Senate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell would rather states file for BANKRUPTCY than give state workers vital aid to fund their pensions

These states have been mismanaging their budgets and their pension funds for decades. They don’t deserve to be bailed out with a tax dollars of other states and doing so will only encourage further responsible behavior.

Maybe people should learn to start voting better
You can also blame the clearly unsustainable public union
pension and benefits packages have millions of people retiring under the age of 50 with monthly pensions and paid health insurance for life . A big reason cities like Detroit , Harrisburg and San Antonio have gone bankrupt.

Mitch had no problem giving corporations billions, but unlike corporations, regular Americans don’t have lobbyists

These states have been mismanaging their budgets and their pension funds for decades. They don’t deserve to be bailed out with a tax dollars of other states and doing so will only encourage further responsible behavior.

Maybe people should learn to start voting better

Are you old enough to remember "President Ford to NYC "Drop Dead" [no bailout for NYC, period]
These states have been mismanaging their budgets and their pension funds for decades. They don’t deserve to be bailed out with a tax dollars of other states and doing so will only encourage further responsible behavior.

Maybe people should learn to start voting better
You can also blame the clearly unsustainable public union
pension and benefits packages have millions of people retiring under the age of 50 with monthly pensions and paid health insurance for life . A big reason cities like Detroit , Harrisburg and San Antonio have gone bankrupt.
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.
I TOLD YOU this was coming weeks ago. That Dem states will line up at the pig trough looking for U.S. taxpayers to bail out their under funded pensions and debt, shocker.

Mitch had no problem giving corporations billions, but unlike corporations, regular Americans don’t have lobbyists

McConnell opposed aid to the states or the hospitals in the last bill. Of course the states with the highest caseloads at that time were Washington, California and New York - all liberal states. Had the moneys quite sensibly been distributed on a per/case basis because obviously those jurisidictions with the most cases are bearing the greatest brunt of the treatment costs.

States did not get federal funds bases on case loads, so that the mid-Western fly-over states received $300,000 per case, and New York received $12,000 per case. This is gross fiscal mismanagement on the part of the Senate. And this is where the politicization of the virus is complete.

The Trump Administration is trying to use the whole mess as a power grab. McConnell is trying to gin up support in the fly-over states with his pork barrelliing, while states in hot zones are running out of cash to pay for services like police, and hospitals.

The bulk of the small business loans went to red states as well. Those monies should have been apportioned based on unemployment insurance applications. States with high unemployment need funds to pay those benefits. Those Americans are not going to benefit from the payroll protection plan. They've already been let go.

This is gross mismanagement by the Trump Administration.
People in the great state of Texas, do you want to be forced to bail out tax and send Illinois? How about California? New Jersey? Any state with their financial house in order how do you feel about having to bail out states that spend like there's no tomorrow then handing you the bill?

Mitch had no problem giving corporations billions, but unlike corporations, regular Americans don’t have lobbyists

McConnell opposed aid to the states or the hospitals in the last bill. Of course the states with the highest caseloads at that time were Washington, California and New York - all liberal states. Had the moneys quite sensibly been distributed on a per/case basis because obviously those jurisidictions with the most cases are bearing the greatest brunt of the treatment costs.

States did not get federal funds bases on case loads, so that the mid-Western fly-over states received $300,000 per case, and New York received $12,000 per case. This is gross fiscal mismanagement on the part of the Senate. And this is where the politicization of the virus is complete.

The Trump Administration is trying to use the whole mess as a power grab. McConnell is trying to gin up support in the fly-over states with his pork barrelliing, while states in hot zones are running out of cash to pay for services like police, and hospitals.

The bulk of the small business loans went to red states as well. Those monies should have been apportioned based on unemployment insurance applications. States with high unemployment need funds to pay those benefits. Those Americans are not going to benefit from the payroll protection plan. They've already been let go.

This is gross mismanagement by the Trump Administration.
More than half the deaths are in Cuomo’s NY.

The top 9 death states are run by Dimwinger Governors.

And your window licking Canuck ass tries to blame Trump.
People in the great state of Texas, do you want to be forced to bail out tax and spend Illinois? How about California? New Jersey? Any state with their financial house in order how do you feel about having to bail out states that spend like there's no tomorrow then hand you the bill?

California already tried to pull this shit right after Obama was elected. :eusa_hand:
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
How and when did Reagan end unions? Bring us a link.
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.

What planet are you living on?? Go look at NY and NJ public employee retirement systems then return and admit you were ignorant.
A Federal bailout of state pensions would be outrageous. They are big boys. They are ALL required to run their states with a BALANCED BUDGET, and the Democrat strongholds refuse, funding their deficits with BONDS (borrowing), which is bullshit. They long ago sold their souls to government employee unions, attempting to buy votes with money that did not exist. Fuck 'em.

Bankruptcy is intended for this exact situation. All contractual obligations are "on the table," as the bankruptcy judge evaluates which ones can be honored, which should be modified, and which should be jettisoned.

Pensions are often deemed sacrosanct, since the state's judges and justices are often in the same pool as unionized employees. Let the process play out with no bailout.

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