Senate panel backs gay marriage ban

cslaughlin13 said:
Now Sitarro, Why would I live a short life?
Is it because I have a lispy femenine accent?(which I don't)
Is it because I like hairdressing at age 19? (which I don't)
Is it because I have orgies in bathouses every other night? (which I don't)
Is it because all of my friends conform to YOUR stereotype of homosexuals? (which they don't)

You have a very warped paradigm of people different then yourself.

No - it's because you are placing yourself at MUCH higher risk of early death through your behaviour.
cslaughlin13 said:
Now Sitarro, Why would I live a short life?
Is it because I have a lispy femenine accent?(which I don't)
Is it because I like hairdressing at age 19? (which I don't)
Is it because I have orgies in bathouses every other night? (which I don't)
Is it because all of my friends conform to YOUR stereotype of homosexuals? (which they don't)

You have a very warped paradigm of people different then yourself.

Me doust think he protest too much........... :funnyface
cslaughlin13 said:
sitarro, btw you do know that about 1/3 of Africa is going to die from a lovely disease called AIDS, in fact, the percentage of straight and gay people who have AIDS is roughly equal, the point I'm saying (and yes, it is simple enough so someone with a "small mind" such as yours can understand) is that gay people don't have a higher percentage of AIDS and othe STDs than straight people do and you are an idiot to believe such a thing. I mean, according to you, gay people probably invented such a disease to get back at the straight people in the worlds because all we do is plot against them and try to destroy their ways of life.

Yeah 1/3 of Africa is going to die from a lovely disease called AIDS. Why? Because instead of containing the disease at the beginning when it was found almost exclusively among the homosexual population because of their careless behavior, the gays tried to excuse their sick behavior and prevented actually fixing the problem. Instead we now have to spend billions of dollars treating the symptoms of a disease that could easily be avoided rather than using those funds to treat unpreventable diseases like various forms of cancer and juvenile diabetes or some other diseases like that.

The AIDS plague could be eliminated within two generations if people bothered thinking for themselves rather than just going along with the culture of deviancy thats been promoted since the late 60s.

But you know it really doesnt matter to me. because I have exactly 0% percent chance of getting the disease.
sitarro said:
That "little black book" has been around for a very long time, the teachings inside have been followed by billions of people and is respected and revered today more than ever. What a very small mind you obviously have to not get that. I'm guessing you are 12, maybe 13 years old or have the mental ability of someone that I close?

Hmmm. Perhaps we should construct marriage laws based on Biblical passages. Check out:

I particularly like Deuteronomy 21:11-13. Let's go back to the good ole days and have marriage the way it was originally intended. Let's go back to the beginning of the Bible and apply these Biblical instructions to our laws - or did God change his mind about the rules for marriage? Oh well. I could probably pick up some interesting tidbits concerning marriage in the New Testament.
avatar, AIDS can infect everybody, nobody is immune to it.
I will agree that many people are very immature when it comes to sex, however though, AIDS did not start with the homosexual community and they are also not to blame for it either.
Actually, according to the CDC, AIDS was first believed to have been transmitted to humans when hunters (that hunted monkeys and such) came into contact with infected blood. Considering that primates are 98% similar to humans, this is the most probable hypothesis.
Also, According to the CDC, they mention NOTHING about homosexuality contributing to AIDS.
avatar, you better rethink whether or not you could get AIDS because ignorant people like you are the most likely candidates.
Bullypulpit said:
Just another attempt by a desperate GOP to throw some raw meat to their lunatic fringe base in time for the mid-term elections. It's not like there aren't more pressing issues to deal with...Like port security...Like a ballooning federal budget deficit...Like the war in Iraq...Like illegal domestic spying.

God knows...them homosexyuls are out ot turn all us straight folks queer.

What a bunch of bullshit.


The republicans have been governing like democrats and they're guaranteed to get the less educated of their voters to fall for it by throwing some stupid legislation out there like this.
cslaughlin13 said:
also, I forgot to mention that the people in Africa who have AIDS got it from other Africans considering that the disease originated from there.

Uh? You saying africans dont engage in homosexual activity? What does Africans getting aids from africans matter?

Do you REALLY think it's not true that Homosexuals represent the highest risk of transmittal of STDs? Do you REALLY think Homosexuals don't have MEASURABLE shorter lifespans on average? Do you REALLY think Homosexual activity is natural and normal?
dmp said:
Do you REALLY think it's not true that Homosexuals represent the highest risk of transmittal of STDs?

Yes. I think that one stands a greater risk of getting STD by engaging in sexual activity with a homosexual than in engaging in sexual activity with a heterosexual. The easiest way to avoid contacting STD is to not have sex. Second to that, be in a mutually monogamous relationship. Still, homosexual sex abounds.

I think that the same can be said with respect to living with smokers. All other variables held constant, one is more likely to become ill by living with a smoker than he is by living with a non-smoker.

dmp said:
Do you REALLY think Homosexuals don't have MEASURABLE shorter life spans on average?

Hmmmm. Yes. I think that you are correct in that homosexuals have shorter life spans than do heterosexuals. Yet, I don’t know what point you might be trying to make. Non-smokers live longer than do smokers.

dmp said:
Do you REALLY think Homosexual activity is natural and normal?

No. Homosexual activity is not natural and it is not normal. Again, what is your point? Many good things are not natural. Many bad things are not natural. Many good things are natural. Many bad things are natural. Many cancer patients get treated with chemotherapy and radiation. Those are not natural things but ask cancer survivors if such treatments were good things. It is natural for wild animals to attack people when the wild animals think that the people are threatening their children, mate, or food supply. Ask the animal-attack victims if such actions were good. Natural law is a fallacy. Nature is no judge of right and wrong. Nature is just what is – not what should be.

Anyway, I thought that I’d chime in with my 2-cents worth.
mattskramer said:
Hmmm. Perhaps we should construct marriage laws based on Biblical passages. Check out:

I particularly like Deuteronomy 21:11-13. Let's go back to the good ole days and have marriage the way it was originally intended. Let's go back to the beginning of the Bible and apply these Biblical instructions to our laws - or did God change his mind about the rules for marriage? Oh well. I could probably pick up some interesting tidbits concerning marriage in the New Testament.

JESUS ON DIVORCE (part 1) - Matthew 5:32 (NIV)
"But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery."

JESUS ON DIVORCE (part 2) - Mark 10:11-12 (NIV)
"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery."
[NOTE: It was not possible in Palestine at that time for a woman to divorce her husband.]

PAUL ON MARRIAGE & DIVORCE (part 1) - 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 (KJV)
"Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

PAUL ON MARRIAGE & DIVORCE (part 2) - 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 (NIV)
"Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion."

PAUL ON MARRIAGE & DIVORCE (part 3) - 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV)
"To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife."

PAUL ON MARRIAGE & DIVORCE (part 4) - I Corinthians 7:27 (NIV)
"Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife."

PAUL ON MARRIAGE & DIVORCE (part 5) - 1 Corinthians 11:3
"I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."

Wow! These are pretty tough rules. We better outlaw divorce.
Dr Grump said:
Huh? What is the special law, and what right will they have that nobody else has?

Great. I have my own personal troll.

A law based on aberrant sexual orientation (homosexuality, in this case) is a special law that applies only to homosexuals.
dmp said:
Uh? You saying africans dont engage in homosexual activity? What does Africans getting aids from africans matter?

Do you REALLY think it's not true that Homosexuals represent the highest risk of transmittal of STDs? Do you REALLY think Homosexuals don't have MEASURABLE shorter lifespans on average? Do you REALLY think Homosexual activity is natural and normal?

Do you REALLY give a shit?

If you're not going to be having sex with gay people then why are you so worried about the increased exposure to AIDS in the gay community?
GunnyL said:
Great. I have my own personal troll.

A law based on aberrant sexual orientation (homosexuality, in this case) is a special law that applies only to homosexuals.

I think that this is the clincher – right here. It is all in how you define gay rights. I don’t see anything special about allowing consenting adults to get married to another consenting adult regardless of their sex. Men should be allowed to marry men. Women should be allowed to marry women. Men and women should be allowed marry each other. I consider it to be equal rights since gay couples are equal to heterosexual couples except for 1 minor and practically insignificant exception – Gay couples can’t create a biological offspring on their own.
Powerman said:
Do you REALLY give a shit?

If you're not going to be having sex with gay people then why are you so worried about the increased exposure to AIDS in the gay community?

Are you REALLY that stupid? Do you have to TRY or were you born with the 'gift' of being obtuse?
GunnyL said:
Great. I have my own personal troll.

A law based on aberrant sexual orientation (homosexuality, in this case) is a special law that applies only to homosexuals.

Troll? How so?

We're not talking about a law based on anything "aberrant". We're talking about laws that allow each of us, as consenting adults, to choose the person with whom we intend to share our life, and have all the legal benefits of that relationship.

I don't think anyone really cares about whether it's called "marriage" or not (except perhaps by the most extreme segments of the gay/lesbian community) but it's not right that I can have more rights after saying the words "I do" than someone else can who has spent 30 years with the same person.

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