Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House

How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.
Hate to break it to ya kid, but "asshole" and "good businessman" are not synonymous.

True, Trump is an amazing businessman, but not an asshole.
You go with that. Dale will believe you.

Did you just call people conspiracy theorists?

You are the only one here who believes in a story that surpasses all evidence. This is crazier than the flat earth fantasy.

Bulldog believes that it HAD to be the ROOSKIES...because the fix was already in for the Hildebeast so Trump and the ROOSKIES had to of out-cheated the DNC.....

It's kind of pathetic that from the moment she lost the left refused to take any responsibility for their own defeat. Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with. The Democrats lost because Hillary was a garbage candidate despised by millions on the left. If you supported Hillary in the primaries it is YOUR FAULT that Donald is now president.
Well, the Republicans contributed a lot by not offering anyone viable. Still, what was to be expected by the duopoly dictatorship, a real candidate?

I do not participate in the election process of what has become a banana republic....but I am starting to believe that the "white hats" really did recruit a reluctant Donald Trump to run in 2016 because he certainly didn't need this job and all the shit that comes with it. I hope and pray that the 40,000 plus unsealed indictments are real and that the swamp is going to be drained.
Wait, you don't vote?
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.
Hate to break it to ya kid, but "asshole" and "good businessman" are not synonymous.

True, Trump is an amazing businessman, but not an asshole.
Unsurprisingly you got that completely bass-ackwards.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House


Still nothin on TRUMP colluding with Russia to meddle.

Are we going to have investigations on Mexico's meddling?

What about Canada and the EU targeting red states for tariffs, I would call that meddling in elections, when are we going to start that investigation?
Uranium one has been investigated by every RWNJ with the capability for years. Why hasn't anybody found anything? If Trump can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off porn stars, he should be able to find something.
They have found information on it, at least, they have found more information on the uranium one scandal than they have of trump colluding with russians, but the Clinton's are untouchable, so, no matter what they find,.it will never come to light, or at least, nothing will ever be done about it.

I mean, look at it like this, one single allegation of sexual misconduct against someone in the Republican party will get them thrown off TV, or have them removed from a Senate seat, yet uranium one, pizza gate, and email server allegations have had almost no effect on the Clinton's. Even bill, who had sexual contact with an lewinski came out of that pretty unscathed.

You see, the left always seem to be able to commit whatever crimes and atrocious acts, and people seem to turn a blind eye, but a Republican commits even the smallest of misdeeds, and its national news for weeks to come.

Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

True that the narrative from the Clinton camps hasn’t changed: “Hillary did it so despite the evidence there was no crime”
The trump camp is simply asking for evidence of a crime and after a year of violating the constitution nothing actionable has been found.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
As a “con”, I’m interested to know what the crime is. I don’t think other countries should be interfering with our political process, but it wasn’t a problem when Obama did it. If you want to start a list of criminal activity this is hardly the way to start... after all uranium one still bears investigation as well as the Clinton email server and the Pakistani IT crew... plus the extent of Russian meddling seems to be extremely limited given that the social media attempts were in Russian so the average American did not know what they said...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Uranium one has been investigated by every RWNJ with the capability for years. Why hasn't anybody found anything? If Trump can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off porn stars, he should be able to find something.
They have found information on it, at least, they have found more information on the uranium one scandal than they have of trump colluding with russians, but the Clinton's are untouchable, so, no matter what they find,.it will never come to light, or at least, nothing will ever be done about it.

I mean, look at it like this, one single allegation of sexual misconduct against someone in the Republican party will get them thrown off TV, or have them removed from a Senate seat, yet uranium one, pizza gate, and email server allegations have had almost no effect on the Clinton's. Even bill, who had sexual contact with an lewinski came out of that pretty unscathed.

You see, the left always seem to be able to commit whatever crimes and atrocious acts, and people seem to turn a blind eye, but a Republican commits even the smallest of misdeeds, and its national news for weeks to come.

Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.
Also, we have evidence that clinton had classified material on a private server in an offsite location. If you know anything about the handling of classified and secret material is that you cannot take it out of the secure system in which it resides and you certainly cannot have it on an unsecure private server. We also know that she covered her tracks using bleach bit. If she didn't have anything to hide, why did she go through such extreme measures to make sure her hard drives were wiped clean?
Collusion is not a crime!!!
Agree, unfounded allegations of collusion isn't a crime. .... :cool:
This was found...

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.
Where is the transcript of this conversation where trump jr. and the Russians say they have dirt on Hillary and trump jr. responds to that asking to meet to discuss it.

Also, what is that website you linked?, the link above you posted triggers unsecure server warnings on my phone.
This was found...
RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.
Trump Says There’s No Evidence of Collusion. There Is So Much Evidence Already.
Yep, you got Trump now for sure!! ... :rolleyes:

No, but we do have evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Just sit back, relax and wait for the Special investigation report.
Actually, you dont have evidence of collusion between the trump campaign and the Russians. At best, what you have now is a russian influence campaign and trump jr meeting with Russians, but nothing tying them together.
Uranium one has been investigated by every RWNJ with the capability for years. Why hasn't anybody found anything? If Trump can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off porn stars, he should be able to find something.
They have found information on it, at least, they have found more information on the uranium one scandal than they have of trump colluding with russians, but the Clinton's are untouchable, so, no matter what they find,.it will never come to light, or at least, nothing will ever be done about it.

I mean, look at it like this, one single allegation of sexual misconduct against someone in the Republican party will get them thrown off TV, or have them removed from a Senate seat, yet uranium one, pizza gate, and email server allegations have had almost no effect on the Clinton's. Even bill, who had sexual contact with an lewinski came out of that pretty unscathed.

You see, the left always seem to be able to commit whatever crimes and atrocious acts, and people seem to turn a blind eye, but a Republican commits even the smallest of misdeeds, and its national news for weeks to come.

Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
They have found information on it, at least, they have found more information on the uranium one scandal than they have of trump colluding with russians, but the Clinton's are untouchable, so, no matter what they find,.it will never come to light, or at least, nothing will ever be done about it.

I mean, look at it like this, one single allegation of sexual misconduct against someone in the Republican party will get them thrown off TV, or have them removed from a Senate seat, yet uranium one, pizza gate, and email server allegations have had almost no effect on the Clinton's. Even bill, who had sexual contact with an lewinski came out of that pretty unscathed.

You see, the left always seem to be able to commit whatever crimes and atrocious acts, and people seem to turn a blind eye, but a Republican commits even the smallest of misdeeds, and its national news for weeks to come.

Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

True that the narrative from the Clinton camps hasn’t changed: “Hillary did it so despite the evidence there was no crime”
The trump camp is simply asking for evidence of a crime and after a year of violating the constitution nothing actionable has been found.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
Lol, as I was saying. The left looks the other way when their party fouls up, but has eyes like a hawk when the opposition does something.
Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

True that the narrative from the Clinton camps hasn’t changed: “Hillary did it so despite the evidence there was no crime”
The trump camp is simply asking for evidence of a crime and after a year of violating the constitution nothing actionable has been found.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
Lol, as I was saying. The left looks the other way when their party fouls up, but has eyes like a hawk when the opposition does something.

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
They have found information on it, at least, they have found more information on the uranium one scandal than they have of trump colluding with russians, but the Clinton's are untouchable, so, no matter what they find,.it will never come to light, or at least, nothing will ever be done about it.

I mean, look at it like this, one single allegation of sexual misconduct against someone in the Republican party will get them thrown off TV, or have them removed from a Senate seat, yet uranium one, pizza gate, and email server allegations have had almost no effect on the Clinton's. Even bill, who had sexual contact with an lewinski came out of that pretty unscathed.

You see, the left always seem to be able to commit whatever crimes and atrocious acts, and people seem to turn a blind eye, but a Republican commits even the smallest of misdeeds, and its national news for weeks to come.

Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

True that the narrative from the Clinton camps hasn’t changed: “Hillary did it so despite the evidence there was no crime”
The trump camp is simply asking for evidence of a crime and after a year of violating the constitution nothing actionable has been found.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
Lol, as I was saying. The left looks the other way when their party fouls up, but has eyes like a hawk when the opposition does something.

But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary But Hillary
"But hillary" is valid. If were going to dispense justice, let's dispense justice to all parties. Just because hillary is no longer running for president doesnt mean she gets a pass for the things she has done. She still needs to be held accountable, just like everyone else.
Those have no effect because they are trumped up bullshit. Crazy accusations are all they ever were
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.

Not if the investigation is allowed to be completed without interference. Right wing interference, or more Trump stunts would certainly taint the results. I hope Trump is found totally innocent. It turns my stomach to think our president could be guilty of those things, and I would be very happy to find he didn't.
And the same goes with trump colluding with Russian, it's all speculation at this point. There is no evidence to support that trump had colluded with Russian to win the election. That, however, doesnt matter, because in the eyes of the left, he is guilty, even the allegation without evidence was enough to convict him.

That is what I'm talking about. They have found more evidence against hillary than they have about trump, but that doesnt matter, hillary is automatically innocent or "they just made that up", but trump is automatically guilty when even an allegation is the only thing presented.

This is collusion...just an FYI.

RUSSIANS: We have dirt on Hillary Clinton
TRUMP JR: I love it, let's meet.

It's not at all concerning to you that the narrative from the Trump camp keeps changing?

TRUMP ADMIN: My campaign has had no contacts with Russians

(When dozens of contacts are later revealed)

TRUMP ADMIN: None of those contacts were about the campaign

(When it turned out numerous contacts were about the campaign)

TRUMP CULT: Collusion is not a crime!!!

Where is the script that Russia says they have dirt on hillary and trump jr., says he wants to meet to discuss it? Is it possible that trump jr. meeting with Russia is just a coincidence, and not related to the campaign? Just as bill clinton meeting lynch on an airplane is also a coincidence?

The problem I have is not that you may be right, but that you have convicted trump before evidence has been found. The left was convinced trump was guilty from day one. The media broke the story that there may have been collusion, and the left was on board, and on the attack from day one, without any evidence or information having been released.

I've always said, if he is guilty and he did rig the election, then he should go, but let's find some evidence first, before we start skewering the guy.

Mueller is investigating the proven fact that Russia interfered in our elections in order to help Trump, and hurt Hillary. There is no question that happened. If Trump didn't cooperate with that interference, he has nothing to worry about. Trump and his campaign staff have been proven to lie about several things concerning the interference. It's reasonable to wonder why they lied so much.
Right, there is nothing to tie them together yet, so let's let the evidence come out and the chips fall where they may. In the minds of the left, however, he is guilty before ever being proven, and, if/when the investigation comes out, and they find no collusion, the left will say the investigation was tainted and they will still be convinced of his guilt. Point is, the left doesnt care about what facts come to light, they will always think he did it.

Not if the investigation is allowed to be completed without interference. Right wing interference, or more Trump stunts would certainly taint the results. I hope Trump is found totally innocent. It turns my stomach to think our president could be guilty of those things, and I would be very happy to find he didn't.
Right, but if the investigation comes back with anything less than a full charge of collusion on behalf of trump, the left will not accept the results. They will say the investigation had interference, they will spend the next 12 months scouring stories on the internet, and repeatedly examining every word of the report and all of the testimony looking for any slight miswording that will give them a chance to claim that the investigation was tainted and therefore not valid.

In short, they will never accept any kind of exoneration of trump.

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