Senate Democrats May Be Further Harming Their November Election Chances With Supreme Court Nominee

He admitted to being a beer drinker you dumbass. He's a fucking drunk. Just look at that pickle face. You can spot them a mile away.
Being a beer drinker does not make you a drunk. Just how fucking stupid are you?
What about it? Race and sex have been a policy of discrimination since our founding.
She will keep promoting teenage girls having babies by her views on pedophiles and social justice. She does not admit to women as one of two sexes because her elitist masters says there are more. Poverty is now permanent as those who want better for their own, have sold out expecting others to pay for all of the flaws. And we are paying for it today.
This nominee is proud to be a Black woman on the Supreme Court and admits she isn't familiar with the Dred Scott decision. There is something wrong with that picture.
It's quite possible that Democrats in the Senate judiciary Committee will vote to confirm Joe Biden's quite radical nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If/when they do, they will be further demonstrating to the American people that their party cannot be trusted to provide good leadership, and they will be further damaging their chances for Democrats to get elected this coming November. While they may celebrate Jackson's confirmation, if that becomes the case, they will be simultaneously be celebrating a major Republican promotional victory for November's elections.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a progressive favorite, with a troubling legal record, and well-documented allegiance to left-wing causes. Despite what some establishment-minded Republicans might think, Jackson’s nomination raises several serious causes for concern.

When it comes to judicial appointments, Democrats do not even attempt to abide by the impression that they care about fundamental constitutional rights, or will nominate jurists who render sound constitutional judgments. Jackson is the latest example of this trend: based on every available indication, a Justice Jackson would serve not as a neutral interpreter of the Constitution, but rather as a reliable rubber stamp for many of progressives’ most prized policy goals.

Thus, Senate Republicans should see Jackson for what she is: a politician in a black robe whose primary role on the Court will be to advance the radical woke agenda of the Democrat Party, and to undermine any remaining vestige of equal justice under the law.

From the very moment Breyer announced his retirement, a slate of far-left advocacy groups persistently encouraged Biden to consider Jackson as a replacement for Breyer. As NBC News reported, "Jackson fits well with the Democratic Party and the progressive movement's agenda."

Although Jackson has bizarrely (and almost certainly dishonestly) claimed she has not developed "a view" on the "living Constitution" – the progressive theory that the written words of the Constitution have no fixed meaning – her resume puts her squarely in the living constitutionalist camp, and her previous legal rulings have consistently favored progressive priorities.

Since Jackson’s appointment as a federal judge, she blocked the Trump administration’s executive orders aimed at holding federal employees accountable (a decision that was unanimously reversed by the D.C. Circuit), stymied Trump’s ability to deport illegal aliens, and forced former White House Counsel Don McGahn to comply with a politically motivated subpoena from congressional Democrats.

A left-wing advocacy group has also praised Jackson for her refusal to use terms like "illegal" and "alien" in her decisions relating to immigration. Perhaps most concerningly, she upheld a program that established explicitly race-based preferences in the awarding of government contracts, giving the impression that she is a disciple of the left’s identity politics regime. Well, what a surprise that she, like most Democrats supports racist Affirmative Action.

This raises another point in my mind. I'd really like to know if any (if not all) of her advances, from entering undergraduate college all the way to her last judge position, were obtained by means of Affirmative Action discrimination in her favor. If it could be found that she got a single one of these from AA, I'd say that should be grounds to reject her just on that alone (not that there aren't plenty of other reasons).

As Ed Whelan wrote for National Review, Jackson "is not highly regarded as a judge" and "has a striking record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit – including by liberal judges—in her high-profile rulings." This pattern indicates that Jackson is vulnerable to challenges based on the merits of her rulings and legal acumen, rather than merely just her political leanings – a troubling sign for any Supreme Court nominee.

Jackson also defended terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay (including a likely Taliban leader) in a way that has been described as "zealous" and "ideological." And to top it all off, prior to her appointment as a federal judge, Jackson was part of an amicus brief filed by pro-abortion groups – including NARAL – in support of a so-called "buffer zone" around abortion clinics that sought to impede the right of pro-life Americans to peacefully assemble.

In the age of Big Tech dominance and free speech suppression, should the American people – particularly those with pro-life and other conservative views – really trust that Jackson will stand up for their First Amendment rights?

Following the left’s shameful hysterics throughout the confirmation hearings of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – in which they slandered Kavanaugh as a serial rapist, and suggested that Barrett was not qualified to serve on the court because of her Catholic faith – no Republican senator should feel in any way inclined to lend their support to Jackson, who unlike Trump’s appointees, is almost universally regarded as a partisan tool of the radical left, without any respect for the Constitution, or regard for the rule of law.

For decades, the left has perceived the Supreme Court not as an independent guardian of the United States Constitution, but instead as a mini legislature whose sole purpose is to ram through extreme policies that the American people do not support.

Judge Jackson is a pitch-perfect exemplar of this dangerous vision: because Democrats know their far-left policies cannot win the popular support of the American people, they must rely on the veiled radicalism of judicial nominees like Jackson to legislate their Marxist policies from the bench.

In writing this article I have copied some parts of the link article by former Attorney General of the United States, Matthew Whittaker. Be sure to watch the short video in the link, since it contains valuable factual information regarding Judge Jackson's record.

We`ve all seen the Republican Senators for what they are. They left their sheets and hoods at home this week. Whittaker was Trump`s AG for 3 (three) months and now he has a stain that can`t be removed.
I say rubber stamp her and move on as there is no use giving the dems nary a bit more media exposure than you have to.

I mean one radical dem shit-stain affirmative action hire is about the same as the next and that is all you will get from Tater and his band-o-turds.

In fact the gop could make a better case just by boycotting the hearing altogether. There's shit-all to be gained other than some POTUS hopeful like Cruz grandstanding.

Rubber stamp her not once she is in they will just be praising themselves for putting in a black woman in and CNN and MSNBC and the others will fall right in line. They will make it a spectacle regardless.

And if the gop doesn't show up then democrats will just say they are racist, hate democracy and blah blah. And again CNN, MSNBC and so on will run with it.
This nominee is proud to be a Black woman on the Supreme Court and admits she isn't familiar with the Dred Scott decision. There is something wrong with that picture.
She also said she didn’t listen to the Kavanaugh hearings. How is someone so high up in the legal field, a JUDGE, uninterested in following a SCOTUS hearing?

She’s a lightweight who has been elevated throughout her life due to racial preferences. This is what we end up with.
We`ve all seen the Republican Senators for what they are. They left their sheets and hoods at home this week. Whittaker was Trump`s AG for 3 (three) months and now he has a stain that can`t be removed.
Get a life. The lady is not qualified.
Rubber stamp her not once she is in they will just be praising themselves for putting in a black woman in and CNN and MSNBC and the others will fall right in line. They will make it a spectacle regardless.

And if the gop doesn't show up then democrats will just say they are racist, hate democracy and blah blah. And again CNN, MSNBC and so on will run with it.
They are racists who hate Democracy enough to try to install a loser who clearly lost. How many Blacks were arrested at trump`s riot?
It's quite possible that Democrats in the Senate judiciary Committee will vote to confirm Joe Biden's quite radical nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If/when they do, they will be further demonstrating to the American people that their party cannot be trusted to provide good leadership, and they will be further damaging their chances for Democrats to get elected this coming November. While they may celebrate Jackson's confirmation, if that becomes the case, they will be simultaneously be celebrating a major Republican promotional victory for November's elections.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a progressive favorite, with a troubling legal record, and well-documented allegiance to left-wing causes. Despite what some establishment-minded Republicans might think, Jackson’s nomination raises several serious causes for concern.

When it comes to judicial appointments, Democrats do not even attempt to abide by the impression that they care about fundamental constitutional rights, or will nominate jurists who render sound constitutional judgments. Jackson is the latest example of this trend: based on every available indication, a Justice Jackson would serve not as a neutral interpreter of the Constitution, but rather as a reliable rubber stamp for many of progressives’ most prized policy goals.

Thus, Senate Republicans should see Jackson for what she is: a politician in a black robe whose primary role on the Court will be to advance the radical woke agenda of the Democrat Party, and to undermine any remaining vestige of equal justice under the law.

From the very moment Breyer announced his retirement, a slate of far-left advocacy groups persistently encouraged Biden to consider Jackson as a replacement for Breyer. As NBC News reported, "Jackson fits well with the Democratic Party and the progressive movement's agenda."

Although Jackson has bizarrely (and almost certainly dishonestly) claimed she has not developed "a view" on the "living Constitution" – the progressive theory that the written words of the Constitution have no fixed meaning – her resume puts her squarely in the living constitutionalist camp, and her previous legal rulings have consistently favored progressive priorities.

Since Jackson’s appointment as a federal judge, she blocked the Trump administration’s executive orders aimed at holding federal employees accountable (a decision that was unanimously reversed by the D.C. Circuit), stymied Trump’s ability to deport illegal aliens, and forced former White House Counsel Don McGahn to comply with a politically motivated subpoena from congressional Democrats.

A left-wing advocacy group has also praised Jackson for her refusal to use terms like "illegal" and "alien" in her decisions relating to immigration. Perhaps most concerningly, she upheld a program that established explicitly race-based preferences in the awarding of government contracts, giving the impression that she is a disciple of the left’s identity politics regime. Well, what a surprise that she, like most Democrats supports racist Affirmative Action.

This raises another point in my mind. I'd really like to know if any (if not all) of her advances, from entering undergraduate college all the way to her last judge position, were obtained by means of Affirmative Action discrimination in her favor. If it could be found that she got a single one of these from AA, I'd say that should be grounds to reject her just on that alone (not that there aren't plenty of other reasons).

As Ed Whelan wrote for National Review, Jackson "is not highly regarded as a judge" and "has a striking record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit – including by liberal judges—in her high-profile rulings." This pattern indicates that Jackson is vulnerable to challenges based on the merits of her rulings and legal acumen, rather than merely just her political leanings – a troubling sign for any Supreme Court nominee.

Jackson also defended terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay (including a likely Taliban leader) in a way that has been described as "zealous" and "ideological." And to top it all off, prior to her appointment as a federal judge, Jackson was part of an amicus brief filed by pro-abortion groups – including NARAL – in support of a so-called "buffer zone" around abortion clinics that sought to impede the right of pro-life Americans to peacefully assemble.

In the age of Big Tech dominance and free speech suppression, should the American people – particularly those with pro-life and other conservative views – really trust that Jackson will stand up for their First Amendment rights?

Following the left’s shameful hysterics throughout the confirmation hearings of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – in which they slandered Kavanaugh as a serial rapist, and suggested that Barrett was not qualified to serve on the court because of her Catholic faith – no Republican senator should feel in any way inclined to lend their support to Jackson, who unlike Trump’s appointees, is almost universally regarded as a partisan tool of the radical left, without any respect for the Constitution, or regard for the rule of law.

For decades, the left has perceived the Supreme Court not as an independent guardian of the United States Constitution, but instead as a mini legislature whose sole purpose is to ram through extreme policies that the American people do not support.

Judge Jackson is a pitch-perfect exemplar of this dangerous vision: because Democrats know their far-left policies cannot win the popular support of the American people, they must rely on the veiled radicalism of judicial nominees like Jackson to legislate their Marxist policies from the bench.

In writing this article I have copied some parts of the link article by former Attorney General of the United States, Matthew Whittaker. Be sure to watch the short video in the link, since it contains valuable factual information regarding Judge Jackson's record.

That’s a lot of words just to say you don’t want a black woman on the court.
That’s a lot of words just to say you don’t want a black woman on the court.
So we are not allowed to note that a nominee is just average in intelligence if she’s black? I’ve been listening to her for two days, and she doesn’t express herself well, she is slow to formulate a response, and she speaks haltingly. All those are indications of someone who is not impressively intelligent - and she’s being considered for the SCOTUS! Why should her being black protect her from criticism?

The nasty accusation of “raaacist” by leftists to silence any criticism of any black person is a good reason RIGHT THERE not to have a black president. Any valid criticism or disapproval will be met with the nasty acausation.
It's quite possible that Democrats in the Senate judiciary Committee will vote to confirm Joe Biden's quite radical nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If/when they do, they will be further demonstrating to the American people that their party cannot be trusted to provide good leadership, and they will be further damaging their chances for Democrats to get elected this coming November. While they may celebrate Jackson's confirmation, if that becomes the case, they will be simultaneously be celebrating a major Republican promotional victory for November's elections.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a progressive favorite, with a troubling legal record, and well-documented allegiance to left-wing causes. Despite what some establishment-minded Republicans might think, Jackson’s nomination raises several serious causes for concern.

When it comes to judicial appointments, Democrats do not even attempt to abide by the impression that they care about fundamental constitutional rights, or will nominate jurists who render sound constitutional judgments. Jackson is the latest example of this trend: based on every available indication, a Justice Jackson would serve not as a neutral interpreter of the Constitution, but rather as a reliable rubber stamp for many of progressives’ most prized policy goals.

Thus, Senate Republicans should see Jackson for what she is: a politician in a black robe whose primary role on the Court will be to advance the radical woke agenda of the Democrat Party, and to undermine any remaining vestige of equal justice under the law.

From the very moment Breyer announced his retirement, a slate of far-left advocacy groups persistently encouraged Biden to consider Jackson as a replacement for Breyer. As NBC News reported, "Jackson fits well with the Democratic Party and the progressive movement's agenda."

Although Jackson has bizarrely (and almost certainly dishonestly) claimed she has not developed "a view" on the "living Constitution" – the progressive theory that the written words of the Constitution have no fixed meaning – her resume puts her squarely in the living constitutionalist camp, and her previous legal rulings have consistently favored progressive priorities.

Since Jackson’s appointment as a federal judge, she blocked the Trump administration’s executive orders aimed at holding federal employees accountable (a decision that was unanimously reversed by the D.C. Circuit), stymied Trump’s ability to deport illegal aliens, and forced former White House Counsel Don McGahn to comply with a politically motivated subpoena from congressional Democrats.

A left-wing advocacy group has also praised Jackson for her refusal to use terms like "illegal" and "alien" in her decisions relating to immigration. Perhaps most concerningly, she upheld a program that established explicitly race-based preferences in the awarding of government contracts, giving the impression that she is a disciple of the left’s identity politics regime. Well, what a surprise that she, like most Democrats supports racist Affirmative Action.

This raises another point in my mind. I'd really like to know if any (if not all) of her advances, from entering undergraduate college all the way to her last judge position, were obtained by means of Affirmative Action discrimination in her favor. If it could be found that she got a single one of these from AA, I'd say that should be grounds to reject her just on that alone (not that there aren't plenty of other reasons).

As Ed Whelan wrote for National Review, Jackson "is not highly regarded as a judge" and "has a striking record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit – including by liberal judges—in her high-profile rulings." This pattern indicates that Jackson is vulnerable to challenges based on the merits of her rulings and legal acumen, rather than merely just her political leanings – a troubling sign for any Supreme Court nominee.

Jackson also defended terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay (including a likely Taliban leader) in a way that has been described as "zealous" and "ideological." And to top it all off, prior to her appointment as a federal judge, Jackson was part of an amicus brief filed by pro-abortion groups – including NARAL – in support of a so-called "buffer zone" around abortion clinics that sought to impede the right of pro-life Americans to peacefully assemble.

In the age of Big Tech dominance and free speech suppression, should the American people – particularly those with pro-life and other conservative views – really trust that Jackson will stand up for their First Amendment rights?

Following the left’s shameful hysterics throughout the confirmation hearings of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – in which they slandered Kavanaugh as a serial rapist, and suggested that Barrett was not qualified to serve on the court because of her Catholic faith – no Republican senator should feel in any way inclined to lend their support to Jackson, who unlike Trump’s appointees, is almost universally regarded as a partisan tool of the radical left, without any respect for the Constitution, or regard for the rule of law.

For decades, the left has perceived the Supreme Court not as an independent guardian of the United States Constitution, but instead as a mini legislature whose sole purpose is to ram through extreme policies that the American people do not support.

Judge Jackson is a pitch-perfect exemplar of this dangerous vision: because Democrats know their far-left policies cannot win the popular support of the American people, they must rely on the veiled radicalism of judicial nominees like Jackson to legislate their Marxist policies from the bench.

In writing this article I have copied some parts of the link article by former Attorney General of the United States, Matthew Whittaker. Be sure to watch the short video in the link, since it contains valuable factual information regarding Judge Jackson's record.

Wow, that sure is a long, long OP.
It's quite possible that Democrats in the Senate judiciary Committee will vote to confirm Joe Biden's quite radical nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. If/when they do, they will be further demonstrating to the American people that their party cannot be trusted to provide good leadership, and they will be further damaging their chances for Democrats to get elected this coming November. While they may celebrate Jackson's confirmation, if that becomes the case, they will be simultaneously be celebrating a major Republican promotional victory for November's elections.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a progressive favorite, with a troubling legal record, and well-documented allegiance to left-wing causes. Despite what some establishment-minded Republicans might think, Jackson’s nomination raises several serious causes for concern.

When it comes to judicial appointments, Democrats do not even attempt to abide by the impression that they care about fundamental constitutional rights, or will nominate jurists who render sound constitutional judgments. Jackson is the latest example of this trend: based on every available indication, a Justice Jackson would serve not as a neutral interpreter of the Constitution, but rather as a reliable rubber stamp for many of progressives’ most prized policy goals.

Thus, Senate Republicans should see Jackson for what she is: a politician in a black robe whose primary role on the Court will be to advance the radical woke agenda of the Democrat Party, and to undermine any remaining vestige of equal justice under the law.

From the very moment Breyer announced his retirement, a slate of far-left advocacy groups persistently encouraged Biden to consider Jackson as a replacement for Breyer. As NBC News reported, "Jackson fits well with the Democratic Party and the progressive movement's agenda."

Although Jackson has bizarrely (and almost certainly dishonestly) claimed she has not developed "a view" on the "living Constitution" – the progressive theory that the written words of the Constitution have no fixed meaning – her resume puts her squarely in the living constitutionalist camp, and her previous legal rulings have consistently favored progressive priorities.

Since Jackson’s appointment as a federal judge, she blocked the Trump administration’s executive orders aimed at holding federal employees accountable (a decision that was unanimously reversed by the D.C. Circuit), stymied Trump’s ability to deport illegal aliens, and forced former White House Counsel Don McGahn to comply with a politically motivated subpoena from congressional Democrats.

A left-wing advocacy group has also praised Jackson for her refusal to use terms like "illegal" and "alien" in her decisions relating to immigration. Perhaps most concerningly, she upheld a program that established explicitly race-based preferences in the awarding of government contracts, giving the impression that she is a disciple of the left’s identity politics regime. Well, what a surprise that she, like most Democrats supports racist Affirmative Action.

This raises another point in my mind. I'd really like to know if any (if not all) of her advances, from entering undergraduate college all the way to her last judge position, were obtained by means of Affirmative Action discrimination in her favor. If it could be found that she got a single one of these from AA, I'd say that should be grounds to reject her just on that alone (not that there aren't plenty of other reasons).

As Ed Whelan wrote for National Review, Jackson "is not highly regarded as a judge" and "has a striking record of reversals by the D.C. Circuit – including by liberal judges—in her high-profile rulings." This pattern indicates that Jackson is vulnerable to challenges based on the merits of her rulings and legal acumen, rather than merely just her political leanings – a troubling sign for any Supreme Court nominee.

Jackson also defended terrorists detained at Guantánamo Bay (including a likely Taliban leader) in a way that has been described as "zealous" and "ideological." And to top it all off, prior to her appointment as a federal judge, Jackson was part of an amicus brief filed by pro-abortion groups – including NARAL – in support of a so-called "buffer zone" around abortion clinics that sought to impede the right of pro-life Americans to peacefully assemble.

In the age of Big Tech dominance and free speech suppression, should the American people – particularly those with pro-life and other conservative views – really trust that Jackson will stand up for their First Amendment rights?

Following the left’s shameful hysterics throughout the confirmation hearings of Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – in which they slandered Kavanaugh as a serial rapist, and suggested that Barrett was not qualified to serve on the court because of her Catholic faith – no Republican senator should feel in any way inclined to lend their support to Jackson, who unlike Trump’s appointees, is almost universally regarded as a partisan tool of the radical left, without any respect for the Constitution, or regard for the rule of law.

For decades, the left has perceived the Supreme Court not as an independent guardian of the United States Constitution, but instead as a mini legislature whose sole purpose is to ram through extreme policies that the American people do not support.

Judge Jackson is a pitch-perfect exemplar of this dangerous vision: because Democrats know their far-left policies cannot win the popular support of the American people, they must rely on the veiled radicalism of judicial nominees like Jackson to legislate their Marxist policies from the bench.

In writing this article I have copied some parts of the link article by former Attorney General of the United States, Matthew Whittaker. Be sure to watch the short video in the link, since it contains valuable factual information regarding Judge Jackson's record.

No, the current bunch of conservative judicial activists on the court will motivate the Democrats base to vote against authoritarian republics.

Judge Jackson has exposed the conservatives on the court for pushing their political wants over what republics used to claim they wanted on the court which was judicial restraint.

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