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Senate GOP Brushes Off Long-Shot Attempt To Fight Biden Win

You're fighting a thing that does not exist. This is not some noble lost cause, because the cause is not there. The only fraud is these claims of widespread fraud! It has been laid bare, and people are stubbornly refusing to accept the truth.
Nothing has been laid bare

merely dismissed by libs who just want to move on

I think if you had lost the election the same way you would see it differently
You apparently wouldn't know a fact if you fell over one.

Actual voting procedures have been explained to you.

Actual recounts, audits, canvasses have been completed.

Cyber security experts have looked at the Dominion operating system. The FBI has investigated claims of fraud. They say it was a secure election with no evidence of widespread fraud.

Individual claims have been investigated and hundreds have been rejected by courts because they are vague innuendoes that fraud MIGHT have happened.

What is it going to take for you folks to come back to reality? What damage will you cause before you do?
Even the courts have admitted there was election fraud

and the excuse offered is that it was not enough to change the outcome

But thats not acceptable

I know you want very badly to win but this is the wrong way to do it

the example in georgia where poll waychers were told the counting will stop but 5 poll workers remained in the building alone and pushed thousands of ballots through the system

you will just sneer and say something to the affect of “Tough shit buddy, you cant PROVE any fraud took place”

which may be true

but dont expect me to accept it without a murmur of protest
You have a Trump avatar with a Russian hat and are talking about accusations with no evidence, lol

Little late for that, eh?

How's that any different than the Trump cultists who've been sporting cringe-worthy idol-worship avatars and sigs for the past five years who are crying fraud when the courts have said there is none?

No it's really not

Democrats wanted to impeach him over it, almost the same exact thing

An end run around the democratic process via the legislature.

They are almost perfectly analogous

Stacey Abrahms still thinks she's the rightful governor of Georgia.

Now suddenly questioning election results is a threat to democracy? Republicans aren't saving it like the democrats tried to with impeachment? hahahah

In my lifetime it's only been democrats who have questioned election results, before trump anyway. You seem to be forgetting the key point Trump wasn't telling them they were a threat to democracy for the same actions he's taking. Hypocrisy is an unforgivable political sin
the example in georgia where poll waychers were told the counting will stop but 5 poll workers remained in the building alone and pushed thousands of ballots through the system
Thoroughly explained.
And duly ignored by you.

If there were supposedly hinky things going on in other places, and they have more validity than the allegation above, I agree that state's SoS should investigate it. Everyone wants a straight, fair election. You can make unfounded assertions all day, like some idiots say all Dems are commies. But no one is going to take you seriously.
the example in georgia where poll waychers were told the counting will stop but 5 poll workers remained in the building alone and pushed thousands of ballots through the system
Thoroughly explained.
And duly ignored by you.

If there were supposedly hinky things going on in other places, and they have more validity than the allegation above, I agree that state's SoS should investigate it. Everyone wants a straight, fair election. You can make unfounded assertions all day, like some idiots say all Dems are commies. But no one is going to take you seriously.
I see youre still trying to peddle your BS lies,,,

please continue cause it tells us we are on to something,,
"Nobody likes to lose but we have to respect the judgment of the American people, the voters, so I don't support, I don't endorse, I don't really like just making a show just to make a show," Cornyn said.

Asked if he saw the eleventh-hour attempt to overturn the results of the election going anywhere, Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), who has linked himself closely to Trump, replied, "I do not."

This needs to stop
I hear you, but yesterday I saw videos of election workers clearing a counting room of all observers and the media, and then proceeding to pull out suitcases full of ballots which they started counting.

I also saw election workers handing off what appeared to be a USB drive while clearly acting like they were committing a conspiracy due to their surveillance of others, covert handoff, and paranoid behavior.

Then there are certain Constitutional arguments regarding changing various voting process and counting methods, allegedly in violation of states' constitutions, and various cases of fraud or illegal activity, some of which could have huge impact, such as signature verification challenges. Most have not been heard by the SCOTUS.

I would like to see these things adjudicated. If you have definitive answers to any of them, please advise.

Al Gore did not concede Florida until December 14th. I will take my Trump sign down if/when Trump concedes.

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Even the courts have admitted there was election fraud

and the excuse offered is that it was not enough to change the outcome
Yes, you robbed the bank but we think you didn't steal enough for us to sentence you . So you may go.

Yes, you raped that woman. But you didn't actually bust a nut so you are free to go.

Yes, you carjacked your neighbor's car and committed crimes while in it . But he said he left it in a nice place and put in a couple of bucks of gas. So we commend you and set you free.

Yes, you set a local church on fire. But no services were being held at the time. So be on your way.

Yes, you stole votes and corrupted the election. But we think people disliked Donald Trump.
So no harm, no foul, Mr. Official President!
Thoroughly explained.
And duly ignored by you.
Nothing I have seen “throughly explained” it

5 poll workers by themselves for hours pulling suitcases full of ballots from under tables looks pretty damning to me
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At this rate you're gonna have to dump virtually all your Republican lawmakers.
I didnt dump cornyn

he dumped me

right after the election

his political machine in Texas is strong and no viable republican challenged him in the GOP primary

if a viable candidate had run against him cornyn might still have won the nomination

but he would be shocked at how many republican voters cant stand the sight of him

so in the general election the choice was cornyn or an even worse democrat which played to his advantage
Cornyn is a giant anal wart on the ass of the republican party. He's up there with Romney
and McCain. He's a living example of a swamp creature.

Okay, he hates Trump for whatever reason. That's his psychosis.

But what about the rule of law that pricks like Cornyn pay lip service to?
What about the theft of the highest office in the land is a jackass like john Cornyn okay with?
What about turning over the presidency to radical demons who supply the agenda for
some lifetime idiot like Joe Biden to implement?

What does this signal to everyone when a corrupt mentally diminished loser is allowed to steal
the office and soil it so?
I defend the office and laws of our nation more than I defend Trump, though he doesn't deserve
the screwing over from the savage left for four year...and now THIS he has received.
Cornyn can rot in hell, right next to Joe Biden.
Keep this up and you're gonna run outta Republicans to throw under the bus
Okay, he hates Trump for whatever reason. That's his psychosis.
I disagree slightly

cornyn does not hate trump

he‘s just a disgusting swamp rodent who loves cornyn and nothing else

his seat is safe for six years

if that is under a democrat president who drives the nation into the toilet it wont hurt cornyn one little bit
Thoroughly explained.
And duly ignored by you.
Nothing I have seen “throughly explained” it

5 poll workers by themselves for hours pulling suitcases full of ballots from under tables looks pretty damning to me
When I come across the explanation, I'll bring it to you. It's been all over this board and I'm sure you've seen it, but maybe not read it, which is why I'm not going to spend a lot of time hunting for it now.
There was no voter ‘fraud,’ ‘Democratic’ or otherwise.

Propagating these inane lies might help you and others on the right cope with your loss, but you’re just making yourselves appear idiotic and ridiculous.
You are Baghdad Bob incarnate. The fetid stink of your posts reaches through my monitor screen until your
lies and rank duplicity drives one away in utter disgust.
When did you realize you were helping destroy America?
There was no voter ‘fraud,’ ‘Democratic’ or otherwise.

Propagating these inane lies might help you and others on the right cope with your loss, but you’re just making yourselves appear idiotic and ridiculous.
You are Baghdad Bob incarnate. The fetid stink of your posts reaches through my monitor screen until your
lies and rank duplicity drives one away in utter disgust.
When did you realize you were helping destroy America?
RUDY is Baghdad Bob. Trump is Saddam and you are a dead ender.

How did things end up for Saddam? I'm not saying Trump will get a rope. This is not Iraq...but it won't be pretty
When I come across the explanation, I'll bring it to you. It's been all over this board and I'm sure you've seen it, but maybe not read it, which is why I'm not going to spend a lot of time hunting for it now.
I have not seen it, but knowing what good liars dems are I’m sure its a doozy
I disagree slightly

cornyn does not hate trump

he‘s just a disgusting swamp rodent who loves cornyn and nothing else

his seat is safe for six years

if that is under a democrat president who drives the nation into the toilet it wont hurt cornyn one little bit
All the more reason to believe Cornyn dislikes Trump and will even help push him off the
gallows scaffolding the democrats have erected though it will gain him nothing
in the long run.

If Cornyn's little safe place is secure it costs him nothing to side with the law instead of with Biden
and his pals at Dominion.
And furthermore when Cornyn's current time in office is up and AOC and Pelosi have their sights
squarely on Cornyn what has he accomplished by making them stronger?

I disagree totally here. Cornyn will fry and his cowardly attempt to appease the left will only
give him temporary shelter.
Cornyn isn't even smart enought to look up the road a little bit. He's an idiot as well as a coward.
If Cornyn's little safe place is secure it costs him nothing to side with the law instead of with Biden
and his pals at Dominion.
But it might

the washington establishment does not like for its members to make waves

cornyn is a buttoned down dude who shuns the spotlight

he sticks his neck out for nuthin’ and nobody - not even the American people

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