Senate Dems Say Screw the Dreamers


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Shame Democrats hate children so much.

Senate Democrats are willing to drop their demand that relief for Dreamers be tied to any long-term budget agreement — a potential breakthrough on spending talks, but one that could face opposition from their House counterparts.

The shift comes in response to the deal struck between Senate leaders Monday to reopen the government and begin debate on an immigration bill next month. Meanwhile, budget negotiators are expressing optimism that a two-year agreement to lift stiff caps on defense and domestic spending is increasingly within reach.

“We’re viewing [immigration and spending] on separate terms because they are on separate paths,” Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said Tuesday.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s “procedural concession means we’ve got a deadline and a process,” Durbin added. “That to me is a significant step forward. It’s not everything I wanted that’s for sure, but it’s a step forward.”

But House Democrats have signaled they are not ready to go along with a long-term budget deal without a fix to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that President Donald Trump is ending.

“We are insisting that these things be in the same negotiation,” said a senior House Democratic aide. “To us, what’s important is are these talks linked or not linked? To us, they are linked.”

The division among Democrats is complicating negotiations, as lawmakers in both parties face intense pressure — and a two-week time crunch — to show progress on government funding, immigration and a raft of other outstanding issues that have resulted in the government operating on stopgap spending bills since September.

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Unconditional surrender is what I always wanted and Trump is delivering
Democrats in political office are shaking over the revelations breaking over the FBI. They can't think straight any more.
They should screw the gay, transgender, and pro-choice wing of the party as well and get back to their roots. Instead of being a party of losers they could be winners backing Trump.
This is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! I wonder what they will buckle on next!? Hell at this rate they won't have any supporters to vote for them come election day LMAO
Senate Democrats know what the score is, they're between a rock and a hard place. The House Democrats can't see the forest for the trees and need to step back and realize that a government shut down is the last thing they need.
DACA is done for the year. The dems threw all in and got stomped in within a weekend. There will be no more DACA negotiations for at least this year.
They should screw the gay, transgender, and pro-choice wing of the party as well and get back to their roots. Instead of being a party of losers they could be winners backing Trump.

the democrat party is ruined

they have become nothing more then a bunch

of various hate groups
Senate Democrats know what the score is, they're between a rock and a hard place. The House Democrats can't see the forest for the trees and need to step back and realize that a government shut down is the last thing they need.

the best part is they

walked straight into it

Senate Democrats know what the score is, they're between a rock and a hard place. The House Democrats can't see the forest for the trees and need to step back and realize that a government shut down is the last thing they need.

the best part is they

walked straight into it

The left did a Bonzai charge right into Trumps fortified positions - immigration and the economy. They are being slaughtered.
Senate Democrats know what the score is, they're between a rock and a hard place. The House Democrats can't see the forest for the trees and need to step back and realize that a government shut down is the last thing they need.

the best part is they

walked straight into it

The left did a Bonzai charge right into Trumps fortified positions - immigration and the economy. They are being slaughtered.

rightfully so
Trump needs to issue an EO ending DACA on February 1st and to order ICE to export every "dreamer" as quickly as they can be located and processed.

Then the Dems will come crawling.
The long term result may be that the GOP becomes known as the party of domestic terrorism. Taking DACA & CHIP children hostage to get what they want may be a short-term gain but a long-term disaster.

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