppression was/is no advantage. For references, just go over the 440 voter suppression bills against minorities. There is nothing advantageous about those bills.
Too bad you assholes did the same thing to Barrett. They should also ask about any sexual assaults she may have committed and how much she drank in school. The same questions asked of Barrett and Kavanaugh.
She wasn't involved in any. That's why it was fair game for the others like Kavanaugh.
As for the Demmie nominee, she seemed to think lying her ass off would go over with the majority of representatives and senators who rolled in on the most corrupt power grab dressed up in cheating the American voters out of their true choice{s}. I think the American people are sick of the main strong point of Democrats was pushing lies for self-enrichment morning, noon, and night. They seem to find liars appealing to their sense of omeurta by hiding her records so that no one can know exactly how unjust lletting off criminals who would destroy America if let out of jail for free as their deep state lusts for chaos which puts them in the driver's seat. Meh.
Here's your problem. You pedal the big lie. And by the way, please continue. The big lie keeps the party divided.
She wasn't involved in any. That's why it was fair game for the others like Kavanaugh.
What happened to Kavanaugh was a disgrace. But it did show how lawless Democrats are. There was no due process and no real evidence but they acted as if it were fact. This lady is not qualified for the SCOTUS, period.

Democrats May Be Further Harming Their November Election Chances With Supreme Court Nominee​

you forgot to add

"in states where voting is still valid"

What happened to Kavanaugh was a disgrace. But it did show how lawless Democrats are. There was no due process and no real evidence but they acted as if it were fact. This lady is not qualified for the SCOTUS, period.
They found out he was a drunk, and still is. No telling what that pos did in college.
America was the envy of the world for it's first 150 years. And back then we weren't worried that we didn't have enough women or blacks on the Supreme Court. Liberals are ruining America.
we should have a Black woman on the Court... I say we should have had one b4 now

But THIS one?



If they approve her, those democratic Senators will have to go home and explain to the voters why they did so.

That's not going to be pretty.
It's going to be very pretty. She has no baggage like Thomas and Kavanaugh.

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