Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

Looks pretty lame

They can’t really defend what Trump tried to do

That's the whole point, dumbass. Trump just didn't do anything illegal, wrong or even mean spirited. He simply did his job according to the law. However, it's not his job to keep you idiots from looking like the fools you are.
Old RW CAN be mighty dim at times.............THIS is one of them.
Looks pretty lame

They can’t really defend what Trump tried to do

That's the whole point, dumbass. Trump just didn't do anything illegal, wrong or even mean spirited. He simply did his job according to the law. However, it's not his job to keep you idiots from looking like the fools you are.
Old RW CAN be mighty dim at times.............THIS is one of them.
Yeah from but what I've seen, it's most of the time though.
Looks pretty lame

They can’t really defend what Trump tried to do

That's the whole point, dumbass. Trump just didn't do anything illegal, wrong or even mean spirited. He simply did his job according to the law. However, it's not his job to keep you idiots from looking like the fools you are.
Old RW CAN be mighty dim at times.............THIS is one of them.

He's not as precise and on point as he used to be years ago.
But then again, neither is his Party that he's bound to sink with.
It took 15 minutes from the defence this morning to end this DUMS spoke for 24 hours!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


The Dimms bored the socks off of everyone.

Thats right they did bore everybody.....that was the point you dummy!:2up:

For all intents and purposes, this sham impeachment ended today. Some might not know it....but they will soon!:abgg2q.jpg:
OMG, I get it now! Donald Trump actually believes anything and everything he's done with Ukraine was "perfect;" "no crime here." Someone should make a movie titled "Clueless 2020: Trump at Large." Best analogy I've heard so far is why should anyone believe a Defendant in a trial that says "I didn't do it" or in this case "no quid pro quo"? If this were the case, there are a million people currently in prison who swear they are innocent and have been wrongfully convicted. What a joke! Add in the fact that the person saying "I didn't do it" and "it was perfect," couldn't and wouldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it and benefit of the doubt exits the room. GIVE IT A REST! Americans need to kick his fat, orange, baggy eyed, sexually deviant ass to the curb in November along with every Republican Senator who votes to acquit him. The Senate obviously plans to put Party over Country and oaths are just words people say that mean nothing. It's a great day in America!

I don't care who you vote for in November, this Country needs to have record turnouts. Let's actually demonstrate to the world that we take our freedom seriously, we won't tolerate blatant, in-your-face corruption, and that we are and have always been the greatest Country on the face of the Earth!
Many on the right have been propagating the lie that to remove Trump from office would be to ‘overturn’ the 2016 General Election.

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Presidents are not elected by the people – they’re elected by the states. The states have the authority to elect a president and they have the authority to remove a president from office.

And as the body representing the states, the Senate has the authority to remove Trump from office; the states (the Senate) removing Trump from office is not ‘interference’ because it was the states that elected Trump president in 2016.

Then there’s this desperate sophistry from the right:

‘Cipollone said removing Trump and taking him off the ballot in November would mean having to “tear up all of the ballots across this country on your own initiative, take that decision away from the American people.”’

Defense at Senate trial says ousting Trump would be 'massive interference' in election

This fails as a red herring fallacy.

Major Memo: The State's are the people!
Let the Senate vote to "acquit" him. Better he is judged by 130 million Americans than 53, old, rich, white, guys with a couple token white females sprinkled in, who will do anything to keep him in office, even if it means betraying their values and throwing the Constitution out the window. And, now the video and audio tapes begin to emerge. LMAO! If I were a Republican, I'd tell Donald Trump to hit the bricks and find a qualified candidate to run in his place. There are a bunch of Republicans who could beat the current field of Democrats!
Let the Senate vote to "acquit" him. Better he is judged by 130 million Americans than 53, old, rich, white, guys with a couple token white females sprinkled in, who will do anything to keep him in office, even if it means betraying their values and throwing the Constitution out the window. And, now the video and audio tapes begin to emerge. LMAO! If I were a Republican, I'd tell Donald Trump to hit the bricks and find a qualified candidate to run in his place. There are a bunch of Republicans who could beat the current field of Democrats! a true RINO.
No wonder why Trumps approval is at the highest right now.

•Transcript shows no conditionality
•Zelensky: no quid pro quo/pressure
•Ukraine didn't know of aid pause
•No Dem witness testified that POTUS said any conditionality
•Ukraine got aid, did nothing for it
•Trump strengthened Ukraine support

Not even close. They lied and twisted and ommitted. There is no truth in them.
Lefties know their only hope for Trump losing in November is to get him out of office.

Trump is going to crush Sanders or Biden.
Not even close. They lied and twisted and ommitted. There is no truth in them.
And Trumps approval is skyrocketing.
Thank you Leftards for working so hard for Trump 2020.
Yeah, ABC is in the Trump camp.
Everyone with half a brain or less is.

You're full of shit and you know it.

Trump's folks played clips of what the Dems refused to play. They nailed the House, big-time.

Monday they will go in-depth and seal the deal. Tuesday they will wrap up this charade.

That leaves 16 hours of questioning by the Senators on Wed and Thursday. Now, that will be orchestrated. The House
dems and Senators are probably practicing what questions to ask and how to ask them. However, by Frida, nobody is
going to believe anything a Dem says.

There will be no witnesses. The Prez will be acquitted next Friday...and the latest charade will have come to an end.
TRUMP lawyer PAT CIPOLLONE: “Why would you lock everybody out of it from the president's side? ... It’s evidence they themselves don’t believe in the facts of their case.”

THE FACTS: Trump wasn't locked out. He rejected an invitation from the House Judiciary Committee to participate in the hearings that ultimately produced the articles of impeachment.

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