Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Pencil Neck is holding a presser now lying his ass off about there not being any witnesses allowed.

Hey Pie Face, you showed video after video of YOUR witnesses. This Clown is incapable of telling the truth.

He just said he has no idea who the Whistleblower is. Just unreal.
And? Point being?
He can claim executive privilege over his documents as well.
And? Point being?
He can claim executive privilege over his documents as well.
If you claim executive privilege for documents , you have to produce those documents. Those documents can have redactions. Then you fight the redactions in court. That is why Trump made no claim of privilege in the House, I believe.

Executive privilege is the constitutional principle that permits the president and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public.

What you are claiming is the President can do as he wishes and nobody can challenge him

Mueller said a President can’t be prosecuted, Congress must impeach
You say they can’t even impeach him because of executive privilege

I thought he was already "impeached?" :D Make up your collective mind, leftists.
He is impeached
Republicans refuse to convict regardless of what he does

But again, Republicans would ignore Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

I don't remember seeing you in the meeting when that was decided. Were you hiding in the corner behind the potted plants again?
Adam Schiff did a masterful job concluding the Democrats case against Trump.

While it appears he was making his case to Republicans, it is obvious that Republican loyalty is to their party.

Schiff was making his case to history. History will ultimately decide on the guilt of Trump and those who covered for him
Schiffs summary will go down in history as a definition of Trumps crimes

That will serve forever as an example of how NOT to credibly accuse a president of impeachable offenses.
If you claim executive privilege for documents , you have to produce those documents. Those documents can have redactions. Then you fight the redactions in court. That is why Trump made no claim of privilege in the House, I believe.

Executive privilege is the constitutional principle that permits the president and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public.

What you are claiming is the President can do as he wishes and nobody can challenge him

Mueller said a President can’t be prosecuted, Congress must impeach
You say they can’t even impeach him because of executive privilege

I thought he was already "impeached?" :D Make up your collective mind, leftists.
He is impeached
Republicans refuse to convict regardless of what he does

But again, Republicans would ignore Trump shooting someone on Fifth Avenue

I don't remember seeing you in the meeting when that was decided. Were you hiding in the corner behind the potted plants again?
He IS a potted plant.
They took 3 days and 24 hours to build a false case and it only took less than an hour to tear it apart.

The entire House Clown's case was just destroyed.

The rest will just be piling on.:5_1_12024:

I'd say it was more like 15 minutes. Trump's team absolutely SHREDDED Schiff's case. They made the Democrats look like fools and children. The entire impeachment was built on lies.
  • Schiff met with and coached the "Whistleblower" before he blew the whistle.
  • There never was any Quid Pro Quo except by the Democrats themselves. Trump was actually Ukraine's staunchest ally.
  • Corruption within the country has been part of a long-term 2-tier foreign policy plan.
  • The obstruction of congress was a lie: Schiff's subpoena's were all rejected on well-reasoned legal grounds all supported by the OLC with the offer to get together to resolve them but the House never did and pulled them instead.
  • The entire House case has been built upon a pack of lies, obstruction, and omitted facts.
  • Adam Schiff has now been caught distorting the truth and making false claims (lying) several times.
The actual reality of what really happened with Trump and Ukraine bears no resemblance to the fairy tale the House has been feeding the public.

The Illegitimate Impeachment of Donald Trump is finished. The bird is dead, well-cooked, and on its way to the table about to be carved up before the nation and served with Duck Sauce. The Trump Team will expose this nefarious plot to undermine both 2016 and the 2020 election.

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They took 3 days and 24 hours to build a false case and it only took less than an hour to tear it apart.

The entire House Clown's case was just destroyed.

The rest will just be piling on.:5_1_12024:

I'd say it was more like 15 minutes. Trump's team absolutely SHREDDED Schiff's case. They made the Democrats look like fools and children. The entire impeachment was built on lies.
  • Schiff met with and coached the "Whistleblower" before he blew the whistle.
  • There never was any Quid Pro Quo except by the Democrats themselves. Trump was actually Ukraine's staunchest ally.
  • Corruption within the country has been part of a long-term 2-tier foreign policy plan.
  • The obstruction of congress was a lie: Schiff's subpoena's were all rejected on well-reasoned legal grounds all supported by the OLC with the offer to get together to resolve them but the House never did and pulled them instead.
  • The entire House case has been built upon a pack of lies, obstruction, and omitted facts.
  • Adam Schiff has now been caught distorting the truth and making false claims (lying) several times.
The actual reality of what really happened with Trump and Ukraine bears no resemblance to the fairy tale the House has been feeding the public.

The Illegitimate Impeachment of Donald Trump is finished. The bird is dead, well-cooked, and on its way to the table about to be dissected before the nation and served with Duck Sauce.

Why, oh why did not the Trump team mention Rudy Guiliani or Mick ‘quid pro quo” Mulvaney. LOL
Why, oh why did not the Trump team mention Rudy Guiliani or Mick ‘quid pro quo” Mulvaney. LOL

Why would they do that? See, unlike your hero's Schiff and Nadler et al, all the President's legal team has to do is stick to the questions of the actual impeachment documents themselves....There is no reason to stray like the house managers did....In the end the impeachment document is all that need be considered...

At the conclusion, it will be dismissed...We already know that.
Basically, it was if you had the IQ of a squirrel, you could see the house was wrong on everything. I love the video of Sondland saying I presume 800 times.
The democrats are scared shitless of their Ukraine connections being revealed to the American public. That is what this is all about.

And if you've seen Laura Ingraham the last couple of nights, there's much more that's coming to light. Plus Switzers book is relating stories about the Biden 5, it's not just Hunter that has made million of quit pro joe being VP.


The Ukraine is like the democrats' sugar daddy. Lol!

Yep, but joes bro, who had zero construction exp, was appointed to a board of a company that landed a big contract in Iraq, shortly after. And evidently his sister and niece got some nice gigs as well.



Quid Pro Joe: Biden's Brother's Firm Was Handed $1.5bn Iraq Contract

Joe Biden’s track-record of wheeling and dealing is more than what journalists, congressional investigative bodies, and even President Trump have made of it.

How big is it?

Well, imagine if President Harry Truman, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, used his political position to give his own family a multi-billion-dollar contract to rebuild cities in Japan.

A Deadly Foreign Policy for Kicks?
Make no mistake: What Joe Biden did in 2011 is hardly less scandalous.

It was in June of that year that HillStone International, a relatively new homebuilding concern, landed a $1,500,000,000 contract to build homes in Iraq.

Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden, had landed an executive position at HillStone just months earlier.

To understand just how grave, how corrupt, how unseemly this is, consider the backdrop to Biden’s 2011 family deal-making.

Starting in 2009, just after then Vice President Biden took oversight of the Obama administration’s Iraq policy, the U.S. began to withdraw from a mangled Iraq.

The withdrawal, completed in 2011, only made things worse for the people of Iraq.

If the initial invasion broke their means of maintaining order and securing their own towns and families, the withdrawal went one, brutal step further.

Under Biden, the U.S. abandoned those vulnerable Iraqis while creating a power vacuum that aided their enemies–merciless Jihadist militants.

Over the coming months and years, much of Iraq was reduced to rubble.

The Biden Family Event Found Ways to Loot Corpses.
Even as that tragedy began to unfold, one of its high architects, 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden, had already found a way to enrich his family at the expense of the most vulnerable people of Iraq.

The Bidens denied it, but David Richter Jr, president of HillStone’s parent company Hill International, was very forthcoming about the value he saw in taking James Biden onboard as Executive Vice President of Hillstone’s housing development in November 2010.

And the commies will keep saying the bidens are pure and nothing the see here. They know impeaching and removing Trump is the only way they have a chance of winning.

Executive privilege is the constitutional principle that permits the president and high-level executive branch officers to withhold information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public.

What you are claiming is the President can do as he wishes and nobody can challenge him

Mueller said a President can’t be prosecuted, Congress must impeach
You say they can’t even impeach him because of executive privilege

No, they could challenge it, but they didn't. They didn't do shit, because they knew they would fail.
They did challenge that
That is how we ended up with impeachment

No they did not challenge it. To challenge it, they would have to have involved the Supreme Court. They can't just decide on their own, and this is just one reason why they will fail, and also why democrats will be a minority in congress in 2020.
Trump has made a career in tying up litigation in the courts. Dems would have demanded Trump release documents. Trump would ignore the request and let it take a year to reach the Supreme Court. Trump would again ignore the request and find new grounds to appeal.

Trump is a master at using the court system not hide his illegal acts

Lawyers have to eat too. LMAO

True, you “go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want,” as Donald Rumsfeld said, but surely there are more telegenic Democrats than Nadler and Adam Schiff.
Schiff did a masterful job of detailing the evidence against Trump

Yeah, it was a great audition for broadway, they put together a great fictional play.

Unfortunately, Fox News viewers were listening to their usual night time line up of idiots and did not hear a single word Schiff uttered. Tomorrow I expect Fox to air the Trumpist side nonstop. Fox is really a poor excuse for a news network.

Schiff’s argument was brilliant. It will go down in history as a great speech.
You missed their announcement they would jump in if Schifferbrains said anything new. They didn't have to.
So, you want Fox News to determine what is important to you. Poor thing. Get your own mind.
How the hell did you get that conclusion from my post?
Because you could have watched Schiff unadulterated and unedited on CNN and made your own decision as to whether he said anything new. Fox did not want its views to hear his closing remarks. They knew it would be powerful which it was. They chose to treat their viewers like sheep.

I watched on Cspan-2, shitt did a shit load of creative writing, he didn't come up with anything new. He repackaged the same old BS with tons of assumptions, suppositions and outright lies. Hell I had to put my gun in a drawer to keep from shooting the lying SOB on my TV.

Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.
The Senate phase of impeachment is actually not a ‘trial’ – it’s more inline with a sentencing hearing.

Indeed, impeachment ended when the House voted to approve the Articles of Impeachment – establishing the fact that Trump engaged in contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

The issue before the Senate is whether Trump’s contempt of Congress and abuse of power warrant his removal from office.

Regardless the outcome in the Senate, Trump remains impeached, the consequence of his contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

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