Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.


The Democrats who got caught rigging their Primaries when their personal e-mails were released to the Public....
The Democrats whose President vowed to Putin (through Medvedev) to be more flexible after re-election....
The Democrats whose President gave Putin Uranium, Crimea, & 2 years of unchallenged 'interference'...
The Democrats whose President protected Hillary from going to prison, thereby altering the 2016 election....
The Democrats whose President initiated an illegal investigation - FISA Court Abuses, illegal spying, altering documents...
The Democrats whose collaborators have been recommended for Indictment and who are still under criminal investigation.
The Democrats who collaborated with a known lying, untrustworthy, partisan, Trump-hating, agenda-driven foreign spy...
The Democrats who knowingly used unverified Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda to alter the 2016 election
The Democrats whose House Intel Committee Chairman engaged in Sedition for 2 years by claiming to have evidence
The Democrats whose House Intel Committee Chairman who admitted to leaking classified to hurt the President
The Democrats whose House Intel Committee Chairman who manufactured the entire Whistle Blower 'parody'...
The Democrats whose House Intel Committee Chairman who attempted to pass of his own authored fiction as evidence...
The Democrats whose House Judicial Committee Chairman demanded the US AG to BREAK THE LAW...
The Democrats whose House Judicial Committee Chairman Censured the US AG for refusing to break the law
The Dem House Impeachment Managers who withheld testimony that eliminating Ukraine corruption was Foreign Policy...
The Dem House Impeachment Managers who withheld the fact that they have no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses....
The Dem House Impeachment Managers who failed to present the fact that none of their witnesses could name a crime
The Dem House Impeachment Managers who failed to mention none of their witnesses could name an Impeachable offense to Impeach the President based on LIES, no crime, no evidence, no witnesses, on Foreign Policy', and butt-hurt.....
...and are trying to convince the American people that doing so is authorized in the Constitution.


No they did not challenge it. To challenge it, they would have to have involved the Supreme Court. They can't just decide on their own, and this is just one reason why they will fail, and also why democrats will be a minority in congress in 2020.
Trump has made a career in tying up litigation in the courts. Dems would have demanded Trump release documents. Trump would ignore the request and let it take a year to reach the Supreme Court. Trump would again ignore the request and find new grounds to appeal.

Trump is a master at using the court system not hide his illegal acts
Kinda like Obama tying up Fast and Furious docs for 7 years? Like that, Wrongwinger?

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong
We all already know anyone you agree with is wrong. You state that in your sig.:5_1_12024:

If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong

How original.

I used that phrase about two years ago on you...
Sekulow skewered Schiff, Nadler, and the Democrats by pointing out the Democrats do not just want to steal 1 election but 2 by pointing out:

They rigged their own primaries and protected Hillary from prison.

They attempted to stop Trump then remove him from office, which they are doing not

They has openly declared that Impeaching a President so close to elections is equal to stealing an election...but are trying to do it any way

They openly declared the American people can't be trusted with elections....

They are trying to overturn the 2016 election while attempting to deny the voters of their 2016 choice of President

They are trying to rig their Primaries again by sequestering Warren and Sanders in DC for the Iowa Primaries....

The democrats have not denied any of this.
Schiff kept talking about 17 witnesses. But there were 18.

Should we see transcripts of the 18th witness?

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

It's the one transcript that talks about Adam Schiff and the whistleblower. Now, everyone knows by now that Adam Schiff was not truthful about his contacts with the whistleblower. What they don't know and what's in that transcript is that the whistleblower wasn't truthful about his contacts with Adam Schiff.
Trump's lawyers argued on Saturday that aid to Ukraine was not "conditioned" on Trump's request for investigations. The R's will now have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from John Bolton.
There is no need to call witnesses based on the fact that:

The only 2 people who have direct knowledge of the call - the Ukraine PM and President - said the Democrats' claim is false.

The transcript proves the claim the be false.

Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yovanovitch both testified they were all concerned about Ukrainian corruption, that making sure there was none had been going on for some time. As Sekulow proved by reading Dr. hill's testimony: “Eliminating corruption in Ukraine was one of, if the central goals of a foreign policy.”

Sorry, you don't get to Impeach based on your disagreeing with the President's Foreign Policy.

Calling Bolton to testify is also not required because there is no guarantee that he has any information to add, that this may be just another 'fishing expedition'. Schiff claimed for 2+ years he had direct evidence and was forced to admit he had nothing. Schiff called witnesses in his Committee hearings, and ALL of them were forced to admit NONE of them had any direct knowledge. So Bolton claiming he has any now is no reason to 'go down that rabbit hole'.

The Democrats had their chance to collect documents and access witnesses. Despite the President claiming Executive Privilege - as Barry had done in 'F&F' - the Democrats could have taken this to court, which is the next step to resolving the issue. Instead they went directly to Impeachment, which Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley called a Democrat abuse of power - one which the courts agreed with by declaring not going through the courts denied the President Due Process.

Yes, too much evidence might be detrimental to Republicans.

Is there a link to this assertion: "one which the courts agreed with by declaring not going through the courts denied the President Due Process."?
why didn't Schitt's give mueller his evidence of collusion?
BTW, this one statement alone ought to nullify this entire hoax. This one mere fact, after years of Schitt rambling on about evidence, to have absolutely zero when Mueller concluded, says one thing. Made up!!! Completely!!!
"While it’s true that the United States has stood by Ukraine since the invasion of 2014, only one president since then took a very concrete step. Some of you supported it and that step included actually providing Ukraine with legal lethal weapons, including javelin missiles. That’s what President Trump did. Some of you in this very room, some of you managers actually supported that.

Here’s what Ambassador Taylor said that you didn’t hear in the 23 hours. You didn’t hear this. Javelin missiles are serious weapons. They will kill Russian tanks. Ambassador Yovanovitch agreed stating that Ukraine policy under President Trump, president Trump actually got stronger, stronger than it was under President Obama."

- Jay Sekulow: (25:44)

If THAT is 'placing personal welfare over national security', I'll take 'personal welfare' every time.

THIS testimony also left out by the House Impeachment Managers further proves how ridiculous / weak the House's case is, how their Impeachment is based on a disagreement in Foreign Policy.

Liars and Traitors, the lot of them.

Trump Defense Team Opening Argument Transcript: Jan 25 Impeachment Trial Statements from Cipollone, Philbin, Sekulow, Purpura - Rev
The WH Counsel continued to POUND Speaker of the House Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler:

"In every presidential impeachment in history, the House has initiated the inquiry by voting to give a committee the authority to pursue that inquiry. Contrary to what Manager Jeffries suggested, there has always been in every presidential impeachment inquiry, a vote from the full House to authorize a committee, and that is the only way the inquiry begins.

Because impeachment is delegated solely to the House of Representatives by the Constitution, the full House of Representatives should be involved in critical decision making regarding various stages of impeachment.” Here the House Democrats skipped over that step completely. What they had instead was simply a press conference from Speaker Pelosi announcing that she was directing committees to proceed with an impeachment inquiry against the President of the United States. Speaker Pelosi didn’t have the authority to delegate the power of the House to those committees on her own.

It matters because the Constitution places that authority in the House and ensures that there is a democratic check on the exercise of that authority, that there will have to be a vote by the full House before there can be a proceeding to start inquiring into impeaching the President of the United States. One of the things that the framers were most concerned about in impeachment was the potential for a partisan impeachment. A partisan impeachment that was being pushed merely by a faction. A way to ensure a check on that is to require democratic accountability from the full House to have a vote from the entire house before an inquiry can proceed. That didn’t happen here. It was only after five weeks of hearings that the House decided to have a vote."

Partisan Impeachments that require no crime is ok according to the Constitution? BULLSHIT!

The Democrats attempted to prevent Trump from winning and tried to create a way to affect a coup if he did win.
They were trying to remove him from office before he took office.
They declared the Impeachment of Trump begins now' 5 minutes after he took his oath of office.
They have been plotting, planning, manufacturing evidence and accusations for 4 years.

Schiff declared Trump's motivations were / are at the base of the need to Impeach him...but his ownwitnesses testified his concern over Ukraine corruption was shared by everyone and that it was FOREIGN POLICY, DESTROYING HIS FALSE NARRATIVE.

MOTIVATION TO IMPOEACH must be considered as well....and the Democrats have been attempting to remove the President for 4 years...without a crime, without evidence, without witnesses.....

and based on THAT, not only should the Impeachment be dismissed, but Schiff, Nadler, & Pelosi - at the very least - should be charged with Treason / attempting a political coup.
"The president was given a choice of participating in a process that was going to already have the outcome determined, the speaker had already said articles of impeachment going to be drafted, and where there were no plans to hear from any fact witnesses. That’s not due process. That’s why the president declined to participate in that process because the judiciary committee had already decided they are going to accept an ex parte record developed in Manager Schiff’s process, and there was no point in participating in that. The idea that there was due process offered to the president is simply not accurate."

Forget 'Due Process' for a minute - Speaker Nancy Pelosi openly, publicly declared the House Democrats would draft Articles of Impeachment and would Impeach the President, proving pre-determined guilt...a 'PLOT' to remove the President of the United States from Power no matter what...and admission of the House's determination to affect a political coup!
The WH Counsel continued to POUND Speaker of the House Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler:

"In every presidential impeachment in history, the House has initiated the inquiry by voting to give a committee the authority to pursue that inquiry. Contrary to what Manager Jeffries suggested, there has always been in every presidential impeachment inquiry, a vote from the full House to authorize a committee, and that is the only way the inquiry begins.

Because impeachment is delegated solely to the House of Representatives by the Constitution, the full House of Representatives should be involved in critical decision making regarding various stages of impeachment.” Here the House Democrats skipped over that step completely. What they had instead was simply a press conference from Speaker Pelosi announcing that she was directing committees to proceed with an impeachment inquiry against the President of the United States. Speaker Pelosi didn’t have the authority to delegate the power of the House to those committees on her own.

It matters because the Constitution places that authority in the House and ensures that there is a democratic check on the exercise of that authority, that there will have to be a vote by the full House before there can be a proceeding to start inquiring into impeaching the President of the United States. One of the things that the framers were most concerned about in impeachment was the potential for a partisan impeachment. A partisan impeachment that was being pushed merely by a faction. A way to ensure a check on that is to require democratic accountability from the full House to have a vote from the entire house before an inquiry can proceed. That didn’t happen here. It was only after five weeks of hearings that the House decided to have a vote."

Partisan Impeachments that require no crime is ok according to the Constitution? BULLSHIT!

The Democrats attempted to prevent Trump from winning and tried to create a way to affect a coup if he did win.
They were trying to remove him from office before he took office.
They declared the Impeachment of Trump begins now' 5 minutes after he took his oath of office.
They have been plotting, planning, manufacturing evidence and accusations for 4 years.

Schiff declared Trump's motivations were / are at the base of the need to Impeach him...but his ownwitnesses testified his concern over Ukraine corruption was shared by everyone and that it was FOREIGN POLICY, DESTROYING HIS FALSE NARRATIVE.

MOTIVATION TO IMPOEACH must be considered as well....and the Democrats have been attempting to remove the President for 4 years...without a crime, without evidence, without witnesses.....

and based on THAT, not only should the Impeachment be dismissed, but Schiff, Nadler, & Pelosi - at the very least - should be charged with Treason / attempting a political coup.
That is the basis for the WH challenging the invalid subpoenas. The Dimwinger lie that the WH just ignored them has been exposed.

The House Clowns should have gone to court, that is protocol under these circumstances. They refused to follow protocol.
Schiff kept talking about 17 witnesses. But there were 18.

Should we see transcripts of the 18th witness?

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

It's the one transcript that talks about Adam Schiff and the whistleblower. Now, everyone knows by now that Adam Schiff was not truthful about his contacts with the whistleblower. What they don't know and what's in that transcript is that the whistleblower wasn't truthful about his contacts with Adam Schiff.

The transcript is of the ICIG, and it's classified. The President can de-classify it. Until he does, Ratcliffe can say anything he wants about it - true or not.
"The president was given a choice of participating in a process that was going to already have the outcome determined, the speaker had already said articles of impeachment going to be drafted, and where there were no plans to hear from any fact witnesses. That’s not due process. That’s why the president declined to participate in that process because the judiciary committee had already decided they are going to accept an ex parte record developed in Manager Schiff’s process, and there was no point in participating in that. The idea that there was due process offered to the president is simply not accurate."

Forget 'Due Process' for a minute - Speaker Nancy Pelosi openly, publicly declared the House Democrats would draft Articles of Impeachment and would Impeach the President, proving pre-determined guilt...a 'PLOT' to remove the President of the United States from Power no matter what...and admission of the House's determination to affect a political coup!

If you're still arguing House process, you're on the wrong side.
WH Counsel Philbin Destroyed Schiff, putting into question ANYTHING he said because he proved Schiff is an agenda-driven LIAR:

"We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower. We would like to."

Patrick Philbin: (23:06):
"It turned out that that statement was not truthful. (A LIE!) Around October 2nd or 3rd, it was exposed that the Manager Schiff’s staff at least had spoken with the whistleblower before the whistleblower filed the complaint and potentially had given some guidance, some sort to the whistleblower. After that point it became critical to shut down any inquiry into the whistleblower. During the House hearings, of course Manager Schiff was in charge. He was chairing the hearings. That creates a real problem from a due process perspective, from a search for truth perspective, because he was an interested fact witness at that point. He had a reason, since he had been caught out saying something that wasn’t truthful (A LIE!) about that contact, he had a reason to not want that inquiry. It was he who ensured that there wasn’t any inquiry into that."

Philbin destroyed Schiff's credibility AND HIS INTEGRITY, proving Schiff had completely disregarded his role as a Fact Witness, which should have resulted in his recusal, but he did not because he had been caught in a lie he had no desire to for the Whistle Blower to be brought forward - to testify because it would further expose Schiff's role in this new Impeachment scam!

(Transcripts: Trump Defense Team Opening Argument Transcript: Jan 25 Impeachment Trial Statements from Cipollone, Philbin, Sekulow, Purpura - Rev)
Schiff kept talking about 17 witnesses. But there were 18.

Should we see transcripts of the 18th witness?

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

It's the one transcript that talks about Adam Schiff and the whistleblower. Now, everyone knows by now that Adam Schiff was not truthful about his contacts with the whistleblower. What they don't know and what's in that transcript is that the whistleblower wasn't truthful about his contacts with Adam Schiff.

The transcript is of the ICIG, and it's classified. The President can de-classify it. Until he does, Ratcliffe can say anything he wants about it - true or not.

That doesn't refute that there are 18 witnesses, and not 17 as Schiff kept repeating.
"The president was given a choice of participating in a process that was going to already have the outcome determined, the speaker had already said articles of impeachment going to be drafted, and where there were no plans to hear from any fact witnesses. That’s not due process. That’s why the president declined to participate in that process because the judiciary committee had already decided they are going to accept an ex parte record developed in Manager Schiff’s process, and there was no point in participating in that. The idea that there was due process offered to the president is simply not accurate."

Forget 'Due Process' for a minute - Speaker Nancy Pelosi openly, publicly declared the House Democrats would draft Articles of Impeachment and would Impeach the President, proving pre-determined guilt...a 'PLOT' to remove the President of the United States from Power no matter what...and admission of the House's determination to affect a political coup!

If you're still arguing House process, you're on the wrong side.
Try reading the 2nd paragraph I wrote...publicly declared pre-determined Impeachment....without fact witnesses (accomplished)
The transcript is of the ICIG, and it's classified. The President can de-classify it. Until he does, Ratcliffe can say anything he wants about it - true or not.
Why would the President want to declassify HEARSAY?

You don't know that it was hearsay. It may not have involved Trump at all, although it probably did involve the people and departments with whom the whistleblower report was shared, while it was being illegally-withheld from Congress.
Schiff kept talking about 17 witnesses. But there were 18.

Should we see transcripts of the 18th witness?

So That's Why Schiff Won't Release the Transcript of the 18th Witness

It's the one transcript that talks about Adam Schiff and the whistleblower. Now, everyone knows by now that Adam Schiff was not truthful about his contacts with the whistleblower. What they don't know and what's in that transcript is that the whistleblower wasn't truthful about his contacts with Adam Schiff.

The transcript is of the ICIG, and it's classified. The President can de-classify it. Until he does, Ratcliffe can say anything he wants about it - true or not.

That doesn't refute that there are 18 witnesses, and not 17 as Schiff kept repeating.

Might it refute your linked-story as to why the transcript hasn't been released?
"The president was given a choice of participating in a process that was going to already have the outcome determined, the speaker had already said articles of impeachment going to be drafted, and where there were no plans to hear from any fact witnesses. That’s not due process. That’s why the president declined to participate in that process because the judiciary committee had already decided they are going to accept an ex parte record developed in Manager Schiff’s process, and there was no point in participating in that. The idea that there was due process offered to the president is simply not accurate."

Forget 'Due Process' for a minute - Speaker Nancy Pelosi openly, publicly declared the House Democrats would draft Articles of Impeachment and would Impeach the President, proving pre-determined guilt...a 'PLOT' to remove the President of the United States from Power no matter what...and admission of the House's determination to affect a political coup!

If you're still arguing House process, you're on the wrong side.
Try reading the 2nd paragraph I wrote...publicly declared pre-determined Impeachment....without fact witnesses (accomplished)

Lock her up!

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