Senate panel backs gay marriage ban

GunnyL said:
You do not deserve a right based on your sexual preference. That is a right no one else has; yet, you believe you deserve a special law just for you.

Huh? What is the special law, and what right will they have that nobody else has?
sitarro said:
Well kid, maybe you have just been influenced by the current faddish love for everything homosexual so prevalent in your age group(you do know that the guys in Will and Grace aren't really homos don't you?).How do you know that you are a homosexual? When did you first start feeling a need to define who you are by who you have sex with(the standard line is 3 or 4)? I'm guessing again but I bet you aren't into engineering or design in general otherwise you would have noticed the the design of male and female parts work perfectly together while male and male would flunk any design class. In a world that has so much perfection why do you want to be in the wrong category.

I hope you know that the homo-police will throw you out of the club if you admit to not following the liberal doctrine? Watch out for Matt, he may tell on you.

Maybe you're right, maybe we(heteros or breeders as we are affectionately refered as) are all incorrect, what God meant to say in the Bible was that heterosexuality is wrong and homosexuality is correct.......yea right...sure.

I do not understand why people are so afraid of gays or gays in mainstream culture. Are you afraid it is going to turn you gay? I have known a few gay guys, they were all nice guys...and contrary to popular belief they are not trying to convert anyone.

One of the biggest homophobes was FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, he attacked gays viciously. Then it turned out he was gay. His own insecurity made him lash out against other homosexuals.

As a Christian I am disgusted by the way gays get treated by the relgious right. Straights do the straight thing, gays do the gay thing. Everyone is happy. I read that scientists are close to isolating the sexual preference cromosome. So that leaves biblical hard-liners with two choices: God created gays, meaning they are not sinners...or evolution does exist.

Personally I believe most gays are born homosexual while some others become gay through their environment. As for those who are born is likely another one of nature's methods of population control.

To get to the main point. The state has no right to say gays should not marry. The state is a secular body--meaning the bible can not be used to stop gay marriages--and the state is obviously not allowed to discriminate. The grounds for a state marriage should be two loving and consenting adults.
1549 said:
I do not understand why people are so afraid of gays or gays in mainstream culture. Are you afraid it is going to turn you gay? I have known a few gay guys, they were all nice guys...and contrary to popular belief they are not trying to convert anyone.

One of the biggest homophobes was FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, he attacked gays viciously. Then it turned out he was gay. His own insecurity made him lash out against other homosexuals.

As a Christian I am disgusted by the way gays get treated by the relgious right. Straights do the straight thing, gays do the gay thing. Everyone is happy. I read that scientists are close to isolating the sexual preference cromosome. So that leaves biblical hard-liners with two choices: God created gays, meaning they are not sinners...or evolution does exist.

Personally I believe most gays are born homosexual while some others become gay through their environment. As for those who are born is likely another one of nature's methods of population control.

To get to the main point. The state has no right to say gays should not marry. The state is a secular body--meaning the bible can not be used to stop gay marriages--and the state is obviously not allowed to discriminate. The grounds for a state marriage should be two loving and consenting adults.

It's so obvious ain't it...
1549 said:
I do not understand why people are so afraid of gays or gays in mainstream culture. Are you afraid it is going to turn you gay? I have known a few gay guys, they were all nice guys...and contrary to popular belief they are not trying to convert anyone.

One of the biggest homophobes was FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, he attacked gays viciously. Then it turned out he was gay. His own insecurity made him lash out against other homosexuals.

As a Christian I am disgusted by the way gays get treated by the relgious right. Straights do the straight thing, gays do the gay thing. Everyone is happy. I read that scientists are close to isolating the sexual preference cromosome. So that leaves biblical hard-liners with two choices: God created gays, meaning they are not sinners...or evolution does exist.

Personally I believe most gays are born homosexual while some others become gay through their environment. As for those who are born is likely another one of nature's methods of population control.

To get to the main point. The state has no right to say gays should not marry. The state is a secular body--meaning the bible can not be used to stop gay marriages--and the state is obviously not allowed to discriminate. The grounds for a state marriage should be two loving and consenting adults.

Spoken like a good little converted boy....obviously not a very good looking boy though if you haven't been hit on. Funny thing, I was hit on a lot by homosexuals when I was younger, they didn't even believe the "born that way" story back then. I would tell them I was straight and that wouldn't stop them. They would usually use the same line, "How do you know unless you try it?". My standard response was that I had never jumped off a building but somehow knew instinctively that I wouldn't like it. They would usually continue with the bullshit. I worked at an art supply store where I was friends with both men and women homosexuals, two of my closest friends were a lesbian and the other a male homosexual. I spoke to them a lot about their lifestyles, that is usually what they wanted to talk about. The lesbian got married every weekend to some stripper usually(she claimed most strippers are lesbians)and divorced her on Monday....cute. The guy was a bath house fanatic spending weekends there and participating with as many as 20 partners in those weekends....he died at 35 a few years ago.

I was dating a woman at the store when a lipstick lesbian decided she would go after her. She would constantly ask her out, have 2 dozen roses delivered numerous times a week, and constantly talk me down to her. She knew this woman was straight and yet it made no difference, that made her even more attractive to her. My girlfriend and I had a fight and that was all it took, that lez pounced on her and took her out drinking, she hadn't had a drink in a long time and here was her relapse. She returned to a desperately destructive alcoholic lifestyle as this jerk took advantage of the situation.....she died 3 years ago in a drunken stupor, ran into a concrete wall. Even though I had moved away, I had remained friends with her and saw her life go down the drain, she never forgave herself for what she had done. I don't know what happened to that stinking lesbian but if I ever see her again I will deck her.

Another woman I dated worked with a couple of homos, they were nice enough except they were always trying to talk me into there way of life. She and I would go to their parties and it was amazing to see the amount of drugs and alcohol pushed at them. I made the mistake once of drinking some of the punch, within 10 minutes I was tripping on acid, who knows what had been put in that punch. I can certainly see how this could be used to take advantage of the unsuspecting.

I am not afraid of homosexuals, but I am afraid of how I have seen, in the course of my lifetime, an acceptance of this lifestyle as normal. You would be a great example, your naive attitude makes you a perfect target. I have made sure my nieces and nephews know what my experiences have been and warned them that others who fall for the "just experimenting" bullshit could carry the diseases that are so prevalent in that nasty ass lifestyle back to their unsuspecting straight partners further down the road. I was lucky enough to be raised at a time where these people were known for what they were and so I was smart enough to keep them at arms length, today is a different story for the kids growing up around the new attitudes about them. Hell, there are better drugs to knock kids out completely so that they can be totally taken advantage of, go ahead and pretend that this isn't true, one morning you may wake up with a lot of pain and it won't be from a doctor's prostate exam.

The gay lifestyle is full of promiscuous sex that leads to STDs and the spread of AIDs. The homosexual lobby is so powerful that this country couldn't even set up a quarantine to keep these deviants from spreading this DEADLY disease back when it might have made a difference.

Suicides are also prevalent in this ''happy'' lifestyle, so is domestic violence, especially in the lesbian population. The likelyhood of dying much earlier than straights is another wonderful aspect of this ''happy go lucky'' lifestyle. Sure, there are the lucky few that live a long healthy life but a great many lose ther ability to hold in there own waste because of the wrong usage of that particular part of the anatomy, they are rewarded with wearing diapers the rest of there life(shows the difference between correct following of original design properties and the wrong use of parts that aren't designed for it) .

Go ahead 1549, try it, I just know you'll love it.
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cslaughlin13 said:
And btw, that is a very shitty thing to say about a person who was beaten to death and hung up on a fence

I guess you aren't all that observant, I was joking about one of the boards chief homosexual apologist that has posted numerous times on this very thread.....Mattskramer.....not Mathew Sheperd. I don't condone what happened to that kid but that would definitely be one of the deadly serious problems with the gay lifestyle, you hit on the wrong guy and you may pay for it with your life and none of the hate crime legislation will help you when you're dead.
Wouldn't worry about it 1549. Note Sitarro has no facts to back up hsi post, just his own experience. When I first left school I worked in a place where 12 gay people worked over a period of two year. Not one single one of them hit on a straight person. Also, many hetros spread a lot of STDs. It ain't gender specific. All you have is straight people trying to impose their values on people who have no affect on their life whatsoever....very bigotted IMO...
Dr Grump said:
Wouldn't worry about it 1549. Note Sitarro has no facts to back up hsi post, just his own experience. When I first left school I worked in a place where 12 gay people worked over a period of two year. Not one single one of them hit on a straight person. Also, many hetros spread a lot of STDs. It ain't gender specific. All you have is straight people trying to impose their values on people who have no affect on their life whatsoever....very bigotted IMO...

Whatever makes you feel good about yourself gump, you have such a splendid open mind, right? Good for you little girl, hopefully you won't have to witness the pain and heartache I have seen in my life, or the needless deaths. You and Dylan go off and pat yourselves on the back and congratulate yourselves on how smart and cool you think you are......maybe someday you might get it. Until then you just keep those big heads planted deep in the sand and keep thinking you know so much......hopefully you won't have to watch your friends die because they think they are doing what they are suppose to do to feel good, because that is all that is important....following your animal instincts and screw the real consequences.

One suggestion, go and volunteer to work with AIDs patients and see what your casual laissez le bon ton roulez attitude gets you......go and proudly tell those guys how right they were to follow their instincts....I'm sure they will greatly appreciate your young, open, naive minds.
sitarro said:
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself gump, you have such a splendid open mind, right? Good for you little girl, hopefully you won't have to witness the pain and heartache I have seen in my life, or the needless deaths. You and Dylan go off and pat yourselves on the back and congratulate yourselves on how smart and cool you think you are......maybe someday you might get it. Until then you just keep those big heads planted deep in the sand and keep thinking you know so much......hopefully you won't have to watch your friends die because they think they are doing what they are suppose to do to feel good, because that is all that is important....following your animal instincts and screw the real consequences.

One suggestion, go and volunteer to work with AIDs patients and see what your casual laissez le bon ton roulez attitude gets you......go and proudly tell those guys how right they were to follow their instincts....I'm sure they will greatly appreciate your young, open, naive minds.

Wow, get you ad hominems in while you can. You must be real mature, right? How does your imposition of YOUR values on others' lives have anything to do with the topic, or the "heartache" in YOUR life. You don't have a monopoly on heartache and how it relates to this topic is beyond me. What makes you think you have a monopoly on seeing needless deaths? Very presumptious of you.

AIDS is now considered a chronic, treatable disease and is no longer a death sentence. And how very kind of you to BLAME that on a group of people. That is like saying the person who first caught the Spanish flu in 1918 is responsible for all those deaths. Talk about naive. And as if gay people are the only ones with HIV??? Gimme a break.

You talk of how "smart" we are, go look in a mirror. You think you have the answers to all the world's problems and that gay people somehow contribute to some of the negative connotations that afflict western society. Total, utter crap without any varifiable proof. Just an opinion...and like arseholes, we all have one.

Oh, and I get it all right. Let's put down fags even though they have no affect on my life. What next, those who like the colour lilac? People who bite their fingernails? People who drink more than one beer at a sitting? Those that smoke Lucky Strikes instead of Marlborough's?

No Sitty, you go and take your holier than thou attitude and go and tell gay people they have less rights than you due to their sexual orientation...that'll make you feel "smarter" and "cooler" than I'll ever be...
sitarro, btw you do know that about 1/3 of Africa is going to die from a lovely disease called AIDS, in fact, the percentage of straight and gay people who have AIDS is roughly equal, the point I'm saying (and yes, it is simple enough so someone with a "small mind" such as yours can understand) is that gay people don't have a higher percentage of AIDS and othe STDs than straight people do and you are an idiot to believe such a thing. I mean, according to you, gay people probably invented such a disease to get back at the straight people in the worlds because all we do is plot against them and try to destroy their ways of life.
btw sitarro,
after your last post on Mathew sheppard, you actually are advocating that he should get beaten up and hung on a fence because you said it is a problem with the gay lifestyle, actually its not a problem with the gay lifestyle, its a problem with intollerent people.
for example, lynchings occurred during the 1940's and such during the civil rights movement, would you decide to say that that is the problem with being black?

And another thing sitarro, about your post replying to 1549, I actually do believe that being gay is genetic because I have a twin brother, we both have lived separately most of our lives and he is gay as well, so how would you explain that, scientists even suggest that when one twin is gay, there is more than a 50% chance that the other one will be gay as well.

of course, your probably don't agree with scientists because you think darwin was wrong and the world is only about 10,000 years old.
The last three posts give us all an idea of what the future will be like in America. The spread of rediculous crap as fact among the ignorant fools that are the children of our country. I would venture to say that these two embiciles not only do not have a clue about the history of AIDS, they don't even know how it is spread. What possible chance does this country have?

The one, a professed student in an Ivy League school can't read a paragraph and grasp anything close to the real meaning. The second, a proud idiot from the homosexual community uses the fact that AIDS has spread through Africa among women and children to feel better about his chances of not catching the disease through his preferred way of having sex.... Open those bath house doors and forget the condoms, it's no longer a "gay" disease.

And these are ones that are smart enough to turn on a computer and type!!!!!

Look you dumbass little twats. I was around before AIDS was brought to these shores and spread like wildfire in the homosexual community. I remember a world without AIDS when the worst thing that would happen from having sex was an unexpected pregnancy or Herpes. You two incredibly ignorant twerps don't know anything about anything, I would guess that you both wear sandles because tying shoes is a skill that is just way over your heads. The one consolation is that at least we don't have to worry about you voting, you couldn't possibly figure out how to pull back the curtain.
cslaughlin13 said:
to gunnyL, you must be very intollerent of other people
and btw: gay marriage isn't going to make you see any more gay people walking around, your homophobia must come from something like...the need to be fucked by another dude :finger3: :finger3:

Stop being such a big Pussy, Laughlin. That's such a stupid 'counter-argument'. It's laughable. Seriously. You're a heterophobe. Admit it.

Why are you so intolerant? Why are you so close minded? You stated people can't change their orientation because YOU failed. Maybe you're just weak? Lemme ask you - Can you change your behaviour? What you DO defines you - NOT your urges, young man.
dmp said:
Stop being such a big Pussy, Laughlin. That's such a stupid 'counter-argument'. It's laughable. Seriously. You're a heterophobe. Admit it.

Why are you so intolerant? Why are you so close minded? You stated people can't change their orientation because YOU failed. Maybe you're just weak? Lemme ask you - Can you change your behaviour? What you DO defines you - NOT your urges, young man.

Ooooooohhhh great.... is thirteen year old-laughlin another faggot? Is "I'm a flaming queer-kag" out recruiting his butt buddies to come on here and push their dick-lick, slam cock mountain agenda?
sitarro said:
Spoken like a good little converted boy....obviously not a very good looking boy though if you haven't been hit on. Funny thing, I was hit on a lot by homosexuals when I was younger, they didn't even believe the "born that way" story back then. I would tell them I was straight and that wouldn't stop them. They would usually use the same line, "How do you know unless you try it?". My standard response was that I had never jumped off a building but somehow knew instinctively that I wouldn't like it. They would usually continue with the bullshit. I worked at an art supply store where I was friends with both men and women homosexuals, two of my closest friends were a lesbian and the other a male homosexual. I spoke to them a lot about their lifestyles, that is usually what they wanted to talk about. The lesbian got married every weekend to some stripper usually(she claimed most strippers are lesbians)and divorced her on Monday....cute. The guy was a bath house fanatic spending weekends there and participating with as many as 20 partners in those weekends....he died at 35 a few years ago.

I was dating a woman at the store when a lipstick lesbian decided she would go after her. She would constantly ask her out, have 2 dozen roses delivered numerous times a week, and constantly talk me down to her. She knew this woman was straight and yet it made no difference, that made her even more attractive to her. My girlfriend and I had a fight and that was all it took, that lez pounced on her and took her out drinking, she hadn't had a drink in a long time and here was her relapse. She returned to a desperately destructive alcoholic lifestyle as this jerk took advantage of the situation.....she died 3 years ago in a drunken stupor, ran into a concrete wall. Even though I had moved away, I had remained friends with her and saw her life go down the drain, she never forgave herself for what she had done. I don't know what happened to that stinking lesbian but if I ever see her again I will deck her.

Another woman I dated worked with a couple of homos, they were nice enough except they were always trying to talk me into there way of life. She and I would go to their parties and it was amazing to see the amount of drugs and alcohol pushed at them. I made the mistake once of drinking some of the punch, within 10 minutes I was tripping on acid, who knows what had been put in that punch. I can certainly see how this could be used to take advantage of the unsuspecting.

I am not afraid of homosexuals, but I am afraid of how I have seen, in the course of my lifetime, an acceptance of this lifestyle as normal. You would be a great example, your naive attitude makes you a perfect target. I have made sure my nieces and nephews know what my experiences have been and warned them that others who fall for the "just experimenting" bullshit could carry the diseases that are so prevalent in that nasty ass lifestyle back to their unsuspecting straight partners further down the road. I was lucky enough to be raised at a time where these people were known for what they were and so I was smart enough to keep them at arms length, today is a different story for the kids growing up around the new attitudes about them. Hell, there are better drugs to knock kids out completely so that they can be totally taken advantage of, go ahead and pretend that this isn't true, one morning you may wake up with a lot of pain and it won't be from a doctor's prostate exam.

The gay lifestyle is full of promiscuous sex that leads to STDs and the spread of AIDs. The homosexual lobby is so powerful that this country couldn't even set up a quarantine to keep these deviants from spreading this DEADLY disease back when it might have made a difference.

Suicides are also prevalent in this ''happy'' lifestyle, so is domestic violence, especially in the lesbian population. The likelyhood of dying much earlier than straights is another wonderful aspect of this ''happy go lucky'' lifestyle. Sure, there are the lucky few that live a long healthy life but a great many lose ther ability to hold in there own waste because of the wrong usage of that particular part of the anatomy, they are rewarded with wearing diapers the rest of there life(shows the difference between correct following of original design properties and the wrong use of parts that aren't designed for it) .

Go ahead 1549, try it, I just know you'll love it.

You are judging an entire population based on a few people you have met in your lifetime. AIDS and STD's are not isolated to the gay population (As Dr. Grump stated). As for the suicide rate...people like you are probably part of the reason that is so high. Putting so much emphasis on other people's sexual preference can only be a sign of your own insecurities. I am not saying that you are just have some sort of a problem.

Lastly, I have a girlfriend...I don't need you to tell me that I am not good looking.
dmp- if your idea is actually true then logic should state the the inverse should be true and that at will, you should be able to have a sexual attraction towards other men if you actually wanted to, the funny thing is here is that neither you nor the sitarro guy have actually had one single fact against gay marriage and all you are basing your judgement on is christianity or some belief that homosexuality is wrong.
and another thing (to sitarro), I agree with 1549 that you are actually basing your hate towards homosexuals on the fact that your former girlfriend died. The truth is that your former girlfriend decided to get drunk and form a drinking problem. That is actually her fault, not the lesbian that wanted her. Then there is another thing I must say, I am HIV- and have never been to a bathouse and never will. I think the idea of having random promiscuous sex is disgusting and I don't like the fact that people do it, however, do you actually have any facts about the people who have AIDS, or the percentage of gay versus straight people who have AIDS-NO. ALL of your arguments lack any kinda of factual base and you are trying to turn your opinion into a fact when in truth, it is not. believe it or not, It is not my fault that there are people with AIDS in this country, I actually do promote safe, monogamous, sex and not one of your generalizations about homosexuals have applied to me in the least bit. All your arguments are false because you have nothing.
cslaughlin13 said:
dmp- if your idea is actually true then logic should state the the inverse should be true and that at will, you should be able to have a sexual attraction towards other men if you actually wanted to, the funny thing is here is that neither you nor the sitarro guy have actually had one single fact against gay marriage and all you are basing your judgement on is christianity or some belief that homosexuality is wrong.
and another thing (to sitarro), I agree with 1549 that you are actually basing your hate towards homosexuals on the fact that your former girlfriend died. The truth is that your former girlfriend decided to get drunk and form a drinking problem. That is actually her fault, not the lesbian that wanted her. Then there is another thing I must say, I am HIV- and have never been to a bathouse and never will. I think the idea of having random promiscuous sex is disgusting and I don't like the fact that people do it, however, do you actually have any facts about the people who have AIDS, or the percentage of gay versus straight people who have AIDS-NO. ALL of your arguments lack any kinda of factual base and you are trying to turn your opinion into a fact when in truth, it is not. believe it or not, It is not my fault that there are people with AIDS in this country, I actually do promote safe, monogamous, sex and not one of your generalizations about homosexuals have applied to me in the least bit. All your arguments are false because you have nothing.

Enjoy your very short life kid, you won't see 30.
cslaughlin13 said:
dmp- if your idea is actually true then logic should state the the inverse should be true and that at will, you should be able to have a sexual attraction towards other men if you actually wanted to,

Not excatly. It'd be more true if you wrote: I should be able to have sex WITH another man, if I wanted to. And yes - that is absolutely True. If I were so inclined I 'could' have sex with another man. It's about behavior.

the funny thing is here is that neither you nor the sitarro guy have actually had one single fact against gay marriage and all you are basing your judgement on is christianity or some belief that homosexuality is wrong.

That's not exactly true either. Frankly, Dozens of 'us' have posted hundreds of reasons why homosexual marriage is bad for society. Most haven't been in this thread; are you thinking your the first guy to post here challenging us? Could it be we're just tired of typing out the arguments only to have homophiles dismiss truth over bs reasons? "Oh! that was a BIASED source!" is their favourite dismissal. Here's some truth - you don't WANT to be convinced. You don't WANT to allow your mind to be changed. Casting one's pearls before swine mean anything to you?

All your arguments are false because my mind is made up - I LOVE my un-natural, deviant behaviour. I'm more concerned how something FEELS than whether or not it's healthy and good and right.

I fixed that for you, to make it correct. ;)
sitarro said:
The last three posts give us all an idea of what the future will be like in America. The spread of rediculous crap as fact among the ignorant fools that are the children of our country. I would venture to say that these two embiciles not only do not have a clue about the history of AIDS, they don't even know how it is spread. What possible chance does this country have?

The one, a professed student in an Ivy League school can't read a paragraph and grasp anything close to the real meaning. The second, a proud idiot from the homosexual community uses the fact that AIDS has spread through Africa among women and children to feel better about his chances of not catching the disease through his preferred way of having sex.... Open those bath house doors and forget the condoms, it's no longer a "gay" disease.

And these are ones that are smart enough to turn on a computer and type!!!!!

Look you dumbass little twats. I was around before AIDS was brought to these shores and spread like wildfire in the homosexual community. I remember a world without AIDS when the worst thing that would happen from having sex was an unexpected pregnancy or Herpes. You two incredibly ignorant twerps don't know anything about anything, I would guess that you both wear sandles because tying shoes is a skill that is just way over your heads. The one consolation is that at least we don't have to worry about you voting, you couldn't possibly figure out how to pull back the curtain.

I wrote one of those last paragraphs and have never claimed to be an Ivy league student NOR a homosexual. And you have the audacity to talk about us being dumbass little twats when you can't even discern between one poster and another.

And I too remember AIDS. I know where it comes from. In fact it has been posted on these boards before and if you knew the history you would know that while it is/was prolific in the gay community it didn't start there.

As for not knowing anything, you prove it every time you punch the keyboard. No facts, just opinion and ad better hope the likes 1549 and mcloughlin are the future of the US, because if you are, it doesn't stand a chance...
roomy said:
Didn't aids start because some daft African fucked a monkey 's arse? :wtf:

Yes. Some theorists even suggest that it came from priests screwing monkeys in an African mission.
Now Sitarro, Why would I live a short life?
Is it because I have a lispy femenine accent?(which I don't)
Is it because I like hairdressing at age 19? (which I don't)
Is it because I have orgies in bathouses every other night? (which I don't)
Is it because all of my friends conform to YOUR stereotype of homosexuals? (which they don't)

You have a very warped paradigm of people different then yourself.

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