Senate Majority Leader Moscow Mitch McConnell would rather states file for BANKRUPTCY than give state workers vital aid to fund their pensions

Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Boy, you're dumb.

Travel and tourism: The U.S. Travel Association, whose members include Expedia, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios Hollywood, requested $100 billion in a joint meeting with President Trump and hospitality executives Tuesday. The association’s CEO, Roger Dow, said travel spending is projected to plunge by $355 billion this year, hurting attractions, recreation, and retail.
Okay let’s assume you are right and that I’m dumb. That makes you a moron. Your article says want and request. It doesn’t=t say they have it. And one more thing I heard it in the joint task on TV. Corporations who give CEO bonus will not get free stimulus money. They will have to pay back the loan. If they follow the rules and do not give raises and do not furlough employees they will not have to pay it back. Now moron are we clear? Or are you having a meltdown?
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
How and when did Reagan end unions? Bring us a link.

30% of American workers were union members when Reagan took office. Today that number is 10.3%.

So you lied. Reagan didn't "end unions". Have you ever made a post that wasn't 100% bullshit. The decline in union membership started well before Reagan, and continues to this day, so blaming Reagan demonstrates just how stupid you are.

And I know more about PATCO than you ever could. My dad was an ATC at the time. Never a member of PATCO, not just because he opposed unions, but because PATCO was toothless. The contract you signed to become an ATC included an agreement that it was against the law to strike. The day the went on strike he told me Reagan was going to fire all of them. Some idiots walked out just weeks from retirement out of loyalty to PATCO, and it cost them a lifetime of income. Fucking idiots.

So, what will your next lie be?
Last edited:
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Boy, you're dumb.

Travel and tourism: The U.S. Travel Association, whose members include Expedia, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios Hollywood, requested $100 billion in a joint meeting with President Trump and hospitality executives Tuesday. The association’s CEO, Roger Dow, said travel spending is projected to plunge by $355 billion this year, hurting attractions, recreation, and retail.
Okay let’s assume you are right and that I’m dumb. That makes you a moron. Your article says want and request. It doesn’t=t say they have it. And one more thing I heard it in the joint task on TV. Corporations who give CEO bonus will not get free stimulus money. They will have to pay back the loan. If they follow the rules and do not give raises and do not furlough employees they will not have to pay it back. Now moron are we clear? Or are you having a meltdown?

This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.

Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Boy, you're dumb.

Travel and tourism: The U.S. Travel Association, whose members include Expedia, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios Hollywood, requested $100 billion in a joint meeting with President Trump and hospitality executives Tuesday. The association’s CEO, Roger Dow, said travel spending is projected to plunge by $355 billion this year, hurting attractions, recreation, and retail.
Okay let’s assume you are right and that I’m dumb. That makes you a moron. Your article says want and request. It doesn’t=t say they have it. And one more thing I heard it in the joint task on TV. Corporations who give CEO bonus will not get free stimulus money. They will have to pay back the loan. If they follow the rules and do not give raises and do not furlough employees they will not have to pay it back. Now moron are we clear? Or are you having a meltdown?

This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.

It’s none of your Canadian business. Don’t you have some murders to tend to?
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.

My family has been in North America for generations - 1741 on my mother's side. 1891 on my father's. I have dozens of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins on the American side of the border. My best friend lives in Los Angeles part of the year, and was looking to buy a place in Las Vegas until Trump was elected. My uncle lives in the USA and blocked me on FaceBook because he thinks Donald Trump is the greatest guy ever.

One of my dearest friends in life, now lives in Florida. My uncle is a snowbird with a condo in Florida and a girlfriend in Vermont. I've posting items from my friend who is a blood bank nurse in New York and who spent a lot of time doing testing in the emergency room of her hospital during the worse of it. I am terrified for her life.

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country, my family, and my friends. If Americans were smart, they'd destroy the Republican Party. Burn it right the fuck down, and pour quick lime on the ashes to make sure it never rises again.

How many times do Republicans get to utter destroy your economy with mismanagement, corruption and greed, before the American people say "Enough"?

Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.

My family has been in North America for generations - 1741 on my mother's side. 1891 on my father's. I have dozens of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins on the American side of the border. My best friend lives in Los Angeles part of the year, and was looking to buy a place in Las Vegas until Trump was elected. My uncle lives in the USA and blocked me on FaceBook because he thinks Donald Trump is the greatest guy ever.

One of my dearest friends in life, now lives in Florida. My uncle is a snowbird with a condo in Florida and a girlfriend in Vermont. I've posting items from my friend who is a blood bank nurse in New York and who spent a lot of time doing testing in the emergency room of her hospital during the worse of it. I am terrified for her life.

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country, my family, and my friends. If Americans were smart, they'd destroy the Republican Party. Burn it right the fuck down, and pour quick lime on the ashes to make sure it never rises again.

How many times do Republicans get to utter destroy your economy with mismanagement, corruption and greed, before the American people say "Enough"?

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country,

Wait, what? You are the idiot who proclaims how independent Canada is........even claim they help the US with OUR security. Now what we do has an "enormous impact" on Canada?

Pick a lie and stick with it, moron.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Boy, you're dumb.

Travel and tourism: The U.S. Travel Association, whose members include Expedia, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios Hollywood, requested $100 billion in a joint meeting with President Trump and hospitality executives Tuesday. The association’s CEO, Roger Dow, said travel spending is projected to plunge by $355 billion this year, hurting attractions, recreation, and retail.
Okay let’s assume you are right and that I’m dumb. That makes you a moron. Your article says want and request. It doesn’t=t say they have it. And one more thing I heard it in the joint task on TV. Corporations who give CEO bonus will not get free stimulus money. They will have to pay back the loan. If they follow the rules and do not give raises and do not furlough employees they will not have to pay it back. Now moron are we clear? Or are you having a meltdown?

This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.

It’s none of your Canadian business. Don’t you have some murders to tend to?

No. I don't. We have professionals doing that. When something tragic like this happens, we grieve the loss. Later, there will be an enquiry and recommendations will be made, if ways are found to prevent it from happening again. This is our first public mass shooting since 1989. It will likely lead to a ban of AR-15's.

The largest issue in the world right now is the boiling caudron of sickness, death, mismanagement and corruption, that is destroying the American economy at the moment. Republicans are looking to profit from the pandemic and Democrats are trying to get the money to the workers, and safety for the public.

Mitch had no problem giving corporations billions, but unlike corporations, regular Americans don’t have lobbyists

McConnell opposed aid to the states or the hospitals in the last bill. Of course the states with the highest caseloads at that time were Washington, California and New York - all liberal states. Had the moneys quite sensibly been distributed on a per/case basis because obviously those jurisidictions with the most cases are bearing the greatest brunt of the treatment costs.

States did not get federal funds bases on case loads, so that the mid-Western fly-over states received $300,000 per case, and New York received $12,000 per case. This is gross fiscal mismanagement on the part of the Senate. And this is where the politicization of the virus is complete.

The Trump Administration is trying to use the whole mess as a power grab. McConnell is trying to gin up support in the fly-over states with his pork barrelliing, while states in hot zones are running out of cash to pay for services like police, and hospitals.

The bulk of the small business loans went to red states as well. Those monies should have been apportioned based on unemployment insurance applications. States with high unemployment need funds to pay those benefits. Those Americans are not going to benefit from the payroll protection plan. They've already been let go.

This is gross mismanagement by the Trump Administration.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.


Another comment taken out of context.

But you run with that sweety.

Don't even take 30 seconds to search for the truth - it may hurt you!

And why should Republicans fund all of your expenses, period?
Ask some Democrats (ohhhh Nancy!) to help you out.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.

My family has been in North America for generations - 1741 on my mother's side. 1891 on my father's. I have dozens of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins on the American side of the border. My best friend lives in Los Angeles part of the year, and was looking to buy a place in Las Vegas until Trump was elected. My uncle lives in the USA and blocked me on FaceBook because he thinks Donald Trump is the greatest guy ever.

One of my dearest friends in life, now lives in Florida. My uncle is a snowbird with a condo in Florida and a girlfriend in Vermont. I've posting items from my friend who is a blood bank nurse in New York and who spent a lot of time doing testing in the emergency room of her hospital during the worse of it. I am terrified for her life.

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country, my family, and my friends. If Americans were smart, they'd destroy the Republican Party. Burn it right the fuck down, and pour quick lime on the ashes to make sure it never rises again.

How many times do Republicans get to utter destroy your economy with mismanagement, corruption and greed, before the American people say "Enough"?

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country,

Wait, what? You are the idiot who proclaims how independent Canada is........even claim they help the US with OUR security. Now what we do has an "enormous impact" on Canada?

Pick a lie and stick with it, moron.


But make no mistake, we're prepared and ready to cut you loose. We've been making our own trade deals. As long as Trump is President, it will be America alone. Trump has been reducing your exports. Your trade deficit has grown every year Trump has been in office.

The rest of the world is getting through this without people marching in the streets, spreading the virus and making up conspiracy theories that the government is out to get them. Only in America.
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Boy, you're dumb.

Travel and tourism: The U.S. Travel Association, whose members include Expedia, Walt Disney World, and Universal Studios Hollywood, requested $100 billion in a joint meeting with President Trump and hospitality executives Tuesday. The association’s CEO, Roger Dow, said travel spending is projected to plunge by $355 billion this year, hurting attractions, recreation, and retail.
Okay let’s assume you are right and that I’m dumb. That makes you a moron. Your article says want and request. It doesn’t=t say they have it. And one more thing I heard it in the joint task on TV. Corporations who give CEO bonus will not get free stimulus money. They will have to pay back the loan. If they follow the rules and do not give raises and do not furlough employees they will not have to pay it back. Now moron are we clear? Or are you having a meltdown?

This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.

It’s none of your Canadian business. Don’t you have some murders to tend to?

No. I don't. We have professionals doing that. When something tragic like this happens, we grieve the loss. Later, there will be an enquiry and recommendations will be made, if ways are found to prevent it from happening again. This is our first public mass shooting since 1989. It will likely lead to a ban of AR-15's.

The largest issue in the world right now is the boiling caudron of sickness, death, mismanagement and corruption, that is destroying the American economy at the moment. Republicans are looking to profit from the pandemic and Democrats are trying to get the money to the workers, and safety for the public.
Why dew ewe give a shit about the American economy! Are you an American democrat or dew yew vote illegally?
This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.


Link to the 'Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018.'

Actually, it's none of your business what a private company does with their money.

.....your post is rather curious ....

Why can't us little people save enough money to get us through tough times?
Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.

My family has been in North America for generations - 1741 on my mother's side. 1891 on my father's. I have dozens of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins on the American side of the border. My best friend lives in Los Angeles part of the year, and was looking to buy a place in Las Vegas until Trump was elected. My uncle lives in the USA and blocked me on FaceBook because he thinks Donald Trump is the greatest guy ever.

One of my dearest friends in life, now lives in Florida. My uncle is a snowbird with a condo in Florida and a girlfriend in Vermont. I've posting items from my friend who is a blood bank nurse in New York and who spent a lot of time doing testing in the emergency room of her hospital during the worse of it. I am terrified for her life.

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country, my family, and my friends. If Americans were smart, they'd destroy the Republican Party. Burn it right the fuck down, and pour quick lime on the ashes to make sure it never rises again.

How many times do Republicans get to utter destroy your economy with mismanagement, corruption and greed, before the American people say "Enough"?

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country,

Wait, what? You are the idiot who proclaims how independent Canada is........even claim they help the US with OUR security. Now what we do has an "enormous impact" on Canada?

Pick a lie and stick with it, moron.


But make no mistake, we're prepared and ready to cut you loose. We've been making our own trade deals. As long as Trump is President, it will be America alone. Trump has been reducing your exports. Your trade deficit has grown every year Trump has been in office.

The rest of the world is getting through this without people marching in the streets, spreading the virus and making up conspiracy theories that the government is out to get them. Only in America.
America is none of your damn candy assed Canadian business. We don’t fucking tell you who to elect or what to spend your ducking money on. Even after Trump has served his time I will still think you have no fucking business interfering.
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
How and when did Reagan end unions? Bring us a link.

30% of American workers were union members when Reagan took office. Today that number is 10.3%.

So you lied. Reagan didn't "end unions". Have you ever made a post that wasn't 100% bullshit. The decline in union membership started well before Reagan, and continues to this day, so blaming Reagan demonstrates just how stupid you are.

And I know more about PATCO than you ever could. My dad was an ATC at the time. Never a member of PATCO, not just because he opposed unions, but because PATCO was toothless. The contract you signed to become an ATC included an agreement that it was against the law to strike. The day the went on strike he told me Reagan was going to fire all of them. Some idiots walked out just weeks from retirement out of loyalty to PATCO, and it cost them a lifetime of income. Fucking idiots.

So, what will your next lie be?

Why do conservatives always call everyone else "liars". It's their go to allegation. It's also the one most frequently made by liars, like Donald Trump. He says everyone is lying when in reality the only lying is him:

Reagan rescinded numerous laws on organizing, and other actions, making it more difficult for unions to organize workers. Did Reagan ban union? No. But he ended their power, their influence, and their ability to organize in the private sector. No major corporations have successfully unionized since Reagan was President.
This is privatizing profits, and socializing losses. Governement "of the people, by the people, for the people". Corporations are not people. The people did not receive a bailout in 2008. Corporations did, and they used the money to reward the people who crashed the economy, with big bonuses.

Disney got a HUGE tax break in 2018. What have they been doing with the money? With laying off 100,000 employees, their health insurance bill must be way down. What about those savings? Why should the government be bailing out large multi-national corporations. Shareholders take the profits, they should take the risk as well.


Actually, it's none of your business what a private company does with their money.

.....your post is rather curious ....

Why can't us little people save enough money to get us through tough times?

You're absolutely correct Ma. It's none of my business what a private company does with THEIR MONEY. But when they go to the government and ask for YOUR MONEY, it's negligence on the part of the government not to ask why they need still more money, when they just got a 12% tax cut as an incentive to invest in their workers.

Disney got the same 12% corporate tax cut as everyone other corporation, and they're a publically traded corporation, so their books are required to be open to the public. If Disney needs more money to stay afloat, then they should ask their shareholders for it, not the government. They own the company, they get the profits.
The government now has to pay for unemployment insurance and healthcare for their sick workers, now that Disney has laid them off. Isn't that enough?
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
How and when did Reagan end unions? Bring us a link.

30% of American workers were union members when Reagan took office. Today that number is 10.3%.

So you lied. Reagan didn't "end unions". Have you ever made a post that wasn't 100% bullshit. The decline in union membership started well before Reagan, and continues to this day, so blaming Reagan demonstrates just how stupid you are.

And I know more about PATCO than you ever could. My dad was an ATC at the time. Never a member of PATCO, not just because he opposed unions, but because PATCO was toothless. The contract you signed to become an ATC included an agreement that it was against the law to strike. The day the went on strike he told me Reagan was going to fire all of them. Some idiots walked out just weeks from retirement out of loyalty to PATCO, and it cost them a lifetime of income. Fucking idiots.

So, what will your next lie be?

Why do conservatives always call everyone else "liars". It's their go to allegation. It's also the one most frequently made by liars, like Donald Trump. He says everyone is lying when in reality the only lying is him:

Reagan rescinded numerous laws on organizing, and other actions, making it more difficult for unions to organize workers. Did Reagan ban union? No. But he ended their power, their influence, and their ability to organize in the private sector. No major corporations have successfully unionized since Reagan was President.
Good for Reagan. He gave them plenty of warning beforehand. ATC is an integral part of keeping planes on schedule and in their lanes in the sky. He told them they would damage the economy and that if they walked out he would fire them. So the mofos knew the consequences and still chose the action. OH AND IN MY STATE people like nurses, teachers firemen or police by law cannot walk off the job because of damage to the public they serve. You got a problem with that? Too damn bad.
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Why should federal taxpayers fund state pensions?
For the same reason they bail out corporations (that give executives huge bonuses but furlough lower level employees)

So that doesn't happen, special one?
Not this time ass wipe!
No? You sure?
Link to your claim!
Sure thing, short bus. I know Google can be hard.

Disney Furloughs 100,000 Workers While Top Executives Will Still Get Big Bonuses
Okay but they won’t be getting free stimulus money. Companies that get free stimulus money cannot lay off their employees!

Well that's good to know. I'm sure that the 100,000 Disney Employees who are GETTING NOTHING AT THE MOMENT, are thrilled.
They will get stimulus checks just like the rest of the population dumbass.

$1200 to last them for 3 months. Rent, food, utilities, gas, insurance for three months.

My basic monthly expenses - housing, utilities and groceries total $1200 a month - for one month. And that's if I don't leave the house or spend a dime I don't need to spend. While I was going through the financial end of my marriage, I lived on $1200 a month for a while, and I was going into the hole every single month, no matter how careful I was. The cat got sick - $50 for the vet. Flat tire for my bike - $50. You decide what to cut to make that emergency payment.

Even the $2000 a month the Democrats are proposing for workers, is pretty light. It's less than my current pension income and I don't own a car, nor do I have children at home. Republicans seem to have no clue about what families pay for things in the real world.
You live in Canada, so you don't have to worry about getting the $1200, moron.

My family has been in North America for generations - 1741 on my mother's side. 1891 on my father's. I have dozens of aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins on the American side of the border. My best friend lives in Los Angeles part of the year, and was looking to buy a place in Las Vegas until Trump was elected. My uncle lives in the USA and blocked me on FaceBook because he thinks Donald Trump is the greatest guy ever.

One of my dearest friends in life, now lives in Florida. My uncle is a snowbird with a condo in Florida and a girlfriend in Vermont. I've posting items from my friend who is a blood bank nurse in New York and who spent a lot of time doing testing in the emergency room of her hospital during the worse of it. I am terrified for her life.

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country, my family, and my friends. If Americans were smart, they'd destroy the Republican Party. Burn it right the fuck down, and pour quick lime on the ashes to make sure it never rises again.

How many times do Republicans get to utter destroy your economy with mismanagement, corruption and greed, before the American people say "Enough"?

The policies of your idiot President, and your incompetent administration will have an enormous impact on my country,

Wait, what? You are the idiot who proclaims how independent Canada is........even claim they help the US with OUR security. Now what we do has an "enormous impact" on Canada?

Pick a lie and stick with it, moron.


But make no mistake, we're prepared and ready to cut you loose. We've been making our own trade deals. As long as Trump is President, it will be America alone. Trump has been reducing your exports. Your trade deficit has grown every year Trump has been in office.

The rest of the world is getting through this without people marching in the streets, spreading the virus and making up conspiracy theories that the government is out to get them. Only in America.
But make no mistake, we're prepared and ready to cut you loose.

:abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: :iyfyus.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:
I'm NOT going to work overtime to bail out these Dem pie in the sky government employee pension funds. Sky high pension and free healthcare benefits for life costs promised to government workers by politicians to PURCHASE THEIR VOTES. They have been under funded for decades, that's on those states and Dem politicians.

Bullshit. Those who enter public service are paid much less than they could earn in the private sector. The purpose the pension plan is to help compensate them for that lower rate of pay, knowing that they are less able to save for retirment than those in the public sector.

When those pensions were first given to public sector worker, all big unions had pension plans. Of course Reagan ended the unions and the worker's pensions which came with them. Between the destruction of unions and the off-shoring of low end manufacturing, worker pensions became a thing of the past.

Now resentful fools like you, instead of demanding pensions for yourselves, are demanding an end to civil service pensions. Stop settling for less and less in life.
How and when did Reagan end unions? Bring us a link.

30% of American workers were union members when Reagan took office. Today that number is 10.3%.

So you lied. Reagan didn't "end unions". Have you ever made a post that wasn't 100% bullshit. The decline in union membership started well before Reagan, and continues to this day, so blaming Reagan demonstrates just how stupid you are.

And I know more about PATCO than you ever could. My dad was an ATC at the time. Never a member of PATCO, not just because he opposed unions, but because PATCO was toothless. The contract you signed to become an ATC included an agreement that it was against the law to strike. The day the went on strike he told me Reagan was going to fire all of them. Some idiots walked out just weeks from retirement out of loyalty to PATCO, and it cost them a lifetime of income. Fucking idiots.

So, what will your next lie be?

Why do conservatives always call everyone else "liars". It's their go to allegation. It's also the one most frequently made by liars, like Donald Trump. He says everyone is lying when in reality the only lying is him:

Reagan rescinded numerous laws on organizing, and other actions, making it more difficult for unions to organize workers. Did Reagan ban union? No. But he ended their power, their influence, and their ability to organize in the private sector. No major corporations have successfully unionized since Reagan was President.
Your opinion piece aside, your claim was that Reagan "ended unions". A blatant lie. That is all you do, lie your ass off.

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