Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House

I've supported the Mueller investigation from the beginning because I put truth before everything. I will say though that I find it funny how the left can turn a blind eye to illegal immigration while wanting to nail Trump to a fucking cross over having financial connections to Russia that might possibly be illegal in some instances. The law is a big deal when you can use it to attack somebody you dislike, but when it gets in the way of what you want the law is unimportant.

You mean like those endless Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi investigations?

Benghazi wasn’t about breaking the law, it was about a failed policy and failed response by the government that lead directly to people dying. People wanted answers to how and why something like that could happen. We got the answer, Hillary and the Hussein are willing to sacrifice American lives to appease Muslim terrorists.

It was nothing more than a politically motivated investigation. It worked pretty good to stir up the RWNJ voters, but you're an idiot if you think it proved anything.

It only appeared politically motivated because Dems refused to join. To Dems, protecting the party, protecting the Hussein, and their future Queen was far more important than finding answers for the American public about why the administration lied by blaming a YouTube video and why they let those Americans die.


Keep telling yourself that.
That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?

Then why do you think they lied about so many meetings? Conspiracy to interfere in our elections is a crime.

How did the Rooskies interfere with the election? How is what Fusion GPS did with cash given to them by Hildebeast's campaign ANY different than what Trump is being accused of? The difference is that we have proof that Fusuin GPS used phony Russian intel using a defrocked former MI5 agent to justify spying on ANYONE associated with the Trump campaign?

You think Russia hacked the DNC server and handed the evidence of criminality and corruption to Wikileaks? Is that your contention???

I didn't mention the DNC. I already told you I wouldn't hand feed you all the details. Every security agency we have, as well as the Senate committee have said Russia interfered with our elections with the goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary. I would be interested in who you think has discredited that Dossier. Obviously, the more salacious parts might be questionable, but please document where the rest has been proven wrong.

Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.

Then why do you think they lied about so many meetings? Conspiracy to interfere in our elections is a crime.

How did the Rooskies interfere with the election? How is what Fusion GPS did with cash given to them by Hildebeast's campaign ANY different than what Trump is being accused of? The difference is that we have proof that Fusuin GPS used phony Russian intel using a defrocked former MI5 agent to justify spying on ANYONE associated with the Trump campaign?

You think Russia hacked the DNC server and handed the evidence of criminality and corruption to Wikileaks? Is that your contention???

I didn't mention the DNC. I already told you I wouldn't hand feed you all the details. Every security agency we have, as well as the Senate committee have said Russia interfered with our elections with the goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary. I would be interested in who you think has discredited that Dossier. Obviously, the more salacious parts might be questionable, but please document where the rest has been proven wrong.

Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?
How did the Rooskies interfere with the election? How is what Fusion GPS did with cash given to them by Hildebeast's campaign ANY different than what Trump is being accused of? The difference is that we have proof that Fusuin GPS used phony Russian intel using a defrocked former MI5 agent to justify spying on ANYONE associated with the Trump campaign?

You think Russia hacked the DNC server and handed the evidence of criminality and corruption to Wikileaks? Is that your contention???

I didn't mention the DNC. I already told you I wouldn't hand feed you all the details. Every security agency we have, as well as the Senate committee have said Russia interfered with our elections with the goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary. I would be interested in who you think has discredited that Dossier. Obviously, the more salacious parts might be questionable, but please document where the rest has been proven wrong.

Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?
I didn't mention the DNC. I already told you I wouldn't hand feed you all the details. Every security agency we have, as well as the Senate committee have said Russia interfered with our elections with the goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary. I would be interested in who you think has discredited that Dossier. Obviously, the more salacious parts might be questionable, but please document where the rest has been proven wrong.

Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.
Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

The senate didn't actually say that it was the interpretation of the author of that opinion piece that said that. The Russians helped Clinton. I must ask how many votes did Clinton lose that was because she is corrupt?
Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
Do tell? Why is it that the DNC never turned over their server to those security agencies? Why is it that only DNC friendly "Crowdstrike" allowed to examine their server? Why did all these alleged "security agencies" simply take the word of CrowdStrike and btw, due to the Vault 7 revelations, the CIA can attack servers and leave "footprints" to make it seem like someone else tried to break into the firewalls.

The DNC breach of security was an inside job, no doubt about it. The "Rooskies exposed our cheating and that's cheating!" bullshit is a pretty fucking pathetic excuse...wouldn't you say?

Crowdstrike is not a DNC friendly company. It has done business with the FBI before and they are well aware of their work. You are spouting your stupid conspiracy theories that no one except Trump crazies believe. The Russians hacked the DNC servers not the CIA you unAmerican commie. You should be locked up for treason against this country.

LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.
Did you know Steele never verified what he wrote in his dossier, the reason is he couldn't enter into Russia.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

The senate didn't actually say that it was the interpretation of the author of that opinion piece that said that. The Russians helped Clinton. I must ask how many votes did Clinton lose that was because she is corrupt?

Big Reb? I haven't seen you in a while. Where you been buddy? Did they finally let you out of the home
LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
Yes it's relevant it shows the corruption of liberals, move along if you don't want to see it.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

The senate didn't actually say that it was the interpretation of the author of that opinion piece that said that. The Russians helped Clinton. I must ask how many votes did Clinton lose that was because she is corrupt?

Big Reb? I haven't seen you in a while. Where you been buddy? Did they finally let you out of the home
LMAO! When the DNC went public with the Crowdstrike claims, the FBI never even requested access to the servers to determine if a crime had been committed and to detect the culprit. Access to the servers had been informally denied by the DNC. The FBI and other intel agencies simply followed through with NO forensics investigation of their own and simply took the word of "Crowdstrike". Seth Rich was the one that downloaded the e-mails that were given to Julian Assange. The amount of time it would have taken to download that amount of data would have set off the cyber-security firewall alarm and have let the IT pros know that the system was under attack.

BTW, what I find hilarious is that leftards are not pissed about the contents of the very revealing Wikileaks data dump but are pissed that they were exposed for all to see as to what a criminal and corrupt entity the DNC really is and how it is nothing but a communist front group after all. You want to "lock me up", bitch? Better bring an army and lots of body bags.


Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
LMAO! It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You really believe that Trump had Russian hookers piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet and his tranny wife slept in while he was in Russia? Prove that the dossier is true, the preponderance of the evidence is upon that of the accuser.
Any word on who proved the entire dossier to be fake?

Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
LMAO! It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You really believe that Trump had Russian hookers piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet and his tranny wife slept in while he was in Russia? Prove that the dossier is true, the preponderance of the evidence is upon that of the accuser.

The proof is required of the one making the claim. You said it was completely disproved. You gonna wuss out again?
Any word that can prove that this dossier is legit or has even the slightest bit of truth to it given that it was funded by the Hildebeast campaign via Fusion GPS using a defrocked former MI5 agent using Russian intel that Trump allegedly used to hurt the Hildebeast?

You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
LMAO! It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You really believe that Trump had Russian hookers piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet and his tranny wife slept in while he was in Russia? Prove that the dossier is true, the preponderance of the evidence is upon that of the accuser.

The proof is required of the one making the claim. You said it was completely disproved. You gonna wuss out again?

Steele's lack of credibility makes his contentions absolutely, answer the believe that Trump hired hookers to piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet slept in......yes or no?
You know better than that dale. Trying to change the subject doesn't work with me. You claimed the entire dossier had been proven to be lies. Now, either back that up, or admit your claim was a lie. I'll give you a fair shot, but you've got to back up your claim.

Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
LMAO! It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You really believe that Trump had Russian hookers piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet and his tranny wife slept in while he was in Russia? Prove that the dossier is true, the preponderance of the evidence is upon that of the accuser.

The proof is required of the one making the claim. You said it was completely disproved. You gonna wuss out again?

Steele's lack of credibility makes his contentions absolutely, answer the believe that Trump hired hookers to piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet slept in......yes or no?

Steel's credibility is unimpeachable. After years of almost universal respect for his work by security agencies from several countries, Trump supporters started crying about his credibility only after the dossier. You are still the only ones who claim to have doubts about his credibility.
I don't doubt that Trump did almost anything with prostitutes. His history with sex workers is long and well known.
I'm not sure if that particular incident happened, because it has been neither proved nor disproved. As the dossier said, Steel wasn't accusing him of doing that. It was just a bit of information that one of his informants shared with him, and he included it in the report as such. If you actually read the dossier, you will see that he wasn't presenting it as verified fact.
Much of what was mentioned in the dossier has since been proven to be true, and not a single item from the dossier that has been further investigated has been proven to be false. You really should raise the standards you use to accept something as fact.
Claim that it has been proven to be true? Do you not find it ironic that the very alleged "Russian intel" that the leftards claim conspired to take down the Hildebeast are also being told to us that it was complicit in helping Fusion GPS? Make up your fucking mind, dude. We know that Steele was fired by the FBI for lying but yet his dossier was put in front of the FISA court as fact in order to eavesdrop on anyone associated with Trump's campaign while NEVER revealing that the information given by Fusion GPS via Christopher Steele PAID for by the Hildebeast campaign......don't you believe that kind of information should have been relayed to the FISA courts??????

I haven't changed a fucking thing or changed the stop spinning. I say what I mean and mean what I say and it's very black and white.

Talking about Hillary or GPS, or FISA courts, or any of that other crap has nothing to do with whether the information in the dossier is true. Real facts require a little more than all your conspiracy theories do. Either man up and show me or admit it's just what you choose to believe with no real reason to back it up.
LMAO! It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You really believe that Trump had Russian hookers piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet and his tranny wife slept in while he was in Russia? Prove that the dossier is true, the preponderance of the evidence is upon that of the accuser.

The proof is required of the one making the claim. You said it was completely disproved. You gonna wuss out again?

Steele's lack of credibility makes his contentions absolutely, answer the believe that Trump hired hookers to piss on the same bed that Barrypuppet slept in......yes or no?

Steel's credibility is unimpeachable. After years of almost universal respect for his work by security agencies from several countries, Trump supporters started crying about his credibility only after the dossier. You are still the only ones who claim to have doubts about his credibility.
I don't doubt that Trump did almost anything with prostitutes. His history with sex workers is long and well known.
I'm not sure if that particular incident happened, because it has been neither proved nor disproved. As the dossier said, Steel wasn't accusing him of doing that. It was just a bit of information that one of his informants shared with him, and he included it in the report as such. If you actually read the dossier, you will see that he wasn't presenting it as verified fact.
Much of what was mentioned in the dossier has since been proven to be true, and not a single item from the dossier that has been further investigated has been proven to be false. You really should raise the standards you use to accept something as fact.

How about you get the spelling of Christopher Steele's name correct before you climb on your little soapbox and attempt to "school me" on the veracities of the dossier where Trump is portrayed as a Manchurian candidate going back six years ago, m'kay?

Here are the ABC's of me, Bulldog. I don't believe a fucking word that comes out of the mouths of the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media types. I don't believe a fucking thing that deep state swamp pieces of shit have to say either......9/11/01, the JFK murder, the financial situation and the central bank that owns it are lying sacks of pedo filth.I wouldn't trust them if they told me it was raining and I could hear the tell-tale sounds of the gentle patter of water on my window panes. I would still look outside. Spare me your little sermon about Steele's credibility as the Hildebeast, Obama, the Bush crime family, Holder, Lynch, Wolfowitz, Comey, Mueller have been given cover for a litany of crimes because they are protected by the shadow government that gives them their marching orders.

I do not pledge any allegiance to this corporate entity that lamely disguises itself as a legitimate governmental body and it's gold fringed flag....I spit on it and give it the middle finger salute every chance I get. My sincere hope is that Trump was put in by the white hats to fix this sorry state of affairs that has made every 14th amendment "citizen" a debt slave whose sweat equity moves their worthless fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value.....are we clear on this??? Let me know because I can cut back on the multi-syllable words and put in simpler terms like a "Dick And Jane" first grade primer....just let me know

Now, allow me to adress the situation as I see it.... we have that disgusting sack of shit Mueller that has been a "fixer" for the deep state and a utter piece of filth is in charge of finding dirt on Trump using the Steele dossier to go before a FISA court and spy on anyone involved with Trump's campaign...despicable but typical of the deep state...also fucking laughable....tragically hilarious. The fucking data dump of Wikileaks proved that the deep state was going to give her a pass on what she did within the state department and had her exoneration letter put together before the investigation ever began and before she was interviewed with her not being under oath or any notes taken....BUT WAIT! It was the ROOSKIES that hacked the server that turned over proof of the criminality, corruption and much more about the DNC thus it's to be forgotten and someone needs to fucking pay for shining the light on these cockroaches so an insurance plan was cooked up even before the election was held and the scapegoats were going to be the very Rooskies that made off with a hefty portion of U.S uranium while padding the pockets of deep staters like those mentioned above. So allow me to kindly tell you to go fuck yourself and don't EVER call me out as if you are going to school me on any fucking thing. Maybe Trump is just an actor and this is all a charade to make us hate each this point I don't discount anything but before you attempt to cast stones behind that leftard glass tower you protect with so much zeal? You might want to reflect on what you are REALLY defending.
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Oh, looky here, looks like Russia isn't the only one interfering with elections:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

I'm not saying this makes it ok, but what I am saying is that, meddling with elections is nothing new, governments have been doing it for decades. Until we see some evidence that trump is involved, isn't it possible that this is just another, in a long line of foreign government tampering with elections?

So you want to ignore Russia's interference in our elections. How patriotic of you. Is that what Trump means when he says America first?
I think you missed the point. Apparently, election tampering has been going on for decades. There seems to be a long pattern of it, by both other countries and ourselves. This is something that happens, possibly every election cycle, but now that it happens during a trump election, the left wants to make a big fuss over it.

Why is it, that since this appears to be an ongoing issue, this is the first time I've heard anyone really making a fuss over it?

And to your question, no, we shouldn't ignore russian election tampering, but we also shouldn't try to pin what seems to happen quite commonly, on a political opposition without any proper evidence. if said evidence is found and is credible, then I will be on the impeach trump train with you guys.
Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.

Not if the investigation is allowed to be completed without interference. Right wing interference, or more Trump stunts would certainly taint the results. I hope Trump is found totally innocent. It turns my stomach to think our president could be guilty of those things, and I would be very happy to find he didn't.
Right, but if the investigation comes back with anything less than a full charge of collusion on behalf of trump, the left will not accept the results. They will say the investigation had interference, they will spend the next 12 months scouring stories on the internet, and repeatedly examining every word of the report and all of the testimony looking for any slight miswording that will give them a chance to claim that the investigation was tainted and therefore not valid.

In short, they will never accept any kind of exoneration of trump.

The way the right has accepted the exoneration of Clinton? (Benghazi, emails, uranium one, etc)

He won't be exonerated. If Cohen flips, it's over for the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.

The difference here is, we know hillary had a private server which held classified information, we know she tried to cover it up, and we know her foundation received hundreds of millions from russian nuclear officials while she was in the state department.
Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.

Not if the investigation is allowed to be completed without interference. Right wing interference, or more Trump stunts would certainly taint the results. I hope Trump is found totally innocent. It turns my stomach to think our president could be guilty of those things, and I would be very happy to find he didn't.
Right, but if the investigation comes back with anything less than a full charge of collusion on behalf of trump, the left will not accept the results. They will say the investigation had interference, they will spend the next 12 months scouring stories on the internet, and repeatedly examining every word of the report and all of the testimony looking for any slight miswording that will give them a chance to claim that the investigation was tainted and therefore not valid.

In short, they will never accept any kind of exoneration of trump.

The way the right has accepted the exoneration of Clinton? (Benghazi, emails, uranium one, etc)

He won't be exonerated. If Cohen flips, it's over for the Oompa Loompa Oligarch.

The difference here is, we know hillary had a private server which held classified information, we know she tried to cover it up, and we know her foundation received hundreds of millions from russian nuclear officials while she was in the state department.

Ah, so you're one of those that does not accept the exoneration of Clinton. ..and refuse to accept the findings of all the investigations that got bupkiss on Clinton.

That being the case, you really should STFU about whether "leftists" will accept the exoneration of Trump.


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