Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House

Got it. You're still a nutbag that will fall for any conspiracy theory that comes along. I keep holding out hope for you, even when I know it's hopeless. Believe what you will. Reality will be here if you ever want to visit.

Believing that Trump and the Rooskies started plotting in 2011 to win the 2016 election KNOWING that Trump ( no beltway insider where everyone thought that his tossing his hat in the ring was a joke) would defeat a field of 16 other candidates?

Now that is a far fetched "conspiracy theory", Bulldawg. It's all bullshit that those of your ilk need to hang onto when there is nothing left. I noticed how you absolutely slithered around all the salient points I made and simply resorted to lame insults. I thought better of ya.

Who said it started in 2011? You're making another one of those jumps from fact to imagination that you are so famous for.

I am shocked, stunned even.....I am speechless (which rarely happens)......OK, better now...

You mean haven't read the backdrop story of this tale of political intrigue and subterfuge that began in 2011???

Pssst, I am going to give you a hint via a and ye shall find....

Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.
Believing that Trump and the Rooskies started plotting in 2011 to win the 2016 election KNOWING that Trump ( no beltway insider where everyone thought that his tossing his hat in the ring was a joke) would defeat a field of 16 other candidates?

Now that is a far fetched "conspiracy theory", Bulldawg. It's all bullshit that those of your ilk need to hang onto when there is nothing left. I noticed how you absolutely slithered around all the salient points I made and simply resorted to lame insults. I thought better of ya.

Who said it started in 2011? You're making another one of those jumps from fact to imagination that you are so famous for.

I am shocked, stunned even.....I am speechless (which rarely happens)......OK, better now...

You mean haven't read the backdrop story of this tale of political intrigue and subterfuge that began in 2011???

Pssst, I am going to give you a hint via a and ye shall find....

Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.

Cyber shovel.....dig, Bulldawg! What little credibility that you may have on this topic is in dire straits!
Who said it started in 2011? You're making another one of those jumps from fact to imagination that you are so famous for.

I am shocked, stunned even.....I am speechless (which rarely happens)......OK, better now...

You mean haven't read the backdrop story of this tale of political intrigue and subterfuge that began in 2011???

Pssst, I am going to give you a hint via a and ye shall find....

Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.

Cyber shovel.....dig, Bulldawg! What little credibility that you may have on this topic is in dire straits!

Because you won't, or can't back up your claim?
I am shocked, stunned even.....I am speechless (which rarely happens)......OK, better now...

You mean haven't read the backdrop story of this tale of political intrigue and subterfuge that began in 2011???

Pssst, I am going to give you a hint via a and ye shall find....

Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.

Cyber shovel.....dig, Bulldawg! What little credibility that you may have on this topic is in dire straits!

Because you won't, or can't back up your claim?

Did you know Steele was not allowed to enter into Russia?
I am shocked, stunned even.....I am speechless (which rarely happens)......OK, better now...

You mean haven't read the backdrop story of this tale of political intrigue and subterfuge that began in 2011???

Pssst, I am going to give you a hint via a and ye shall find....

Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.

Cyber shovel.....dig, Bulldawg! What little credibility that you may have on this topic is in dire straits!

Because you won't, or can't back up your claim?

Very disappointed in you....I practically paved the cyber road to save you the embarrassment.... but yet here you are playing ignorant while standing behind the claims of the Steele dossier without having the entire picture.....very sad.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

Who gives a shit?
Nice old song, but it doesn't answer the question. Who says Russia was focused on helping Trump and hurting Hillary in 2011?

Dig a little deeper in the well, Bulldog.......use Google.....type in Christopher Steele (using three "e's) then dossier AND 2011........holy fuck, how do you even navigate the web, my friend?

So you got nothing, and want me to try to prove your claim for you. Typical.

Cyber shovel.....dig, Bulldawg! What little credibility that you may have on this topic is in dire straits!

Because you won't, or can't back up your claim?

Very disappointed in you....I practically paved the cyber road to save you the embarrassment.... but yet here you are playing ignorant while standing behind the claims of the Steele dossier without having the entire picture.....very sad.

I'm sure it is a disappointment to you. You're so used to like minded conspiracy nuts who accept "look it up" as a reason to believe your silly crap.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

Who gives a shit?

Trump seems to give lots of shits.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

Who gives a shit?

Trump seems to give lots of shits.
Nah. He just laughs at you leftist traitors like the rest of us.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

Who gives a shit?

Trump seems to give lots of shits.
Trumps loves toying with liberals and it's fun to watch them melt.
I think you missed the point. Apparently, election tampering has been going on for decades. There seems to be a long pattern of it, by both other countries and ourselves. This is something that happens, possibly every election cycle, but now that it happens during a trump election, the left wants to make a big fuss over it.

Why is it, that since this appears to be an ongoing issue, this is the first time I've heard anyone really making a fuss over it?

And to your question, no, we shouldn't ignore russian election tampering, but we also shouldn't try to pin what seems to happen quite commonly, on a political opposition without any proper evidence. if said evidence is found and is credible, then I will be on the impeach trump train with you guys.

It has never happened to the extent and as arrogantly as it did this time. All indications are that it will continue, and probably get worse. If you are happy with Russia effecting who wins our presidency, I have to question your patriotism and concern for our country.
I just said we shouldn't ignore it, I clearly said that in my previous post. We also shouldn't uproot an entire administration until we have the smoking guns which right now, doesnt exist.

You have no Idea if smoking guns exist. You only know that none have been exposed yet. Trump is disliked and receiving blowback for his behavior since he has been president. He hasn't received any repercussions, at all for any crimes Mueller might uncover. That won't happen until the report is released. It's kinda silly for you to whine about something that hasn't happened yet, don't you think?
About as silly as for people to whole heartedly say trump is guilty, without a shred of evidence?

So why do you think Trump and his staff lied so often about meeting with Russian agents, particularly since it has been proven that Russia interfered in our election with the specific goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary.
Dont know, but then, nobody knows. All I'm saying is let's have the evidence roll out first, then the people can demand justice.

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