Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

True, you “go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want,” as Donald Rumsfeld said, but surely there are more telegenic Democrats than Nadler and Adam Schiff.
Schiff did a masterful job of detailing the evidence against Trump

Lol! You guys are screwed. And you did it to yourselves with your obsessive hatred. I hope you have learned a valuable lesson. When you hate, you are only hurting yourself. :dunno:
Unfortunately, Fox News viewers were listening to their usual night time line up of idiots and did not hear a single word Schiff uttered. Tomorrow I expect Fox to air the Trumpist side nonstop. Fox is really a poor excuse for a news network.

Schiff’s argument was brilliant. It will go down in history as a great speech.
You missed their announcement they would jump in if Schifferbrains said anything new. They didn't have to.

This guy has TDS and FNDS.
Many on the right have been propagating the lie that to remove Trump from office would be to ‘overturn’ the 2016 General Election.

This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Presidents are not elected by the people – they’re elected by the states. The states have the authority to elect a president and they have the authority to remove a president from office.

And as the body representing the states, the Senate has the authority to remove Trump from office; the states (the Senate) removing Trump from office is not ‘interference’ because it was the states that elected Trump president in 2016.

Then there’s this desperate sophistry from the right:

‘Cipollone said removing Trump and taking him off the ballot in November would mean having to “tear up all of the ballots across this country on your own initiative, take that decision away from the American people.”’

Defense at Senate trial says ousting Trump would be 'massive interference' in election

This fails as a red herring fallacy.
Your desperation is showing. These are the same states the democrats bitched about because of the EC.

Your best hope right now is the dems decide to let this go. You’re getting your asses handed to you.

Who’s the idiot that thought putting pencil neck up against Sekulow was a good idea anyway? Holy shit.

Like a Spartan against a cockroach.
In the end, when all the dems in the senate vote to impeach, they are going to look ridiculous. This is the one of the worst cases I've seen, and they are using it for impeachment. I hope history is not kind to these people.
Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.
The Senate phase of impeachment is actually not a ‘trial’ – it’s more inline with a sentencing hearing.

Indeed, impeachment ended when the House voted to approve the Articles of Impeachment – establishing the fact that Trump engaged in contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

The issue before the Senate is whether Trump’s contempt of Congress and abuse of power warrant his removal from office.

Regardless the outcome in the Senate, Trump remains impeached, the consequence of his contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

Yet, he is still your president. :D

For Trump to be right means that all future presidents are above the law and impeachment is forever negated as a congressional power. We are being set up to accept the death of righteousness in government.
You assholes made that happen then. You ruined impeachment just like you’ve fucked over racism, sexism and everything else. There is nothing righteous about you fucking people. Who do you think you’re kidding?
Every republican president since Nixon has directly attacked the boundaries of what a president may do. Conservatives just go along with it and then bitch when a democratic president uses those powers, Make up your minds. Is the president a king or is he merely the most senior public servant?
Name the president who used the IRS to shut down opposing groups. Name the one that used the FBI to spy on a candidate.

Fuck off with your bullshit hysterics.
Might as well get this one started.

It's clear from today's pressers by the Dimwingers what their strategy is...........attack the process as unfair, call it a 'rigged' trial even before it starts. (confirmed the prediction in my sig)

They are whining and crying that this isn't like the Clinton impeachment, which is a blatant lie.

No new evidence was brought into the trial during the trial. All evidence was put together prior to the start of the Clinton trial.

Not a single witness was called and testified in public. Only 3 witnesses were called, and they testified in secret. The Dimwingers selectively leaked what they wanted to, and kept the rest secret.

In short, Dimwingers know they have no case despite claiming they have a slame dunk. It is hysterical that they don't know thinking Americans are laughing at their sham.

Cryin' Chucky will now offer up multiple dumbfuck resolutions he knows will go nowhere..........then he will run in front of the cameras to whine and cry about fairness.
The Senate phase of impeachment is actually not a ‘trial’ – it’s more inline with a sentencing hearing.

Indeed, impeachment ended when the House voted to approve the Articles of Impeachment – establishing the fact that Trump engaged in contempt of Congress and abuse of power.

The issue before the Senate is whether Trump’s contempt of Congress and abuse of power warrant his removal from office.

Regardless the outcome in the Senate, Trump remains impeached, the consequence of his contempt of Congress and abuse of power.
Ten Ways The Democrats’ Own Impeachment Witnesses Destroyed Their Case Against Trump.

As the failing impeachment managers struggle to make their case for Trump’s removal from office during the impeachment trial, you’ve probably heard them cite the testimony of their witnesses from the House impeachment inquiry and the claim that that testimony confirmed an illegal quid pro quo.

But in reality, none of them did. Under questioning from Republican lawmakers, the Democrats’ entire case about a quid pro quo fell apart. The next major narrative of the Democrats was that there was no legitimate reason for there to be an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine. When pressed by Republicans on this issue, that narrative fell apart as well.

Democrats want more witnesses for the Senate trial, because the witnesses they relied on during the House impeachment inquiry destroyed their case against Trump and turned public opinion against impeachment. Here are the top ten examples.

10. Ambassador Volker testified there was no effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion” he testified. “[A]t no time was I aware of or took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden,”
9. Ambassador Taylor testified there was ‘no linkage’ between military aid and investigations

On the very first day of public impeachment hearings, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor if there was any "linkage" between the lethal aid being given to Ukraine and an investigation into Burisma. Taylor testified that he met three times with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, and "no linkage" of these issues were mentioned in any of those meetings.
8. Ambassador Taylor testified Ukraine was unaware the lethal aid was being withheld

During the same round of questioning from Rep. Jordan, Ambassador Taylor let it slip that Ukrainian officials had no idea that the lethal aid that is the focus of the impeachment investigation was even being withheld.​

"Three meetings with the president of Ukraine and no linkage [between the aid and investigations]," Jordan summarized. "That’s accurate?"​

"Mr. Jordan, it’s certainly accurate on the first two,” Taylor responded. “To my knowledge, Ukrainians were not aware of the hold on assistance until the 29th of August. The third meeting that you mentioned with the senators… there was discussion of the security assistance... but there was no discussion of linkage."

You can’t have a quid pro quo unless both parties are aware that something is being asked for in exchange for something else.
7. Ambassador Sondland testified Trump didn't want anything from Ukraine, no quid pro quo

When U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified during the impeachment inquiry, he said that President Trump told him there was no "quid pro quo" with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and the military aide. “I asked the President: 'What do you want from Ukraine?' The President responded, 'Nothing. There is no quid pro quo,'” Sondland testified. “The President repeated: 'no quid pro quo' multiple times. This was a very short call.”​
Not even close. They lied and twisted and ommitted. There is no truth in them.
And Trumps approval is skyrocketing.
Thank you Leftards for working so hard for Trump 2020.
Yeah, ABC is in the Trump camp.
Everyone with half a brain or less is.

You're full of shit and you know it.

Trump's folks played clips of what the Dems refused to play. They nailed the House, big-time.

Monday they will go in-depth and seal the deal. Tuesday they will wrap up this charade.

That leaves 16 hours of questioning by the Senators on Wed and Thursday. Now, that will be orchestrated. The House
dems and Senators are probably practicing what questions to ask and how to ask them. However, by Frida, nobody is
going to believe anything a Dem says.

There will be no witnesses. The Prez will be acquitted next Friday...and the latest charade will have come to an end.
They've got nothing.

They don't really need anything anyway, the republican senators have been told "a vote for tRump puts your head on a pike".

Before you start, I know that isn't meant literally, it's a reminder that every last one of them is 280 characters or less from being a RINO and losing their base.
Ten Ways The Democrats’ Own Impeachment Witnesses Destroyed Their Case Against Trump.

As the failing impeachment managers struggle to make their case for Trump’s removal from office during the impeachment trial, you’ve probably heard them cite the testimony of their witnesses from the House impeachment inquiry and the claim that that testimony confirmed an illegal quid pro quo.

But in reality, none of them did. Under questioning from Republican lawmakers, the Democrats’ entire case about a quid pro quo fell apart. The next major narrative of the Democrats was that there was no legitimate reason for there to be an investigation into the Bidens and Ukraine. When pressed by Republicans on this issue, that narrative fell apart as well.

Democrats want more witnesses for the Senate trial, because the witnesses they relied on during the House impeachment inquiry destroyed their case against Trump and turned public opinion against impeachment. Here are the top ten examples.

10. Ambassador Volker testified there was no effort to pressure Ukraine to investigate the Bidens

“As you will see from the extensive text messages I am providing, which convey a sense of real-time dialogue with several different actors, Vice President Biden was never a topic of discussion” he testified. “[A]t no time was I aware of or took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden,”
9. Ambassador Taylor testified there was ‘no linkage’ between military aid and investigations

On the very first day of public impeachment hearings, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) asked former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor if there was any "linkage" between the lethal aid being given to Ukraine and an investigation into Burisma. Taylor testified that he met three times with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, and "no linkage" of these issues were mentioned in any of those meetings.
8. Ambassador Taylor testified Ukraine was unaware the lethal aid was being withheld

During the same round of questioning from Rep. Jordan, Ambassador Taylor let it slip that Ukrainian officials had no idea that the lethal aid that is the focus of the impeachment investigation was even being withheld.​

"Three meetings with the president of Ukraine and no linkage [between the aid and investigations]," Jordan summarized. "That’s accurate?"​

"Mr. Jordan, it’s certainly accurate on the first two,” Taylor responded. “To my knowledge, Ukrainians were not aware of the hold on assistance until the 29th of August. The third meeting that you mentioned with the senators… there was discussion of the security assistance... but there was no discussion of linkage."

You can’t have a quid pro quo unless both parties are aware that something is being asked for in exchange for something else.
7. Ambassador Sondland testified Trump didn't want anything from Ukraine, no quid pro quo

When U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland testified during the impeachment inquiry, he said that President Trump told him there was no "quid pro quo" with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and the military aide. “I asked the President: 'What do you want from Ukraine?' The President responded, 'Nothing. There is no quid pro quo,'” Sondland testified. “The President repeated: 'no quid pro quo' multiple times. This was a very short call.”​

The democrats have destroyed their own credibility because of their severe TDS. Let's hope they are held accountable for this sham of an impeachment.
And Trumps approval is skyrocketing.
Thank you Leftards for working so hard for Trump 2020.
Yeah, ABC is in the Trump camp.
Everyone with half a brain or less is.

You're full of shit and you know it.

Trump's folks played clips of what the Dems refused to play. They nailed the House, big-time.

Monday they will go in-depth and seal the deal. Tuesday they will wrap up this charade.

That leaves 16 hours of questioning by the Senators on Wed and Thursday. Now, that will be orchestrated. The House
dems and Senators are probably practicing what questions to ask and how to ask them. However, by Frida, nobody is
going to believe anything a Dem says.

There will be no witnesses. The Prez will be acquitted next Friday...and the latest charade will have come to an end.
They've got nothing.

They don't really need anything anyway, the republican senators have been told "a vote for tRump puts your head on a pike".

Before you start, I know that isn't meant literally, it's a reminder that every last one of them is 280 characters or less from being a RINO and losing their base.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
Yeah, ABC is in the Trump camp.
Everyone with half a brain or less is.

You're full of shit and you know it.

Trump's folks played clips of what the Dems refused to play. They nailed the House, big-time.

Monday they will go in-depth and seal the deal. Tuesday they will wrap up this charade.

That leaves 16 hours of questioning by the Senators on Wed and Thursday. Now, that will be orchestrated. The House
dems and Senators are probably practicing what questions to ask and how to ask them. However, by Frida, nobody is
going to believe anything a Dem says.

There will be no witnesses. The Prez will be acquitted next Friday...and the latest charade will have come to an end.
They've got nothing.

They don't really need anything anyway, the republican senators have been told "a vote for tRump puts your head on a pike".

Before you start, I know that isn't meant literally, it's a reminder that every last one of them is 280 characters or less from being a RINO and losing their base.

Sounds like wishful thinking to me.
They are trying to spin their coming loss in the Senate.

GOP Senator John Barrasso Says He Saw ‘Blood Drain From Schiff’s Face’ When Trump’s Defense Team Played Video of Fake Call and Transcript

His neck is even smaller after the blood drains from his face.
How pathetic do you dems feel after today? This whole clown show really reflects on you the dem base voter. This was all for you. And now what? You still hanging on to this bullshit you were sold?

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