Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House


The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

It does nothing of the sort, dumbass. You think a vote by a bunch of politicians determines what truth is? You only proved how profoundly stupid and irrational you are. Hasn't the House been investigating this just as long as the Senate?

The Senate has a higher percentage of neverTrumpers. That's all your post demonstrates.

The position of the House is clear. Protect Trump at all costs. They are not interested finding the truth. The Senate Intelligence Committee has shown they are interested in a honest investigation.
Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????

They also embellished the leaks with false information. How much is true and how much is false is not known. WikiLeaks showed no such thing.
This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.

Not if the investigation is allowed to be completed without interference. Right wing interference, or more Trump stunts would certainly taint the results. I hope Trump is found totally innocent. It turns my stomach to think our president could be guilty of those things, and I would be very happy to find he didn't.
Right, but if the investigation comes back with anything less than a full charge of collusion on behalf of trump, the left will not accept the results. They will say the investigation had interference, they will spend the next 12 months scouring stories on the internet, and repeatedly examining every word of the report and all of the testimony looking for any slight miswording that will give them a chance to claim that the investigation was tainted and therefore not valid.

In short, they will never accept any kind of exoneration of trump.

He should have known his interference would cause problems, but unless there is more interference that I haven't heard of yet, I'll accept what ever outcome is found.
Oh, looky here, looks like Russia isn't the only one interfering with elections:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

I'm not saying this makes it ok, but what I am saying is that, meddling with elections is nothing new, governments have been doing it for decades. Until we see some evidence that trump is involved, isn't it possible that this is just another, in a long line of foreign government tampering with elections?
Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????

They also embellished the leaks with false information. How much is true and how much is false is not known. WikiLeaks showed no such thing.
Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????

You're gonna have to elaborate on that 140 million personal gift you mentioned. The Clinton foundation has been well audited, and donations to it are not donations to her. Look to trump if you want to see how a foundation funnels money to the foundation's owner.
Oh, looky here, looks like Russia isn't the only one interfering with elections:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

I'm not saying this makes it ok, but what I am saying is that, meddling with elections is nothing new, governments have been doing it for decades. Until we see some evidence that trump is involved, isn't it possible that this is just another, in a long line of foreign government tampering with elections?

So you want to ignore Russia's interference in our elections. How patriotic of you. Is that what Trump means when he says America first?
Oh, I don't doubt that the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary. That's not the issue. Heck, Hamas announced to the world in 2008 that they preferred Barack Obama over John McCain. The Palestinian Authority likewise left no doubt that they preferred Obama to McCain. Greece made it clear in 1988 that they preferred Greek-American Michael Dukakis over George H.W. Bush. There's no sin in a country or a foreign group preferring one American presidential candidate over the other. That proves nothing.

The issue is whether or not Trump and/or his senior people colluded with the Russians to sway the election, and on that point Mueller has not produced a shred of evidence that this occurred.

The issue is to what degree Russia interfered in our elections. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put out false information with real information. They used social media to support Trump. NO one knows what Mueller has and we know of at least one instance where they attempted to collude with a Russian national.
Oh, I don't doubt that the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary. That's not the issue. Heck, Hamas announced to the world in 2008 that they preferred Barack Obama over John McCain. The Palestinian Authority likewise left no doubt that they preferred Obama to McCain. Greece made it clear in 1988 that they preferred Greek-American Michael Dukakis over George H.W. Bush. There's no sin in a country or a foreign group preferring one American presidential candidate over the other. That proves nothing.

The issue is whether or not Trump and/or his senior people colluded with the Russians to sway the election, and on that point Mueller has not produced a shred of evidence that this occurred.

The issue is to what degree Russia interfered in our elections. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and put out false information with real information. They used social media to support Trump. NO one knows what Mueller has and we know of at least one instance where they attempted to collude with a Russian national.

No, that's not the real issue. Or... The DNC having a lackluster security, private servers... and getting hacked certainly is an issue, but not regarding Trump.

For Trump the only issue is if he colluded with the Russians. Even if Russians interfered that changes nothing.
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Um, it doesn't work that way. Nobody has to prove his innocence. You have to prove his guilt.

So where is the evidence that he colluded?
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Um, it doesn't work that way. Nobody has to prove his innocence. You have to prove his guilt.

So where is the evidence that he colluded?

He thinks we already live in his 3rd world utopia, where it doesn't work in quite that way.
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Um, it doesn't work that way. Nobody has to prove his innocence. You have to prove his guilt.

So where is the evidence that he colluded?

Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.
Bulldog believes that it HAD to be the ROOSKIES...because the fix was already in for the Hildebeast so Trump and the ROOSKIES had to of out-cheated the DNC.....
It's kind of pathetic that from the moment she lost the left refused to take any responsibility for their own defeat. Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with. The Democrats lost because Hillary was a garbage candidate despised by millions on the left. If you supported Hillary in the primaries it is YOUR FAULT that Donald is now president.
Well, the Republicans contributed a lot by not offering anyone viable. Still, what was to be expected by the duopoly dictatorship, a real candidate?

I do not participate in the election process of what has become a banana republic....but I am starting to believe that the "white hats" really did recruit a reluctant Donald Trump to run in 2016 because he certainly didn't need this job and all the shit that comes with it. I hope and pray that the 40,000 plus unsealed indictments are real and that the swamp is going to be drained.
Oh, I don't doubt that the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary. That's not the issue. Heck, Hamas announced to the world in 2008 that they preferred Barack Obama over John McCain. The Palestinian Authority likewise left no doubt that they preferred Obama to McCain. Greece made it clear in 1988 that they preferred Greek-American Michael Dukakis over George H.W. Bush. There's no sin in a country or a foreign group preferring one American presidential candidate over the other. That proves nothing.

The issue is whether or not Trump and/or his senior people colluded with the Russians to sway the election, and on that point Mueller has not produced a shred of evidence that this occurred.
Mike, the fact that Mueller has not issued press reports about any findings does not mean there is not 'a shred of evidence that this (collusion) occurred'. And Mike, the President of the United States doth protest too much. Who knows, you may be right! But at least find out what the investigation discovers before you condemn it. I repeat, just because Mueller doesn't tweet his findings of these many months while the President daily spews into your ear only means none of us knows squat about the investigative side, excepting that several indictments have been issued. And you know nobody indicts unless the feel they have a viable case. The fat lady isn't singing yet!
So just ignore all the conflicts of interest now known of the Mueller team, and the FBI collusion, the hillbilly failed investigation, the players, Comey and the rest of the apple dumpling gang ?? Fat chance... Go Nunez go.

There are no conflicts of interest according to DOJ guidelines. There is no FBI collusion. This is nothing but a attempt to protect Trump by smearing others. Nunez is the one who has a serious conflict of interest.
Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.

That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?
Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.

That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?

Then why do you think they lied about so many meetings? Conspiracy to interfere in our elections is a crime.
Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.

That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?

I'd just be impressed as heck if the Hillarybots could produce ONE person who changed their vote to Trump based on the Russian activities. I ABSOLUTELY believe Putin tried to interfere in our election based on OUR interfering in HIS elections in 2011, but I don't think the Russians worked with the Trump campaign.

Why Putin hates Hillary
Oh, looky here, looks like Russia isn't the only one interfering with elections:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

I'm not saying this makes it ok, but what I am saying is that, meddling with elections is nothing new, governments have been doing it for decades. Until we see some evidence that trump is involved, isn't it possible that this is just another, in a long line of foreign government tampering with elections?

We are talking about something entirely different. The Russians hacked the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to pass false information mixed in with legitimate information. They have also hacked into state election boards. That means they could potentially alter voting records We are seeing a direct assault on the integrity of the elections which is unprecedented.
“Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House”

Let us guess: Senate Republicans are ‘RINOs,’ House Republicans are ‘real’ Republicans.

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.
Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.

That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?

Then why do you think they lied about so many meetings? Conspiracy to interfere in our elections is a crime.

How did the Rooskies interfere with the election? How is what Fusion GPS did with cash given to them by Hildebeast's campaign ANY different than what Trump is being accused of? The difference is that we have proof that Fusuin GPS used phony Russian intel using a defrocked former MI5 agent to justify spying on ANYONE associated with the Trump campaign?

You think Russia hacked the DNC server and handed the evidence of criminality and corruption to Wikileaks? Is that your contention???
Lots of circumstantial evidence is already known. Trump family members and staff have been shown to have lied about many meetings with Russian agents. Why do you think they lied? Any further evidence will be shown when Mueller finishes his investigation. Be patient grasshopper.

That's bullshit. The only person is flynn and the agent he lied to is now under federal investigation because he tried to stop Trump from becoming president. See Peter S.

There is no crime in meeting with the Russians. He's running for the leader of the free world. Russia is our enemy. It would be nice to start out on a good note with a country that can vaporize us in 30 minutes.

For that matter, there is no crime of collusion. Can you point to the exact federal statutes that were violated?

Then why do you think they lied about so many meetings? Conspiracy to interfere in our elections is a crime.

How did the Rooskies interfere with the election? How is what Fusion GPS did with cash given to them by Hildebeast's campaign ANY different than what Trump is being accused of? The difference is that we have proof that Fusuin GPS used phony Russian intel using a defrocked former MI5 agent to justify spying on ANYONE associated with the Trump campaign?

You think Russia hacked the DNC server and handed the evidence of criminality and corruption to Wikileaks? Is that your contention???

I didn't mention the DNC. I already told you I wouldn't hand feed you all the details. Every security agency we have, as well as the Senate committee have said Russia interfered with our elections with the goal of helping Trump and hurting Hillary. I would be interested in who you think has discredited that Dossier. Obviously, the more salacious parts might be questionable, but please document where the rest has been proven wrong.
Oh, looky here, looks like Russia isn't the only one interfering with elections:

Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.

Foreign Governments Have Been Tampering With U.S. Elections for Decades

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia

I'm not saying this makes it ok, but what I am saying is that, meddling with elections is nothing new, governments have been doing it for decades. Until we see some evidence that trump is involved, isn't it possible that this is just another, in a long line of foreign government tampering with elections?

So you want to ignore Russia's interference in our elections. How patriotic of you. Is that what Trump means when he says America first?

Why not? We ignored it every previous election.

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