Senate hard right Conservatives starting to grumble about Neil Gorsuch

Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. You actually have the appalling arrogance to speak on behalf of Jesus Christ? That is unbelievable - even by your ignorant standards.
Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration summoned two dozen religious leaders to a private meeting. The mission: to rally support for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

According to several participants, White House staffers emphasized Gorsuch's robust defense of religious rights as a judge on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In one prominent decision, Gorsuch argued that the government should rarely, if ever, coerce the consciences of believers.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch's own religious background.

He was raised Catholic but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women's March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for "the dignity of every human being."

As Gorsuch's Senate confirmation hearings approach this week, some hardline conservatives have raised concerns about his choice of church.

"Be advised," blared a tweet from Bryan Fischer, a host on the American Family Radio Network. "Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."

He studied with an eminent Catholic philosopher but attends a progressive Episcopal parish. He has defended the religious rights not only of Christian corporations but also of Muslims and Native Americans. He has thought deeply about morality, but says judges have no right to impose their views on others.

"Is Gorsuch a secret liberal?" asked an op-ed in The Hill, a Washington newspaper.
What is Neil Gorsuch's religion? It's complicated -

Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.
I am a liberal and I have no problem with Gorsuch. I hope he's approved.
Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.
In all seriousness oreo - why would you create a thread about a Supreme Court Justice when you don't even know what branch of the government the Supreme Court belongs to?!? Here you are in post #98
The Department of Justice is part of the Judicial branch moron. The U.S attorney General is there to ADVISE the President on his boundaries within the law, to PROTECT and DEFEND the U.S. Constitution. Trump just fired the Judicial branch.

And here you are again doubling-down on that ignorant statement in post #101:
The Department of Justice is part of the Judicial branch idiot. Just because TRUMP picks his AG doesn't mean it is now part of his administration. When Trump is gone, the Justice Department will not GO with him, it will remain intact.
Don't you find it odd that Obama attended a Black Liberation Theology church where the pastor was a verified America hating racist and the Dems were silent about it?

-Hypocrites all

The "revelation" about the Episcopal church is nothing new. About all they are is a version of the Catholic church, but have strayed from mainstream Catholic Orthodoxy because they allow women, and gay, Rectors.

I have a sister-in-law that, her and her husband, were Episcopalian but left the faith after being members for decades because the church had gone hard left many years ago.

I watched most of the hearing yesterday and got the felling that Gorsuch "could" be a swing voter, but I'm not sure. It was said that his personal feelings about a case has NO bearing on his decisions. When asked about how he does decided a case he replied that he uses the original text of the Constitution, applicable precedent, law and statute.. Many on the left hammered him about that because they claim the Constitution is a "Living Document". His answer was simple and he basically stated that the founders were brilliant and wrote it to last the ages.

He also stated unequivocally stated that it is not the responsibility of the USSC to "make law", that is the prerogative of "this body". If they don't like his decisions then it's the Legislature's responsibility to change the law or statute.

Gorsuch's answers left me both heartened and caution.
"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)


which is strange considering jesus never said anything about abortion or gay marriage.
Yet Jesus was devoutly Jewish, which says both are strictly forbidden.
I think he didn’t directly address Gay marriage because it was not an issue back then.
"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)


which is strange considering jesus never said anything about abortion or gay marriage.
You don't think Jesus would condemn the killing of innocent babies? Jesus spoke out against fornication. Sex outside of marriage. Marriage was a man and a woman leaving their families and cleaving together. It isn't hard to figure out that homosexuality wasn't exactly a blessed union.
You need to read your Bible again Tipsycatlover .

Next time try it in the original languages.

Not perverted English mistranslations.

Moses spoke out agains wife swapping.

Jesus spoke out against seducing other men's wives.

St. Paul is the one who spoke out against premarital sex.

Get it right next time my firend Tipsycatlover .
"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.
Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration summoned two dozen religious leaders to a private meeting. The mission: to rally support for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

According to several participants, White House staffers emphasized Gorsuch's robust defense of religious rights as a judge on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In one prominent decision, Gorsuch argued that the government should rarely, if ever, coerce the consciences of believers.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch's own religious background.

He was raised Catholic but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women's March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for "the dignity of every human being."

As Gorsuch's Senate confirmation hearings approach this week, some hardline conservatives have raised concerns about his choice of church.

"Be advised," blared a tweet from Bryan Fischer, a host on the American Family Radio Network. "Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."

He studied with an eminent Catholic philosopher but attends a progressive Episcopal parish. He has defended the religious rights not only of Christian corporations but also of Muslims and Native Americans. He has thought deeply about morality, but says judges have no right to impose their views on others.

"Is Gorsuch a secret liberal?" asked an op-ed in The Hill, a Washington newspaper.
What is Neil Gorsuch's religion? It's complicated -

Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.
I am a liberal and I have no problem with Gorsuch. I hope he's approved.

I think he will be approved. What's HILLARIOUS though is that Reich wingers were all over this board pre-election stating that they were voting for Trump BECAUSE he would be picking the next U.S Supreme Court judge. Many of them cited that as the ONLY reason they were voting for Trump. They were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would pick.

But Trump picked a nominee that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama & Chuck Schumer voted for to appoint as a Federal District Court Judge under G.W. Bush.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Many a Reich winger believed that Roe V Wade would be gone, gay marriage would be gone. Trump picked someone that Hillary Clinton approved of--and that is what is histerical. Clearly from his answers he has no problems with Roe v Wade or gay marriage, and stated he will not interfere into those amendments or go against them.

They were looking for the Dinasore judge that would fill Justice Scalia shoes, which they'll never find because Presidents will look for younger judges to fill those seats and not nominate someone who is 90 years old--LOL

Furthermore, he's from Boulder Colorado, the most liberal district in the state of Colorado.

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"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.
Nope......Scuds were made by Soviets so the Russians did it.
Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration summoned two dozen religious leaders to a private meeting. The mission: to rally support for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

According to several participants, White House staffers emphasized Gorsuch's robust defense of religious rights as a judge on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In one prominent decision, Gorsuch argued that the government should rarely, if ever, coerce the consciences of believers.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch's own religious background.

He was raised Catholic but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women's March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for "the dignity of every human being."

As Gorsuch's Senate confirmation hearings approach this week, some hardline conservatives have raised concerns about his choice of church.

"Be advised," blared a tweet from Bryan Fischer, a host on the American Family Radio Network. "Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."

He studied with an eminent Catholic philosopher but attends a progressive Episcopal parish. He has defended the religious rights not only of Christian corporations but also of Muslims and Native Americans. He has thought deeply about morality, but says judges have no right to impose their views on others.

"Is Gorsuch a secret liberal?" asked an op-ed in The Hill, a Washington newspaper.
What is Neil Gorsuch's religion? It's complicated -

Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.
I am a liberal and I have no problem with Gorsuch. I hope he's approved.

I think he will be approved. What's HILLARIOUS though is that Reich wingers were all over this board pre-election stating that they were voting for Trump BECAUSE he would be picking the next U.S Supreme Court judge. Many of them cited that as the ONLY reason they were voting for Trump. They were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would pick.

But Trump picked a nominee that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama & Chuck Schumer voted for to appoint as a Federal District Court Judge under G.W. Bush.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Many a Reich winger believed that Roe V Wade would be gone, gay marriage would be gone. Trump picked someone that Hillary Clinton approved of--and that is what is histerical. Clearly from his answers he has no problems with Roe v Wade or gay marriage, and stated he will not interfere into those amendments or go against them.

They were looking for the Dinasore judge that would fill Justice Scalia shoes, which they'll never find because Presidents will look for younger judges to fill those seats and not nominate someone who is 90 years old--LOL

Furthermore, he's from Boulder Colorado, the most liberal district in the state of Colorado.

I just means he loves fishing.

He's a reflection of Trump. It also illustrates Democrats are lying about Trump.
"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.
Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration summoned two dozen religious leaders to a private meeting. The mission: to rally support for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

According to several participants, White House staffers emphasized Gorsuch's robust defense of religious rights as a judge on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In one prominent decision, Gorsuch argued that the government should rarely, if ever, coerce the consciences of believers.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch's own religious background.

He was raised Catholic but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women's March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for "the dignity of every human being."

As Gorsuch's Senate confirmation hearings approach this week, some hardline conservatives have raised concerns about his choice of church.

"Be advised," blared a tweet from Bryan Fischer, a host on the American Family Radio Network. "Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."

He studied with an eminent Catholic philosopher but attends a progressive Episcopal parish. He has defended the religious rights not only of Christian corporations but also of Muslims and Native Americans. He has thought deeply about morality, but says judges have no right to impose their views on others.

"Is Gorsuch a secret liberal?" asked an op-ed in The Hill, a Washington newspaper.
What is Neil Gorsuch's religion? It's complicated -

Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.
I am a liberal and I have no problem with Gorsuch. I hope he's approved.

I think he will be approved. What's HILLARIOUS though is that Reich wingers were all over this board pre-election stating that they were voting for Trump BECAUSE he would be picking the next U.S Supreme Court judge. Many of them cited that as the ONLY reason they were voting for Trump. They were scared to death who Hillary Clinton would pick.

But Trump picked a nominee that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama & Chuck Schumer voted for to appoint as a Federal District Court Judge under G.W. Bush.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

Many a Reich winger believed that Roe V Wade would be gone, gay marriage would be gone. Trump picked someone that Hillary Clinton approved of--and that is what is histerical. Clearly from his answers he has no problems with Roe v Wade or gay marriage, and stated he will not interfere into those amendments or go against them.

They were looking for the Dinasore judge that would fill Justice Scalia shoes, which they'll never find because Presidents will look for younger judges to fill those seats and not nominate someone who is 90 years old--LOL

Furthermore, he's from Boulder Colorado, the most liberal district in the state of Colorado.

I just means he loves fishing.

He's a reflection of Trump. It also illustrates Democrats are lying about Trump.

Yep--Donald Trump was never pro-life until he jumped into this race. And he had no problems with Gay Marraige either.
"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.

God works in mysterious ways, maybe God put Trump into the Oval office to once and for all to expose the hypocrisy of the Reich wing evangelical crowd? There were White Male pastors all over this country supporting Donald Trump--someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. And the biggest hypocrite of all was MIKE HUCKABEE.

"Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.

God works in mysterious ways, maybe God put Trump into the Oval office to once and for all to expose the hypocrisy of the Reich wing evangelical crowd? There were White Male pastors all over this country supporting Donald Trump--someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. And the biggest hypocrite of all was MIKE HUCKABEE.

You have to be a paid troll after posting shit like this.

How would an idiot Christianophobe like you know what Christ would have approved of?
wait that's a bad thing?.... since when do Christians like Trump? Was it after he starred in that playboy video?

That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.

God works in mysterious ways, maybe God put Trump into the Oval office to once and for all to expose the hypocrisy of the Reich wing evangelical crowd? There were White Male pastors all over this country supporting Donald Trump--someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. And the biggest hypocrite of all was MIKE HUCKABEE.

You have to be a paid troll after posting shit like this.

How would an idiot Christianophobe like you know what Christ would have approved of?

Ha.Ha. If I were a paid troller on this board, I would be a millionaire right now, as I have been on this board since 2007 with over 16,000 posts--LOL Just because I don't support the Ass Clown doesn't mean I am not a Christian.

No it was YOU that threw away all your so called Christian values to get behind Trump. It was you that kicked your favorite (Ted Cruz) to the curb to support Donald Trump. And it's you religious nut-cases that clearly only thump your bibles when it comes to rallying against Roe v Wade & Gay Marriage. Then you crawl back into your very dark place to support an ass clown, that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. You know that too.


If this is your religion, I will have no part of it.
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That's what hypocrisy is--LOL Jesus Christ would have never voted or approved of Donald Trump but it sure as heck didn't stop them. They only bring out the bible when they want to use it against something they don't like. Roe v Wade and Gay marriage--(then and only then are they cough cough Christians.)

One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.

God works in mysterious ways, maybe God put Trump into the Oval office to once and for all to expose the hypocrisy of the Reich wing evangelical crowd? There were White Male pastors all over this country supporting Donald Trump--someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. And the biggest hypocrite of all was MIKE HUCKABEE.

You have to be a paid troll after posting shit like this.

How would an idiot Christianophobe like you know what Christ would have approved of?

Ha.Ha. If I were a paid troller on this board, I would be a millionaire right now, as I have been on this board since 2007 with over 16,000 posts--LOL Just because I don't support the Ass Clown doesn't mean I am not a Christian.

No it was YOU that threw away all your so called Christian values to get behind Trump. It was you that kicked your favorite (Ted Cruz) to the curb to support Donald Trump. And it's you religious nut-cases that clearly only thump your bibles when it comes to rallying against Roe v Wade & Gay Marriage. Then you crawl back into your very dark place to support an ass clown, that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. You know that too.

I haven't been a Christian since 2008. I never supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primary. Christian values are necessary for the skeletal frame of Western society, but they also greatly hamper the defense of that same society and ultimately cost the right wing unimaginable political power against the demonic neo leftist scum.

You are most certainly not a Christian and never will be one.
One of the God(s) -- either the Father or the Son or the Holy Spirit -- was behind Trump all the way.

Because it took a miracle of epic proportions to keep Hillary out of the White House.

I am guessing that Uncle Vlad had a little to do with it, and Director Comey had a little to do with it, and God had a lot to do with it.

This is the first miracle that has occurred in our lifetimes since Saddam's missiles that rained down on Israel did not kill anybody back in 1991.

If God put Trump in the white house, he must really hate the US.

God works in mysterious ways, maybe God put Trump into the Oval office to once and for all to expose the hypocrisy of the Reich wing evangelical crowd? There were White Male pastors all over this country supporting Donald Trump--someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. And the biggest hypocrite of all was MIKE HUCKABEE.

You have to be a paid troll after posting shit like this.

How would an idiot Christianophobe like you know what Christ would have approved of?

Ha.Ha. If I were a paid troller on this board, I would be a millionaire right now, as I have been on this board since 2007 with over 16,000 posts--LOL Just because I don't support the Ass Clown doesn't mean I am not a Christian.

No it was YOU that threw away all your so called Christian values to get behind Trump. It was you that kicked your favorite (Ted Cruz) to the curb to support Donald Trump. And it's you religious nut-cases that clearly only thump your bibles when it comes to rallying against Roe v Wade & Gay Marriage. Then you crawl back into your very dark place to support an ass clown, that Jesus Christ would have never approved of. You know that too.

I haven't been a Christian since 2008. I never supported Ted Cruz in the 2016 Republican primary. Christian values are necessary for the skeletal frame of Western society, but they also greatly hamper the defense of that same society and ultimately cost the right wing unimaginable political power against the demonic neo leftist scum.

You are most certainly not a Christian and never will be one.

BULLSHIT--Anyone who supported, or voted for Donald Trump is no Christian. You had 16 other GOP candidates, many of them more competent & qualified, so it's not like you didn't have a choice in the matter.

You chooze the most anti-Christian, the most vulgar, the most bigoted, the most greedy, the most offensive and insulting candidate in the bunch. You're NO Christian. You only pretend to be, when it is expediantly politically convenient for you.


Apparently there are some Reich wing conservatives starting to worry about Neil Gorsuch, Trump's pick for the U.S Supreme court.

"Earlier this month, the Trump administration summoned two dozen religious leaders to a private meeting. The mission: to rally support for Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court nominee.

According to several participants, White House staffers emphasized Gorsuch's robust defense of religious rights as a judge on the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals. In one prominent decision, Gorsuch argued that the government should rarely, if ever, coerce the consciences of believers.

Eventually, the conversation turned to Gorsuch's own religious background.

He was raised Catholic but now worships with his wife and two daughters at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder, Colorado. Like the city, the congregation is politically liberal. It bars guns from its campus and installed solar panels; it condemns harsh rhetoric about Muslims and welcomes gays and lesbians. And its rector, the Rev. Susan Springer, attended the Women's March in Denver, though not as a form of protest but as a sign of support for "the dignity of every human being."

As Gorsuch's Senate confirmation hearings approach this week, some hardline conservatives have raised concerns about his choice of church.

"Be advised," blared a tweet from Bryan Fischer, a host on the American Family Radio Network. "Gorsuch attends a church that is rabidly pro-gay, pro-Muslim, pro-green, and anti-Trump."

He studied with an eminent Catholic philosopher but attends a progressive Episcopal parish. He has defended the religious rights not only of Christian corporations but also of Muslims and Native Americans. He has thought deeply about morality, but says judges have no right to impose their views on others.

"Is Gorsuch a secret liberal?" asked an op-ed in The Hill, a Washington newspaper.
What is Neil Gorsuch's religion? It's complicated -

Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.
He'll probably get confirmed. Sounds like he has liberal cooties that will probably infect him like Roberts and Kennedy.

Just because that is the way it always ends up happening does not mean it will continue.

I mean, sure, the sun rises every day but tomorrow may be different.
Gorsuch doesn't sound like another Anthony Scalia to me.

Indeed........perhaps all that right wing maniacs can hope from Gorsuch is that he'll turn out to be another Kennedy on the bench

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