Senate Panel Upholds Finding That Russia Backed Trump, Contradicting House


The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

It also proves that the partisan Republican House exists solely to defend Trump, not represent the American people.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

It does nothing of the sort, dumbass. You think a vote by a bunch of politicians determines what truth is? You only proved how profoundly stupid and irrational you are. Hasn't the House been investigating this just as long as the Senate?

The Senate has a higher percentage of neverTrumpers. That's all your post demonstrates.
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????
Folks this is a wake up call, insane, anti-American idiots who colluded with Crooked Hillary to attack our democracy Dianne Feinstein, Ron Wyden, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Joe Manchin, Kamala Harris are on a Senate oversight committee if you can believe it, to ascertain the origins of the Wikileaks emails that Seth Rich provided that proved the DNC colluded with the MSM to attack our democracy.
Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????

Dale Dale Dale. Take time out of your thousands of hours of research to read a legitimate newspaper for once. I'm not going to walk you through the way they all came to that conclusion. Read it for yourself.
Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Where is that evidence, Bulldog? While Mueller looks through a high powered microscope looking for the faintest sign of feces? He is surrounded by mountains of shit left behind by the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Holder, Lynch, Comey, et al.........the whole investigation is an unmitigated joke.

Our entire investigative community agrees that Russia interfered in our election, and they did it to help Trump and harm Hillary. Now, this is the part where you mumble something about the imagined "DEEP STATE" , and I tell you once again that you are a crazy conspiracy theory nut.

Really? How did they interfere?????? Middle eastern countries delivered hundreds of millions in contributions and Russian oligarchs via Uranium One gave her a personal gift of 140 million how did the ROOSKIES cheat the Hildebeast out of the election??? Wikileaks showed what a corrupt and criminal organization that the DNC and Hildebeast is.....why does that not bother you????

Dale Dale Dale. Take time out of your thousands of hours of research to read a legitimate newspaper for once. I'm not going to walk you through the way they all came to that conclusion. Read it for yourself.

90 percent of all media is controlled by 6 mega-corporations whose heads belong to the same exclusive clubs like the CFR and the Committee Of 300........they control the narrative. Wake up, homeboy....

Are you part of Muller's team? Do you have information that nobody else has? How do you know there is no evidence whatsoever? Who told you that?

Because Trump wouldn't even have had the time to collude with Russians. He was far too fighting with the swamp masters, Clinton and the whole establishment. His campaign wasn't like Clinton's where she could sit in a chair and do absolutely nothing. Trump's hands were busy taking down the monstrosity the whole time.

What the investigation proves is that Trump is cleaner than a saint.

You go with that. Dale will believe you.

Did you just call people conspiracy theorists?

You are the only one here who believes in a story that surpasses all evidence. This is crazier than the flat earth fantasy.

Bulldog believes that it HAD to be the ROOSKIES...because the fix was already in for the Hildebeast so Trump and the ROOSKIES had to of out-cheated the DNC.....

It's kind of pathetic that from the moment she lost the left refused to take any responsibility for their own defeat. Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with. The Democrats lost because Hillary was a garbage candidate despised by millions on the left. If you supported Hillary in the primaries it is YOUR FAULT that Donald is now president.
Well, the Republicans contributed a lot by not offering anyone viable. Still, what was to be expected by the duopoly dictatorship, a real candidate?
My guess is Dianne Feinstein, Ron Wyden, Martin Heinrich, Angus King, Joe Manchin, and Kamala Harris are really stupid and totally ignorant in terms of high tech internet stuff. Ron Wyden for example can barely speak English, just drooling and lisping. All the democrats are fucking basketcases to be honest.
Because Trump wouldn't even have had the time to collude with Russians. He was far too fighting with the swamp masters, Clinton and the whole establishment. His campaign wasn't like Clinton's where she could sit in a chair and do absolutely nothing. Trump's hands were busy taking down the monstrosity the whole time.

What the investigation proves is that Trump is cleaner than a saint.

You go with that. Dale will believe you.

Did you just call people conspiracy theorists?

You are the only one here who believes in a story that surpasses all evidence. This is crazier than the flat earth fantasy.

Bulldog believes that it HAD to be the ROOSKIES...because the fix was already in for the Hildebeast so Trump and the ROOSKIES had to of out-cheated the DNC.....

It's kind of pathetic that from the moment she lost the left refused to take any responsibility for their own defeat. Trump won with less votes than Romney lost with. The Democrats lost because Hillary was a garbage candidate despised by millions on the left. If you supported Hillary in the primaries it is YOUR FAULT that Donald is now president.
Well, the Republicans contributed a lot by not offering anyone viable. Still, what was to be expected by the duopoly dictatorship, a real candidate?

I do not participate in the election process of what has become a banana republic....but I am starting to believe that the "white hats" really did recruit a reluctant Donald Trump to run in 2016 because he certainly didn't need this job and all the shit that comes with it. I hope and pray that the 40,000 plus unsealed indictments are real and that the swamp is going to be drained.

The Senate Intelligence Committee has sixteen months invested in its investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election, and the committee’s inquiry remains ongoing.

With the probe continuing, there will be more interim reports issued in the weeks and months to come.

This just proves a true investigation into the idiot trump’s corruption takes a great deal of time and effort. Unlike the extremely short period taken for the House Republicans’ white wash of the idiot trump’s collusion with the Russians.

Again, more proof the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller is on track, and discredits the idiot trump’s and his mindless minions’ claims the Mueller investigation is a witch hunt.

Senate panel upholds finding that Russia backed Trump, contradicting House

I can't understand why our sworn enemies would want to help us. Anyway, thanks Uncle Vlad!
Cons will ignore this, but ..

Senate panel says Russia intervened in 2016 election to help Donald Trump, undercut Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday it agreed with U.S. intelligence agencies' assessment that the Russian government tried to boost President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and weaken Hillary Clinton.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., had already announced in Maythat they agreed with the January 2017 report by the intelligence agencies. However, the full committee has now concurred and released the official, unclassified summary of its initial findings.

"The Committee concurs with intelligence and open-source assessments that this influence campaign was approved by President Putin," the senators wrote. "Further, a body of reporting...showed that Moscow sought to denigrate Secretary Clinton."
As a “con”, I’m interested to know what the crime is. I don’t think other countries should be interfering with our political process, but it wasn’t a problem when Obama did it. If you want to start a list of criminal activity this is hardly the way to start... after all uranium one still bears investigation as well as the Clinton email server and the Pakistani IT crew... plus the extent of Russian meddling seems to be extremely limited given that the social media attempts were in Russian so the average American did not know what they said...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How is this relevant? The whole EU "backed" Clinton.

Norman, do you really think it's impossible that Trump did something that could land him in some hot water? He didn't become a billionaire by not being a greedy asshole. I could definitely see him taking help from Russia.

Being a greedy asshole (where asshole is used as synonym to being good businessman) is not against the law.

The Russian conspiracy theory is legit crazy. No evidence whatsoever. It indeed is impossible to catch him from colluding with the Russians as that didn't happen.
No evidence whatsoever? You sure?
As a “con”, I’m interested to know what the crime is. I don’t think other countries should be interfering with our political process, but it wasn’t a problem when Obama did it. If you want to start a list of criminal activity this is hardly the way to start... after all uranium one still bears investigation as well as the Clinton email server and the Pakistani IT crew... plus the extent of Russian meddling seems to be extremely limited given that the social media attempts were in Russian so the average American did not know what they said...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Uranium one has been investigated by every RWNJ with the capability for years. Why hasn't anybody found anything? If Trump can afford hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay off porn stars, he should be able to find something.
Did Russia help Trump win the election? ... :dunno:

Neither you or I really know the answer to that question.

But if Russia did help put Trump get into the White House, then all I can say is, "Thank you Comrade!!" .... :thup:
Oh, I don't doubt that the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary. That's not the issue. Heck, Hamas announced to the world in 2008 that they preferred Barack Obama over John McCain. The Palestinian Authority likewise left no doubt that they preferred Obama to McCain. Greece made it clear in 1988 that they preferred Greek-American Michael Dukakis over George H.W. Bush. There's no sin in a country or a foreign group preferring one American presidential candidate over the other. That proves nothing.

The issue is whether or not Trump and/or his senior people colluded with the Russians to sway the election, and on that point Mueller has not produced a shred of evidence that this occurred.
Did Russia help Trump win the election? ... :dunno:

Neither you or I really know the answer to that question.

But if Russia did help put Trump get into the White House, then all I can say is, "Thank you Comrade!!" .... :thup:
Well, I said cons would ignore it.
Cons will ignore this, but ..

Senate panel says Russia intervened in 2016 election to help Donald Trump, undercut Hillary Clinton

WASHINGTON – The Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday it agreed with U.S. intelligence agencies' assessment that the Russian government tried to boost President Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election and weaken Hillary Clinton.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., and Vice Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., had already announced in Maythat they agreed with the January 2017 report by the intelligence agencies. However, the full committee has now concurred and released the official, unclassified summary of its initial findings.

"The Committee concurs with intelligence and open-source assessments that this influence campaign was approved by President Putin," the senators wrote. "Further, a body of reporting...showed that Moscow sought to denigrate Secretary Clinton."
Ignore it?! Hell no!

Thanks Uncle Vlad!:beer:

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