Senate passes debt ceiling deal, staving off default

As I said we would do from the beginning. Politics have become so transparent. Nothing more than a big show put on by bad actors.

I was reading about this earlier and something caught my eye.

The final count was 63-36. There were 17 Republicans opposed and four Democrats who voted against it.

So who were the other 15 people that voted against it?

Senate passes debt ceiling bill to avert US default

They do seem to really suck at math...

They also voted to suspend the student debt relief from Biden. Bad political move.
They also voted to suspend the student debt relief from Biden. Bad political move.
I dunno..most think that entitled ex-students should STFU and pay their bills. Well, maybe not most..but I sure do...LOL!
There has not been a president since Coolidge that did not increase the debt.

Funny how you only care about the debt when democrats are in office
I care about the debt when anyone increases it,, and why I have never voted for a dem or a repube,,,

you cultist think anyone that disagrees with you is the other side,,

guess what dumbass,, there is more than two side,,
I care about the debt when anyone increases it,, and why I have never voted for a dem or a repube,,,

you cultist think anyone that disagrees with you is the other side,,

guess what dumbass,, there is more than two side,,

FYI I have told you so many times that I do not vote for the corrupt duopoly that I have lost count
Debt ceiling passed! If only the center would wield the power it has...and dis-empower the fringies"

The Senate on Thursday night passed legislation to lift the nation's debt ceiling and stave off what would've been an economically disastrous default days before Monday's deadline.
The final vote was 63-36.
The bill will now go to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature.
Biden heralded the Senate vote passing the budget agreement as a "big win" for the economy.
Noting the bipartisan nature of the vote, Biden said, "Together, they demonstrated once more that America is a nation that pays its bills and meets its obligations -- and always will be. I want to thank Leader [Chuck] Schumer and Leader [Mitch] McConnell for quickly passing the bill."

"No one gets everything they want in a negotiation, but make no mistake: This bipartisan agreement is a big win for our economy and the American people," the president added.
Biden said he looks forward to signing the bill as soon as possible, and that he will address the American people directly Friday.
Nah, this is a completely false statement: "an economically disastrous default ". There would be absolutely no need whatsoever to default on the debt even if they didn't lift the ceiling. They are LYING about that, because what they would have done was taken money from other programs to pay the interest on the debt. DEFAULT WAS NEVER A THREAT!!!!
Debt ceiling passed! If only the center would wield the power it has...and dis-empower the fringies"

The Senate on Thursday night passed legislation to lift the nation's debt ceiling and stave off what would've been an economically disastrous default days before Monday's deadline.
The final vote was 63-36.
The bill will now go to President Joe Biden's desk for his signature.
Biden heralded the Senate vote passing the budget agreement as a "big win" for the economy.
Noting the bipartisan nature of the vote, Biden said, "Together, they demonstrated once more that America is a nation that pays its bills and meets its obligations -- and always will be. I want to thank Leader [Chuck] Schumer and Leader [Mitch] McConnell for quickly passing the bill."

"No one gets everything they want in a negotiation, but make no mistake: This bipartisan agreement is a big win for our economy and the American people," the president added.
Biden said he looks forward to signing the bill as soon as possible, and that he will address the American people directly Friday.

Shit Stain McCarthy was rolled by Mr. Biden.

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