Senate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell would rather states file for BANKRUPTCY than give state workers vital aid to fund their pensions

This is the typical cut off your nose to spite your face policies that are common among RWNJs. Tax cuts, federal deficits, and bailouts for their cronies is the RWNJ ideal of fiscal responsibility. Yea, let states file for bankruptcy and go into default and see how that works out for the country. Morons.
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The states never asked the federal government how to set up their pension plans. They decided to fund pension plans that were well over what they knew they could fund.
The left has been yelling about the deficit Trump ran. The virus hits and they suddenly want to increase it. The states are suddenly realizing how being in lockdown is hurting their taxes. Now they want the deficit to go higher rather then reign in spending. Funny how the left changes their ideology with the wind.
Todays lesson: TAXPAYER MONEY 101.

When the federal gov't pays for something...all 50 states are paying for it.

It makes sense when one or 2 states get hit by something bad unexpectedly. It's a source of great strength!

But why should the good people of florida or Minnesota pay for the pensions of california?

Is calif. going to buy us a few snow plows?
If weak kneed governors still want to play the Covid game then they pay the price
Otherwise dechickenshit yourself and live life, only 0.1% have been rendered unable to do so.
More Democrats games.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday insisted that flailing state and local governments should be able to “use the bankruptcy route” rather than receive aid from the federal government — signaling renewed opposition to a top Democratic demand for the next coronavirus relief package.

Mitch had no problem giving corporations billions, but unlike corporations, regular Americans don’t have lobbyists

These states have been mismanaging their budgets and their pension funds for decades. They don’t deserve to be bailed out with a tax dollars of other states and doing so will only encourage further responsible behavior.

Maybe people should learn to start voting better

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