Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters
The House Clowns should have sent Bolton a subpoena during their investigation, not wait until the trial is over.
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters
The House Clowns should have sent Bolton a subpoena during their investigation, not wait until the trial is over.
The trial has barely begun. Man, you really need to catch up.
The House Clowns are done, Dummy. They now have to wait until it is over to beg for more investigations that they were required to do before coming to trial.

Answer the question: Why didn't YOUR House Clowns subpoena Bolton during their investigation if his testimony is so vital? And don't come back with "He would challenge the subpoena".
Article I, Section III of the Constitution:

"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."
Yeah, so?

Are you trying to claim that explains why your House Clowns didn't do their job?:21:
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters
The House Clowns should have sent Bolton a subpoena during their investigation, not wait until the trial is over.
If I agreed with you, we would both be wrong
Good thing you don't agree with me, that makes me right.
Trump's lawyers argued on Saturday that aid to Ukraine was not "conditioned" on Trump's request for investigations. The R's will now have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from John Bolton. I think the Republicans are up to it. I know my own Senators have already come out for dismissing the case and/or acquitting Trump. They're not going to let evidence get in the way.

The R's will now have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from John Bolton.

Link to this contrary testimony from Bolton?

Sworn testimony is being assiduously avoided. Links below will offer descriptions of his potential testimony. Don't worry. I don't the Rs in the Senate will allow it. It wouldn't be prudent.

Bolton's lawyer blames the White House for leaking damaging book excerpts

Report: In his book, John Bolton writes Trump held up Ukraine aid over Biden investigation
So your claim of "contrary testimony by Bolton" was a lie.

Glad we could clear that up.

Why didn't YOUR House Clowns subpoena Bolton during their investigation?

I said the Senate would have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from Bolton. You're too eager to call, "liar".

What did you think of the links? Bolton's lawyers don't dispute the contents of the excerpt, and, in fact, they point fingers at the WH as source of the leaks. Or is you main concern to call me a liar?
I calls them as I sees them.

You claimed he had testimony to the contrary. You can't show said testimony.
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?
Trump's lawyers argued on Saturday that aid to Ukraine was not "conditioned" on Trump's request for investigations. The R's will now have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from John Bolton. I think the Republicans are up to it. I know my own Senators have already come out for dismissing the case and/or acquitting Trump. They're not going to let evidence get in the way.

The R's will now have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from John Bolton.

Link to this contrary testimony from Bolton?

Sworn testimony is being assiduously avoided. Links below will offer descriptions of his potential testimony. Don't worry. I don't the Rs in the Senate will allow it. It wouldn't be prudent.

Bolton's lawyer blames the White House for leaking damaging book excerpts

Report: In his book, John Bolton writes Trump held up Ukraine aid over Biden investigation
So your claim of "contrary testimony by Bolton" was a lie.

Glad we could clear that up.

Why didn't YOUR House Clowns subpoena Bolton during their investigation?

I said the Senate would have to avoid first-hand testimony to the contrary from Bolton. You're too eager to call, "liar".

What did you think of the links? Bolton's lawyers don't dispute the contents of the excerpt, and, in fact, they point fingers at the WH as source of the leaks. Or is you main concern to call me a liar?
If 51 Senators are not certain how they should vote after 40 hours of testimony, each, from each side, and 16 hours of questions, and they think they need to hear from Bolton, well, then they will say so, and they will call him. If they have heard enough to vote without it, then they will vote without it.

If you are right, all you are claiming is that Bolton suspected a brief hesitation to released the aid, that included Trump's desire for Ukraine to look into the Biden's corruption. That's not Treason, Bribery, a High Crime or even a crime at all. So, we'll see what the Senators determine.

I think Ukraine and the US should examine the bribery/extortion by the Bidens of Ukraine, and I believe that is where the Defense is going next. So, let's hear from them and see what light that sheds on the situation.
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters
The House Clowns should have sent Bolton a subpoena during their investigation, not wait until the trial is over.
The trial has barely begun. Man, you really need to catch up.
The House Clowns are done, Dummy. They now have to wait until it is over to beg for more investigations that they were required to do before coming to trial.

Answer the question: Why didn't YOUR House Clowns subpoena Bolton during their investigation if his testimony is so vital? And don't come back with "He would challenge the subpoena".
Article I, Section III of the Constitution:

"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."
The Senate members have to Swear or Affirm; which has what to do with the witnesses?
And it gets better. While these guys are all screaming for "more witnesses" after they supposedly put together a case that supports removal: ERIC CIAMARELLA IS NOT A “WHISTLEBLOWER,” HE’S AN OPERATIVE: Schiff Hides Transcript to Protect ‘Whistleblower.’
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.

They had witnesses. They played video of all the witnesses they had testify in the House that they wanted.

But I'm sure you are correct, the Dimwingers will create ads full of lies saying they had no witnesses.
The Senate members have to Swear or Affirm; which has what to do with the witnesses?
Don't blame the Senate for the House being led by f*-ups, admitted classified leakers, proven liars, manufacturers of false evidence, and traitors who 'rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history'.

No crime.
No evidence.
No witnesses.
Their 'witnesses' testified 'No crime, No Impeachable offenses'
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.

They had witnesses. They played video of all the witnesses they had testify in the House that they wanted.

But I'm sure you are correct, the Dimwingers will create ads full of lies saying they had no witnesses.

You're quoting an exchange in which we're discussing the possibility of Bolton testimony in the Senate. Does the obvious have to hammered thru your skull, or is your intent to deliberately miss the point?
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.
Do you think anyone really buys their post-modern horse pucky?

This is about facts and evidence. I think Americans tend to be pretty fair minded and clearly the Dems have been engaged in a Witch Hunt.
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.

They had witnesses. They played video of all the witnesses they had testify in the House that they wanted.

But I'm sure you are correct, the Dimwingers will create ads full of lies saying they had no witnesses.
And that will be convincing to the 40 percent or so that believe anything they say.
And it gets better. While these guys are all screaming for "more witnesses" after they supposedly put together a case that supports removal: ERIC CIAMARELLA IS NOT A “WHISTLEBLOWER,” HE’S AN OPERATIVE: Schiff Hides Transcript to Protect ‘Whistleblower.’
And it gets better - the IC IG now works for Schiff.
Yeah. We'll see how that works out for Bug-eyed Schiff.


So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.

They had witnesses. They played video of all the witnesses they had testify in the House that they wanted.

But I'm sure you are correct, the Dimwingers will create ads full of lies saying they had no witnesses.

You're quoting an exchange in which we're discussing the possibility of Bolton testimony in the Senate. Does the obvious have to hammered thru your skull, or is your intent to deliberately miss the point?
You can't even keep up with the posts you quote.
Yes, too much evidence might be detrimental to Republicans.
Did you even read what I posted?
Have you even been paying attention the last 4 years?
Did you pay attention during the House Impeachment?

After 4 years the Democrats have no crime.

After 4 years the Democrats have no evidence.

After 4 years the Democrats have no witnesses.

After 2.5 years of Schiff claiming he had direct evidence he was forced to admit he LIED and has NONE.

During the House Impeachment hearings Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yovanovitch testified eliminating Ukraine corruption was a FOREIGN POLICY, not part of a personal agenda.

During the House Impeachment hearings, despite declaring they would produce 'witnesses' who had 1st hand knowledge of crimes perpetrated by the President, all of them admitted they had no 1st-hand knowledge and when they were asked to do so not one person Democrats had testify could name a crime OR Impeachable act

During the House Impeachment hearings Schiff attempted the SAME CRIME the FBI did when they committed FISA Court abuses - he attempted to present fake evidence - his own personally authored fictional account of a transcript as evidence.

The Democrats Constitutional Expert testified the President did NOT violate the Constitution, did NOT break the law, and did NOT abuse his power...and added the Democrats rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case to Impeach in US history.....

So save the BS comment about ' too much evidence might be detrimental to the GOP'.

After 4 years Democrats still have none, which is why they are claiming now no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses are needed.
Democrats Warn That American People May Tamper With Next Election.
So, Republicans are rushing to wrap up the trial and rush a quick acquittal

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is John Bolton. Recent revelations from his book indicate more Trump involvement than has been reported.

Are Republicans going to just cover their ears and say they don’t want to hear any more? Any vote to acquit, without hearing from Bolton will look like a coverup.

Trump will win and claim victory but Republican Senators will have to answer to voters

They're between Iraq and a hard-on. Given the evidence, their options are convict or cover-up.
So what will Republicans running for re-election do about Bolton?

Will they risk their political careers to protect Trump?

Acquit quickly and hope it blows over by November. Democrats are already prepping "no witness" ads, I'm sure. Who the fuck knows? We're in a post-truth, post-reality world, created by marketing and branding. The one area Trump truly understands is marketing and branding - he never quits pitching.
Do you think anyone really buys their post-modern horse pucky?

This is about facts and evidence. I think Americans tend to be pretty fair minded and clearly the Dems have been engaged in a Witch Hunt.

Do you think the guy who told you Birther lies for 6 years should be trusted when he says Obama spied on him?
Yes, we need less evidence and more irrelevancies.
Still calling the Ukraine pm a liar I see. Yes you should ignore the evidence. Idiots

Are you stupid enough to think the Ukrainian President doesn't have 400 million reasons to say he didn't feel pressured? Hysterical goof.
So he’s a liar. Sleepy creepy joe has the cash

He says what he needs to say. If you want to call him a liar, feel free. You brought him up. Stay away from any new evidence or testimony. You'll feel better.
There will always be another bullshit slant.
I actually am starting to relish the idea of President Pence.
Yeah, 2024 for Pence, unless there is someone better.

CAN’T TRUMP DO ANYTHING RIGHT? Social Media Stats Suggest America’s BORED by Impeachment Trial.

I’m sure it must be Trump’s fault. I just haven’t figured out how.
Trump released the aid, before the end of the fiscal year, aid, by the way, that SEVERAL HOUSE IMPEACHMENT MANAGERS VOTED AGAINST!

Yes, we need less evidence and more irrelevancies.
Still calling the Ukraine pm a liar I see. Yes you should ignore the evidence. Idiots

Are you stupid enough to think the Ukrainian President doesn't have 400 million reasons to say he didn't feel pressured? Hysterical goof.
You can't support a positive fact with a negative inference.

THIS FARCE IS (ALMOST) ENDED: Impeachment End Game in Sight as GOP Senators Plan for Acquittal after Witness Vote.

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