Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

If this was Obama.........white ppl need to get real...if this was a democrat, I can't imagine any of this happening. Trump is corrupt and evil, end of story
Donald Trump Has Been A Strong Witness Against Himself...
Republicans have struggled to defend the president’s own words as the Senate impeachment trial plays out.

The GOP proudly defends a idiot, who will in fact contradict just about everything they say, the very next day. Defending a idiot like Trump is like trying to drain the ocean.....nuff said
Schifferbrains getting lit up again...........this time on his flip-flop on the whistleblower testifying.

Just played his lie about not speaking to the whistleblower.:21:
Pencil Neck just lit up again..........on his lies about having "direct evidence of collusion" between Trump and Russia.

I wish they would show his pie face.:21:
Trump’s attorneys doing a decent job with what they have.

I give them an A- for presentation.
The entire House Clown's case was just destroyed.

The rest will just be piling on.:5_1_12024:
I will also give the Trump team credit for not bringing up Hunter Biden and the Bidens. Smart move.

The Lawyers mantra should be: Do no Damage.

They want to keep the status quo and get to the Senate vote quickly then go home.
Here is the leftist summary

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The republican team made Schiff into a liar without calling him a liar. Priceless!
Schiff is Twittering his response now. Won't face the cameras. I knew that would happen...LOLOL....Little pencil dick.

My bad. He's speaking now.CNN is slobbering all over their lenses.
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This hoax trial these swamp democrats conspired is becoming more redundant by the day. But yet it's helping Trump the more it drags on going in circles!
Senator Angus King has gone completely selective or delusional in regards of Hunter Biden being connected to this case.
Pencil Neck is holding a presser now lying his ass off about there not being any witnesses allowed.

Hey Pie Face, you showed video after video of YOUR witnesses. This Clown is incapable of telling the truth.
Clinton was impeached for committing perjury, and for obstructing justice. And he should be very thankful that federal district judge in Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, Susan Webber Wright didn’t hold him in contempt until after the impeachment trial in the senate was over – her big mistake, in my view – but she did that because she said she didn’t want it to influence the impeachment trial. When, in fact, she should have just have done it in a timely manner and allow the senate to make its own decision.
Blow jobs are impeachable
Using Presidential power to extort political gain is not

Since no one has ever been impeached for a BJ, it is not established that getting one is an impeachable offense.

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