Senate Dems continue to reject any possible compromise:"My way or the highway"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Yep, the Democrat position is pretty clear. And they're gaining ground :)
Once it goes through the house, the senate, the presidency and is ratified by the Supreme Court and validated by the last election, it becomes law.

What is there to compromise?
Once it goes through the house, the senate, the presidency and is ratified by the Supreme Court and validated by the last election, it becomes law.

What is there to compromise?
So, then you are all for prosecuting President Obama for violating the law, right?

After all, if it is so inviolate, this law, then not even Obama can alter it.

It has got to be tough being a nutter. Always balancing on those weak arguments. Half aware that they are ridiculous, but unable to abandon them. Compelled to keep pushing them. For there is nothing else. Reality is a kick in the ass.
Fuck it.

Shut it Down.............

Instant Balanced Budget..................

You now have 200 BILLION A MONTH to spend. How do you choose to Spend it.
It has got to be tough being a nutter. Always balancing on those weak arguments. Half aware that they are ridiculous, but unable to abandon them. Compelled to keep pushing them. For there is nothing else. Reality is a kick in the ass.

He he ha ha

You wouldn't know Reality if it came up and bit you in the ass.
What is there to compromise?

$29 billion in taxes on medical devices, for one.

...the tax will hurt job creation, reduce investment in new medical devices and raise health care costs because some device makers will just pass along the tax cost.

A tax on medical devices stirs the budget debate - Yahoo Finance

Cool. Wrong way to get it. Go through proper procedure. This is a tantrum.

Madison calling.............

Your Lying again. Ummmm It's in the Constitution Lib.............

So sorry that you haven't pissed on the Constitution on this issue yet.
Sane Person: We need food. Can I use your car to go to the store?

Crazy Person: We do need food. However, you can use my car only if you punch yourself in the balls until you vomit.

Sane Person: That's ridiculous. One thing has nothing to do with the other. How would that accomplish anything?

Crazy Person: It's what I want.

Sane Person: Well, I guess we'll just starve.

Crazy Person: Yes, but remember that if we starve, it will be your fault because you didn't punch yourself in the balls until you vomit.

(Credit, The Rude Pundit)
Once it goes through the house, the senate, the presidency and is ratified by the Supreme Court and validated by the last election, it becomes law.

What is there to compromise?

That's the problem with trying to bully someone who controls the purse strings. It can come back to bite you in the butt

The congress has the authority to limit an out of control executive by withholding funding. That's exactly what they are doing.

And yes, that is what we pay them to do.
once it goes through the house, the senate, the presidency and is ratified by the supreme court and validated by the last election, it becomes law.

What is there to compromise?

that's the problem with trying to bully someone who controls the purse strings. It can come back to bite you in the butt

the congress has the authority to limit an out of control executive by withholding funding. That's exactly what they are doing.

And yes, that is what we pay them to do.

amen pop23........................
What is there to compromise?

$29 billion in taxes on medical devices, for one.

...the tax will hurt job creation, reduce investment in new medical devices and raise health care costs because some device makers will just pass along the tax cost.

A tax on medical devices stirs the budget debate - Yahoo Finance

Cool. Wrong way to get it. Go through proper procedure. This is a tantrum.

Waivers given to his buddies

Delaying the employer mandate

Go through proper procedures?

Ironic Ain't it?
So, in a nutshell, Obama won't negotiate with Republican congress but will negotiate with the Russians...:eek:

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