Senate democrats vote in favor of rape and murder

The Country spoke @ that whopping 8% current congressional approval rating too? Or people don't count when it looks bad for your partisan side?


"Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job?"


Approve 26% Disapprove 68%

Unsure 5% }

Congress: Republicans

Try again.

That's old. And singular. And fractioned.

Here's several recent polls. Even fox has them at 11% approval, 83% disapproval. Imagine that.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval
Every republican voted agains the bill.

So you pretend that means what?

It must be a bad bill.

Of course it's a bad bill.
It's a tax hike framed as a jobs bill.
It's a short term stimulus and we all saw the first one fail.
What happens when the money runs out from this?
The Teachers,Cops and firemen get fired.

As for Dumbass Joe Biden...we need this bill now or the rapists will go crazy...

Why can't the States pay for their own Cops,Teachers and firemen?

All of a sudden Biden and Obama want to stop the rapists and such...
Where were they six weeks ago on this,8 weeks,16 weeks ago.
All of a sudden they are interested in jobs....

No my friends.This was a move they knew the GOP would push back on this so they would look bad.

This was all a campaign move by Obama to gain the WH in 2012. :eusa_whistle:
I tried to rape a cow one time but it kept moving away from the stump. Guess I'm not cut out for a life of crime...
You should get some hip boots and try the sheep. Put on the boots, then approach the sheep from behind, get on your knees, stick one each of the sheep's back legs into each boot. The sheep can't get away....and you don't need a stump

I tried both of the posted links to his hackery and got "Sorry no matches."

...but I believe you anyway.
Now that we've run with this hackery for a few pages can you guys see the stupidity of Bidens comments to begin with?
Every republican voted agains the bill.

So you pretend that means what?

I'm pretending to be a hack like you and Dean. Seemed like fun at the time even though the premise of the op makes me feel stupid. How do you guys live with that feeling?

give an example of wehre I have been a hack

Go get an example of the behavior you claim of others while you post a hack thread like this.

Not too sure if this was a "jobs bill" or a union pay off. I think I'm going to go with the latter. Notice how none of the places targeted in the "jobs bill" was non-union?

TM is definately NOT a hack. Hack's can spell...
Not too sure if this was a "jobs bill" or a union pay off. I think I'm going to go with the latter. Notice how none of the places targeted in the "jobs bill" was non-union?

TM is definately NOT a hack. Hack's can spell...

Yup, it was another pay off for the unions just prior to an election year. Have to rally the base somehow.

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